WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 14, 1921, --_------ g WESTERN MEATS and I | COOKED MEATS pe . 282 Princess Street ~ TE -- --" ee A | iE FOR MOVING OF { 'Freight, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and | an pene win . * Cartage of every description-- Kingston Transfer Co. one 377. 153 Wellington Street. | I~ DAVID SCOTT Plumber mbing and Gas Work a special. . All work guaranteed. Addregy { 145% Frontenac Street. Phove 1277 fp DRAW. WINNETT DINTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnsun and Wellington Streets _ Phone 363 At : Dr. Waugh : Dentist 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. es, Talking Machines, Bicycles By Carriages, Lawn Mowers, ete, We i repair work right and guarantee | satisfaction 197 WELLINGTON STREET WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res, 1137. WLR McRae & Co Cho'cest quality of Scranton ' Coal, No other kind sold by . LU © BOOTH & CO. |. Grove Iun Yard Phone 183 DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstaf'y Ginger sarmainde, 'We also have a full line of | sother reliable makes of Marma- iades, Jam and Jellies for sale I Phone 1844. * FOR SALE 100 acres, about 12 t miles from the city. * Fair price. ~ W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insyrance Brocl: Street. Phone 424, SAVED FROM AN OPERATION "Fruit-a-tives" Completely Relieved Me "8928 UKioX St, VaNtovver, B.C. "I suffered with all the symptoms of Female trouble, with chronic Consti- pation: and constant: Headaches. T had pains low down in the back and sides of the body. A doctor advised me to have an operation. I started taking "'Fruit-a-tives' and this medicine has completely relieved me of all my misery and suffering. I am free of pain and headaches and the terrible Constipation, and what saved me is the fruit medicine, "Fruit-a-tives." Madam M.J. GORSE. B80¢ a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25¢. At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. ADs ar Fania, Chinn, La olan, Con 2g pf d Ohot st ' BUILDING? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? 2 tes given by O. Aykroyd & Son 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. mem mm - PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's), Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty. \ Phone 2i4. 3549 Princess St. RAILWAY HE RET SET AGENCY. FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIPS For particulars apply to--= J. P, HANLEY, CP. & T. A, G.T. Ry., Kingston, Ont, WHT TO EUROPE | MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW | MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Sept, 18 Victorian Sept. 17|Oct. 14|Nov, Sept. 28(0ct. 21iNov. 17 Sept. 30/0ct.? QUE ' TO LIVERPOOL Sent. 24|0ct. .. Emp. of France Ost. 4iNov. 1 .......... Emp, of Britain ONTREAL TO GLASGOW Oet. 4|Nov, 15 .Pretorian Oct. §{Nov. 5 Tunisian es~Trieate vray ..Montreal Montreal--N apl Qct. $iNov. 25 o ve yay mas Caserta Combined service Canadian Pacific & Navagazione Generale itallana *via Dubroynik (Ragusa). JIONTREAL--DANZIG--ANTWERP* ct. 1{Nov. 12 ndinavian Oct. 15|Noy. 26 ».Corsican * via Havre and Southampton. Abp FREIGHT ONLY pproximate Satll Dates . MONTREA L--LONDON Sept. 20 .. . .. Bosworth Oct, § .. .Dunbridge Bolingbroke : 35 . . . Batsford MONTREAL--AVONMO nd ae ve a ae , Bothwell MONTREAL TO NORWEGIAN PORTS Drammensfjor Phone Main 6580, uw' Pk local NESIs Of . B. umon en, Pass. 1 King St. gm hit Adelailte 2108 Canadian Pacific Naflway Trafic Azenta Minnedosa 'THE D ------ iLY BRITISH W HIG. Kingston and Vicinity | Helps For a Mother. Many a mother has found just | what needed for. her ' baby through reading the store advertfse- ee shine ae Sgstmssmmn---- she een A. & N. President Here. Major F. G. Taylor, D.8.0., |M.P.P., Portage la Prairie, domin- | ion president of the Army and Navy { Veterans, is in the city on an inspec- | tion of the different local commands. {He is a guest at the British-American hotel, sss ------ i Our Back to School Sale. { We offer parents a good oppor- , tunity to outfit their boys right and | save money. Good Suits for $7.00. | Fancy Tweeds in Greys and Brown. | Sizes 26 to 35, worth $12. Prevost | Clothing, Brock street. ------ Where to Buy. It is essential to your boy and girl in college that you keep in touch with the store news. These youngsters require a deal of outfitting ana a close watch on our ads will save many a dollar during the year. Died jin a Few Days. J. R. French, Melville, received the sad word of the death of W. Hamilton, Milford, who had been em- ployed as cooper in French's mill. Not feeling well, Mr. Hamilton re- turned to his home in Milford and died in a few days. : : ny | Missing Lad Found. Jean Pratt, the little boy wandered away from his King street, Tuesday morning, anc who was being searched for all day, was found to have wandered to the corner of University avenue and Brock street. He caused his parents considerable anxiety, who Synod Committee, The executive 'committee of the Diocese of Ontario meets 'in Synod hall on Tuesday next instead of on October 4th, the date originally sct for the meeting. This change was occasioned by the General Synoa, which meets at Hamilton on Oct 5th this year. Had an Anniversary. Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Geen, Belle- ville, celebrated the forty-seventh anniversary of their wedding day on Thursday, in their home, 'Moodie Cottage." It is worthy of note that Mr, and Mrs. Geen have resided in the same house continuously since their marriage. Portrait Much Admired. A portrait which has been much admired by Kingstonians, appeared for several days in Kirkpatrick's window, Princess street. It was that of an oil painting of the great Gen- eral Wolfe, when he was a lieuien- ant. The work was done by a King- stonian, J. Loxton Rawbon, and Is exceptionally good, being one of twenty dozen he is painting for the home on {one in the harbor is now receiving at- 1] tention. The one in Macdonald park | stones | Royal Military College, and which | will go to form a collection the col- lege is securing in the plans being arranged for the oplebration of the | Kingston. A World of Knowledge. | The man who answered 'the great- | est number of Edison's questions cor- rectly is a man who, "always reads the advertisements." He elaimsithere is a "world of knowledge" to be | gathered from the store ads. Was Fined Five Spot. Charges of criminal negligence against Roy Leavens, Toronto, and C. A. Smith, Trenton, were dismissed in Belleville police court. Roy Leay- ens was fined five dollars and costs for neglecting to give his name and address in writing to Smith after Smith's car went into the ditch pear the House of Refuge, about two months ago. Cape Vincent Couple Married, Phe marriage of Frederick Taylor | and Mrs. Charlotte Jones, both of | Cape Vincent, N.Y., was solemnized | at the home of ) WwW. M. Bootl. | Watertown, N.Y., by Rev. Charles T. | Raynor, curate of the Trinity Epis-| copal church. This is the second! marriage for Mrs, Jones, her former | husband having died some years agn Both of the couple are wel! and fav- orably known. -- ean Seva mat Repairing Harbor Tower, In conjunction with the plans for repairing the martello towers, was pointed earlier in the sum- mer. The tower now being fixed is badly in need of repairs, some of the having dropped out ot place. The work here will be more difficult and more will have to be done to put the tower in good condl!- tion. To Return to Napanee, £0 The Woodstock Sentinel-Review says: Mrs. W. J. Shibley, and Miss Irene Cowan, Toronto, are the guests of Miss Cowan's grandfather, George W. Shibley, Woodstock, prior to the latter's departure for Napanee, | ALIAE i, PILLS ACTRNNE W101 A Ki CYNALTRvI Py EAS UT IGHTIs AIA \ \ LY TXT 8 of J Less it with a easy to fill Booklet of ELL! There are no pipes in the cellar and all the moist. ened, warm air rises directly over the furnace. all the heat, all of the time, just where you want There is no wasted heat and consequently coal consumption. moistened by a 'generously proportioned water-pan placed immediately above the feed door about on a level with your elbow, For economy's sake, for your health's sake, choose the Banner. fied users sent upon request. Send for booklet "Winter Comfort in Your Home," which tells you all abou System and how to use it. The Galt Stove and Furnace Company Ltd., AGENT IN KINGSTON ives through one register placed That's why you get BANNER PIPELESS FURNACE Tess The warm air is healthfully It's position makes it and hard to forget to fill, testimonials from hundreds of satis- t the Banner Pipeless Galt, Ontarie, Canada, SIMMONS BROS. OW FRONT HARDWARE 4 One dollar -- Head Office : Montreal. © FRG VERONA AnD ARDEN IR A se - FARMER ears and opportunity is knocking erations. Are you going finest securities in Ca: time. I¥s up to you to not ore you at such interest call for particulars. 887 BAGOT STREET. Pay-Day Saving You are paid regularly. Save regularly. Fay-day comes, put some of | the money in a Savings Account in The Merchants Bank. dollars-- whatever you can convee niently afford. And put in the same amount every pay-day. Account--deposits of $1. and THE MERCHANTS RE S OPPORTUNITY igh-grade government bonds of a yie to stop where you are after making a little profit and leave your savings lying in an unproductive sav- Ings account or in a doubtful mortgage. seriously down to business and g ot your nada that will pay you over €%. . are always readily saleable in case you wish to realize oe, that y ou are getting what money worth to-day as such offerings as Canadian Provincial Bonds will Bongard, Ryerson & Co. 83 Bay Street, Toronto. wr When five dollars -- ten $1. opens a Savings upwards are welcomed. Established 1864, 3 hATUER Memen open Fridays. > at Kingston Branch. A Nt Nar sty few prosperous Four door in the form of d not seen before in gen- at It is high tim: you got * money invested in the and that at is rates much longér. Write ur PHONE 1728. | store bi where he will in future reside with his sister, Mrs. H, Finkle. Mr. Shib- | 25 0th-anniversary-ot-the founding of-{ time-he has -wop-many warm Triends | ley came to Woodstock some three and a half years ago and during that all of whqm regret very much his departure, ' Hopes to Restore Health. John S. Earle, Picton, has left for Rochester, Minnesota, to enter Mayo { Prothers' Institute for further treat- ment. ating in preparation for a further operation which it is hoped will be | the means of restoring his health. If You Want A libera] share of the public's pat- ronage and you have a stock of honest goods, an advertisement will bring the buyers to your store. Ad- vertising will help make a small ser. Let the goal of yester- day bp the startigg point for to- morrow in planning your advertis- ing. Night Constable Named. Albert Cook, Copper Cliff, has been appointed temporarily to the position of night constable at Nap- | anee, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Constable Beard. Mr. Cook has been on the police force at Copper Cliff for five or six years, and previous to that served as a consiable in Oshawa and alipgether has had eight or nine years' experi- ence. He is married, and is five feet eleven inches in height, and weighs 225 pounds. William Stiffler to Be Deportea. Willlam Stiffler, the young man who was arrested at Napanee, follow- ing the murder of Constable Ricn- ard A. Beard, and who was held as a material witness, and-later charg- ed witk vagrancy, came before the court in Napanee again on Monday and was further remanded for eignt days. Stiffler hails from the United States, ajnd steps are being taken, to deport him. , He is about thirty-five years of age, married and his wife is in Napanee, Married on Wednesday. A very pret'y wedding was sol- emnized in Crow Lake,' Union church on Sept. Tth at 3.30 p.m. when Miss Myrtle, second eldest dau- ghter of Mr, and Mrs. J. BE. Me- Ewen, was united in marriage to Mareen J. Dennis, Rochester, N.Y. The church was artistically decorat- ed with potted plants, wood ivy and many flowers of various kinds. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Baldwin, Sharbo! Lake, The brida given away by her-father was charm- ingly attired in white silk'crepe-de- chine and satin and wore French veil of embroidered silk net fastened with orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses and maid; en hair fern. The bridesmaid, Miss Beulah, was dressed 'in light blue Pailette silk, and carried a bouquet of carnations with streamers. The groom was supported by Dowdell, Bolingbrooke. The groom's gift to the bride was a pendant set with pearls, and to the bridesmaid a pink cameo ring, to the groomsman a gold tie pin. Following the cere- mony a wedding tea was served at home of the bride, only the im- mediate friends <being present. The table on which was placed the brides cake was tastefully hung wth ferns and roses. - Many beautiful and cost- ly gifts testified to the high esteem of the young couple including a che- que given by the bride's father and mother for $100. In the evening a party was enjoyed in the summer | cottage of the bride's father which was niely decorated. The young couple motored to Tichborne where they took the 1.14 train for New York, where the groom has a position as street car conductor. The bride travelled in a smart tailored sui' of navy blue serge with hat to match, BARON KIJURO SHIDEHARA Japanese ambassador to the States, who will be one of Japan's dele- gation at the ament conference in November, Mr. Earle'was at this institu- | tion last spring and has been recuper- | Harold | | 1 | | United! go to church. | | 1 -- the price of Coal. next winter, Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Now is a good time to ] We are not looking for any reduction in ayina supply for S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Office Phone 66. * Factory Phone 1415. IF IT'S IN SEASON, IT'S ON OUR MENU continually to im- upon our service and but we frankly admit we can think"of no way to better it Fresh food perfectly cooked and served in a superd manner leaves nothing to be desired Eat hete. know sp' popular, Grand Cafe We strive prové cuisine, PETER LEE, PROP, ~ 222 Princess Strect Open from 8 a.m, to 2 a.m. Two Doors Above Opera House Phone 1843, A. NEAL, Manager OTHERS ARE MAXOTIRED WHY NOT YOU 2 EASTERN CANADA MAX OTIRE RUBBER Co. 284 Ontario Street, Phone 2050. SOWARDS KEEPS COAL --and-- COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 150. UPTOWN OFFICE--McGALL'S CIGAR STORE PHONE 811. SOWARDS COAL COMPANY ~~ FF New Stock of Fine Quality Suits and Top Coats For Men and Young Men at Lewer Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 $30.00, See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at x . ~--$35.00 ---, TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St, (One door helow Randolph Hotel), 32.00 . Dresses and Suits / All pure wool and guaranteed colors. 40inchat .........$1.00 and $1.25 48inchat .........$1.50 and $2.00. 54 inch at . ... ... .$2.00, $2.50, $3.00 Heavyweight Military and - Men's Wear Serges-- ~ At$3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 'W. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191. The Waldron Store. é " Possibly it is because the sermons | are too short that more men do not They just get com- fortably settled in their nap when it is time to go home, Some people are afraid to be caught telling a lie, but we know others who act as if it would be a disgrace for them to be caught tel ling the truth,