JOHN McKAY, Limited Manufacturing Furriers 149-157 Brock Street, Kingston Wang Wang Blues This sensational Fox Trot, which has now caught the popu- lar fancy, possesses all the qualifications which are so necessary to make a real hit. "WHEN THE SUN GOES DOWN" is also a Fox Trot, and both are played by Coleman's Orchestra. His Master's Voice Record 216325. PEGGY O'NEIL, Waltz--Ye Melody Men VAMPING ROSE, Fox Trot--Ye Melody Men DIXIE, One Step--Diamond Trio - . 216314 . $1.00 ++.216316 $1.00 ASK TO HAVE THEM PLAYED ON THE VICTROLA --AT MAHOOD BROS. "THE HOME OF THE VICTROLA® AL LKINDS OF INSURANCE BOILER ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS FIRE BURGLARY AUTOMOBILE HOLD-UP SAFE BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT An up-to-date Apartment, cen- trally located; living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom and bath- m; electric light; hardwood floors; $50.00 per month. Includes heat, gas stove, gas heater and refrigerator, . | FOR THIS WEEK Cullen's CASH AND CARRY ALFRED and PRINCESS STS, ing fo the LIFE DROP IN ON THE WAY OVER YOUR ORDER WILL BE READY WHEN YOU COME BACK. I 1b, Coffee ... 1 Ibs. Tem ... 1 Ib. Cocoa All Three for » The McCann Agency RH. Waddell Phones 336-806. 88 Broek St NA A ed Hats of Quali BIT For Sylish be OREO OTE RST The new fall styles in "BORSALINO HATS" are here. These Hats are made in Italy. Beware of imitations. Prices are lower this fall. J We are Sole Agents in Kingston these world-famous Hats. HHL Fair 7 Sure! N T TEA SERVICE PRESENTED | 10 ROBERT R. FARVEY By St. George's Congregation | --Organist of Cathedral Twenty-five Years. In St. George's cathedral on Sun- | day, Rev. W, E, Kidd, in the absence +obrthe-dean--of-Oftamo of fered thes congratulations and good wishes of the congregation to R. R. F. Harvey, | who during the week celebrated his twenty-fifth anniversary as organist of the cathedral. Mr, Kidd said he was sure the congregation would | wish t0 express their good wishes to | Mr. Harvey. "After evensong the congrega'lon adjourned to St. George's hall and | after Mr. Harvey had received many good wishes, Rev. Mr, Kidd called | upon R. J. Carson, one of the church | wardens, who congratulated Mr. | | Harvey, and spoke of his ability as | lan organist and choirmaster and his long and fadthful service, expressing the hope that he would long continue | {at his presen' post, asking him to ac- | cept, not from the congregation at large, but from the choir and such {members of the parish as had been hurriedly reached a silver tea ser- { vio8>" Mr. Carson called upon P. D. Lyman, the people's wanden, to pre- sent it to the organist. R. Bas'on Burns, the oldest mem- ber of the cathedral choir, then spoke, referring to Mr. Harviy's work, and to the many changes which had taken place in the parish and choir in the last quarter of a century, Many {imposing services, grave or bright, had been held with- in the walls of the cathedral. A queen was mourhed, "wo kings were pro- claimed, bishops consecrated, great military services, weddings, funerals and for all the cathedral organist was ready, always punctual and pre- pared to see that the best possible service was rendered. On behalf of the choir he congratulated him. Mr. Harvey, who was completely taken by surprise, "thanked the com- gregation for their good wishes and beautiful gift, saying the years he had spent as cathedral organist had been dn many ways happy ones. The death of the late Dean Buxton B. Smith, who was rector when he came to the cathedral, and a dear friend, was one of the sad events to look back on. Mr. Harvey sald he had had a letter from Dean Starr, on the exact date of his coming to the cathe- dral as organist, conveying his bless- ing and good wishes, a letter which he greatly ajprecliated coming from one who was so very far from well. He thanked the large gathering for coming to give him their good wishes as well as the handsome gift, and the flowers that had decked the or- gan, given by one of the choir. Col. P. G. C. Campbell said thai now was the time to sing "For He is a Jolly Good Fellow' which was lust- ily sung, the choir boys' sweet treb' ss leading. The tea service is of sterling sfl- ver, engraved with the monogram, "R. R. F. H.," and the words "Pre- || sented tto R. R. F. Harvey on this hils 25th anniversary as organist of St. George's cathedral, 1896-1821." A PRACTICAL SUGGESTION As to Upholding "Dignity -of Medicine and Majesty of . Justice." Raney, attorney-gen- eral, told the meeting of the On- tario Neuro-Psychiatnic Association at the Ontario hospital, Mimico, that if the association formed a commit- tee to prepare Wgislation improving medico-legal jurisprudence} he would see that a legal adviser to the com- mittee was supplied and would undertake the expemses of such & committes. If legislation was pre- pared, he said, he would go on with it at the next session of the house, This promise frcm the attorney- general followed a paper read by the Hon. W. E. || president of the association, Edward Ryan, M.D., Kingston, in which be suggested tifat the attorney-general should, by legal enactments, bring it to pass that in all trials where the question of insanity was raised a body of professional peyochiatrists should be appointed by the erown, a permanent body if possible, which, after careful and extensive study, would advise "the crown, having in mind but ome ideal, "the dignity of medicine and the majesty of justice." Dr. Ryan's whole paper was a re- view of several cases in the law courts wherg the accused were not of sound mind, and he advocated a change in methods so as to get abeo- lute justice for the man appearing before a court, when there was any question as to his sanity, A Big Fair at Picton. A big midway at Picton fair, good running races at Picton fair, best trotting races at Picton: fair, splendid ball games at Picton fair, wonderful feats of horsemanship by riders from the Royal Military Col- lege at Picton fair. May Collier, champion lady high diver of the world, will be at Picton fair, There will. be splendid exhibits of flowers, fine arts, dairy products, grain, vegetables, cattle, horses, sheep and swine at Picton fair, Music by the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery band at Picton fair. Take in the steamer St. Lawrence's excursion to Pictof fair on Wenesday, Sept. 21st, and enjoy one of the most delightful outings of the season. ® Not to read the store ads is to flout the first and last article of your thrift creed. The first aerial time-table, consist. ing of nearly 100 pages, has appear- | Rev. Mr. Nickle. The remains were " HE | UBITUARX The Late H. A. Lewis. | The death oecurred on Sept. 6th | of Henry Alfred (Fred) Lewis, at the | home of his daughter, Toronto, aftar | an illness of only a few months' dur- ation-of---heart-and- stomach -tpoubie Al that medical skill and careful nursing could do was of no avail. | | Mr. Lewis was a loving, husband, | kind father and a good neighbor. De- | ceased was a son of the late Albert] Lewis, and was born at Bath, Oct | 19th, 1860, and spent his life in this | vicinity. He leaves to mourn a wife, | a daughter, Mrs. Herbert Huffman. | and an aunt, Mrs, Miro Ham, Nap- | anes. On Tuessday a brief serviie was conducted in Toronto by Rev. | Dr. Scott, of Howard Park Methodist | church, prior to bringing the remails to his late home, where the funeral was held on Thursday, conducted ny laid to rest in Bath cemetery. } IN MARINE CIRCLES The steamer City of Hamilton passed down Monday morning. The steamer City of Ottawa passed west to Toronto. The steamer Maplebrook passed west ft) the upper lakes. : The steamer Edmonton passed west Sunday night. The wrecking steamer Cornwall cleared early Monday morning for y DAILY BRITISH WHIG. MONDAY, SEPT. §o, 1921, bus re - IF ering, Wang-Wang Blues. Open Nights, . News of the Latest in Sheet Music at Lowest Prices All 40c., 50¢c. and 60c. Numbérs . ceva...3 for $1.00 "THE LAST WALTZ" by Oscar Strauss, composer of Merry Widow and The Chocolate Sol- dier. Alan Dale, Musical Critic of the N. Y. American says this play will run in New York City for four or five years. The hits are: -- ; --The Last Waltz --Next Dance With You ~The Charming Ladies LATEST NEW YORK SUMMER HITS Ain't We Got Fun, Angels, All By Myself, Absence, Always (Al Jolson's Latast), Baby Face, In Blue Bird Land, Ché Cho San, Carolina Lullaby, Crooning, Cherie, Do You Ever Think of Me, Down at the Old Swimming Hole, Dream Kiss Waltz, Faucies, Humming, Honolulu Honey, Hugs and Kisses, ound a Rose in the Devils Garden, Waiting For Ships That Never Come In, Listening, Love Bird, Lord Byng, Canada Welcome You, Love's Skip, Mississippi Cradle, Mon Homme, Ma He's Kissing Me, Moonlight, Mimi, Mello Cello, Peggy O'Neill, Pucker Up and Whistle, Rosie, I Call You Sunshine, Sweetheart, Ti-0-8an, Toddle, Wandering Home, LOWEST IN CANADA PRICES IN LATEST SHEET MUSIQ THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE --Baby In Love --Live For To-day ~The Whip Hand Wyoming, Where the Lazy Mississippi Flows, Whisp= Phone 919. ND the-scene of the operations on the barge Atlasco, The steamer Brockville cleared Monday morning for the Bay of Quinte, The steamer Belleville is in port awaiting orders. It is not expected that she will clear for a few days. The car ferry, Ontario No. 2, is in the Collingwood Shipbuilding Company's dock, The steamer Buena Vista is in port, The schooner Horace Taber clear- ed on Monday for Oswego to load coal for Belleville, ° Tidings From Pittsferr, Sept. 17.-{-8ilo Alling has all been finished in this locality. The Benson | shows held in Gananoque for the last | week were well patronized by the people of this vicinity, Miss Gladys Ranous has returned home after at- | tending the Toronto exhibition. Miss Bessie Gates is the guest of Mr. and | Mrs. Robert Barclay. A number from here attended the Inverary fair on Wednesday. The ladies of the Com- munity Aid met at the home of Mrs. ward Grice on Wednesday. The Epworth League met at the home of Robert Parsons the eame evening. The convenor was Miss Gladys Ran- ous. St. Lawrence church is closed for | a fortnight owing to the fact that the interior is being painted. Sun- day school is to be held in No. § school house on Sunday morning. Joyceville school fair was well at- tended. School section No. 7, Duffer- in, carried off first prize for the best drilled school in marching and sing ing. The teacher is Miss Jennie O'- Mara. Miss Annie Orr was the first prize winner for the five-minute ad- dress, her topie being "Drake's Voy- age Around the World." This is the fourth time that she has taken first prize at the school fair. Everyone is looking forward to Kingston's fair, and hope for fine weather. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barclay, Mr. and Mrs. B. Orr and daughter, Eliva motored to Wolfe Island on Sunday, and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mo- sier, Brain trouble is due in almost ev- ery instance to bodily iliness or dis- turbance, One engineering works in the Mid- lands is managed and staffed solely by women, Rich Display of Furs In our big, bright Fur Show-Rooms Visitors and all our own city folk are in- vited to our store to see our great display of Furs, : iS! €d in Germany. Distinctive Coats A large range of the very latest creations are now ready for your inspection. Velour, Bolivia, Suede and other new materials in the season's most popular styles, including - loose backs, narrow belted fronts and Fur Collars of Sable, Beaver, Mole and Nutria. All Coats are artistically lined with fancy Silks and trimmed with fine Stitching and Embroidery. Pretty shades of Reindeer, Castor and new Browns-- ymoderately priced ........... cine... $25.00 up Misses' and Ladies' Serge Dresses--all pure Wool--in perfect shades of Navy and Black. Made in the new coat style, 2 sleeves, narrow tie belts, trimmed with embroidery. Extra special at $19.50 A nice range of Suits to show you. Velour or Tricotine in either fancy or tailored styles, trimmed with Fur, Embroidery and Buttons. Set in pockets, beautifully lined. Brown, Navy, Reindeer and Black. Big Valt@ BE 4... sists ierrerssivte setae seteisipmie riot sie aes rats vora . $40.00 each Dainty House Furnishings for the Bride-to-be. ; Newman & Shaw The Always Busy Store FOR LADIES WHO CARE SERGE DRESSES SMART SUITS THRESHING FORTY-FIVE YEARS Record Established By Charles Ryan, Wolfe Island. Wolfe Island, Sept. 14.--The by- word here now is: Are you going "o the Kingston fair? Why sure. It was good last year, and it will be larger and better than ever this year if the weather is fine. W. G. Woodman was a visitor at the Toronto exhibition. James Stevenson has purchased a house and lot in Kingston and will stortly take possession. Dr. Hunt has taken up his residence on Main street én R. Mosier's house, Miss A. Doolan, Kingston, has been engaged as- teacher for Mr. Quigley's school. Born unto Mr, and Mrs. Michael Johnston, a daughter. Some of the local sports are exercis- ing their horeés for the fair. Charles Ryan: has completed his forty-fifth year threshing. He started out with ten-horse power. At pres- ent he has a up-to-date steam outfit, Mack Greenwood has built a new silo. Miss Helen Brown has been en gaged as teacher for No. 4 public school, village. Eugene Spoor has gone to Toronto "0 resume his studies at St, Michael's College. Henry Yott and wife, Syracuse, N.Y., have returned home after a'few days visiting relatives and friends here. Harry Boyd has built a new silo. Miss Marjorie Keys has gone to Kingston to take up her studies a. the collegiate institute. Bert-Rogors has purchased William Kemp's one hundred acre farm for $4,900. The banns of marriage between Oliver Yott and Mies Mildred Kane are. announced, the ceremony to take place early next week. John McGlynn and daughter, Ger- trude, have gone to Rochester, N. Y., to visit relatives, ' + Advertisements are published for your information, FOR JUDGES OF VALUE A Glance Will Suffice CORNER OF ALFRED AND JOHNSON : STREETS ™ Detached frame, 8 rooms, electric lights, fur- nace, 3 piece bath, garage. House in first-class condition and ready for immediate occupation --$5,000. Ty E. W. MULLIN & SON Buyers and Sellers of Real Estate # Cor. Jobmson amd Division Streets. « « - Phones 539w and 589J. -S. J. MARTIN ------ A) Fair Week Specials OFFERING YOU NEW UP-TO-DATE GOODS AZ SPECIAL PRICES $3.45--Ladjes' Black Kid Two Strap Pumps, with sewn leather soles, plain vamps, low heels. One of the season's newest shoes. This week, all sizes ..... $3.45 \ '$2.95 -- Ladies Black Kid One Stas Pamps=siow heolt, ~Ladies' Brown Oxfords--Ilow heels. --Boys' Gun Metal School Boots--narrow toes. ~--Boys' Kid and Calf School Boots--sizes 11 to 2 All sizes in each line, and splendid values. $4.95--MEN'S HIGH GRADE BOOTS --84.95 All styles--black and brown---all sizes. 180 PRINCESS STREET :.: :-: PHONE 2216,