JAY, SEIS 20, 1vaI, | ee < THE A Heintzman & Co. Piano Purchased by Melba for Her Australian Home Melba, the world's great sing- er, has purchased through Mr. Walter F. Evans, their Vancon- 5 pr E > [Yer representative, a beautiful | Grand Piano. of "Ye Old Firme," Heintzman & Co. Limited, for uee in her boudoir studio in her-Australian' home. Jt was poseible for Madame Melba, in her world travels, to fest out the finest pianos of the world's most famous manufac- turers in Europe, the United Btates and Canada. When it came to a personal purchase, the buying of a plano for her own studio, the choice was with Melba as with Tetraz. . zini, a Heintzman & Ceo. Plano, the instrument always used when concert touring in Can- ada This piano was shipped on nme steamer that carried ame Melba home again to her beloved Australia. Strongest of all influences with these famed artists in buying a Heintzman & Co. Pi- ano was its unrivalled tone and touch. Just received a shipment of Heintzman & Co. Pianos of dif- ferent styles now on show at our warerooms, 121 Princess Street. C. W. Lindsay Limited | OH BOYS | [T'S GOOD THAT'S WHAT THEY SAY AFTER EATING MASOUD ICE CREAM When buying Ice Cream at any of the stores, ask for ours. The Ice Cream of quality. Sold all over the city and throughout the district. 3 MASOUD'S 238 Princess St. Phone 980 Kingston, Ont. REAL ESTATE BONDS AND INSURANCE KINGSTON AGENCIES, Limited J. 0. HUTTON. Phone 708 / B. G. ROBERTSON 67 Clarence Street. Equip Your Car With 2 RAY Battery Come in and let us demonstrate to you the extra good qualities of this Battery. Battery Repair Work of all kinds given first-class attend on. x M. LAWSON Autq Battery Expert 110 CLERGY RTREET. PHONE 275. RR ---------- . Who uses a PEERLESS PENINSULAR RANGE and they will tell you it is a PERFECT BAKER and is very economical in fuel. . For appearance it is second to none and is built for wear. Let us show them to you. a Stove Department on Second Floor, Lemmon & Sons 187 Princess St Pistons and £ i Cylinders ground and fitted with oversize Rings. Piston Pins if necessary. Prices on Application. Automotive Grinders 'R. M. CAMPBELL, Theatrical At. The Strand. People ssing along Princess street during the last two or threes | days have been largely absorbed by | local evemt--ithe Fair, but Strand and » announcements "he interest | of conversation was instantly switch- ed to Thomas Meighan, whose popu- larity with Kingston fllm fans grows rapace as each new picture im which he appears is shown in the Lémestonas City. "White and Unmarried," which | was screened here for the first time | yesterday, affords Mr. Meighan a fine | vehicle for his art, and he rises to 'the height of the opportunity and | proves himself one of the best. He | appears as a burglar, and his regen- {eration begins when he inher'ts a | large fortune and falls in love. The | supporting cast includes two beauti- | ful and clever women -- Jacqueline jand Grace Darmond. The latter, by the way, is a nati%e of Toronto. Story, production and acting are all on the high level associated with | Paramount pictures, and 'White and Unmarried" will live in the memories of Kingston audiences as one of the pictures that pleased. The rest of the Strand programme is in keeping with the feature. All the pictures screened are notable in their way. A western film is among them, '""The Sheriff of Mojave,' with Tom Sanischi as star. He is a wést- ern star with a fascination all his own, combining daring and, when ne- cessary, refinement and restraint. Those who visit the Strand during exhibition week will be entertained, really and truly entertained.--Advt. 7. reached At The Allen. "Bob Hampton, of Placer," the greatest, most fascinating and stir- ring motion picture ever made by that master director, Marshall Neil- an, will be the attraction-extraordin- ary at the Allen theatre to-day, and Wednesday. - Strong though this statement may be, it is neverthe- less true. But it could be still strong- er. We"might add that it is one of the finest motion pictures ever made by anyone. "Boh Hampton of Placer" is adapted from the Randall Parrish story of the same name. It presents on the screen an absorbing story of romance and adventure in the thrill- ing days of American frontiar history, and as a gripping climax General Cus- ter's famous last stand agaiust Sit- ting Bull and his Indian hordes is reproduced. The ride of the Ku Klux Klan in D. W. Griffith's mas- terful production, "The Birth of a Nation," carried no greater thrill than the savage charge of the Sioux against Custer and his gallant little band in "Bob Hampton of Placer." And back of it all is a charming love story, and a roguish waif who will make you laugh and perhaps shod a tear.--Advt. SPORTING NEWS A¢ the Bowling Green. The bowlers, on Monday evening, commenced a Scotch doubles tour- nament and forty members of the club are competing. Fourteen gam- es in the primaries and one game in the consolation series were played. The first and second rounds. of the primaries are completed and W. H. Montgomery aad W. Frizell played in the third round by defeating Dr. R. C. Cartwright and A. McMahon. BR. Walsh and J. McFarlane also found a place in the third round when they won from H. W. Newman and H. F. Price. The games will be continued Tuesday evening, . The club doubles were won by' G. Lawes and R. 8. Stevenson and the finals in the Scottish doubles are fAow being roacked, Saturday's play- ing advanced C. C. Hodgins and J. H. Hoppes to the finals of "A" ser- ies, when they won from F. Crozier and C. 8. Gretr. They now Will meet the winners of '""B" series which re- quires a couple of games to be com- pleted. The singles competition stands at present with G. Brownlie, who head- ed "C" series, waiting to meet the this game will then play J. Newman, who won his own group, apd then defeated Dr, R. C. Cartwright who came out on top of group "A." Golf Championship Games The following was the result of the qualifying round for the Cata- raqui golf club championship: J. Carruther 79, I.. J. Austin 84, C. G. Shannon 85, F. G. Moxley 88 D. Carruthers 88, J. L. McKee 8, D. Ellis 89, A. B. Cunningham 90, B.. A. McGowan 90, J. C. W. Broom 91, H. W, Davis. 92, J. B. ll McLeod 93, S. Robertson 94. F- I. lll Day 95, F. A. Cays 96; W. L. Mal colm 96; W. Mitchel 96. ~J The club championship draw is as follows: J. Carruthers vs. H. W. Davis. J. B. McLeod vs. F, A. Cays or W. L. Mad~okm. . A. MeGowan vs. A. B. Cunatig- . Mitchell va. C. G. Shannon. . Bilis vs F. G. Moxley. . C W. Broom vs. 8. Rob "30a. . H. Day vs. L.. J. Austin. Carruthers ve. J. L. McKea, Handicap Flight. F. A Oays (14) or W. L, Moola (7) v. W. Jackson 16. : © W. Kent Macnee (24) v. W. P. ll wiigar (20). O. E. Willis (13) v. J. Swift (19:, T. J... Runey (6) vi RR. Ki il Hicks (14). T. Sott (9) v. winner of J. aM Farroli (9) and W. H. Bilis (10). The first rounsl is to be played ca winner of "D" group. The winner of |* : » DAILY BRITISH | 28th, and thereafter ome week for | | each round THE SNAP-BACK GAME | * | It Will Be Used on the Oollege Grid: | irons This Year. The snap-back, which will ba use! | this year for puiting the bail in play in rugby, is hv no means a new feal- {ur in the Jopular Canadian autumn game. Some twenty years ago the Ontario Rugby Football Union adopt- od 1 code of rules devised by 'he Thrift Burnside, captein of the To- ronto University -team of 1898, { der which the number of players was | reduced to 12 and the snap-back was {used. But farther baek than that -- away back in 1879 and 1880 the snap-back was used by at least ope Canadian team in matches with one] of the American college teams, The American college players when the English game was #ntro- duced to them in the McGill-Harvarl matches of 1877 and 1878--appar-9 ently analyzed the, scheme of play and found that the purpose of the "sorim' was to got the ball out to the halves, They determined to got this result in a more direct way and so within a few years wis developed the "Harvard" or 'open' forma- tion which called for only eleven men and the ball was put in play by snap- ping it back with the hand or foot. By 1880 this etyle had been general- ly esppted in the states, Miss Lulu Weatherhead 'trained nurse, who ~has been spending the past six weeks with her mother, Mrs, Annie Weatherhead, Westport, has left for Chicago. The marriage of Robert W, Steacy and Miss Eva Bell Grier, Warburton, was solemniged at the Anglican church in Lansdowne on Sept. 7th, It is reported that Mrs. Nellle Steacy has sold her residence in Nap- anee to Mr. Johnston, agent of the Imperial Oil Co, The vapourer, a little red moth, is frequently to be seen in the busiest streets of London. Cramps! Cramps ! Cramps! How to Stop Them Quick When you have cramps, it is a mighty quick relief that you want. Good old "Nerviline" is sure as death to relieve cramps in a hurry. Just a few drops in sweetened water, and the pafn is gone. Buy a bottle of trusty old Nerviline to-day and keep it. handy. Nerviline is a common household necessity, and is so useful in case of sudden illness at night, or when cramps, nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting or the like occurs. Sold everywhere In large 35 cents bottles. ns TB . Recommended by judges of tobacco WHIG. [ Just Feel Fine and Dandy ! Redmac Came to Me Just| In the Nick of Time. ~ | Indigestion Nearly Killed Me. 1 Reo Touring. | Ford Truck. This is only one case of Thou- sands. There never was such a medicine as Redmac, for Dyspepsia Used Cars For Sale 3 Briscoe Touring. | Studebaker Touring. I Chevrolet Truck. See our new 1921 Briscoe Touring Car. | ANGLIN BROS., Bay St. ME. ROBERT W. ANGLIN, MANAGER and all Stomach and Bowel Trouble. Herbs that are found in the jungles and forests enter into Redmac andthe results are wonderful. . After a, few doses you are a different person. The | whole system is renovated and you | will feel fine--don't be fooled into | taking something just as good. You get a bottle of Redmac, and, if you are not feeling well, we don't care what your trouble 1s, we guarantee Kedmac to help you. Sold by one druggist in every town, Dollars In Our Vleanizing -For You We can prove to you that on every tire we vulcanize for you we save you money, and on a number of tires dur- ing the year it amounts to a consid- erable sum. In fact, with the money saved you can buy several new tires. entirely new electric railroads. AAA A a Sold in Kingston by Sargent': Drug Store. e 2 Suddaby Bros. Cor. Queen and Welungum Sts. Japan is planning to build three Kingston Industrial Exhibition CITY OF KINGSTON, ONT. September 20-26, 1921 $20,000 in Premiums, Etc. The second best live Ontario. Trials of speed daily, Band Concerts, Balloon Ascensions, grand display of Fire Works, under the management of Prof. Hand. NEW FEATURES: Daylight Fire Works in the afternoon; Grand Street Parade of all the wild animals and ed. Office: 18 Market Street, Kingston, Carnival. Parade to leave the Fair Grounds ENTRIES close the 10th Septémber, 1921. 10 a.m. every morniug of the Exhibition. re a prize list. i + 193 Both! these features something new in the annals of Fairs and Exhibitions. We always lead. Watch other Fairs imitate. . Read about it] Talk about it! Think about it! Come to it! ADMISSION TO THE BIG EXHIBITION TICKETS on sale at L. T. Best's, 124 Prine Adults, 85¢.; Children, 10c.; Automobiles, 50c.; cess Street, and Sargent"s Drug Store, cormer Grand Stand, 50c. Princess and Montreal Streets. JAMES HENDERSON, Esq. ROBERT J. BUSHELL, President. Sec.-Treas. and Manager, Bath Road P. O. Telephone 1737. stock show in Eastern Grand Military Performances Daily--Rex's Comedy Circus, the Laugh of the Canadian Na- tional and the Ottawa Exhibitions last season, and many other fieo acts too numeroms to. mention. REDUCED RAILWAY RATES upon all rail- roads. Ask your local agents... Inquiries solicite {@ Donse BROTHER . DETROIT ANNOUNCE S that Dodge Brothers Motor Cars are now being distributed in the Dominion of Canada solely through Dodge Brothers Motor Company, Limited, of Windsor, Ontario, Dodge Brothers Motor Company, Limited, is a 'Canadian Company organized, regis- tered and operating under Dominion laws. This company is of course, closely affiliated - with Dodge Brothers (Incorporated) of Detroit. It has been organized and put in operation because of Dodge Brothers' desire to give the best possible service to their many friends and customers located in Canada, Dodge Brothers Motor Cars will continue be sold locally by ; MARCUS OBERNDORFFER! 124-126 Clarence St., Phone 1994 or before Wednesday, September