titan TEE YE T We are specialists in Dressing, Mount. ing, full or half head, lining, and finishing complete FUR SKINS OF ALL KINDS We carry Mounted Tigers, Leopards, Bears, Wolves, etc., Sleigh and Motor Robes, Fur Coats. "EVERYTHING IN FURS" JOHN McKAY, Limited THE FUR HOUSE 149-157 Brock Street, Kingston ASTER'S REG.-AQ.-DEPT, ~ Accordion Solos wees. 17921 sreceenes $1.00 «+. 18770 $1.00 «17643 Blaze Away March--Pietro .... Sousa Medley March--Pietro . My. Treasure .Waltz--Pietro Maisoira Waltz--Pietro ...... Ciribiribin--Pietro ... Azalea Waltz--Mandelin--Dr. Penney Success Medley--Pietro Melody Rag--Pietro . Wedding of the Winds, Waltz--Pletro ....... Estudiantina, Waltz--Pietro Verona Walts=-Pictro «vve 17865 $1.00 ves. 17809 $1.00 «ee 17041 cee. .$1.00 we + 35509 $1.65 Pagliacci Vesti la giubba--Pietro .. Cavalferia--Pietro's Accordion Quartet .. Poct and Peasant, Overture--Pietro ....... seis ae Pique Dai. Overture--Pietro ......... ee MAHOOD BROS. "THE HOME OF THE VICTROLA" For Sale $8,000--Frame house, § rooms, | RH. Waddell $2,400--Charles Street; frame; 6 rooms; bath; gas; good garden and cellar, $2,650---Patrick St.; frame; 6 rooms; B. and C.; electric light; hot air furnace, SPECIAL B. and C.; summer kitchen; stable and garage; poultry house. About 2 acres land; 7 miles from Kingston. $5, Princess St.; brick; 8 rdoms; hardWood floors; B. & C.; hot air furnace; elec- tric light; gas. Bonds Bought and Sold. General Insurance SANI-FLUSH CASTILE SOAP 1,000 bars 7 for 25¢ Cullen's CASH AND CARRY The McCann Agency Phones 326-896. 86 Broek St, - Ready! 'A Hat bought. here means a season of content. See our complete assortment of new shapes. Pric lower this fall. ™ Spe We sell every best make, Including the celebratéd Borsa lino, for which we are the Kingston Agents. 6 large rolls ... .29c. 200 large tins .. .29c. ALFRED and PRINCESS STS, QUT TTA | Kingston Horticultural Society at- | week" on Monday next the origina- | i { | | | | 1 plums, ete. MANY ATTENDING SHOW -- of Kingston Horticultural So- clety In the Market Buildings. exhibition of the The annual tracted 'throngs of admiring visitors both Tuesday and Wednesday. In beauty, quality, 'coloring and ini. TETOWHN Of Végetation these exhibits | have never been. -surpassed, and | while there is not perhaps as large a | number of entries as last year, ow- ing to the fact that flowers, especial- | ly, have passed their best bloom ow- | ing to earlier maturity this year, the | quality is very fine. There are 'many large exhibitors of Rowege and fruit, who are really amateurs, but who have made gar- dening a hobby of their lives. Some of them are: James Minnes, collec- light purple asters; petunias; collec- {tion of roses; collection of red roses. | T, H. Dunlop, 38 Rideau street, ap- vegetables, begonias, fuchsia, | Mrs. White, pink asters, marigolds, zinnias. John Baker, Ca-| taraqui, vegetables, melons. Dr. G.| W. Bell, asters, melons. Mr. Neville, | apples. Sanford ' Calvin, roses, dahlias, zinnias. W. A, Twigg, ever-| bearing raspberry, Regis, the only | one in Kingston; vegetables, carrots, | beets, tomatoes, squash, parsnip, | citron. Mrs. Annie Minnes, ples; Miss | Marjorie Minnes, pink and purple] asters. R. E, Kent, twelve varieties | asters, snapdragon, collection, dahlias, gladiolas, petunias, cut | flowers, vase bouquet, perennial, R.! 8. Knight, Cataraqui, apples, caull- | flower. Prof. John Magillivray, ap- | ples, pears, five varieties, potatoes, palm, asters, dahlias, roses; Concord, Green mountain and Campbell grapes, Prof. Macgillivray's exhibit filled a table and attracted particu- lar interest. Cook Bros.,, Cataraqui, apples, celery, onions and vegetables, C. Friendship, very fine table collec- tion of all kinds of garden vegetables and fruits. G, 'Masoud, rubber planf. A. D, Holton, floral horse- shoe made of white asters, roses and smilax, a beautiful piece of the flor- Ists' skill. G. E. Pratchett, veget- ables and flowers. J. C. Bell, Ports- mouth, apples, vegetables. E. Riley, Cataraqui, apples, onions. J, H. Keyes, beets, turnips, marigolds, | citron. John Watts, florist, ferns, plants, floral design, The judges were P. C. Lawson, flowers, and E, K. Purdy, vegetables and fruit. The flower prize winners were: Collection of coleus, J. N, Watts, Prof. Macgillivray; single plant, J. N. Watts, Prof. Macgillivray; green- house plants, J. N. Watts; ferns, J. N. Watts; fern, maidenhair, J. N. tWatts; fern, single plant, J. N. Watts; asparagus, J. N. Watts; as- paragus plumosus, J. N, Watts, T. H. Dunlop; fuchsia, T. A, Dunlop; palms, single plant, J. N. Watts, Prof, Macgillivray; aurucaria, J. N. Watts; begonia, flowering, T. A. Dunlop; rubber plant, J. N. Watts; collection of asters, G. E. Pratchett, | Miss M. Minnes, J. N. Watts; asters, ET twelve varieties, G. E. Pratchett; asters, twelve blooms, G. E. Pratch- ett, R. E. Kent; asters, best six white, pink, red; G. E. Pratchett, R. B. Kent, C. Friendship; asters, best six, purple, Miss M. Minnes, R. KE. Kent; snap draggon, G. E, Pratchett, J. N. Watts, R. E. Kent; annuals, G. E. Pratchett; sweet peas, G. E. Pratchett; coxcombs, J. N, Watts; carnations, J. N. Watts; dahlias, R. B. Kent, 8 C. Calvin; dahlias, show, cactus, decorative, pompon and peony, R. E. Kent; dianthus, gladi- olus, J. N. Watts; gladiolus, six var- feties, R. BE. Kent, G. E. Pratchett; geraniums, collection, and six blooms, J. N. Watts; hydrangea, J. N. Watts, Mrs, W. White; marigolds, G. E. Pratchett; pansies, G. E. Pratchett; perennials, J. N. Watts, R. E. Kent; petunias, Miss M. Min- nes, R. E. Kent; roses, collection, 8. C. Calvin, James A. Minnes; best six red roses. J. A. Minnes; vinnias, G. BE. Pratchett, T. A. Dunlop, 8. Calvin; collection of.cut flowers, J. N. Watts, R. E, Kent, G. E. Pratch- ett; floral design, D. Holton, J. N. Watts; vase bouquet, Miss Annie Minnes, J. N, Watts, R. E. Kent; hand bouquet, Mrs. W. White. Work at the Stadium The work is being rushed at the stadium to get it ready for the fall season. The roof is being put on the grandstand and the iron railings around the sides fixed in place. The cinder path is being made ready around the rugby playing field in the centre. The grass is in good cond!- tion and the field ought to be in the best of condition for the fall games. The work on the inside of the dress- Ing rooms is also being hastened along, - MRS. GORDON WRIGHT : Of London, Ont, president of dominion WOT U. and & sister of N. W. Rowell, who may be & candidate for the commons at thy comipg federal election tion of cut flowers, purple, red, pink, | frst for it was a tailoring system HE DAILY BR |«SEMI-READY WEEK" IS AN INSTITUTION 'Quarter Century Elapsed Since | | Physique Type System of Tailoring @riginated. With the advent of "Sémi-Ready | tors of the "Semi-Ready" physique type system will have completed their tyenty- Ath OF Silver auniversapy. in. business. : "Few can recall the name of any- one in the wholesale clothing busi- ness before that time? For a full quarter century Semi-Ready tailor- ing has held the stage, and so well- known have their garments become that many people think the term "Semi-Ready" has a seondary mean- ing instead of being as it is, the pro- | duct of one big tailoring house in Canada, with a branch in England, "Semi-Ready' succeeded from the | that saved men both time and money land gave them precisely what they { wanted--good clothes, quickly fitted, at a fair price based on the economy and efficiency pf a wholesale system. The slender and the stout mian can bé as well fitted as the average man.. The erect man requires a different shoulder design to the stooping fig- ure, The tall stout man can get just what he wants as well as the short and corpulent figure. The patterns of each style or de- sign are made for seven distinct and different physique types. "Semi-Ready Week" calls for a call from the man who knows that quality and style do not mean a stag- gering price when the semi-ready |! label is in the pocket. George Van | Horng promises a warm welcome to callers, with no urging to buy at all. It's a show.--Advt. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY Racy Local News ahd Items of General Public Interest. Try Chadwick's coal. Prone 67. H. M. Mowat, M.P., may be chosen for a high court judgeship, Pianos tuned." Phone 1644, C. W Lindsay, Limited. < The steamer Brockville ran an ex- cursion on Wednesday from Picton to the Napanee fair. The steamer Beuna Vista has clear- ed for South Bay to get a cargo of apples and canned goods. Mr. Swaine, piano tuner, orders received at 100 Clergy street w. Phone 564w. The road work undertaken in Portsmouth to relieve the unemploy- ment in the village has been about completed. Why let old pieces of furniture accumulate in the cellar or ware- house? A classified ad will save you worry, time and money. There was a very short session. of the police court on Wednesday mo¥n- ing. There was one drunk and he was fined $10 and costs. The chap who said 7'Oh, for a lodge in some vast wilderness' might have found just what he wanted had he studied the classified ads, The steamer St. Lawrence ran from Picton, Belleville and Deser- onto to Trenton for the Porter pic- nic on Wednesday. A handsome monument in memory of the. late Dr. Robert Hanley was placed in position at St. Mary's cem- etery on Wednesday forenoon. The Canadian Club is preparing for another season and will likely resume its luncheons in * October, Good talent is being secured to make addresses. There is a rush to the tax collec- tor"s office this week. Thursday, 15th, is the last day for payment. After that date interest is charged and payment enforced, Lieut.-Col. Lorne W. R. Mulloy. blind veteran of the South African war, is writing his initial examina- tion at the law school ai Osgoode Hall, Toronto. The United Farmers of Lennox and Addington will select a .candi- As usual, we are showing far the biggest variety of mew styles in Kingston -- and at very moderate prices. Special values at | $8.50, $4.00 and $3.00. ITISH WHIC. ow WENNEIDAY, SEPT. 14, 1021. News of the Latest in Sheet Music at Lowest Prices "THE LAST WALTZ" by Oscar Strauss, dier. Alan Dale, Musical Critic of the N. Y. four or five years, The hits are: -- --The Last Waltz --Next Dance With You ~The Charming Ladies All 40c., 50c. and 60c. Numbers cove. ...3 for $1.00 Baby In Love --Live For To-day --The Whip Hand LATEST NEW YORK SUMMER HITS composer of Merry Widow and The Chocolate Sol- American says this play will run in New York City for rege] Ain't We Got Fun, Angels, All By Myself, In Blue Bird Land, Cho Cho San, Carolina Lullaby, at the Old Swimming Hole, Dream Kiss Waltz, Absence, Always (Al Jolson's Latest), Baby Crooning, Cherie, Do You Ever Think of Me. Faucies, Humming, Honolulu Honey, Hugs and Kisses, Face, Down ering, Wang-Wang Blues, Open Nights. I Found a Rose in the Devils Garden, Waiting For Ships That Never Come In, Listenihg, Love Bird, Lord Byng, Canada Welcome You, Love's Ship, Mississippi Cradle, Mon Momme, Ma He's Kissing Me, Moonlight, Mimi, Mello Cello, Peggy O'Neill, Sweetheart, Fi-O-San, Toddle, Wandering Home, Wyoming, Where the Lazy Mississippi Flows, Whisp- LOWEST IN CANADA PRICES IN LATEST SHEET MUSIC THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE Pucker Up and Whistle, Rosie, I Call You Sunshine, Phone 919. = The Always Busy Store Where dainty house fur. nishings are sold at popular | prices. 'Newman & Shaw ~ date to contest the coming dominion election, at Napanee, on Sept, 30th. Arthur Chinneck, Napanee, who has been in the Kingston General hospital for some months, has gone to the Oddfellows' Home at Toronto. Mrs. George McCallum has been appointed W.C.T.U, delegate from Kingston to the provincial W.C.T.U. convention, in London next month, with Mrs. W. W. Chown as alternate, Lord Lee of Fareham, who under- went an operation in London last week, is reported io be going on sat- isfactorily. Lord Lee was at one time on the staff of the Royal Mili- tary College. Six girls of the Mission Circle of Sydenham street Methodist church aited on Miss Olive Chown, leaving for Guelph and gave her a handsome gold brooch, Miss: Helen Anglin and Miss Phyllis Coates did the honors. The Board of Health was called to meet Wednesday afternoon. The Kingston Ice Company is applying for leave to bring in a quantity of fce from Trenton owing to shortage here. } Model School Students. The following are the students in attendance at this fall's session of the Model School, which is being con- ducted in the Wellington street school by Principal W. F. Inman:-- Mary Bennett, Kemptyille; Helen Case, Gananoque; Grace Cole, Pres- cott; Hugh Fleming, Elgin; Winni- fred Guild, Kingston; Bernice Hen- derson; Odessa; Lillian Hough, North Augusta; Léura Lindsay, Sydenham; Charlotte Miller, Rock Springs; Mar- jorie McGinness, a; Mildred Smith, Stella; A. Carson--Stration, Shannonville; Gertrude Thomas, Syd- enham; Leone Thompson, Picton. ---------------------- The man who sends a girl "bush? els of kisses" Is sure to get into a peck of trouble, especially if the gir! weal] "vo gn DO YOUR BUYING BEFORE THE RUSH $3,600--Clergy St.--Semi-detached brick. $4,300--Barrie St.--~Frame; hot water heating $3,650--Brock St.--Semi-detached brick $3,250--Brock St.--Brick; electric light. $2,850---Clergy St. W.--~Double brick. $2,150--Union St.~Bungalow; electric light! Building Lots in all parts of the City. Complete list at Office. .E. W. MULLIN & SON Buyers and Sellers of Real Estate Cor. Jobusow and Division Streets. « « « Phones 539w and 589J. ls ggme other man's wig . LADIES' BROWN OXFORDS High Grade Quality SPECIAL | $5.00 : NEVES VALUE Ladies' Brown Oxfords in the new Coco Brown shade, sg popular in the large cemtres at the present time, with per. forated tips, imitation *saddl€ strap effect, blind eyelets, Good- year welted soles and Jow heels--* a new Shoe at a mew low price" and absolutely the best value in years. : Same also in a new Twin Strap Walking Oxford. Special VAMIB AL cuuserivrranssnes snrnnsesseie susan inns 3500 S. J. MARTIN 189 Princess Street Phone 22160,