/ GOOD, RELIABLY MAN WANTED TO = THE DAILY BRITISH ban sions oss or SRE B ¥ WHIG. THE PEOPLE'S FORUM | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: First insertion. le. a word. Each coa- Secullve insertion thereafter. half cent a word, Min'mum charge for One insertion, 26c, three insertions, | retes are for cash only, d they are double. rea HELP WANTED, Et om Nera Ear Brock BC COOK, GENERAL; REFERENCES RE- quired. Apply 313 University, or phone 852w. MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK.| Rn. H. Waddell, 75 Apply to Mrs. I Union St AN BXPERIENCED HOUSEMAID, AP- ly Mrs. H. W. Richardson, 450 kine Street West. IMMEDIATELY, A GOOD WOMAN for house-cleaning. Apply to Mrs win, 36 Alice Street. WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK IN THE mornings. Apply between 7 and § Pm. at 61 Union Street West ww. AT ONCE, COMPETENT] maid as cook, general. Apply tu Mrs. R. J. Rodger, 1561 Earl st. WOMAN FOR PLAIN COOKING, MAY sleep home if preferred; good pay, | give reference. Box 0-7, Whig. | | 'WORKING HOUSEKEEPER WANTED | for small hotel near Kingston; must | good cook and have city refer- ence. Apply Box D-20, Whig. ee WANTED, A RELIABLE for housework; several daily. Apply Ir person Frontenac street, or phone WOMAN | hours': at 26 ERS WANTED, NO. 5, DENBIGH oR yt 2D APARTME cation and rent. Box G TWO BEDROOMS AND SITTT fi fail and winter; t ished house. Appl S 71 : old reference Whig Uffice IRING -- MOW ABOUT Does it need repairing rgus Roof-proof. Drop a Cov try, & Barrack & ROOF Your roof? We use A card to F. OR HOUSE; EITHER unfurnished; in good 3 children. Rent no < abie. Apply Box Z ce, b I Whig Offi TO RENT A SMALL HOUSI im ments, south of I'r must be r WANTED Rent i PAST AND e. 87 John-! FROF. ARVMENDO TELL future 1 gives ad UPHOLSTERING, CALL OR DROY A CARD TO w. J Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot st. * agent for each unrepresented coun- ty or territory. Exclusive selling rights, good pay to energetic rep- | resentatives. Our agency is valu-| able. Write Pelham Nursery Co, | Toronto, Ont. | | | WE WANT A RELIABLE SALES | | A CONCERN HAVING OVER 150 branches and 3,000 salesmen, re-| quires for Kingston -branch, five] young men over 25 years old, of meat appearance, for advertising and saleswork. IT not satisfied with present position or earning less than $40 a week, see us to-day, be- tween 1 and '5 pm. Room 1, 84 Brock Street. : take orders and deliver the finest line of Teas, Coffees. etc, in Can- ada. Highest commission of any concern in the couniry paid; all 0ods are guaranteed or money re- at Each applicint musi be financially responsible. If you are looking for a good, independent, Permanent position with unlimited earning possibilities, this is your opporiunity. Quick action neces sary. Patricia end Tea & Cof- fee, 661 Quegn Street East, Toronto, FINANCIAL F. W. JHAROLD FOR YOUR UP- holstering and general repairing. | Leave orders at or drop a card to! 104 Clergy street. | ~ ; i COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR- n all popnlar shapes and sizes Jpholstering and repairing done. EE: J. Goodridge, 244 University Avenue, FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN- ished; guns, gramaphone ete. re- paired promptly and guaranteed Stanton & Sleeth, Princess St. CHIROPRACTIC. WM. A. MARCELIS, D.C, Pa. C,, Cor- ner Princess and Barrie Streets, 2nd floor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, Ont. Consultation free. Telephone J. Hours 9 to 12 ara. 1 to 6 p.m. DR. GEORGE F. LUCY, DR, JENN Luce Chiropractic Specialists Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot street, Kingston, Ont. Telephone 943. Hours 9 to 12am, 1 to 6 and 7 to 9 p.m Spinal analysis and consul- tation free. Residential calls by intment. DENTAL. STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE agents; established {A 1560; only the most reliable companies repre- sented. Office 95 Clarence street, opposite the post office. FRONTENAC LOAX AND INVEST- ment Soclely; incorporated 1361. President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice- DR, A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST, 258 Princess Street OFFICE Phone 652w. DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 159 Wellington street, corner of Brock. ---------- DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 Princess Street. Phone 1850. Upen evenings by appoiatment.« resident, A. B. Cunningham. oney issued on city and farm properties, municipal and county "debentures; mortgages purchased; investment bonds for sale; deposits received and interest allowed. R. C, Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar- DR, AYKROYD, DENTIST, HAS RE. sumed practice at 92 Princess St, over Bank of Nova Scotia. Phone 15027. Fa MUSIO. ence street, Kingston, FURNITURE FINISHING CALL OR DROF A CARD TO W. DRIS- coll, 23 John street. PERSONAL KORRINNE A. MADDEN IS PREPAR- ed to accept a limited number of plano pupils, Studio: _50 Earl St Phone 1838. GRACE TAFT, ORGANIST, TEACHER of piano and theory; pupils prepar- ed for Conservat®ry examinations. Studio, 41 Union St. West. 'Phone 1838w. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, uUIRTH. marks, skin eancers, scars, etc., re- moved rmanently. Satisfactory glasses ted and furnished after others have failed. Goitre removed. § 85 yocars" experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Kye, Ear, Nose. Throat, Skin, 268 Bagot Street. Phone 30 ARCHITECT PAGE AND WARRINGTON, REGIS- H. S. PACKER, of piano and theory; will arrange cls in theory at lower rates; prepares for Toronto Conservatory of Music exdminations. 65 Arch St. A. T.CM., TEACHER OLIVE M| WOODMAN, SOPRANO soloist, Sydenham Street Methodist Church, Kingston; teacher of sing- ing and theory Studio, 183 Ear) Sti, Phene 857m. tered architects, 199 Yunge Street, Toronto. FPLANS--SURVEYS--ESTIMATES -- " 8. Scott, B.A, B.Sc. Mem. Eng Inst. 123 King Street. Phone 163. DAISY W. JOHNSON, A.T.CM,, TEACH- er of Violin and Piano. Pupils pre- pared far examinations Studio: 307 Collingwood Street, near John- son. Phone 2329w. POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCHI- tects, Merchants Bank Chambers, corner of Brock and Wellington a LEGAL streets. SIGNS SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS WORK, large or small, Posters; Showcards displays a specialty, by Shaw at 213 Princess Street. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST- ers and Solicitors, 79 .Clarence street, Kingston. A. B. Cunning- ham, Cyril M, Smith. AMBROSE SHEA, R.A, BARRISTER and Solicitor. Law office, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money to loan. Phone 1999. Coal of the Very Highest Grade; Properly Prepared and Delivered Anywhere. GOOD DRY WOOD James Switt & Co., Limi Foot of Johnson St. ON G. T. R. SUBURBAN, S¥A SRA ar OWT i lave same by provir erty. "Appl 92 Street, pEiY LADY'S GOLD WATCH. OWNER may have same by applying to Chief of Police and prov- ing property. ON TUESDAY MORNING ARITH- | metic text book and a note | book, also lead pencil. Owner may have same by calling at Whig Office. HAND BAG, CONTAINING A small sum of money. Owner may have same by ldentify- ing property to 1. Couper, 341 Princess Street. A GOLD LOCKET WITH tials', engraved. Apply James Gates, Westbrook. FOLXD ARTICLES ADVER- of TISED FREE. Anyone finding anytiring and Wishing to reach the owner ray uo 80 by reporting the tacts te The British Whig. 'The adver: tisement will be printed in this column free of charge. "Found articles" aves not In- clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, ete These, if lost, may be ad- vertised tor In the "Lost" column. meer 4 Wetlin INI- to LOST, ; ADLIGHT FOR FULTON on Barriefield road Grocery Co. OR EAR » rosary In lea in scribed 'cress.' Finder please re-| turn to Whig Office. TRUCK | Robertson ne ON SEPT. 13th, AN OPAL RING, OPAL} pointed at one end, on Princess and Barrie Streets, to Pine St. Return to Box IM-19, Whig Offic ROLL OF CARF YARDS, IN three pieces, t n Harrowsmith and Sydenham, on Sept. 16th. Find- er kindly return to B. Fardell, Har- rowsmith. UPPER PRINCESS OR CHATHAM Street, a hand bag, containing sum of Canadian money, some United States money and a Standard Bank savings book. Reward return to Miss Clarke, 103 Johnston street. MAHOOD'S FANCY Saturday night, or on Monday morning on Chatham, from Col- borne to the corner of University and Princess, lady's black folding | purse, containing sum of money.| Iinder please return to Whig Of- fice. d. STORE ON eee eee FORD CAR, NO. 146260, THREE DUN- lop cord tredd tires, left front Dik- mond tread tire. Single atm shock absorbers. Three back curtain windows out. Taken from parking area Sydenham street (at Princess) on Friday night, Sept. 16th, be- tween 6.00 and 10.00 o'clock. Re ward for notifying police head- quarters or R. J. Lindsay. Syden- ham, at the latte expens FOR SALE. { SHECIAL SALE OF USED CARS FOR FOR SALE 12x14, FOUR FOOT W ALL. Cooke. Phone 438. A TENT, PW THAV 30 CAR FOR SAL IF YOU HAVE A USED CAR FOR S!/ see Geo. Palmer, cor. Bagotpan Queen. Phone 410J A SOUVENIR STEEL RANGE, paratively new. .Owner city. Apply 476 Brock Su E, d COoM- leaving et. PRAME BUILDING, SUITABLE FoR camping or poultry house; size 10 x 7. Apply 47 Ellerbeck street. GENUINE GRAPHONOLA aND TEN a lin selections; ous ave cholce, 38 Terms §i cash; per mo iG, WW, Tans Limited. 121 Princess St Fair Week. If you have one to sell, see (eo. Palmer, cor. Bagot and Queen, Phone 410J. QUICK BUYER, NO. 8 CHAMPION Souvenir Kange in first class con- dition, hot water front. Apply 3} Chestnut Street, or phone 1156F. CUKE FOR SUMMER USI; CHEAPEST fuel on the market. We are de- livering 1-4 tous at $2.50; % tons at $4.75, or & full ton ut §9.00. __Phome 1611m. W. C. Bruton. | ALONG LIFE'S DETOUR | BY SAM HILL | This hot spell ought to readjust | the views of a lotta romantic flappers and buckoos who have been longing | to get shipwrecked on some South Sea island. Observations of Didest Imhabitant. "Iki remember] "when ~ & ~~ school teacher was supposed to be not only {an efficient instructor of youth, but {aldew good tanser. * Could Have Been Improved Upon "I have seen better days," whined the panhandler. . "So have 1" growled his Intended victim, as he buttoned up his raincoat and made a dash through the downpour for his car. Any Way Te Get In, En? Here are two famous Inns of Jersey: Pyle Inn. Tumbie Inm. -- Her ldeal. Iler ideal is the motorman: She thinks that he is grand, Because on every rainy day He has a lot of sand. --Nashville Tennessean, New AEW SEVEN-ROOMED SEMI-BUNGA- | low; hardwood Hoors throughou gas and electricity; furnace; large | garden; modern in every respect.| Apply 520 Albert Street. { FUR SALE OR RENT, OR WORK OV/ shares 1556 to 160 acres, one mile] east of Millhaven on Bath Road.| Apply to G. W. Richardson on | premises or Collin's Bay, P. O. | | COLUMBIA C. OAK, SLIGHTLY USED, with 30 selections. This machine is; in first class condition. Sale price| $60. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd, 121 Prin-| cess Street. THE FOLLOWING USED CARS IN| first class shape: one seven passen- | Ber Studebaker, one Maxweil tour-| ing, one lord Sedan. Apply Box H-20, Whig Office, MAHOGANY, AND 20 selections. This jastrument is in excellent condition Selling price only $125. C., W. Lindsay, Ltd. 121 Princess St. FINE MODERN BUNGALOW, 7 ROOMS, bathroom and sunroom, hardwood floors all through, panelled walls and ceilings, best Hnishings, gas and electricity. Phone 915J. VICTROLA X, SALE OK; MILLINERY GOODS, CON- sisting of Malines, Veiling, Straw Bralds, rlowers, Ribbons, a few straw shapes, and children's hats Apply 112 Lower William Street, FARM AND FARM STOCK OF HARRY J. Sieeth, centre of lot five, in con- cession eight, Storringtor. For price and particulars, apply at premises. Harry J. Sleeth, owner, Battersea, Ont. (HINA CABINET, AARLOR SETTES, chair and tables, kitchen table, ex- tension ladder, wheelbarrow, gar- den seats, coal oll heater, baby's bath, laundry stove. 208 Albert street. Evenings. LINDSAY UPRIGHT, MAHOGANY case, 7 1-3 octave; slightly used; as Bood as new; for $375.00. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. 121 Princess St. SMALL UPRIGHT RACTICE PIANO in walnut case; in good condition; guaranteed; for oniy $165.00. C, W. Lindsay, Ltd. 121 Princess St. FURE BRED HOLSTEIN BULL "OUR months old, son of General Walker Posch, Elmville Stock Farm. Apply E. Thurlow, 7 Cherry St., Kingston. ONE FORD TRUCK, ONE INDIAN MO- tor cycle, one kxcelsior motorgycle; cheap for quick sale. Apply George Muller, 371-378 King 8: Phone 032w, WE SELL AND BUY ALL KINDS oF musical instruments, also cioth- , ing and furniture. Cal} and get our prices. L. Routbard, 23y Princess street. Phone 1723. Y Se -- GREAT SALE OF USED CARS Smashing reductions. t9 make room, Chandler touring car, 1920, as good as new. McLaughlin K-62, roadster, run 2,000 miles. Ford touring, 1918. Ford roadster, 1918, Overland: Country Club. Studebaker, 7 passenger, Tudhope touring, $200. Indian motorcycle. Motor boat, § to 10 hp. See them, try them, Inake an offer, GEORGE A, PALMER Licensed Dealer Opposite Blue Garages, Limited ( Corner Bagot and Queen Streets Phone 410J. Must be sold WE HAVE FOR SALK ALL KINDS OF good second hand furniture and stoves. Any person baving stoves sad furniture to dispose of, we will pay highest prices. J. Thompson, 333 Princess street. Phone 1600w, 1299991 7039494993 : A sale of Used Planos and Or- % gans during Fair Week at R. % J. Rodger's, 132 Princ _ss Street. > et restetrer cet en 1¥} SOLID BRICK HOUSE, DETACHED, eight rooms, all newly decorated; ocak floors, hot air furnace, electric light, gag for cooking. Good cen- tral locality. .Apply at 203 Wil- liam street, between Clergy and Barrie streets. PRATT UPRIGHT, WALNUT CASE, 7 1-3 octave, ivory keys. This plana has been placed in first class con- dition. Fully guaranteed. Origi- nal price of this instrument, §1,- 000. Now selling for $400. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. 121 Princess St. RESIDENCE FOR SALE FOR SALE--the residence known as "Ingleside," corner of King and 'West streets, Kingston, Price on application. Inspection may be ar- ranged. J. A. HENDRY TO LXkT. CITY LOT. 69 FEET FRONTAGE feet deep; for cash $225.00. incubator, 140 egg, ana two brood- ers; hot water heated, Only used once. Cawson, z48 Concession St. near Victoria Street. 3 117 Also ANTIQUE FURNITURE, ete. Something mew arriving every week. Four Poster Beds. Parlor Suits complete Dining Room Suites. Rosewood Spipets. Walnut and Mahogany Chairs, 0ld Pewter, ete. We buy all kinds of furniture, LESSE"S ANTIQUE SHOP Phoue 1040w. 007 Princess Street. LARGE REED ORGAN WITH pedals; suitable for a church, school or mission, Also an harmon- fum; will sell these cheap for quick sale. Apply George Wilson, Man- ager Griin Theatre. A Farmers! Attention! Let us help'you save money an F ing your corbin disc harrows, when you can do as much work with two horses and sharp discs as with three horses when discs are dull, Special mites for grinding znd prompt delivery. DAVIS DRY East d increase your output by grind- - DOCK CO. End of Wellington St. STOVES While they last, yon may have one reasonable, as that is my J TURK Phone 705 Auction Sales I am the best auctioneer in Kingston. Make me prove it. BEDFORD The Auctioneer CARFENTERING WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER See James Selby, Contractor, 212 University Avenue. Phone 1308w. SALE OF USED BICYCLES, 2 TANDEM bicycles, 1 Crescent, 24 in. frame, 2 Overlands, 29 in, 1 Perfect, 23 in., 1 Cleveland, 22 in, 1 lady's 1s in., 3 ladies; 2 no Muller's Bicycle Yorks, 371-378 King street. Phone d2w, BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, FOR SALE $3:000--FRAME HOUSE; GOOD CONDI tion; B. and C.; electric lights; good lot; for quick buyer. TO RENT A LARGE FRONT ROOM for two gentlemen; also board. Ap- ply 28 Livingston Avenue. EXHIBITION VISITORS WILL FIND well furnished rooms at 2 Victoria Terrace, Montreal Street. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; all improvements; centrally locat- ed. Apply 243 University Ave. NEW SIX ROOM APARTMENT, ALL modern improvements. Apply H. i. Norman, cor. Patrick and Charles GARAGE, NEAR CORNER QUEEN and MHagot Apply D. GU. Hay, R. R. 1, Kingston. Phone 1100 r 22. NINE RUOOMED STONE HOUSE, 146 Montreal St, all improvements. Phone-1089 ring 3. Vacant April 1st. A FIVE ROOMED FRAME HOUSE AT Kingston station; immediate pos- session. Rent reasonable. Apply 141 Hickson avenue. FOR RENT, SEPT. ist, A MODERN, partly furnished house; 8 rooms; in |" desirable locality; references quired. Address F. Wood street. re- 309 Colling- STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, Garay, airy rooms; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 199. 305 Queen St. Phone 526; res. 939w. FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, MHARD- wood floors, electric light, gas Stove, heater, relrigeraior, modern in every way. Apply to Whi la- surance Offi 239 Bagot street, "FOR SALE OR TO RENT. C. SEMI-DETACHED; SIX rooms; B. and C.; down town. BRICK; 10 ROOMS; LATEST improvements; central. $3,400--BRICK; SEMI-DETACHED; & BRICK novsay ENE EY Huns, three-piece bath, electric gas, two fire places, hardwood pt beautifully decorated and hot wa- ter furnace; price reasonable. Ap- Ia 76 Neison street or phone rooms; hot water heating; side en- trance; right of way. £3,500--BRICK: SIX ROOMS: THRER plece bath; hot air; hw. floors downstairs, $1,500---FRAME HOUSE; NORTH END; five rooms; large lot, rooia for one or two more houses. $7.000-100 ACRES LAND: FRAME MILLINERY. MRS. McLAUCHLIN WISHES TO AN- nounce that she has moved from $5 to 112 L. William Street, whire she will take orders for makihg, trimming and remodeling hats. FANCY GOODS. hous: ood condition; 2 barus and stable: well watered; 14 miles from Kingston. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE 159 Wellington Street, Kingstva, HEMSTITOHI PICOT EDGING, AC- cordion. knife and box pleating. Hours 9 to 5.30, Mrs. E. A Card 4 Victoria Terrace, Montreal St. IN | Her ideal is a make-believe, She surely ought to know, hat rain or shine, the baker ig The man who has the dough. Fool Questions. A. M. asks: "What kind of a ship sails on a 'sea of faces?' Ak, Let Him Live, Fellers! "When shoes wear out they are mended, are they not? asked Nutt. "Usually," answered Bolt. "Wel, could you say when men are wern out 'they are men-dead, top?" queried Nutt. Famous Fulla, Eyeful Mouthfulh Earful, Glassful and Full (now outlawed). Great Is Science, According to a New York dispatch school children will be rhymed into hygience if the author of a new book on health can preva'l upon the schools to adopt his work for the class room. Here's a sample: "Once there was a naughty germ That had no place to go, But soon it found a hollow' tooth And there began to Brow, "Other, germs soon thought they'd call And in that tooth did stay, No toothbrush e'er disturbed their rest Nor drove those germs away." --e Marvelous, Sherlock, marvelous! Now doth Science join with our child- hood jingles to emancipate: us from the bondage of disease. The way is open for infinite ampli- fication, as for instance: The microbe seeks a maiden's lips, (Such pasturage delg hts him), And when her lover steals a kiss, The jealous microbe bites him. There is no escaping them, germs, and the hygienic might further have said: There are germs that make thelr Hv- ing In our nuts and in our cheese, There are germs that raise big families From our gullets to our knees; But by the living hocus; 'We infested boobs can say, That all the million million germs, Which have made of ug their prey, Shall some day all be fed To the germs that eat the germs That eat us when we're dead. -- these rhymester Only a Few Baskets, Blue Dameors and Blue Plums at Carnovsky's, Brock street. ------ Lady Patricia Ramsay asks the Canadian press to express her wann- est thanks for the bronze statue'te representing @ man of the Princess Patricia's regiment in full fighting kit presented to her through Col. Hamilton Gault, Jamies Mclsaac, M.P. for Kings county, P.E.I, has been nomina:cd by the Conservative party as their candidate. J. A. Elliott, Belleville, was visitor to Kingston on Tuesday. NOTICE It is not Mr. and Mrs. George Hen- derson, of 306 Earl street, who is giv- ing the dance in the Garden Dance Hall on Sept. 26th. FOUND Farm For Sale 150 ACRES, seven miles to Kingston, close to good village, good frame dwelling with good cellar and cistern,' large base- ment barn, drive ho hen house, tool house, and hog_pen: about 120 acres under cuitiva- tion, clay loam and. some sandy oam, enough wood for fuel; well watered; good, natural drainage; quite clean; fences good. See this farm and you will buy it at the price, $6,500. We have a large list of farms at office, also some bargains in a city property. T. J. Lockhart Real Estate and Insurance We have removed our office to 58 Brock Street, Kingston a ~ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE, ONE OF THE BEST GO- ing business hotels: vicinity King. ston; ge 1 and summer t e. Everything in first class order. Owner retiring on account of ili- health. Apply Box R-7, Whig. PAINTING AND PAFER HANGING WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR Fajsrhanging done, drop a card to A. Mounteer, 34 Arch street. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING --J, Flanagan, Painter and Decorator. Estimates freely given. Metallic gold jetiery for store and office windows. ntreal ' street opposite Artillery Park. Phone 1432. VAUDEVI All This Week GRAND-- Tonight The Rex Stock Company Present "WHAT HAPPEN ED TO MARY" WEDNESDAY, THURSDA Y, "WILDLY WOOLY" TO-DAY = TO-MORROW PRE-WAR ~ PRICES ¢ « Wesley (Freckl! OUTING CHESTER BRUCE SCENIC --I1 "Bob Hampton of Placer" Marshall Nellan's Greatest Production ALLEN CONCERT ORCHESTRA SID HOFFMAN Directing N-- ALLEN T100AY - MATINEE DAILY es) - Barry, COMEDY SPECIAL! "THE THREE JOKERS" T0 CONTRACTORS Sealed tenders addressed to the un- dersigned and endorsed "Tender for Power House Building, Kingston," wil} be received until noon, the 22nd inst, for the erection of a Power Plant Build- ng, for the Kingston General Hospital, and Queen's University. Plans, specifications and' form of tender can be seen at the Architect's Office. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. POWER, SON & DREVER, rchitects, Merchants' Bank Chambers, Kingston, \RLaLIs > do EVER one \ W. KENT MACNEE Bank of Commerce Bullding, Brock and King Streets. Phone 701 or 13274. General Insurance Agency Writing: --Automobile, Fire, Accident, Sickness, Plate Glass Burglary, ete. Representing Only Reliable Companies. PA A re Sere me em Enough natural gas has been dis- covered in Holland to supply a small Ask Your Grocer FOR WAGSTAFFE'S PURE FRUIT JAMS AND MARMALADR Sold in 12 and 16 oz. Glass Pots and 2, 4 and 7 1b gold lined tins commune, Dominion Taxi Service PHONE 116 24 Hour Day Service On mavh e of the newer check writing phone 770. 68 Centre, : ines is operated electrically, ) . . . Flowers For All Occasions LAWSON & COLLINS Store, Wellington and Brock Conse rvatories, Phone 1174J. Funeral Designs--Wedding Bow quets--Cut Flowers and Plants. "WE ARE GROWERS" > Nights and Sundays, Phone 687W. PATRICK STREET--Brick FRONTENAC STREET-- Brick BROCK STREET--Frame ... MONTREAL STREET--Brick RIDEAU STREET--Brick. . . FRONTENAC Street--Brick Phones 68 and 2240m. FOR SALE THE J. K. CARROLL We Serve Good Meals For good meals prepared right come and try us -- you will be delighted with our service. ge CF ra Sign Everything you could want served as you like it. Dainty Restaurant 88 PRINC ESS STREET more sensational--$895.00. $785 80 MONTREAL STREET ANNOUNCING A New Chevrolet Model "The 490 Special" Combining all the good points of the "490," this model will in addition have Gasolihe Tank on rear, Yacuum Feed Sys- tem, Storm Curtains opening with doors, oblong rear curtain light, nickle-plated radiator, nickle plated bumper; spiral bevels led pinion and gear in rear axle, and cord tires all round. This car is the sensation at the Toronto Exhibition, The price is even #490 Touring Regular" "490 Roadster Regular" $788 "490 Light Delivery" $785 All prices F.0.B. Oshawa--S8ales Tax Extra BAWDEN & EDWARDS CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 400, No POT Fv