0 THE DAILY. BRITISH WHIG we EE AAR nerve oe Exhibi. : | Be ere What New October | WOTLd of Sport VULCANITE ROOFING ; We invite comparison, in price and qual- ! ity with any other roofing material on the {WHAT "15 THE TROUBLE v™==aTey Momviow ~~ market. "Allan Lumber Co. Phone 1042 . . . Victoria Street 7 aE A i = h HI TRE TE AGENCY FOR ALL ACRRRARRERROR EE OCEAN STEAMSHIPS For particulars appiy to-- | ; In the Mercantile League? Exterminator Best of Season's = er Who Wins? Where Does | Cup Horses--Still_Sound _% Exhibition visitors will find "Welcome written all yer our. door mat Cup-Go? as Bell of Brass. 8d on our 1: ces. Drop. in and get a few bf the latest--if you haven't the 12 above questions are Being | ~ time to hear them, ask for an October supplement and look it over at your, as} great many baseball fans. | From now until the snow flies | | Pleasure. Anyway, as long as you get this new October List, ' j The "teams. who have competed |and the goed thoroughbreds depart Ey 4 : eres Bintdass rough the year are also asking it. { to winter quarters and the cheaper "SURE TO CATCH YOUR JFANGY" SONGS 1 Por a long time now there jhas been | ones g0 south in quest of emaller . When the Honeymoon Was Over--Charles Harrison 21 no action on the part of the proper | purses racegoers will hear stories of *Birds of a Feather--Fred Hughes jroesesenning, 3445 | *Uthorities and things are at a stand-, | wonderful feats of all descriptions j ! They're such nice people--Furman and Nash 31.00 | still, The .serles stands with | hy horses of al] agea. I rman and Nash ... N =n A3444 | Movies winners of one group, because | Every horse which wing a stake in I'm Wild About Moonshine a Southern Negro Quartette $1.00 of Fl € default of two games | fast time will be proclaimed as a J Brannigan--Howard" Marsh .................... red played by secretary Walters | wonder and many will herald several Ould Plaid Shawl--Howard Marsh eve: .31.00 1 2k, and a thsse-corneted com- | of them as champions. But they rs v - 'E REAL PEP pe in the other group. Civil { won't be champions. The title of . * Mississippi Cradle--Medley Waltz--Prince's Dance Or. ........... $1.65 07 three games andsRetatlers may | champion already has been bestowed i oF SS SETI MYERIOOL & GLASGOW £ Lgure in. the prucesdings ater os. {upon the heads of two monarchs. Li ga Ia + oy » . SUE Something certain y should © | Willis Sharpe Kilmer's grand old ks - Hl | Sept. 24|Oct. 23 or oloney lou, Pox Teor Hart Hickman's J done. Arthur Horwitz, of the Lion ¢up horse, Exterminator, is unques- §] ob 20iNov. 1iDes. Emp ss Hom ROM, Art Hickman's Orchestra -- A . Clothing House, came out last Spring | tionably the best horse of the year. - 13(Rov. '12{Dec. 34 Oct. - A3440--$1.00. | and offered one of the finest CUPS | Twenty thousand racegoers said so BEDS, SPRINGS, MATTRESSES =H Oherbuurg, . Yo : \ Sept. 32|0ct. 20 = Laws ; ever brought into, or mada in King- { al Saratoga and ten times that many oor, 4/0ag. 25|Nov. 15 E tJ sal By ied, Lew : ' ston, for the winner of the series. agreed with those who were present ~ Jags ' 7 dis 1 1 1 . . Rov. b|Dec. 3|Dec. 31 ies "The Happy Six--A3434--$1.00 Teams of very much more import- | at his coronation. Special prices for this week: N LYMOUTH and HAMBOURG "The mn --$1.00. N. Y. PI i Oct. 28|xDee. 13ixJan. 26 ......Saxonis ence than the Mercantile League | There are probably a dozen horses / . . N. ¥Y., VIGO, GIBRALTAR, PATRAS, Ore . tines would be glad to compete for | which can beat him at a mile, and It Mattresses--r . price $12 for 50 DUBROVNIK, TRIESTE @& FIUMBE tListening--Paul Bless Orchestra; and | " such a trophy. Yet there is 2 danger there might be one or two which Fe eg. p $ ' $8. Oct. 92 - 5 *Crooning, Paul Blese Orchestra--A3439 that this fine trophy will £6 un % can beat him at a mile and a fur 3 N. Y., New Bedfo, Ft1.00, ; indhing oti Bt ria, tho aud § fur. Felt Mattreses--reg. price $14, for $11.00 Hichseln Lisbon, Vi I v {GS BY POPULA The best thing would bd toscall | beat him at any longer distance. As OS A et ad NEW RECORDINGS - a meeting of the exécutive and order | 3 : a cup horse he is supreme and it Marshall Mattresses--best mattress made.-- hha ES ®*La Spagnola--Riccardo Stracciari . re : smaini ames ; | i rr ER W YORK J Lakme, Bell Song"-- Florence Macheth the remaining games to be played off | primed for a shor® race probably ays : FROM NEW YO *Rigletto 'Dearest Name"--Florence Macbeth .65 | On ect dates. Those teams failing to | would be on top at a mile. He can . Green, White, Red Label Mattress, Madetra, Gibraltar Alsien Monaco, *Bweetheart For You--Barbara Maurel--Soprano .... put in an appearance would lose by | py fast, and as the saying on the aples, ras, he Trieste and Alexandria *Lo . series ar- | . . Oot. 3HDEC. Trousers. aronis 4 p ream--Barbara Maurel--Soprano $1.00 | default and the series could be nar- | gyre goes, he can run all night, He . RPererion oi ar urel Sopra Kerekjarto . .....79721--31.01 | rowed down to the winners ot -- on. | is a reliable old fellow, too, sot who: Special prices on Springs and Beds Do degen a Cameronin Ldebestraum (Dream of Love), 'Cello Solo--Pablo Casals --49812--31.501 1000 A little determined action of | pe jg ready to race he always gives . - Star (*) indicates exclusive Columbia Artists on Columbia Records only. some kind would be appreciated by [up every ounce of speed and stam- R J Reid 350m Sing. Poe 15-Jan. the Vo For Bee tas dew of the October. Records and get both fans and players, {ina he possesses"if it 1s necessary for ® . habit "For Records, try Trea F ) t For rates of frolght and further ------ {him t in. H h particulars © local ageate or Don't fail to visit our booth at the Exhibition, and hear same of these puiher Time has taken Ahother hovers > toa ny Savy HE LEADING UNDERT AKER y Dew ones. 1 ond t t attent! great athlete away from the fans in track, and he is just as good in the » : 230-234 PRINCESS STREET Mail orders get prompt attention. the person of A. G. Hill, England s mud as he is in lightning fast going. ' . foremost mile runner, who has hung : Phone 577. } up his shoes. Hill came to this deci- TREADGOLD SPORTING sion after suffering a pulled tendon Leads All as Winner. during a period of training, the cli- He has won more cup races than max of which was to be his second | all other horses in traning combin- GOODS CO. effort to lower the mile record held | ed and he is as sound as a bell and - by Norman Taber of America. Hill likely to win some more. 1d ke 1 bl BICYCLES--FISHING TACKLE--PHONOGRAPHS--CAMERAS. 1s over 30 years old. What Exterminator is as a cup The O ella e horse Morvich is as a Juvenile. This Wishes to announce 88 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 529. $ | Young California bred son of Run- : ; | that he has resumed "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" Ww i LLI AMS nymede, which came East belleved Imported Tobacco, to be a selling plater, has done every- Long Filler. rt i his practice, cor. Wel- ---- : SHAVING CREAM thing a great thoroughbred should lington and Princess 0. He has started nine times under NO SCRAPS Every Man Likes all sorts of conditions and each time Streets. Phone 2092. Pe . the Perfume » led home his field in clever fashion, He has won more than $65,000 dur- WE offer you a tube- ing the season and he is likely to : ful of evidence -- [reach the $100,000 mark before re- Ws 0 pi not a page full of claims. tired to winter quarters. -- : Simply send us your name Morvich is a great colt, but he is ---- : FOR SALE and address and we will at not sound. He had bad knees. He : i once send you FREE a Get- looks as if he had knots on them. 4 0 4 Acquainted tube that will But they don't bother him either in i : show You what a pleasure |bis training or his faci: and they Good second - hand shaving can be, might be like Colin's famous Mon- Lumber, Cor ted mouth hock, Sheet Steel and other - I. f» ------t-- " Choice Assortment of -- First Start fn Sallin§ Rach," building materials, It was because of these bad knees THE HUDSON SEAL, Hi! or] | CoMPANY that he 'was sold on three occasions L Cohen & Co, i sino i mia ll FH, Wo N ewman ||| woes me CR , 4 Spreckles brought him Rast and [ BEAVER AND SABLE { / RIT RRNA | started him in a selling race, Off . . ! \/ of a week of 104 he galloped away JAY ' N i | i from a high class field of young ® ® Dlaters and came home galloping in eC ric TT ' a minute and a fraction. He wasn't ® ¢ ourdier's bid up or bought out of that race, PA ON J. P. HANLEY, CP. & T. A., G.T. Ry., Kingston, Ont, HI stm CUNARD re ANCHOR -DONALDSON, SSA ™" A Furniture--Freight--Baggage but immediately after it Max Hirsch TRANSFER ; bought him for $4,600. He kept him DYE WORKS a few days and sold him to Fred 167 PRINCESS STREET - BROCK STREET Phone 1776J Burlow and Benjamin Block for $7. : ws (late Montgomery's), 4 ] S. WHITEMAN 500 and a percentage of his future '. X 210 QUEEN STREET winnings. ] 3 , : Kingston's Only Dyes, 2 & Togth later, alter he Tad wo Best Tungsten Lamps, this week 40c. each several races, Mr. Block brought him o Fai Dry Cleaning & Specialty, outright from Burlow for a price See Our Booth at Kingston arr, Phone 214. 340 Princess S¢ | which brought his total cost up to iy $32,000. : Morvich has won more than that pe " . § for Mr. Block, but hs owner hasn't ; ] profited much, for he gave away most of Bis winging in the United . FOR S ALE i States Hotel Stakes and she Hope. ii BEING SHOWN anes | MeetUs At TheF air SALE hands. - : >t and look over the Bargains which we are GOOD, CLEAN COAfs // | CoJ. Ruppert Pays ie . Gl . EI AL CO eh fm te vt on is te 0 £0 [ORB offering during the Fair Week, A Chadwick & Son rat At Matty's Game W. H. COCKBURN & CO. New location: i riien srreaneenee S050 Col. Janis Fame. wrssiuns us . Corner Ontario and West a Women's and Growing Girls' Mahogany Calf --fwo Strap pumps with military heels $5 75 the New York Yankees, paid $1,000 . 'Corner Wellington and Princess Streot, . Phone M16, Phone 07, ven . ve he . fcr a box for the Christy Mathew- son testimonial game which will be All the newest styles at most reasonable prices. Numerous styles and lasts to choose from. Call in! played between the Giants and the -- [he oo. -. ny i ---- ---- ~~ a ---- a a = y-- de ES = Ry a - ; Ses tor. yourself} Bouton ng at the Polo Grounds WV = ------ pr = HR = fe a bit rah "Matty always gave bis best to the { 5 Giants," said the colonel at the Polo CTORY SHOE STORE [i= 58 Freie EN 8 helped to stimulate interest in this | 206 PRINCESS STREET. "Where Dollars Bring their Value." us a fod ae Same, and although he hee passed out of the baseball picture, he is still an ido] of the New York fans. "I hope that there are as many at the Polo Grounds on Sept. 30th as were at the Yankees' double header last Sunday." Women's Mahogany Calf Two Strap Pumps--Cuban heels Btrarresssan wena esm nani been nnn ra nntot yin san \ [7 If it is not marked DONALD'S it is not Macdonalds = Site, --- -- S== ---- = = eta, f= » gy == > -- CH Re 7) R= Sir Barton Sold. ; "The tional y » ._ Sir Barton, formerly owned by J. 5 <A ec Na Smoke K. L. Ross, of Montreal, and one of N'S z the best known horses on Canadian i , and U'S. tracks, has heen brought to / Audley Farm, the old home of Nellie 0 8 Parke Cutis, Winchester, Va., which R. R. Joues, Oklahoma oil magnate, has announced will be converted into | one of the largest farms for breeding race horses in the country. Sir Bar- ton will head the stud to be main- tained at the farm. ¢ ef ep-------------- Signs of the Times Show thelr age. In going about { our city, if you gre at all observant, | You can pick out the non advertisers | by their ancient signs. You gimost f o% expect them to read. J . R a a Rm Ny i -- I et \ press ee STR Rs ee = ' li ES = y ¢ -- omg ---- i. Se Be a EEN - ----t = i - == ---- J 3