Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Sep 1921, p. 5

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MONDAY, REPT. 19, 1921. THE DATLY BRITIS SH WHIT SO EASY TO BF WELLANDSTRONG Take "Fruit-a-tives" The Wondertul Fruit Medicine BO CRE ARTTRR ST., MONTREAL "I suffered terribly from Constipa- tion and Dyspepsia for thany years. I-felt pains after eating and had gas; constant headaches and was unable to sleep at night. I was getting so thin that I was frightened. At last, a friend advised me to take "Fruita-tives" and in a short time th Constipation was banished, I felt no more pain, headaches or dyspepsia, and now I am vigorous, strong and well." Madam ARTHUR BEA UCHER. 80c a box; 6 for $2.50, trial size 250. At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. 'BUILDING? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by | O. Aykroyd & Son 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. FOR SALE | GOOD, CLEAN COAL. A. Chadwick & Son New location: Corner Ontario and West Sta Phone 07. WESTERN MEATS and COOKED MEATS McGEEIN'S Phone 1182 282 Princess Street || ee a ee | FOR MOVING OF Freight, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and Cartage of every description-- Kingston Transfer Co. 153 Wellington Street. Prone 877. DAVID SCOTT Plumber Fiombing and Gas Work a specia). All work guaranteed. Addregy Yan Frontenac Street. Phone 27 |e creams sen. DRAW. WINNETT DiINTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnsun and Wellington PBtreets Phone 364 ---- ma Dr. Waugh 106 Wellington St. Angrove's Repairs Seales, Talking = Machines, pairs Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, etc. We de repair werk right and Suarantee satisfaction. 187 WELLINGTON STREET WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding Dvagusia to order. Phone 1763, Phone 256. FOR SALE Good second - hand Lumber, Corrugated Sheet Steel and other building materials. L Cohen & Co, 275 Ontario St. Phone 837, GRAND TRUNK? AGENCY FOR ALL |OCEAN STEAMSHIPS For particulars appiy toe J. P. HANLEY, CP.&T. A, GT. Ry., Kingston, Ont. eb EE -------------------------------- COAL Cholcest quality of Scranton Coal. .No other kind sold by us. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 Have you sufficient Life Assurance? Let me quote you figures. REDUCED PRICES IN MONUMENTS AND CEME- TERY LETTERING J. E. Mullen 161 FRONTENAC STREET S. Roughton 60 Brock Street KINGSTON Phone 610. fei A AAA A im totes . DD = EVER TRY Wagstatt'y Ginger slarmalade, Wagstan'y Vine pie Marmalade, Wagstan's Bramble Jelly. We "also bave a full line of other reusable manes of lades, Jum nu Jeiles for sale whi Bon Marche Grocery Cor. Kh and Earl Streets i No. 5-=2T7149 Phone 1844. BRI ini FOR SALE 100 acres, about 12 - miles from the city. 'Fair price. W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 80 Broc!: Street. Phone 424. Very Choicest of Meats Always In Stock Roast Beef . Veal Chops Lamb Chops Round Steak . . MEAT MARKET 822 King Street. Phone 285 Kingston and Vicinity Apple Blossoms in Bloom. ! J Webster, clerk' of township.! of Elizabethtown, shows apple blos- soms in. full bloom picked near his residence at Bellamy" SH Sms A Diamond W edding. | The parents of the Rev. WwW. M. Grant, Ednionton, formerly of Knox | Church, Perth, celebrated their dia- wond wedding, on August 15th. Held Confirmation Service, { The Bishop of Ontario left on Sat- urday for Amherst Island where on oa he' conducted a confirmation | service. He drove to Millhaven and | crossed the bay in a launch, ---------- i Appointed Chairman. | A. M. Rankin, M.P.P., has been elected chairman of the eastern dis- | trict of the Ontario Conservative con- | vention at a recent meeting in To- Made a Presentation. Previous to her marriage Miss Margaret Bennett was waited upon by a number of employees of the Perth Shoe Co., and presented with a cabinet of silver, and an address, He is Improving. The friends of Rev. Mr. Dickinson are pleased to learn he is steadily im- proving in health, and hopes to re turn to Camden East and enter upon his duties again the first Sunday in October, Perth Tax Rate, Perth's tax rate for 1921 remains unchanged, it having been decided to levy forty-three mills on the dol- lar, the same rate as last year. The sum of $3,000 will be wiped off the 1920 deficit of $16,900. Our Back to School Sah. We offer parents a good oppor- tunity to outfit their boys right and save money. Good Suits for $7.00. ! Fancy Tweeds in Greys and' Brown. Sizes 26 to 35, worth $12. Prevost Clothing, Brock street. ------ Census Returns, Pémbroke--Population 1921, 871; 1911, 5,626; an 39.90 per cent. Napanee--Population 018; 1911, 2,807; per cent, -- At the Ottawa Fale, - Miss Elsie Wood and Wilfrid Franklin, Pittsburg township, and Brydon Bell, of South Lake, have re- turned home by motor after visiting the Ottawa fair. While in the city they were the guests of Mrs. G. Mc- Clymont, " hy increase of 1921, an increase of 3. 7.62 ---- ee. Tamworth Man Taker. Hootch at fifty cents a swig is al- leged to have been peddled around the Ottawa exhibition grounds by Robert Mouch, Tamworth, according to the police. He was arrested by Constable Johnston and a halt empty bottle of "perfume" seized on his person, -- Caught a Splendid Fisn. Harold Allen, thirteen-year-old son of Roy Allan, Victoria street, caught a pickerel in Dalhousie Lake during August that weighed seven and three quarter pounds. After having the fish, which was probably the largest ever caught in that lake, photograph- ed, it was cooked and served for din- ner to a large party. -- Coroner is Summoned. Michael Ryan, an elderly man, who was well known throughout the district, dropped dead on Saturday a short time after arising at the resi- dence of Wiliam Wilson, near Mait- land. The deceased was unmarried and over seventy years of age. Cor- oner Harding will conduct an in. vestigation. Legacy Left Bishop F: Hamilton despatches re fone that Bishop Fallon of London has inherit- ed $100,000 left to him by a man whom he converted by a sermon preached in 1915 during the Euchar- WA A ctr i a en HAD NERVOUS . BREAKDOWN | furthe r state ment¥ ist Congress at Montreal. The bishop in an interview in London said when asked "It is a purely personal ter, and 1 do not ish to make mat- any Gift "for Mr. McGinness, Harvey McGinness, Camden Eas' has moved his tamily and hoygse hold | | goods to their new home in Omemes where he has purchased a dry goods store and home, and presented him with a purse of money. He was a man very highly respected. Cheese Sales, Napanee, 1,320 offered, 16 bid, no sales. Madoc, 430 at 17 1-2¢. Danville, Que., 1,200 at 18c. Iroquois, 785 offered, 16 5-8¢ bid, no sales, Picton, 885 at 18 9-16g, Listowel, 500 at 18e¢, ---------- John Nightingale Dead, John Nightingale, a well-known resident of Ameliasburg township, | passed away on Thursday seventy-ninth year. Deceased wa horn in Toronto but had resided in Ameliasburg for over sixty years. He ! 7-8¢ had always taken an active interest ! in municipal matters and for years | was a member of the township coun- cil. Two sons survive. The Late John Wellington Perry. At Ashern, Man., on August 31st John Wellington Perry, aged sixty nine passed away at the home of h son, after an illness of a few hours. The funeral service was held at Wia- nipeg, on Sept. 5th. The deceased was | a life long 'resident of Camden, hav- ing been a farmer on the Bethel road | until 1913, since which time he had resided in Camden East, er -- Passed Away in Kingston. Miss Helena W. Byrnes, aged twenty-three, of Watertown, N.Y. died Friday at the Hotel Dieu hospi- | tal, Ont., following an 'operation for | removal "ot tonsils. She was taken ill while visiting in Kingston. Byrnes. For a year and a half she was a teacher of the fifth grade at the State Street school at Watertown, N.Y. --_------ Death of Robert Hughes. Robert Hughes, Scotch Line, Lan- ark county, slept away Sept. 8th after ailing for several] months. He had reached the. advanced age of ninety years. County Longford, Ireland, and came to Canada some sixty years ago. After being employed for some time with the late William Allan, Allan's Mills, he married Miss Bridget Mec- hugh, also of Ireland, who with one son, Robert H., still survive and re- side on the farm he purchased sev- eral years ago. ---------------- Death Following Influenza, On Sept. 9th, death claimed one of Darling township's most esteemed and popular young men in the per- son of William Caldwell, third son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Caldwell, Hall's Mills at the age of thirty-three years. Though not wholly unex- pected, death came as a shock to his many friends and relatives The late Mr. Caldwell contracted fluenza about two years ago and has been in poor health ever since. Hogan-Bennett Wedding, ¢ Two popular young people wsll- known in Perth and vicinity in the persons of Miss Margaret Bennett, second daughter of Mrs, Felix Een- nett, Perth, and William Hogan, son of Michael Hogan and the late Mrs. Hogan, were united jn marriage in St. John's R.C. church, Rev. J. T. Hogan performed the ceremony. The bride was assisted by her sister, Miss Mary Bennett. The groomsman was Frank Hogan, brother of the groom. Died in Brantford, Kingston friends will regret to hear of the death of Joseph Bowes in Brantford on Friday, He spent considerable time in Kingston and was well known in the newspaper offices. He was an old-time printer and publisher. He attended Syden- ham Street Methodist church. Miss Eleanor Bowes, late principal of Alma College, St. Thomas, who gave up her post to be with her father in his declining days, and Charles J., of the Southern Pacific Railway, San Francisco, the surviving children, RADIUM B It makes » poor displa iy. Suis radian received at Toronto Hospita for needles and tubes. Yet i Tt holds out hope to no one knows how many suf- ferers from cancerous growths Weight for weight the radium is worth many times the price of precious stones, and {hess little containers (the largest hold- i RE 36. 500 A Ri vk have 12 he cares ully gearded. e radium 9Rly a minute part of their contents TRoval Pierrots" The friends of Mr. i [ McGinness met in the Parish Hall. in his | She | was a daughter of John L. and Mary Deceased was born in | in- | were at hig deathbed. in Ireland in 1844 . --_-- Delighted a Crowded House. The closing Presentation: of=4 Tha: in the Grand Opera House, on Safurday night, delighted | | a crowded house. Alma Gray and Emmy Gitans, soprano soloists, scor- | ed a great success in the singing of he many numbers in. which they | while Donald Campbell, who posesses a baritone voice of ex- | ceptional quality and range, drew re- | | peated applause. Donna Donita's He was born | a | is the cheapest building material on the F S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Blreets, KINGSTON, Out. Office Phoue Phone 1415, 66. Factory | humorous hits sent the audience into | N | fits of merriment, Her, acting was | superb. The high artistic quality | that marks the work of "The Royal | Pierrot" stars was sustained throughout the programme making it one of the most enjoyable enter- talnments presented at the Grand | Opera House this season, Diver to Determine. It is reported that the question as to whether the Schooner Oliver Mo- | wat's torch was burning when she was rammed by the steamer Keywest off the Main Duck Island, is to be ettled by the owners of the schooner | | who are to employ a diver and have | an examination made, The torch, the two survivors claim, was fastened to the schooner's bow | and by its presence or absence it is | hoped to determine the important | facts as to who was at fault. A gas buoy is to be placed at the scene of | the wreck to warn mariners of the { danger there, Fishermen on the island and others { have been asked to keep a. lookout | for the bodies of any of the three persons drowned when the Mowat |sank. It is believed that they will all come to the surface with the pos- { sible exception of the cook who was in her stateroom in the cabin. JUST THAT : Aunt Lucy: For street wear do You copsider that a fitting costume? Fannie Flippe: I'l say it is. It fits 80 you can see every line of my SURE THING Lawyer: Do you think you can Prove an alibi in this collision in the dark? Reckless . Chauffeur: Prove an alley by? Sure thing--the collision took place in an alley, y' know. NOTHING DOING "PH help you 'cross little girl." "An' have people thin Pm ar. AN ADVANTAGE an Lizard: Miss Chamelon has ® advantage of us in one respect at least. i Miss Frog: Miss Lizard: her wan And what is that? She can change camplexion whenever she te. And she promised to "Love, Hon. x and VISITORS ATTENDING EXHIBITION You will need godd 'mealy hibition. Why not eat at Kingston's big Restaurant ? Good things to eat, served in an up-to-date manner. Everything you could want at very reasonable prices, Grand Cafe PETER LEE, PROP, Two Doors Above Opera House Phone 1843. while visiting our city and ex- 222 Princess Street Open from § am. to 2 a.m. FOR FAIR WEEK % DISCOUNT.ON MAXOTIRES --30x3 14 LIST PRICE, $800.00, EXHIBITION PRICE, $712 Other sizes in proportion, EASTERN CANADA MAX OTIRE & RUBBER Co. A. NEAL, Manager 284 Ontario Street. Phone 2040. een, SOWARDS KEEPS COAL --and-- COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 155. UPTOWN OFFICE--McGALL'S CIGAR STOR 4 PHONE 811. SOWARDS COAL COMPANY New Stock of Fine Quality Suits and Top Coats For Men and Young Men at Lewer Prices : $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 BD W. N. Linton & Co. = $30. 00, 32.00 See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at Phone 191, . The Waldron Store. md Conceit makes the man 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) Z A ES ul of good common sense will sométimes serve better than a Fair Week Special WOMEN'S SWEATER COATS -- 9 only, Women's: all pure Wool Sweater Coats -- plain colors and combinations, in the newest styles -- warm, com- fortable and stylish--all at one special price ......... $5.95 Obey," --$35.00 --- chip on his shoulder Horus De TWEDDELL'S college education,

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