Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Sep 1921, p. 6

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3 6 THE BRITISH WHIG fi LT TTD i Se ! tL RNN [PE LER 11] ~ 4 bl Dafly and Sewi-Weekly by : ARE Baran WH PUBLISHING ©0., LIMITED saNtra asst brrey President 1 ditor and ng-Director G. Elllott A G » LEPHONKS): TR Edler Office SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Daily Edition) year, delivered in city ne year, if paid in advance ... jyear, by mail to ruraj offices @ year, to United States .......3. (Semli-Weekly Edition) year, by mall, cash .....,..$100 year, If not pald in advance $1.5 year, to United States $1. » 'OUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATITES 0 50 , Calder, 22 SL. John St, Montreal kW. Thompuon sas .100 King St. W, 135.00 2.50 0 oronto. ters to the JHditor are published oply over the a 1 name of the riter. ttached is one of the best job printing offices in Canada. The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the ABO Audit Bureau of Circulations. "Life is not so short but that there's always time for courtesy.-- Bmerson, If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can ftake it away from him---Franklin. Another law we need is one mak- ing it a misdemeanor to frame or as- sist in framing fool laws. Ignorance of the law is no ex- cuse; neither, unfortunately, is the ignorance of law makers, ~~ People never know when they are well off. They even complain when the government does nothing. The art of conversation will never die while people enjoy describing the history and characteristics of their corns, Hear lsradl Qangwill: * 'To safe- guard peace, we must prepare for war.' I know that maxim; it was forged in hell." Talk of a religious revival in Cu- ba may be occasioned by American visitors singing:" "I've reached the fand of corn and wine." According to a medical man, fast lving shortens our lives, According to the coroner's records, fast fliv- ving has the same effect. It all the loose tongues in the world were placed end to end they would reach almost far enough to _ stir up, trouble on the moon. It 48 not broad daylight by any means, but as far as reduction of armaments is concerned, it does look a8 If there were signs of dawn in the eastern sky, i -- + Man is endowed by his Creator With certain fnalienable rights, am- ong which is io mention of the right to apply tar and feathers to the op- position. It must be confessed that a lot of the paragraphs about the good old fays of beer were written by men who never did like the stuff any- way. You see, the Indian couldn't de- velop the resources of 'the country. Only civilized men could have cut Bown all the timber and killed off Ml the game. ------ pr nts ttl The modern wo=d is a distressing out in Frontenac county, The work { of hunting down these travelling bandits belongs to the provincial lice and not to a city police re | No doubt the provincial force is ve | busy now that the country fai {on, but would it not be better | keep the members of this force er | gaged on better thi than wat ing for games of chanc®at the rur agreiultural exhibitions? That wa: {should be left to: the local police. If |.the provincial police force is insuf | ficient, then it is the duty of the On- | tarlo government to swear in suffici | ent men to cope with the present | wave of violence. There are scores of capable men ready to take up the { work of fracking down desperadoes | The people demand more from the | provincial police force in upholding J the law-and getting after young men who are running amuck and shooting those who oppose them. I ----ee-- THE APPLE CROP. son is omly about 60 per cent. of 1920, Quebec has not more than 35 and New Brunswick about 60 per cent. . On the other hand it is ex- | pected that Nova Scotia will have a commercial crop about 10 per cent. | in excess of that of last year, and in British Columbia prospects point to the yleld being twice that of the preceding season. Owing to the gharp declines which have taken place in many products, especially in those of the farm, says the London Advertiger, fruit growers have been displaying some agxiety as to whether «correspondingly low prices will preval] for apples. Last year Ontario orchardists came off badly in the returns obtained, and hundreds of tons of the fruit was "| allowed to go to waste. It 4s the opinion of the fruit com- missioner's branch of the Dominion Department of Agriculture, however, that if this year's returns are not 'better than last they at least will be no wonse. Based on the law of sup- ply and demand, also on the law of averages, and having regard to the present and future employment con- ditions, it would appear that the best varieties and grades will be well maintained for this season's crop. ties and lower grades may show a de- cline from the past two years' selling prices; but this is expected to be off- | set by the lower cost of packages and labor, The fruit commissioner's depart- ment appears to be of the opinion that owing to the fact that the pur- chasing power in the United King- dom has been considerably reduced since last year, this will affect the consumption, but the circumstances that the long, dry spell of hot weather which 'prevailed in Britain this summer has seriously affected the apple crop should act as an off- set to this, It should also be borne in mind that the supply of Canadian apples at a reasonable price in Britain is al- most invariably below the demand. It has been suggested that the gov- ernment might take in hand the pro- rvision of vessels for the transporta- tion of Canadian chilled beef to the old country, and we do not hesitate to say that if similar provision were made for the shipment of apples it would bring many thousands of dol- lars to the Canadian growers. -- een, A DESPERATE GANG. The killing of Constable Beard at Napanee and the serious wounding of Constable Cotter, of this city, are un- doubtedly the work of the same trio of desperate bandits. There is reason, also, to suspect that the robbing of Arthur Horwitz, some weeks ago, when some $700 in cash was taken Jrom him in his bedroom at night, % the work of the same outlaws. | For wnat is in truth what they are to-day--outlaws in every sense of | the word. It is regrettable to have to be- lieve that the young men implica- ted in these several crimes are citi- | zens of this city, but there seems to | be no other conclusion. This city ana | the surrounding district form the scene of their.exploits; they are thor- oughly acquainted with our streets {and with all the roads in the coun- | tryside. The fact that, after the 0 40 per cent. that of last year, | t not mention legs in public, | display 'em. ITH - . -- ---- icy. The pity is that the lesson can nly be learned by some through sonal suffering and a heavy pen- * and the bringing of unbappi- to Innocent relatives t the courage and devotion to duty f the two constables, They did not hesitate in the performance of their duty, but 'against great faced the outlaws whom they knew vere deseprate gangsters. Public sympathy and admiration are on 1eir side, and an aroused public re- seniment will before long bring ab- | out the capture and punishment of the thugs who are perpetrating such dastardly crimes. | ALONG LIFE'S DETOUR | | The apple crop in Ontario this sea- | BY SAM HILL More Truth Than Poetry. s ancient truth is plain, ead it through the town, To 8 high up in life You never must lay down. Observations of Oldest Inhabitant. 1 kin remember when a girl would ; ---- Now and Then Nutt Says a Mouthful. "Man wants little here below," quot- ed Bolt. "That goes for trouble only," replied Nutt. ' And One of "Em Looks Like a Good Bet Inspiration for modern clothes for women must come fromi Naked "truth, Bare necessities, Undressed kid, og Nude art. We Should Think He Would. A man had been hit by a speeding automobile, The usual around crowd had gathered | the man had been injured, The value of the lass desirable varie- | A doctor, who had been called, was bending over the prostrate figure, trying to discover how seriously when the victim slowly opened hig eyes. "How do you feel?' inquired doctor. "All run weak reply. the down,' Dec," came the RR We Know What She Means. A modest little maid We surely like to tease, For she always calls Them her extremities Fool Questions, H. L. asks, "Does the 8. P. C, A. ever have a man arrested for hitting his stride?" Irn Have the Mem Come To This? (La Salle (Ill) Tribune) The couple will be attended by Miss Genevieve Ford, a sister of the bride, while Joseph Wagner, a brother of the groom, will act as bridesmaid. Gosh! Modern Nursery Rhyme. Little Johnny Keller Went into the cellar To get himself a nip, But when he got there The cellar was bare, Some one had given the tip. 4 Van, nie: Beginning To Have His Doubts. "Did you marry the right girl?" "I thought so, but I always seem to be getting in wrong with her," -- Two Dangerous Plugs, Wedding. Whisky. Dusiness Note. Always keep your bills--and thoughts ----collected. nee Met His Waterlon The Bootlegger stepped upon the gas, With cops he did not care to buddy, Put Volstead pieked him from hig seat, With a big tobacco cuddy. Why the Motorist Swore, "lI am weary of this monotonous life," said the tire with a record of 5,000 miles "What are you going to do about it?" asked the Rim. / Stage a blow-out," Tire. answered the News of the Names Club, Moody East lives in Tulsa, Okla We always understood the West made the East Moody. Mabel Shoehigh lives at Kansas City, but we understand she does not wear her shoes that way. What would you think of your par- ents naming you Lesson Hay Cook? She lives in Warrensburg, Mo. Hunting Chestnuts Upon a hunt for chestnuts I wandered through the wood, I found eleven chestnuts And two of them were good. and | In sha? contrast to the murderous instincts of the trio involved, stands | odds let alone | hurriedly | E | The place to find a gond crop | | Is in the hum'rist column. | DAILY BRI BIBLE THOUGHT FOR T0-DAy BE CHARITABLE : Brethren, if a man be over- taken in a fault, ye. which are spirit- ual, restore such a one in the spirit or meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.--Gal. 6: 1. Walt Mason | THE POET PHILOSOPHER | | | DELIBERATION. | The things we do in foolish hasta | { make heart and conscience sore; rash i | impulse causes half the waste that; prudent men deplore. Like autumn | | leaves the money fifes, because the joyous skate won't ask himself, "Now |is it wise, this splurge I contemplate? | Oh, shall I blow this bundle lank, I've earned by labors hard, or put it safely in the bank, 'where moth and | rust are barred?" He won't sit down and view his wad, and think how much it cost, the strain that bends his | shoulders broad, the efforts that ex- | { haust. He won't call in his wife | {and aunt, vheir counsel wise to win; | | he'd ti ink it was scme sort of plant | [IT those girls butted in. Oh, often- {times I am impelled to seek the marts | of trade, where bargain counter sales | {are held, and blow the coin' I've made. But lorg ago I made a rule to think such yearnings o'er; and in /a day | said yearnings cool, and I am sane | orce mere. To-day I'd buy the car | that flies our gasping village through; to-morrow morn I'll realize that my old boat will do. It's impulse leads [the boys astray; the rash and thrift- less gink should buy himself a bale of hay, and sit on it, and think. And | he should think how foolish 'tis to | wasi2 the hard-earned bones, while foolish spenders round him whiz, and yonder pauper groans. --WALT MASON. HELD AS AUTO BANDITS Three Kingstonians Convinced | Napanee Police They Were | Law-abiding Citizens. To be taken into custody on sus- | picion of being the auto bandits who TISH WHIG. MONDAY, SEP 19, 1921. BIBBY'S "New Fall Suits apd Ov. = SEE OUR STUDENT SUITS First longs. Sizes 33 to 37. Dandies for-- $18.50 NEW HAT STYLE C The same style the Prince of Wales wears. A beauty for-- $8.75 or $4.75 We Shi MEN'S FINE HOSE Pure Cashmere Hose .... 50c. Th SILK AND WOUL HOSE That sold as high as $1.25 and $1.50, for-- + 8c. PAIR BIBBY'S Where Society Brand Clothes Are Sold ercoats Are Truly Wonderful Values See Our Hand-tailored Young Men's Suits Pure Wool English Cheviots and Worsteds --- new colorings, new models--a beauty for $30. New Donigal Tweeds---a beauty US That should be sold for $3.00. WE ARE OFFERING FINE NEW SLIP-ON FALL OVERCOATS 22.50 Sizes 34 to 42. JUR NEW SHIRTS ARE REAL BEAUTJES ! are offering Men's rts for---- fine $1.08 QUALITY SHIRTS for 42.98 at should be sold for $4.00. NEW SILK NECKWEAR The $1.50 variety for 85¢. " | attacked Constable James Cotter and { his two companions, Stewart Patter- | son and William Lyons, was the ex- perience of three young Kingston- lans on Saturday, but there is an old saying that "all's well that ends well," and the three young fellows | came out of the ordeal with flying | colors, but they will have reason to | remember their experience for some time. And by the way, it will be well | for people travelling in these days | of auto bandits to carry their creden- | tials with them if they do not happen to have friends with them who can | put them in right, i On Saturday the three local men BUNT' BARRETT'S Everlastic Roofing AND "MULTI-SHINGLES" Four-in-one--The best Moofings on the market and the lowest priced. S Hardware, King St. referred to were taken in charge at Napanee, while on their way to To- ronto, in an' automobile, and tue wires were kept hot between Napa- nee and Kingston for a time before they were given their liberty. The three set out on a holiday jaunt to Toronto on Saturday after- noon. Two of the young men belong to Toronto and the other, a native of | Kingston, As they were young the police at Napanee thought they might be the auto bandits eo they were nabbed. Of course they claimed it was all a mistake but the police force at Napanee comes from Miss- ouri, so the trio had to get busy and show -the law something. The local police were notified that the three 'had been taken in charge on suspic- ion and about the same time a mes- sage arrived at a local. garage where the unfortunate ones happen to be employed, asking that they make tne necessary explanations to the Na- panee police. The boss of the place did so and after being convinced that the three young men were law- abiding citizens of Kingston, they were released and continued on their way to Toronto. Their boss here and a number of friends who were "let In" on the affair had @ *~od langn over the matter, Gaye Missionary Addresses, The Sunday morning service at Cooke's Presbytertan church was given over to missionary addresses | on the work of the Women's Mis- | stonary Society and the addresses | were of a most inepiring nature. Mrs, | W. J. Paul gave a most interesting | history on the work of the, Women's Foreign Missionary Soclety. Mrs. Di- ack dealt with the question of fin- ances and Mrs. aJckson with the work of the mission band. SPECIAL Regular 100 30 x 3% Dominion Chain Tread Tires $14.50 Exceptional values MOORE'S 206 WELLINGTON STREET -- $18.75 | em-------- Rupture Expert Permanently Located--No Periodical Visits 'We are always here. For forty years we have been fit- ting Trusses in Kingston. No need for you to go from your home town for expert advise about your individual case. We have the best appliances that are made, and we guar antee to secure your Rupture and make you comfortable. Dr. Chown's Drug Sore. 185 Princess St. Phone 843. Crutches, Elastic Hosiery, etc, " THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. Wanting anything done In the carpen. tery line. Estimates given on all kindd of re ra and mow work Ae wood floors of all kinds. AN orders will recely: prompt attention, Shop *8 Queen Street. Farm For Sale 150 ACRES, seven miles to Kingston, close to good village, good frame dwelling with good cellar' and cistern, large base- ment barn, drive house, hen house, tool house, and hog pen; about 120 acres under cultiva- tion, clay loam and some sandy foam, enoukh wood for fuel; well watered; good, natural drainage; quite clean; fences good. See this farm and you will buy it at the price, $6,500. We have a large list of farms At office, also some bargains in city property. T. J. Lockhart Real Estate and Insurance We have removed our office to B58 Brock Street, Kingston Former Pastor Coming. Rev. E. R. McLean, of Vancouver, | ~ a ene. - aaa i EE I -------- EE af . We Serve Good Meals | Coal That Suits problem to the old-fashioned man shooting of Constable Cotter near who can yet remember tha thrill he | Glenburnie on Friday, the trio re- pxperienced the first time his gid let | turned to the very outskirts of the ~Washington Star. | B.C., a former pastor of Cooke's Presbyterian church, will be in King- Upon a hunt for chestnuts ston this week-end, and will take The Delaware, Lackawanna anil bm hold her hand. A million more horses on the farms of the United States in 1920 * than in 1910. This 1s the report of the American Horse Association, gathered from the censue. Apparent- ly it takes more than gasoline ma- Netines to oust Old Dobbin, Authors and publishers will hold & Canadian book week, beginning Nov. 21st, the idea being to popular {2a Canadian authors. The idea is a _éommendable one. Too many of our best writers have been forced to _ leave Canpda to secure the recogni- Mon they deserved, ---------------- A CALL FOR ACTION. . from Toronto headquarters to take up the case of the auto bandits who saot the Kingston police constable .| be strong against them, I sought the minstrel show, I heard eleven chestnuts I'd heard before, you know. ~-San Francisco Chronicle. city and abandoned the stolen car close by, lends additional strength to | the theory that Kingston is their | headquarters. | The tact that the car stolen from | Upon a hunt for chestnuts (The truth is sad and solemn) part in the special rally day service for the Sunday. school at Cooke's church next Sunday afternoon Ood-liver oil is about 250 times as potent in food values as butter. - the Robinson garage at Napanee on | the night of Constable Beard's mur- der and the car stolen from the Wal- dron garage in this city last week were both taken to the same locality on a lonely road a few miles east of the city would indicate that the same gang operated in both cases. The cap- ture of the men who shot the King- ston constable will go a long ways toward clearing up the Napanee trag- edy; the circumstantial evidence will the three leading rates have from 634 to 5%%. The police have so far failed to round up the bandits, due, not to the | lack of hard work, bat to the ab- ecence of relfable clues. There is, of course, but one end to this sort of thing. The bandits will be caught at last and three young men will learn through sad experience that, after | ll, honesty js the only sensible pol- btn i ter Ss oR itera ial Toronto London, New York and Paris, financial world, have commenced to er money. In the two former cities, discount Wood, Gundy & Company ; Canadian Pacific Railway Bldg. centres of the official recently been reduced toon New York . London, Eng. 2 For good meals prepared right come and try us -- you will be delighted with our service. ° Everything you could want served as you like it. Dainty Restaurant | 88 PRINCESS STREET hd "CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS SILLS, CAPS, LINTELS, ETC. OUR SPICES AND VINEGARS are guarantetd abso- utely pure. Use only the best for your Pickles and Catsup. DEN & Co. Phone 20 ang 990, The House of Satisfaction J What a girl enjoys most about a Celebrated 'Scranton Coal The Standard Anthracite The only Coal handled by Crawford . Phone 9. Foot of Queen St 'It's a black business, but we ireat you white" baseball game is' the peanuts. N-- - SRI

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