THE DAILY RRITISH WH ERY > sed 1G. EXHIBITION VISITORS Don't fail to visit our store and see our Men's Fall Suits and QOvercoats Ready-to-wear | -$20.00 up to $40.00 Fall Overcoats . - $18.00 up to $35.00 NEW FALL HATS in Pearl and Grey, wide black bands; newest Block for . ..$3.95 SALE OF SHIRTS During Fair Week, all fine Shirts values up to $3.50, for .... $1.59 OUR BLUE SUITS, READY-TO- WEAR AT $35.00 CANNOT BE BEATEN Livingston's '. 75.77 BROCK STREET Founded 1847. "If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk" B ---- Anderson Bros. Limited q - son's and Ganeng's chocolates. g | they show all the latest models [THE KINGTON FAR OPES (Continued from Page, 1.) At Sakell's. 'There is something about Sakell's that no other place/Bas," was the remark of a steady customer of the two downtown ice-cream and con- fectionery stores run by Sakells. The first Princess street; the: Crystal Palace, and the other just bove the Grand Opera House. -at | 220 Princess. "There seems to be a 'homey' atmosphere that you can't get anywhere else," went on. this patron of these fine stores. We don't know what it 'was, exactly, but Sakell's certainly have put the same quality into their booth at the Fair Grounds. In point of artistic get-up there are very few in the main build- ing to equal it, and the whole plan | i3 carried out in fine detail. Here we find a soda fountain of unique capacity, ice-cream dishes of all sorts, soft drinks in infinite var- iety, candies of all kinds and espec- ially fine lines of Mary Anne, Neil- The booth is a dandy, Remember also, that Sakell"s ice cream is "Best by Test." Vanluven Brothers--Ford Whereever you go, the world over, you find the Ford, and the Kingston Fair would indeed seem strange without it. In the nortltwe¥tern cor- ner of the main building, just inside the door from the race-track, we find the large space of Vanluven Broth- cre, Ford dealers and agents for the Ford company in this district. Here in Ford cars and will give information about this automobile which has now become almost an international. in- stitution instead of a mere motor gar. On display Vanluven Brothers have the Ford five-passenger touring car, the handy car for the family; the beautiful Ford sedan, the closed in, five-passenger car of the Ford group; the Ford coupe, a car that has gained more favor in the past few months than any other; the light Ford truck, little two-passenger won- der, with its companion the light de- livéry truck, a transformation of the roadster for the man with light quick delivery service; and last of all that farm favorite, all complete and in running order, the Fordson Tractor, which performs the work of thrash- ing machines, wator pumps, horscs, men, everything about the farm There is no need to tell of the beauties of the Ford. It is known all over. But it is not often that 2 per- son gets an opportunity to hear the facts about Fords which are not gen- erally known, to take all the dif- ferent models in 2 group, have them standing before you, and choose the one you want, to see the Fordson tractor and hear what it can do, wkich is about everything but milk cows. Be sure to visit the Ford exhi- bit, Lemmon & Sons. Right near the centre of the main building is the large stand of Lem- mon & Sons. This year's' display at that stand is better than ever prev- fously shown, which is saying a lot, for Lemmoa & 'Sons always have a good exhibit. ' One of tho best features of their display is the new Conamel Combin- ation Gas and Coal Range. This is a new one that will interest house- wives immensely. It has a complete gas water heater, as well as the cus- tomary gas and coal features, The famous Hecla P'peless Furn- {chance every day while the fair| | lasts. | Visitors ito this booth will be | {charmed with the general arrange- || | ment_of the display. The main fea- || {tures are Christie Biscuits and Moir's {chocolates and the 'attractive boxes and packages dre .arraged . fn a beautiful uniformity thhat nna fail to adtract. Take a pues or the box of biscuits. Eastern Canada Maxotire Co. i Next to Sakell's corner in the | south-east wing, is the booth of the Eastern Canada Maxotire & Rubber | Company, under the care of A; Neal, | the enterprising manager. Mr. Neal | is demonstrating Maxotires, and the patented airtight tubes and valves | {of the Wood Manufacturing Com- | | pany, and detachable and tilting | | steering wheels for automobiles. In connection with his exhibit, Mr. | | Neal is giving a free Wood's Airtight | {Inner Tube to each purchaser of al Maxotire. | | Majestic Oleomargarine. Anderson Brothers, well-known | Wholesale and retail, meat, grocery |and general provision merchants, are co-operating with the Wilson Com- pany, of Chicago, in a booth to ad- vertise and display Majestic Oleomar- garine. J. H. Kelly, representing the | Wilson Company, is in charge of the | booth, and is giving out tasty samples | | Of the product on biscuits to visitors | | to the main building. For a dainty |! | mouthful, fairgoers should stop at {| this booth, where many interesting |: things can be learned about Majestic Oleo. Mr. Kelly will also take orders for the product from any merchants or people interested, the goods to be sup- plied through the customer's own | Brocer or jobber. If you like the j oleo, and you have a good chance to | sample it, then you have your order delivered without any troublé at all. Tha booth is a good one. . Look for it in the south-western wing. Canadian Packing Company Another very attractive boo'h is that of the Canadian Packing Com- pany of Peterborough, which is in charge of Mr. J. Bleakley, the repre- sentative of the company in this dis- trict. Hero is an altractive display of hams, bacons, smoked mea's, packed eggs and many other good things for the table put up by this firm. . The display features Rose Brand products. Rose hams, bacon, Wind- s-r backs, smoked hams, oleomarg- arine, creamery butter, packed eggs, Sausages and cooked amd cured meats of all kinds. AM are : Rose brand, good Canadian products, made by a good Canadian company and carrying a good Canadian label. Snowflako shortening, another pro- duct of the Canadian Packing Con:- pany, is also featured at this hooth When shopping, watch for thase labels in the downtown stores. -- T. F. Harrison: Company. The T. F. Harrison Company, well- know dealers in house-furnishings, furniture, carpets, musical instra- ments, and everything for the home. has a nice booth in the northeastern wing. Here are featured the Worm- with piano, Gerhard Heintzman Piano, McLagan Phonograph, Vie- trola, and Hoover Electric Vacuum Cleaners, The booth is very tastefully finisk- ed with beautiful rugs hanging from the top and on 'the floor and cur- tains in the corners. Records and music rolls are also on display in abundance, KINGSTON FAIR ~ VISITORS ; goo Will Find This Store Offering Excellent Values in Merchan- dise That Is Dependable. WE REFUND YOUR FARE. NO MATTER HOW YOU TRAVEL VALUES WORTHY OF NOTE 500 PAIRS IBEX FLANNELETTE BLANKETS (Largest size) SALE PRICE $2.49 PAIR 500 pairs of the celebrated Ibex Blankets--first and best quality--these are the full double bed size 12-4. Colors: Wh ite or Gery with pretty borders. 18 LADIES' FASHIONABLE COATS At $25.00 Developed in Whitney Cloth and French Velour, nicely lined, collars of self material, convertible style. A wide range of pleasing shades to select from. Sizes for Misses and Women. 2,000 Yards WHITE FLANNELETTE 27 inches wide. No imperfections, first qual- ity, with a nice, soft finish. Extra value or 7 yards for $1.00 200 Yards -- PURE LINEN TOWELING 350 yards Fine 16 inches wide BLEACHED SHEETING | ' |/ Nice, heavy, even weave, free f th | filling. 72 inches wide, correct width Re Ihe 5 I d for your double bed. : Special ....... 45c. a yard 180 YARDS BLACK 550 yards Special MESSALINE SILK UNBLEACHED CQFTON 36 inches wide. Regular value $1.75 yard. 34 inches wide; fine, even While the lot lasts $1.00 yd. weave. Special Price 10c¢. yard 1,500 Yards ace is iso being demonstrated by the courteous gentlemen in chars) of the Lemmon booth, as are also the New Lightor Day Range, Peerless Peninsular Range and other lines al! madxufactured by the Clare Brothers of Preston, Ontario, and Winnipeg Manitoba, the oldest and largest stove and furnace manufacturers in Canada. Lemmon & Sors' establishment at 187 Princess street is well-known as they do contracting work Fn pipe- fitting, steamfitting, ete. BLEACHED COTTON 35-36 inches wide A nice, fine, even weave --a quality known better at 25c¢._| BASEBALL ON MONDAY, SCHOOL SERGE All Wool--38 to 42 ins. wide Colors:--Copen, Saxe, Bur- gundy, Brown, Grey, Pekin. Special . . $1.00 yard National League Pittshurg 2; New York 1 Boston 9; Cincinnati 6 St. Louis 5; Philadelphia 3 Exhibition Visitors The expenses of your trip may be amply compensated if you take advantage of our special priceson-- FRESH and International League Syracuse 10; Toronto 9 (first game.) Syracuse 9; game.) Jersey City 8; Reading 7. Buffalo 16; Rochester game) Buffalo 1; game.) or 7 yards for $1.00 «ee. Toronto 2 (second $8 (first The R. J. Rodger Exhibit. As usual, the R. J. Rodger booth is one of the best in the main build- ing. As a special feature, Mr. Rod- ger secured Mr. W. H. Stevens, sales-manager of the Canadian Pocket Umbrella Company, to come to the Kingston fair demonstra'ing this new Canadian invenbion. Rod- ger's store is the Kingston agency for the Canadian Pocket Umbrella. It folds up into a compact li'tle package cight or ten inches long, welghs one pound oomplete, has parts which can be replaced, shont- ened, handles interchangeable, in fact it is a wonder. Besides, it was invented in Canada, is made in Can- ada of Canedian raw materials, in factories which - employ Canadian labor. Do not fail to have it dem.n- strated at Rodger's booth. Rodger's booth also has an artle- tionally arranged showing of Nord- aeclmer and Steinway Pianos, and that famous instrument, the Aedl- ian-Vocalion. The downtown store of R. J. Rodger. 'Where the Clock |) fs on the Walk," has a more com- plete line of all the Shings shown and will be -glad to demonstrate them at any time. Watch for the sign, "The Rodger Exhibit," in the southwest wing. You cannot afford | to miss it. R. H, Toye & Company. Here is your chance for a box of fine assorted Christie Biscuits. At the R. H. Toye & Company's booth in the southwest wing you will find! __ a box containing biscuits. By taking 2 guess at the number of biscuits in the box, you may win a full box of fine assorted Ohristie biscuits. The nearest guess to the correct ome, or the correct guess, wins a box. Every day a new box will be placed there, 50, if you don't win to-day, take ao- other try to-morrow. You have a Reading 2 (second Amcrican League Boston 6; Chicago 2 (first) Boston 8; Chicago 5 (second) St. Louis 7; Philadelphia 4 Detroit 7; New York 6. GROCERIES CURED and MEATS FRUITS Come and see us! We extend a cordial welcome to patrons of Kingston Industrial Exhibition. WANTED, HONEY, EGGS, CHICK- ENS, FOWL, DUCKS. : ALL WEEK SALE OF GRAPES Niagara's, Concords, Rogers, Delawares John Laidlaw & Son, Limited % The death occurred in Ottawa of l - ---- a former well known resident of 2 _ a m---- RE . A Brockville in William B, Daley. He had been ill for some months. The late William B. Daley was born in Brockville thirty-five years ago. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rose, Morris- burg, are camping at the Gdrrell cot- tage, Rideau Lake, HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR PRINTERS 5 MAscard BRQUALL, fava UN. JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers. . < 254 and 236 PRINCESS STREET. |B] 4 Phcne 147 for Ambul .nce. ~ Big Girls' Brown 2 Strap Welt Shoes -- ROBERT J. REID lowheels. 24to6..............$650 The Leading Undertuker, Pane 377: 250 Priuce.s Steer. Girls' 2 Strap Street Shoes, wing tip, military heels . . .. .. . [$6.00 M. P. KEYES These Strap Shoes are smart in style. and good-wearing Shoes. Big Girls' Oxfords in Black at 4.50 and Brown $4.75. ~ LOCKETT'S 5 v Phone 176. . 238 Baget Street. Call night and attended. day promptly -