Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Sep 1921, p. 6

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, BEFT, 10, 1031 - -- movement in this direction, started, Jeena and boys who have their fun | we think, by the Engineering Society | aren't going to the dogs. We all aa- i of Canada. Mr, Roger W. Babson, | mire the fine old guy who views the [ whose letters to a eelegted clientelle | PEOPI€ g0ing by, and views them with are awaited by many [business 'men |3 BFR, Who joins the laughter ofits | as the voice of h 1 jyoung, and doesn't sprain a withered Of a prophet, recently {lung to prove that mirth's a sin. But sent out a special letter, entitled | i ; | if an ancient gent ig sore and sits be- Christian Education. He informs his t { which brings direct financial returns | ! to the municipalities which adopt it, but it has indirect returns in many | ways which help to add to the wealth | and prosperity of the community. | Kingstonians who have been tour- { ing in the United States during this | summer invariably bring back stor- BALR SALE | 3 i ow "= ARE IP ial i-Weekly by SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ; (Daily Edition) Tear, delivered in city ...... year, if paid in advance .... Yoar, by mail to rural office year, to United States ......, (Ben!- Wea kiy Edition) Year, by mail, cash 1.0 ge: Year, if not paid in advance One year, to United States $15 UT-QOF-TOWN REPREBENTATITES n » Calder, 22 Si. John Bt. Montreal W. Thompson £. T Letters to. the Editor are published only over the actual name of the writer. ~ Attached Is one of the printing offices in Canada. best job The circulation of THE BRITISH | WEIG is authenticated by the ABO Audit Bureau of Circulations. ; "Blue laws seldom interfere with Blue-bloods, 5 A ------------~ 1 Btill, a young man seldom makes . & hit until he learns to strike out gor himself, "The disarmament conference will ~ Be a success if the men who attend fe as big as the idea. "About the only encouraging note in the present situation is the one that ' #8 stamped paid. Our greatest expenses are occas- foned by the need of living up to the blessings of civilization, v Cider doesn't provide a kick until it gets hard, and you can eay the same thing about times. - The infant republics must learn that the clause in the Treaty estab: ~ lishing them wasn't Santa Clans, In the old wicked days the rail- roads prospered by robbing the peo- ple, but it doesn't seem to work now. The magazine publisher can do one of two things: he can_give people | What is good for them, or he can make money. ------ When the old-fashioned girl was Jilted, her parents considered it a cal- amity; but now they consider it a * business opportunity. ! Checkers might be as popular if the players could wear plaid: stock- 48gs and walk a few 'rods across a Pasture between moves. ------------ Matrimony has settled down to - Bormalcy when he discovers that a mail will hold his clothes together ut as well as a button. "About the quickest way to escape Your worldly troubles is to remind Bn Ulsterite that orange is a mixture . Of red and yellow. That 300-year-old department pre In Massachusetts would not e had to be discovered if it had advertised, i feminine golf enthusiast is au- ity for the statement that some her sister players are catty en- £0 be called golf lynx, = ssss-------- ! average man will forget the Bows item about the: death of a , but he will remember the ajout the three-legged calf. sr -------- © man who is dense enough to aght in a bunep gine usually it enough to discover it is too to' catch the tricksters, ee A Having been ordered to leave Witzerland by Oct. 1st, the Tor of Austria probably reals meaning of "a man without a ---- enus, the brilliant planet you looking at just before sunrise, iil soon have Jupiter and Saturn . #8 companion morning stars. Get up S&rly some morning and observe the tial spectacle, BE -- -- R Wem -- In the United States a new indus- bas grown up within the past years an industry created by growing 1G UBLISHING | King St. W, | ies of the splendid arrangements made in nearly every centre on the travelled highways for the entertain- through. Some of the details of this manner of catering to motor tourists make interesting reading. On the road to Colorado, accord- ing to those who have been there this summer, there is hardly a town which does not have its markers dir- ecting motorists to the free camping grounds, which are fitted up with modern conveniences, Wamego, for | instance, advertises its park, with bathing pools, rest room, smoking room, shower baths, and cooking range, al] available for tourists. Solo- mon proclaims that it has "one of the most beautiful camp grounds al- ong the line." Denver fs now known { to practically all automobile tourists by its elaborate provision for their comfort in {ts automboile camp grounds, which have become almost a miniature city, These are but a few cases of what | cities where they have been established. The automobile tourist, as a rule, soon lets his fellow know where such accommodation is to be had, for in these days of high hotel rates, a free camping ground is not a thing to be despised. The travellers remain there overnight, and, naturally, they re- plenish their supplies at such stop- ping places. The result is that the merchants in many lines of business derive much trade and prosperity as & result of the free camping grounds provided by the municipality. There is in this an idea. which might well be adapted to the needs of Kingston, for, with the extension of the provincial highway system un- til it forms one great tourist highway from Windsor to Montreal, there will be a regular stream of summer tour- ists through Kingston every year, Of course, it would not be necessary to 20 into the matter on so large a scale as some of the United States cities have done, not for a time at least. But from a small beginning great 'hings might beaccomplished. Allthat would be necessary to start would be the setting aside of a piece of ground which could be utilized as a camping ground for automobile tourists, and to arrange at least for a water sup- ply on the spot, That would be an excellent start. Signs placed in prom- inent places would lead motorists to this ground, and they could spend the night there in comfort, and with- out having to pass on without stop- ping in our eity, Then, as the idea gained in popularity, the scheme could be enlarged to include other conveniences, until Kingston would have a high reputation in the matter of catering to tourist trade. It would be a good investment, for it would bring returns in the way of increased business for our merchants. It would also spread the fame of. our city all over the continent, for it is an almost inborn trait in motorists that they remember longest the places where they have been wel] treated, and pass along the information to their friends, CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. Much is being said and much writ- ten these days concerning necessary changes in the educational systems of the world. This is due partly to the revelation to the gaze of an astounded world of the spectacle of Germany running amuck largely through her/ delibérate programme of educatign during the last two gen- erations. It is now being felt more keenly than ever before that an edu- cated rascal is just so much more dangerous than an ignorant rascal and indeed, that unless you have done something more for a boy than crowd his mind with facts more or less dangerous in his handling of them, you have no guarantee that your citizenship will be improved by his education, As Captain Nicholson pointed out in an admirable address a few days ago, the moral and religious quality of education must be insisted on. But there is another reason why the problem is a pressing one, and it is touched on by Mr. Horace Wal- pole In an article in the Review of that we have come into an age when only the young count, and it is fool- [ish to take the view of the future from the middle aged and old. They have made a sorry mess of their own generation--the young that are coming are going to have a wonder- ful tie. No one, he says, has the right to pretend to very much wis- dom, a little universal humility is what is badly needed. It is just this fact--that the young people of this generation and the succeeding one have to create a new world, that takes educators anxious concerning their preparaton to face their task, What equipment shail we give them? It 1s interesting to observe that with almost unanimous voice educators be- eve that in future education should be distinctly Christian, Business men are of the same opinion, For some years in Canada there has been & ment--ol motorists-who are-passing™ | is now becoming the regular thing in | i across the border, and they are | proving advantageous to the places | Reviews a few months ago. He says | iside his cottage door to prove all | clients that he is offering Christian [things are wrong, he finds he has a | education a8 a protector of property { lonesome job, for no vne cares to | land insists that the safety of our jhear a sob when he can hear a song.. (Sons. and daughters, as they go out --WALT MASON | on the streets this very might, is due | | to the. influenée of preachers and | | teacherserather than to the influence | { of the policemen and lawmakers, The | {amount of money spent on insuring | | houses, factories and automobiles, he ! says, invested in Christian education | would give better results and would insure prosperity. He is on safer | / ground when he points out the rrela- | | tive value of a dollar: Spent on a {lunch which lasts § hours, on a neck- | | tie which lasts 5 weeks, on a cap | which lasts 6 months, on an auto | which lasts § years, and in the service {of God which lasts for eternity. The call of the hour is for Christian | education which must include good- | ness, discipline and knowledge. | ALONG LIFES DETOUR | BY SAM HILL The Ideal Place. Living in Hope, Is better than dying in Despair; But we'd prefer To move to the town of Get Some- Where, Observations of Oldest Imhabitant. kin remember when young folks who looked at the pictures of their mothers wearing - pantalettes that showed 'beneath the skirts thought it was a shocking style. Not Our Kind of Diet. "Georgette waists," The signs declare; Let George do ft, What do we care ? --Old Doe. ---- There Were Others. "It says here that fox eking were recently sold in London for $1,250 a piece," said Mrs. Nutt. "Well," rFepelled Nutt, "the foxes] | were not the only ones who were | sknined." | ------ Mark Your Calendar. Now moving day Draws near, and that's A sign we'll soon Be swapping flats. Birmingham Age-Herald. Now chilly days Are near, and that's A sign we'll soon Be changing hats. Would Have Been Joyful Occasion, "It is said a pet canary was recent- ly interred in New York in a tiny coffin, to the music of a brass band and before 800 mourners,"--News Item. Well, we often have had to listen to birds that tried to sinz and it would have been such a real pleas- ure to have attended their funeral we would have been glad to have chipped in to Ip pay for the brass band. There would have been no mourners, however. tr The Longer the Better. They were sampling the home brew, "I think it will taste better after it has stood a while longer," remarked the host. ? "Yes," replied the friend after he surreptitiously emptied the remainder of his glass out the window, "I think letting it stand two or three hundred years might improve it quite a lot." -- Fool Question. "Distressed Motor'st" asks: "Should a man call in the undertaker when his engine dies 7" GLIMPSES OF CANADA'S GOVERNOR- | GENERAL IN TORONTO. The camera shows characteristic ex- pressions of Byng of Vimy during mo- ments of oratory" and contemplation, in moods grave, whimsical and jovial -- No Way to Treat a Kiss. A New York woman physician has given a scientific explanation of a kiss. This is an outrage! It is pre- faning one of life's Breatest joys Only a cold-blooded sawbones would even think of attempting to sclentifi- cally explain such a wonderful thing as a kiss. Nobody desires it explained; everybody desires. to enjoy it without any explanations. Let the doctors and the doctoresses stick to the humian | ills and the pills, but keep their hand Off our most sacred institution. A kiss ; Is bliss; It's life's finest delicacy That fills one's soul with ecstasy; You need no arin To get its thrill; You never explain it, You just go and claim it; Oh, joy! z Oh. boy! M'm! M'm! 'M'm M'm! -- Datly Sen Ss Let your light Shine--but Rep the glare out of the other fellow's. eyes. -- News of the Names Club, Says Ida Wanta Dye: "Lula Mae Dye lives at 1724 80. McClure Street, Mar- fon, Ind." Well, we hope she does not: she is lable to ruin her hair. ! SERMONS ARE STOLEN, Thief Breaks Into Church and Takes Preacher's Manuscripts, Salem, Mass, Sept. 10. Clergy- men who buys sermons are hereby warned to have a care lest they in- advertently purchase stolen goods. Some sermon-snatcher has made off with six sermons of the Rev. George L. Patterson, D.D., pastor of the South Congregational church of this city. Dr. Patterson reports that while he was on a tour through the West, from which he has just returned, a thief broke into the church in Chest- nut street and made off with the manuscripts of half a dozen pulpit addresses, : The pastor's only comment 'was an expression' of the hope that the dishonest one may profit by reading one .or more of the treaties and be brought to see the error of his ws ------ Mm? » alt Mason POET PHILOSOPHER THE AGE AND BITTERNESS, w | Too many men, when they old, are prone to eit around and scold, | and view things with alarm; they RAINCOATS - [BIBBY'S YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Clothes of Quality! All new goods at great- ly reduced prices. Our prices are low -- but we never allow a price to touch a point where quality ceases. -- A FEW VERY SPECIAL VALUES See our Astor Suit in new Greens, new Browns, new Greys -- hand-tailored. $385.00 Se ------------------------ See our Stanford Suit Fast Blue Serge, plain Grey Cheviots, fancy Tweeds -- all favorite models-- hand-tailored --for $25.00 Regular $6.75 value. special-- MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR ' STORES Absolutely first quality merchandise. '€ carry no seconds or imperfects. We buy for Cash, We sell for Cash. ; € have one price and that price is marked in plain figures. e make small profits, but. we make them often. € meet and beat all opposition. YOUR: NEW HAT 'We carry a complete range of new style Hats at very pleasing prices. New prices-- $2.50--$3.00 "THE LONDON" $4.75 Our big RAINCOATS MEN'S BOSTON GARTERS 85c. per pair MEN'S PURE CASH- MERE HOSE 850c¢. per pair MEN'S SILK AND~ WOOL HOSE 75c. per pair MEN'S OVERALLS Blue and White Stripe, Stiffel Cloth $1.50 pair Penman's Fall Weight Merino Underwear $2.00 per suit rr ---------- PRESIDENT SUSPENDERS 78c¢. per pair MEN'S PURE SILK HOSE $1.00 per pair BARRETT'S Everlastic Roofing AND "MULTI-SHINGLES" Four-in-one--The best Roofings on the market and the lowest priced. BUNT'S Hardware, King St. Y SPECIAL FOR THE Pickling Season --FRESH SPICES. --RUEBBER RINGS, all sizes. ~--CORKS, all sizes. SEALING WAX. --PRESERVING POWDER Dr. Chown's Drug Store TRUSS BXPERT 185 Princess St. , Phono 348. 100 Dominion Chain Tread Tires Regular $18.75 $14.50 Exceptional values MOORE'S 206 WELLINGTON STREET THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987, Wanting anything done In the ea tery lane. of repairs and : wood floors of all kinds. Al will 28 Queen Street. 1 orders 8 receiv: prompt attemtion. hop I CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS SILLS, CAPS, LINTELS, ETO. Improved process. Material and price are right. 'Dominion Taxi Service PHONE 116 24 Hour Day Service spend the long hburs heaving sighs, | and everything that meets their eyes is void of worth and charm. I too am old and oft I feel'so tough I'd like | to raise a spiel of sorrow and dfs may; distressed by rheumatiz and' gout, I'd like to tell the world about a golden yesterday. d take my lyre in hand, to celebrate a past long canned, I feel that I am | wrong; the world fs still a fine re- sort; the fact that makes me | and snort is that I've lived so | The world is right side up with care, and old men shouldn't tear their hair, and say it's slipping Still rolls on around the OUR SPICES AND VINEGARS are anteed abso- utely pure. Use only the best for Catsup. Jas. REDDEN &Co. - Phone 20 and 990, The House of Satisfaction eS Coal That, Suits Ti DO YOU WANT T0 BUY A FARM? We sell farms. That's our business, T. J. Lockhart Real Estate and Insurance We have removed our office to 58 Brock Stregt, Kingston ~ The Delaware, " Lackawanna and Western Railroad's Celebrated Scranton & Coal The Btandard Anthracite The only Cos! handled by of Crawford Phone ©. Foot of Queen St. 'It's a biack busiucss, but we tréat you white"

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