Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Sep 1921, p. 7

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- AILY BRITISH WHIG. 7 4 Pr. Benson, 'Belleville.. 3 2 2 "Todd McGregor," owned THE D by W. J. Tomlin, Cobourg 4 3 3 3 i = ® : * ; The officials were, Thomas Nichol- 2 ti { . a | {Continued from Page 1.) son, Kingston, . and Arlie Lloyst, 0 fd no accidents having been reported.) - Apes: Ohavl Boy | On Wednesday afternoon the sil-|Ernsttown, judges; Charles Bos | I P vx | Kingston, timer; and J. S. Johnston, i lf | ver trophy donated by U, M* wilson, | .- : Napanee, starter. em : 3 : he home plate. '"Punch" Derry | Col. George H. Gillespie, officer in| ®d t ¢ charge of cadet corps for the third|W2© Was on the mound for Kingston | | which is open for, ths high school|* I | I ; i Beginning next Monday we will have , | military district, is supervising this] t®am Pitched a real good game and | - ABERNETHY'S SPECIAL BARGAINS ID Ladies' Black Kid Laced Boots with dark grey kid tops (very This 1s | The Ponies won a close and excit- | the | ing game when they defeated the | {Red Sox by a score of*3 to 2. The jiiauers captured the game in the | i | ll l here BEPFEEEES iy Ville are eligible to compete. Lieut..|>c%00d Maing when three men Cro&s tion, will be presented at The Kingston Collegiate In-! {grounds.. Cadet corps representing i high schools from Cobourg: to Brocks stitute sent a team up to enter the| ne Red Sox gathered eight hits but | {and collegiate cadet drill competi- '. *"" two of Semi-Ready's "Head Men here, drill. | had good control from start to finish. | f i : | It ad le Sh fbb featuring their special line of Suits and Overcoats. Watch the evening papers for more particulars. iti | the Ponies flelded the ball well, Four | competition. | ! mp errors were credited against the win- | rs he field was a little rougher | The Baby Show. ners but t In the evening exhibition hall pre-| than the Kingston tea hp aces | sented a brilliant spectacle with its | tomed to playing on and the sun was | tastetully decorated booths and the| "ery Strong. 1 th 2 iauiscs it) long centre table running the length | In the last of the ninth inn ngs 1 of -the building, loaded with a pro- | 00ked as though the score would be | fusion of flowers and handsome! '/€d 88 the Red Sox team had two | plants, together with a delectable | Men On bases am only one mat and appetising array of apples, | Out: Neff, the catcher was on t ir pears, plums and other fruits, and | base and tried to steal home when | this grand display was fully accentu-| the Pall was being flelded. The ball Sn George VanHorne Phone 362w. 213 Princess Street. much like illustration). returned "Jack" | rm mi SA ' VT ET OTE CT Ii TOR rare Sr sis RE re pa ap pr CEPA TE Ee VIERTET APSE RR RE TN Tr fhe y boric a English Hall Marked Sterling Silver CANDLE STICKS PTOMETRY, ahd the O benefits accured from its practice is the greatest small-cost blegsing in the world. When any other part of our nature-ap- paratus fails to perform its especial functions it costs considerable money to get any relief When you no longer enjoy clear-sighted- ness our optometrist can lo- cate your eye weakness and furnish you with the glasses that will bring back your sight./ Satistactory moder- ately priced service, These are in very dignified English designs and range in price from-- $10.00 up to $30.00 a pair VASES In very pretty shapes and pat- terns, and priced from-- $2.50 to $15.00 each Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 PRINCESS STREET "{eighteen Automobile Repairing ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON Phones: Shop 1039. Res. 1537), 378 BROCK STREET Registered Optometrist 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post Office a ---------------- any TO ¥ RENT In Telegraph Building, SUITE of FOUR GOOD ROOMS, with two brick valuts, suitable for offices or will arrange for residence. Ap- ply MR. RXPATRICK on premises. "Man wants but little here below" and he can find a jotta the things he wants by studying the ads. SAVE Y0 so------ UR EYES ---- n-- With constant usage and han- dling the frames or mountings of Glasses get bent out of alignment, causing a great deal of discomfort. Our Optical Department is al- ways at your service, and we are always pleased to make any ad- justments necessary. REPAIRS TO GLASSES are also promptly attended to. Optometrist 132 Princess St. Phone 347, " School Shoes We are ready for School Children, with Special Bargains in Footwear. Boys' Box Calf Bluchers, Girls' Box Calf and Dong 1 Kid Highcut Shoes, Strong. Servicesble $2.99 Have the Children well shod ! Allan M. Reid | SHOE STORE ated by enumerable electric lights. | The hall was provided with com- | fortable chairs, which accommodated | over a thousand people, to see fair| play done by the contestants in the different classes in the baby show] and to become acquainted with a {few of the best specimens of the! jnewest citizen ot the county of Len-| { nox. | | W. S. Herrington, K.C., acted as| chairman in his usual happy manner, and his 'trite remagks in {ing each Winner to the audience were | i thoroughly appreciated by all pres-| i ent. i | In the first four classes the prizes | were donated by the Gibbard Furni-| {ture Company and the last class! | prizes were donated by the president, | | T. B. Wallace. The winners were: | (A) Best baby boy, three months one yecar---Theodore Winter, | John Ivan Amy. | (B) Best baby boy, one year to] thirteen months--Blake Burley, | | Bruce Thompson. | (C) Best baby girl, three months {to one year--Edna Ruth Madden, Ethel Isabel McTaggart. (D) Best baby girl, one year to months--Rita Godfrey, Leta Pringle, | Special prizes awarded by the | président, for boy or girl babies be- tween the ages of three months and eighteen months--Helen Younge, Irene Myrtle Kelly. | introduc-| | to Good Horse Races. The horse races were probably two | of the best which have been seen in | some years. In the 2.25 ¢ were five horses entered. '*Monotell' owned by J. Hodgson, of Lindsay, carried off first money when he cap- tured one second and three firsts, The running race was very excit- ing and exceptionally good time was made. In the firet heat of this race it was feared that some person would be seriously injured when oné of the horses which was competing got be- yond contro] and ran for a consider- able distance béfore the rider was able to bring it to a halt. The horse which caused" the excitement got a bad start but it gradually made up for the time it lost and when the horses crossed, the pole this horse had almost made up for the poor start. When the horse continued to travel at the same rate of speed it was thought that the rider would be able to get it under control but it was not unti] the animal had run an extra mile that it was finally halt- ed and this was only done when the rider was able to throw the animal. In so doing the rider was given a "bad throw but upon examination it was found that outside of shaking up he was none the worse of his experi- ence. One of the stirrup leathers were broken, The animal had to be pulled out of the second heat of the race. - The races were as follows: lass there Half Mile Run. "Bells," owned by J, Wilson, Toronto Ella Jennings, owned by J. Wilson, Teronto "Black Star," owned by P. Mullchull, Toronto ... 3 3 P. Mulligan, Toronto, acted as starter. - 2.25 Trotting Class. "Monotell,'y owned by J. Hodgson, Lindsay "Sunny Jim," owned by Dr. Johnston, Port Hope... "K. L. Lambert," owned by Rheuma Drives Out Pain If you want relief from agonizing rheumatic pains (no matter what form) ~--swift, gratifying rellef--take a small dose of Rheuma once a day for a short time. McLeod's Drug Store sells it on a money-back guarantee. 1424 { quick as a shot the ball was thrown | Twigg caught the runner. When this {Green, p was quickly to | Evans 'who caught the player at the plate. The second Red Sox player | attempted to steal from second and | by -Jack Evans to third base and play was @ompleted 'Pop' Watkins raised objection as he claimed the an extra special bargain, which should not be overlooked. man was not out at home, Jack Derry who was handling the game had al- ready called the runner out at home so the game ended with the score of 3 to 2. - The Red Sox players were con: fident that they were going to hand tire Kingston team a good trimming but they found out that "Punch" Derry and "Jack" Evans are a real battery especially in the pinches. ' $4.95 Men's Brown and Black Blucher Boots--real up-to-date styles -- sizes 6 to 10. On sale this week $2.95 Ladies' dark Brown Kid Laced oots--spool heels--all sizes 2} to 7--a real, up-to-date Shoe --- $6.00 value. Clearing this week $2.95 Umpire, Jack Derry. The game was as follows: Ponies-- Thompson, rf J. Evans, ¢ Twigg, 3b Saunders, 2b $2.25 Ladies' Grey Kid Boots H 0 E Boys' School Boots $2.95 Boys' and Girls' White Gymn Low Shoes $1.75 Cherry, cf Daley, 1b W. Evans, s; Coyne, If Derry, p SOOO | © 0 | 12 bt Red Sox-- Gary »ods Abernethy's Shoe Store Wie Ne off, | | (FE Preserving and Pickling We have vou nes that Fruit and Vegetables and pure Spices, Vinegar and Sugar. Also all the little odds and ends that so many of the recipes call for which you find hard to get. Also Corks, Sealer Tops, Rings, etc., at the: -- UNIQUE GROCERY AND tho boys' MEAT MARKET 490 and 492 Princess St. Kemp, 3b Chapman, cf 'ells, 1b BO be © 12 dl everything purpose cocomrmocoooco la Singleton, 2} »d for S$ 1 The farmers' race created a great | deal of amusement, "Toddle On," | owned by Elgin McWilliams, of Cam- | den East, carried off the honors when | ho finished first in- both heats and | "Miss Spring" was second and "Hagerman" third. The three winners in bicycle race were Arthur Parrott, % first: Archie Wilson, sccond and L. | Phone 530. Cowling third. During the aftérnoon an excellent | item .of the programme was given | ° ° by the men of-riding establishment | C. H. Pickerin of Royal Military College. The \ : : J) -- mein' who have been trained under == the able directibn of Capt.. Bray, ----- Neds lr riding instructor delight>d all with | their Arabic tent pegging display. { Company Sergt.-Major Southam; of | the Royal Military College gave an | exhibition of high jumping on horse || Bowels. Kidneys, Fevers, Distemper back, Sergt.-Major Southam and his || ic Send 35c. for Malling Package {] ete. Agents wanted. Write your fine steed crossed the bars at five || address plaini | 1 50,000 SAMPLES Dr. Bell's Veterinary Wonder 60,000 one dollar ($1.00) bottles Free to. horsemen. Who give the Wonder-a fair trial. Guaranteed for Colic, Inflammation of the Lungs, | y. foot ten inches. At the Cobourg || PR. BELL, V.S, KINGSTON, Ont. show this non-commissioned officer jumped six foot four inches. neva for Mr. Doherty's action in withdrawing from the contest for Big Game For Wednesday. judgeship. The Havana Red Sox and the Ver- ona baseball team which played in - : . ---- "Think of the Convenience" OUR BEDDING DEPARTMENT HAS JUST DOUBLED ITS OUT PUT. Just as the sleep-inducing spring, Banner, or Laggett and Platt of especially tempered spring eoils, that fits the contour of the 'body and support the spine in a straight line, insuring a perfect circulation and restoring the energy used up in the fatigue of the day. THE BUSY STORE WITH THE SERVICE. JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker. PHONE 147 FOR REAL SERVICE the inter-county league will play an exhibition game. The Red Sox play- ers are quartered in one of the buildings at the exhibition grounds, Officers of the Lennox Agricultural Society are: President, T. B. Wallace. First vice-president, F. H. Hender- son, Second vice-president, J. S. John- ston, . Secratary, J. L. Boyes. Treasurer, J. W. Robinson. Directors: --G. W. Gibbard, W. H. Boyle, G. H. Willlams, George Swit- rer, E. H. Sills, M. C. Bogart, C. C. Main, Isaac Brisco, Bruce Smith, C. A. Walters, J. B. Elliott, W. G. Schell, Frank Smith, Hiram Shan- non, A, C. Tummon, W. H. Hunter, E. J. Roy, Rockwell Parks, Arthur Rook and Roy Armstrong. MEN'S POLICE The crippled steamer Canadian Importer, under tow, has arrived at Esquimalt. TEN YEARS AGO. Capt. Albert Major, of the barge Hector, died suddenly in' this port this morning. Sir Richard Cartwright will start off the political campaign locally with a big election speech here to- morrow night. The low water in the canals is forcing vessels to lighten at King- ston to a greater extent than ever be- fore known. Two men from Toronto are open- ing a feldspar plant near Parham. Storrington Fair, held at Inverary yesterday, was a big success. A woman appeared in the police court this morning who could not read the time from a clock. | TWICE TOLD TALES | | News of Kingston | -terday reached Bath in seventeen BOYS SUSPENDERS ........ vin ie vv evens Dw MEN'S EXCELLO BRACES MEN'S PRESIDENT STYLE SUSPENDERS MEN'S FINE WEBB, LEATHER ENDS RONEY'S, Princess St. ¢ BRACES / nr 356, «ev 50e, vm. 50¢. sTelelels ein el. [oTeTe 0 aTe] [e 0]isTe" #870 0 ele el [oe eTe ee] Totes Harry Boland and Joseph Me- Grath, Sinn Fein delegates, called on Prime Minister Lloyd George, in Gairloch, and discussed some points and returned toVDublin. Three or four convicts attempt- ing to escape from Jefferson, Mo., state penitentiary, were shot by Suards, One is not expected to ve. CASTORIA For Infants and Children InUse For Over 30 Years A434 borg TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. A meeting of the Granite football club wil] be held tonight at Col. Cot- ton's residence on King street. Carrier pigeons released here yes- minutes: George Kinnear, of Chicago, has been spending a visit with his sister, Mrs. R. Reid. Captain Lee, R.A, of the staff of the R.M.C, will lecture at -Laprairie on the 24th. > D. P. Brannigan returned from a business trip to Toronto and Roches- ter this morning. . Rev. D. Laing preached a particu- larly impressive sermon in Johnson RR FOR SALE Brick House on Sydenham St. all improvements ... ..... 000 Brick House on ock St., all HRP De een ys i700 Stone Building on corner Bagot and William Sts, fine location for business BART Ny bean aa ran CA EAA Ne Bb Erame House, York St, all improvements .., ..." .."" $3 Brick House, one of the finest homes in tity, Union St, fine view of fake, all improvements 6.700 - rice fis choose 50 Acres, Kingston four miles, house alone worth the Some very fine homes In ¢ity aad many good farms to rom. M. B. TRUMPOUR 111% BROCK PHONE 704 or 1461w. The steamer Canadian Importer is Hon. Mackenzie King is urged tc Street Baptist church yesterday, Signature of "- in harbor after cheating the ocean drop North York for a Prinee Ed: of its prey. ward Island seat.

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