wv = ONDAY, SEPT. 19, 1931. Ee -- a --_ , , i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Having purchased interest of Victor Drake, formerly part. aer of the Firm of McALLISTER & DRAKE, all accounts due the above firm previous to July 13th, 1921, will be payable to E. MCALLISTER. Business will be carried on as usual under the name of "PRINCESS STREET GARAGE." SSS EPMOND MCALLISTER, PROPRIETOR, -- TTENTION * We have Five 2-Year Guarattee Batteries at real bargain prices. Call and let us fit you up. One 6-Volt 100 amp., regu- lar price $47.00; Sale Price $87.00. Two 6-Volt -8 Amp., regu- lar price $43.00; Sale Price $34.00. Two 6-Volt 100 Amp., regular $46.00; Sale Price $36.00. Burke Electric 74 PRINCESS STREET Used Cars For Sale 3 Briscoe Touring. Company PHONE 423. I Reo Touring. PStudebaker Touring. 1 Ford Truck. 1 Chevrolet Truck. See our new 1921 Briscoe Touring Car. ANGLIN BROS., Bay St. MR. ROBERT W. ANGLIN, MANAGER | SEE OUR EXHIBIT ----FORD TRUCKS. ----FORDSON TRACTORS. ----FORD CARS OF ALL MODELS We are also putting on a sale of our used cars of different makes. All cars in excellent shape and well painted. { | VanLuvenBros. : Phone 1609, 34-38 Princess Street. fi | baa. Ty This on Your- Little "One Ton" Truck Telephone Companies are so partial to Reo Speed Wagons that there are hundreds of them in this service in various parts of tho continent. They tell us that, habitually, they not only load this Speed Wagon to twice its rated capacity with wire, insulators, tools, etc., but, thus loaded--to give traction!--use it to pull the heaviest cables taut. Some clutch--don't you think ? Not to men- tion motor, transmission, driving gears and rear axle. Some Speed Wagon § he TISIIP YI G FPL, dow gy by AS NERS aes From the Countryside FRONTENAC ti GLENDOWER =~ = Sept. 14.--Threshing i: absut completed in this vicinity, and on the whole the crop has not beer 'oo Ploughing is the order'of the day, and a shower of rain would make the work much easier. A num« ber from here are "aking in Parham fair 'to-day. .Som> local horses ase in the races. The annual school fii; was held in Fermoy on Monday. Glendower may well boast of its boys ar ' girls, as they carried off a gov !- ly number of prizes. Vistors: Mr. land Mrs. Raneard and son, King- ston, 'at A Log Jey's; with his family. ELGINBURGQ. Sept. '16.--School has re-opened with Miss Gertrude Thomas, Syden- ham, as teacher. A large number from here attended the school fair at Cataraqui. Earl Smith has purchas- ed a new Dodge car. Born to Mr. and Mrs. D. Emmons, on Sept. 15th, a baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. C. Simp- kins and Mr. and Mrs. H. Bearance spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. H. Kiell, Joyceville. George Cranston and R. Gordonler have returned from the west. Mrs. W. Irwin and Jack are spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Tolls, Cataraqui. Mrs. E. H. Stover was called to Toronto Mrs. J. A. Leégarey to visit her sister-in-law, Scott, who is seriously ill JOYCEVILLE. Sept, 14.--School has re-opened with Miss Blair, Perth, as teacher The teacher and pupils are making great prepa.ations for the school fair to be held on Friday, Sept. 16th. J. J. Shortall left for hs home in Flushing, N.Y., on Wednesday, ac- companied by Joseph Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy, Kingston, speut Sunday at C. Milne's, Mr. and Mrs. Vinoest Moran, Kingston Mills, at Joseph Keyes'. A large number from this village and surrounding country will 'attend Kingston exhibition next w . Con- gratulations are extended to Mr. aad Mre. John McCarey on the arrival of a baby girl. OATES. Sept. 15.--On account of the dry weather, ploughing operations are at a standstill. Many from here at- tended the school fair held in Syden- ham. Oates school was successful in carrying off over ten dollars in prizes. Mary Hingey, secured a special prize for winning the most money of any girl in the township. A number from here attended Inverary fair and dance. A gang of men are engaged in repairing the road near R. Camp- bell's, and the stone-crusher is ex- pected there in the near future, Mrs. W. Harte and Mrs. W. Koen spent a day at Mrs. P. Walsh's recently, Miss Mary Harte {is visiting in Odessa. Everyone is hoping for fine weather during the week of Kingston's big fair, as they are all going. PLEVNA., Sept. 18.--Mrs, Richard Dawson is much better. Her husband and Dr. Luis Dawson motored from Ottawa last week. Mrs. C. Lloyd went to Kingston this morning, She is suf- fering. swith blood poisoning in her hand. Mr, and Mrs, S. Vaness took their little boy, who is quite ill, to the doctor at Sharbot Lake Satur- day. Visitors: Mrs. Wesley Moore, Ompah, at Fred Hill's; Miss Powers, Ompah, at G. Flake's; Everton Flake and Harold Ohlman are getting out telephone poles this week. John Flake put the telephone up from La- vant to Denbigh. He bought some fine cattle here last week and took them to Toronto. Don't forget King- ston fair. It will be the best ever this year. Quite & number from here intend to go. 2 I ------ McLEAN. Sept. 12.--8chool has closed again for a few days and the teacher we had, Miss C. Howes, has returned to her home. We are in hopes it will soon start again. A good crowd at- tended the meeting yesterday. Rally service is to be held on Sept. 25th. A special sermon is to be given. Hur- rah for the Kingston fair next week. Some of us intend to go and take in the sights. Mr. and Mrs. R. Beverly and family and William Cousins and Victor Kirk spent Sunday at K. Bev- erly's. Mrs. Milford Wagar has re- turne dhome. Mr. and Mrs. 8. King Moscow, Mr.'and Mrs. N. Wagar and Mr. and Mrs. O. Wagar, Enterprise, Miss Hazel Snider and Joseph Card a Ny eA Possibly Your Own Wife She may not look ,s0 young and protty as she used to. If her cheeks are hollow and pale, if she is tired and nervous, her system needs a good regulating with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, a real mediciné that is noted for -restoring the bloom of health to pickly girls and women, Dr. Hamil. ton's Pills tone up the entire sys- tem. Complexion quickly becomes rosy, spirits rise, strength increases daily. Health, vigor and good looks will soon urn to a faded woman, if she uses DF. Hamilton's Pills. Sold everywhere, 25c. per box, or from the Catarrhozone Co., Montreal. Smoke - &B Put ap in all si zed packages {of Mount Grove, spent Sunday at | Levi Snider's." Mr. and Mrs. A. Em- | bury spent Sunday at Harvey Kil- ler's. Mr. and Mrs. W, Asseltine and {son at John Raycraft's; Miss May | Wagar and D, Kirk on Sunday afternoon, LYNDHURST, Sept. 16.--Mrs, Leonard Story has returned from the hospital after her operation. Thomas Warren had an operation also. Both are doing fine- ly. Miss Willson, of the city, is a guest at Mrs. G. S. Rooney's. All about here are anxious for fine weather for Kingston fair, they are talking Kingston fair. OUTLET. Sept. 14.--8chool has re-opened under the management of Miss Simp- son, The Pentecostal Mission closed on Sunday with a large attendance. Several from this locality are attend- ing Delta fair, W. G. Vanderburg left last week for Saskatchewan. George Lee is assisting in the cheese factory. Mise Madeline Vanderburg and Jean Steacy and Master Alex. Steacy have enrolled in the Lans- downe contifuation class. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dundon and children have returned to their home in King- ston after spending a few days with relatives here. Farmers are begin- ning to dig their potatoes and report a fair crop. W. A. Deir has erected a new silo. |= 1osgt the Grand Seminary, Mon-~ trea. | Jamed Ryan will also | Monday mext for St. Augustine semi- {pary, Trronto. M=s. Lucy Abbott anil { Mrs George Bolton, thace, N.Y., | are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. "org: { McReady. Robert Hennessy, Wat {town, N.Y, 2 former islander is [renewing acquaintances here. Mrs Robert White has returned home af- ter a short visit with his sigter, Mrs. leave on at W. Cousins, Reitzel. Kitchener... George McDonald and gang have | resumed sone crushing, the stone | being placed on the seventh conces- | sion The dry weather is having a | telling effect in more ways than |one. Cold Spring will hardly furn- |ish water for the cheese factory of | the above name. Mr, Conly, the owner, states that he never knew the spring to be a® as low an ebb, as it is at present. The factory is badly handicapped as a result. -- If You Are Well Bred, You will not, in addressing those whom you serve in the shop whare you are employed, call them by any "eo of the names, ordinarily pet mes, in current use, Yon will not exhibit a powder puft while you are filling the wants of a customer at your counter. You will not argue or evidence bard feeling in discussion with a customer. The corner loafer, as usuar' will soon be complaining of "nothing to do.' Some deadbeats won't even pay attention, Do pot" suffer another day with Itehin eed. ing, or Protrud- ing Piles. No surgical oper a tion uired, Dr, Chase's Ointinent will relieve you at once and afford lasting benefit 6oc 3 box; all ealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co, Limited, oronto. Sample Jox Nee if you mention this Lennox & Addington CENTREVILLE, Sept. 15.--Many wells are dying up and rain is badly needed. Weather being favorable the people are going to Kingston ' exhibition next week. It is'the drawing card for fall fairs around here. The rain disappointed s0 many last year that they are building great hopes on good weather this year. Percy Thompson, the new mail de- liverer, has purchased a new car. A baby boy has arrived at Ross Man- nah's. Miss Ada Dickson has Cén- treville school for the ensuing term. The remains of the late Mrs, Good Thompson were placed in .the Meth- odist cemetery here on Tuesday last. Vince Kennedy and Miss Sadie Mur- ray were married in Bydenham on Monday. Charles Ingoldsby left on Wednesday for Ottawa exhibition. ODESSA Sept. 13.--Miss Georgie Ettinger, Kingston, is with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Watts. Miss Hazel Denyes, New - York, is the guest of her mother, Mrs, Sidney Denyes. Dr. Harold jttinger and Mrs. Ettinger, Kingston, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith. Miss Evelyn Lawlor, Bath. is visiting her grandfather, Joseph Lawlor. Miss Laura Fraser left last week for her position with the high school staff at Sydenham. Dr. BE. M. Gordon is convalescing after a week's illness at his home, Mrs. Ar- mold Booth passed away recently at her home in Boston, The remains were brought to Cataraqui cemetery for interment. Most of the deceas od's life was spent .-in Odessa, and 'her many friends regret her depart- ture. The Kingston fair seems to be the important topic of the day and every one seems to be .nterested and wondering how they will get there, but get there they surely will. Miss Kate Kenyon has returned from spending the past two weeks in Er- terprise, Cr sean, Cold Spring Is Drying Up and Cheese Factory Is Handi= capped. Wolfe Island, Sept. 15.--The topic that is being most discussed at pres- ent is Kingston exaibition next week, (Islanders in lange numbers will attend eech day to help swell the attendance. Grea'er attractions than ver before are being promis- ed for the uvvent. The following week Wolfe Islaua township .air will be id. The management are sparing no pains to make it a success. Mrs. K. Shaw, the proprietress of the Island hotei, is . t present in Jer- sey City, visi ing her sister who is quite ill. A dance: will be aeld in the above hotel to-morrow night, A .,:- ple of boat loads of coal arrived here duricg the week. : Island 1s regri ~- .Gdrm thu Frak Cramer coni aplates leaving the island shortly, During his stay here he has made by his fair dealings a host of friends, whose best wishes will follow him and Mrs. Cramer to their new home. James Berry Is leaving the McRee farm and will till the coming year p~rt of T. Brown's farm. Rumor states that Mrs. Ja < D a will --<--..y the McRae farm. Dr. end Mre. Rube Millan ha-e returned to the Island after spead- of Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Arehibald Staley have returned home after spending the past three weeks in Ro- chester," Syracuse, Delroit and To ronto. Jobhm Mc "an aad datgh- ter Gertrude, are enjoying a 'aw holid*ys in Rovlest™, N.Y. Charles Baker loft yesterday to resume 'us WOLFE ISLAND TIDINGS ing their honeymoon. in the vicinitr. vaper and 1 amp to pay postage. CROWN LIF A Real Opportunity in Are you ambitious, energetic and endowed with a certain talent of salesmanship ? If so, we would like to explain to you the opportunity presented by our new and exceed. ingly liberal agency contract. The Crown Life Insurance business is one of the few commercial activities which are not halted by hard times. Our policies are up-to-date and most attractive in their terms. A competent superintendent will available when needed to give infor- mation and assistance. .- Write today fer particulars to CROWN LIFE INSURANCE CO., - * Equipment Manufact urers' Agents Accessories % We Can t It" - - 09 Breck St., Kingston, Oat. B. R. EYRES Automotive Tourists' Bureau - Phone S1SW - - G. V. DREDG Stimulate progressiveness by be- ing progressive yourself. Concelt and ignorance are usually ®oon companies. Don't blame others for trouble of your own production. If you are satisfied with little, that will probably be your portion. gl "nna a ready Suits and Top lift which This We want you to see and to study the Physique Type System. Then you will know why Semi- so much better than the ordinary. The 'conception of the Physique Type System of designing good clothes gave the impetus and up- s made men in the higher walks of life favour the ready-to-try-on way of tailoring. Demonstration of both Fashions and Fitting qualities is really a Free Exposition--where you are invited to see--and not necessarily feel obliged to buy. | | George VanHorne This is Semi-ready Week in our shops Clothes like these command attention anywhere-- The Cost of Clothes Prices are a consideration nowadays, and the question is asked often, "When will clothing drop in price? It has tumbled far down -- perha prices have declined more than Bh any commodity. A year ago a pure wool suit could not be bought for less than $45. Today such a suit costs $25 to $30. Take a Navy Blue British j They are down to $25 and $30, Nobody can be deceived on a for it's a plain weave, whilst an y can feel the quality of the wool in it. "King's Own" Serge Suits that were $75 a short time ago are now $45, made to custom-measure; a drop of $30 within 15 months. : Coats are 213 Princes Stret