Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Sep 1921, p. 5

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| CHOICE ! i WESTERN-MEATS be and COOKED MEATS | MGEEIN'S Pho : 1182 282 Princess Street ~~ =, FOR MOVING OF 5 = t, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and Cartage of every description-- | Kingston Transfer Co. ~ Phone 377. 158 Wellington Street. a ra DAVID SCOTT Plumber Piambing and Gas Work a special. ty. All work guarsateed. Addregy Phone 1277, ---- 8 145 Frontenac Street. MOTHE i | cn ss me nat 21 Main Street. THE DAILY BRITIS ew H WHIE. 'Watch your children's skins. As soon at you see the slightest trace of a rash or sore, apply Zam-Buk. Kingston and Vicinity This antiseptic balm will protect the sore place from infection, -pre- vent it from spreading and healing | soon follows. Careful mothers always keep Zam-Buk on hand for thefr chil dren's {njuries--it ends pain so «ly and prevents any poss possibil. Ny OY Yestering® Best for cats, | burns, 'scalds, bruises, ringworm, scalp sores, eczema and teething rash. All dealers 50c box ' BUILDING? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykreyd & Son Phone 10670. FAGE DISFIGURED WITH PIMPLES Metaphorically | classified advertisements { suve money { Fancy Tweeds in Greys and Brown | Sizes 26 to 35, worth $12. Clothing, Brock street. versary of the death of Dr. Hanley. officiated at mass ia memory of the Call of the Ads, - speaking the call each cheerful "Madam hous:- ve come!" TT Convent Bazaar, 11. ladies willing to assist at the ne Convent bazaar, and all ex-pupils are requested to meet at the it on Thursday, Sept. 22nd, at Cheese Sales, Cornwall, 1,994 at 16 15-16¢ to 975 at 17c. Que., racinthe, © 400 at Our Back to School Sale. We offer parents a good opper- tunity to outfit their boys right and Good Suits for $7.00. Prevost -- The Second- Anniversary. Sunday marked the second anni- Robert Hanley Rev. Father A. J. jon an auto trip to Toronto. They will | reside at in a suit of brown brqadcloch, with | of Mr. and Mre. Sandy McDonald, | mink collar, and fawn hat to match. | THs church was decorated. with pink | and white asters. The wedding march was played by Miss Vera Sheffield, sister of the bride. The | groom. is the Presbyterian minister | | at Monteith, Mr. and Mrs. Bury left Montedth. ah Attending Student Conferende. TA number of students representing Queen's are attending the annual | conference of the Students Christian | AssociatiofNbeing held this week at | Eigin House, Muskoka, . Queen's | Wome Christian Association is be- ing represented by Miss E. Simpson, Alexand Miss Margaret Mé¢Don- nell, Bainsville, Miss Margaret Wil- ton, Kingeton, and Mies Bessie Mec- Pherson, Prescott. D. Faris, M. Mil- ler and J. A. McInnes were appoint- od to represent the Queen's Men's Christian Association. Several .of the members of the society have been supplying mission fields during the summer months, The convention lasts one week and will be over in time for the opening of the colleges next week. Lansdowne; 2nd. -------- Whiskey Doped or Raw, Even whiskey with the labels of Scotch manufaciure cannot be de-| pended upon these days. Last week some visitors to each, had two drinks and were put to sleep for some hours. The whiskey ! was either doped or raw, To Maintain Road. hat maintenance of the road is nearly as important as construction is realized by the department of pro- vinecial highways and is shown by the appointment of men responsible for the upkeep of the roads in their present excellent condition, ed to keep the road .from Kingston to Westbrooke in good condition and | is responsible for this eection. The stretch at present js one of the best on the Kingston-Toronto highway and with the attention which it will receive. will be kept in excellent condition, Supplies in the form of ofl and gravel are supplied and with Kingston drank | | from a bottle that was marked High- | land whiskey, and had no doubt been | imported---that is the bottle. They | LUMBER is the cheapest building material on the market to-day. 'S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington ~ _ S psi > Se. = Btreets, KINGS1ON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415, Fred. | Gates, Westbrooke, has been appoint- | VISITORS ATTENDING EXHIBITION You will need good meals while visiting our city and ex. hibition. : Why not eat at Kingston's big Restaurant ? Good things to eat, served in an up-to-date manner. Everything you could want at very reasonable prices, DRAW. WINNETT DINTAL SURGEON. ItchedandBurned. Scarce- Corner of Johnsun and Wellington ly Slept. CuticuraHeals, ee Streets Phono 368 tenn Vicissitud "Pimples affected my face. They Of store keeping. You can buy were large and always festered, and things at the stores to-day for less they were scattered all over than the merchant paid for them and {that sort of thing is happening pret- ty often. Watch the store ads. and | know when! ' regular attention will not be allow- Grand Cafe ed to get in poor condition. PETER LEE, PROP. 222 Princess Street - - Two Doors Above Opera House Open from 8 a.m. to 2 a.m. Phone 1843, deceased on Monday morning in St. Mary's Cathedral. Lansdowne Fair. The Lansdowne fair closed on Fri- day evening after two days of com- plete success, being favored with ex- weather, large attendances, exceptionally fine exhibits and excit- | 4 ing trials of speed, besides other in- | Steel contractors is awaited. Tho teresting features. The attendance |S'eel supports of the old rink are Thuréday, despite a shower of rain early all down and nearly all the in the morning, was well up to the | holes for the supports for the new Await The Contractors. The work around the site of Queen's rink is rather quiet at the present time, while the arrival of the cellent Dr. Waugh » Dentist when they fell off they --- } left big marks until my Phone 256. ] | face was disfigured. They Use 106 Wellington St. Angrove's Repairs Seales, Talking Machines, Bicycles Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, ete. We de repair work right and guarantee satisfaction. + 187 WELLINGTON STREET yh WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street, Funeral Res., 1137. Fresh flowers and plants daily designs, and wedding | to order. Phone 1763. COAL Cho'cest quality of Scranton Coal, No other kind sold by uk : BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 W. H. STEVENSON PRICES: "IN MONUMENTS AND CEME- TERY LETTERING J. E. Mullen 161 FRONTENAC STREET Phone 1417, DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstafl's Ginger slarmaiade, Wagsta'y Fincapple Marmalade, Wagstaf's Bramble Jelly. : We also have a full line of other reilable makes of Marma- sds, Jam and Jellies for sale i-- Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Earl Streets ? License No. 5-37149 Phone 1844. -- w= a 100 acres, about 12 miles from the city. Fair price, W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and insurance 89 Broo: Street. Phone 424, "FOR SALE | itched and burned so that I scarcely slept at all. "I had been bothered for nearly two months before I started using Cuticura, and after I had used three + boxes of Cuticura Ointment with the Cuticura Soap I was completely healed." (Signed) Miss L. Burns, St. Bazile, Que., June 6, 1918. Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum for all toilet . Soap Ointment 25 and SOc. Limited, St. Paul St., Montreal. Lita Limited. St. Pout St. mug. e--------------------------------------] HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH, Waggons and Trucks Repaired. Prices moderate. 381 KING STREET EAST Nothing Sweeter for Mother, Sister or a friend, than a box of NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES. It expresses humrst on September 14th, | Mary Laurence Sheffield, daughter of Mrs. Kate Sheffield, and John Harris { Bury, son of Mr. Bury, of Scotland, (Rev. Mr, Morton officiated, and the ceremony was performed in presence of intimate friends. bride, who was given away by her brother, Neil Sheffield, was attired A little shaken into the toilet bowl renders it Free from odors and snow-white. [r---- Married at Lyndhurst, The marriage took place a® Lynd- of Miss the The = 3 E = = = RE FELIX a FE Ammonia standard of former years. Friday | the attendance exceeded even the | most optimistic expectations and all records were broken. As .near as could be estighated 6,000 people were on the grounds during the afternoon and all found opportunities for em- joyment. The prize winning babies were Lawrence O'Grady, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis O'Grady, Lans- downe, 1st; Francis McDonald, son UTIL, friendship better than words and makes everybody happy. Our stock is fresh and we are always pléased to show you Neilson's, ' Our motto is "Higher Qual- ity, Better Service" at all times, M. R. McColl Prescription Druggist. Phone 82. P.S.--Fast service to Smok- ers in a hurry--try and see. BLUE PACKAGE BLACK RED PACKAGE BLACK .. NEW PRICES CHARM TEAS GREEN PACKAGE JAPAN... THESE ARE THE BEST VALUES ON THE MARKET. 25c. PER PACKAGR 30c. PER PACKAGE 30c. PER PACKAGE planked shad from Virginia. ERRAPIN stew, roast duck, broiled quail, ' steamed oysters and bright, fragrant tobacco--these good things all come pipe--and TOBACCO Is the very cream of the choicest bright Virginia leaf--sun-dried to retain all its rich flavor. Thoroughly satisfying in the €é *e x Deliciously Fragrant" In 15¢c. Packages and % pound Tins, structure have been dug. The work of filling in the foundation holes with concrete was started Monday. In all, about one hundred and eighty of these foundations have to be pre- pared. Until the curling rink is. re- moved, lit'le more can be dono. The site on Arch street is complet-ly cleared, the last houses having been removed the latter part of the week. Victoria Home and School Club. The Home «nd School Club of Vie- toria school held their opening meet- ing for the season on Friday even- ing. There was a large attendance and it was gratifying to find that I the club commences the year with over $400 on hand. Plans are under consideration to hold a field day early in October, with which will be combined the annual tea and sale, Mr. Hill, the new singing master, was present, and favored with a couple of solos, which were: very much enjoyed. Mrs. H. E. Day gave a comprehen- sive and interesting report of the second annual convention of the On- tario Educational Association, held in Toronto last Easter, and Mr. Et- tinger, assisted by Miss Bureau, gave a lantern sHde talk on the-waterways of Canada. After singing the National Anthem the meeting adjourned to partake of refreshments, ' ~ The Late Miss Hannay. Miss Eleanor Hannay, one of King- ston's well-known business women, passed away at her residence, 15 Division street, on Saturday after an illness extending over a period of two weeks. The deceased was a daughter of the late Captain William Hannay of this city, and wag in the millinery business under the name of Hannay & Harold, Princess street, for many years, She received her early train- ing with the late Alexander Ross. Miss Hannay retired about ten years ago. She was a Presbyterian in re- church. Surviving are three bro- thers, George and William, Kingston, Thomas, Watertown, N.Y., and one nephew, Prof. Alexander Harris, Hobart College, Geneva, N.Y. The funeral took place from 15 Division street to Cataraqqui ceme- tery on Monday afternoon, Rev. J. WW. Stephen officiating. The casket was banked with beautiful floral tri- butes, testifying to the affectionate regard in which the deceased was held by numerous rélatives and friends. The pall bearers were her three brothers and nephew, IRISH BOMB PLANT IN HEART OF LONDON Explosion Led to Discovery of Fifteen Hundred Death Machines. -- ~~) London, Sept. 20.--Phrough a cor- oner's inquest into the death of a Young Irishman, Michael Mcinerny, as a result of an explosion in a gar- age here on July 28th, it developed that the police found a well stocked incendiary bomb factory in the gar age where the explosion oecurred. The coroner's jury found that death resulted from burns received while McInerny was engaged in the manu- fscture of incendiary bombs. Police officers testified that fifteen hundred bombs, two revolvers, par: of a machine gu: end bomb-making roleridls and tools were found on the premises. They asserted a note tlso was found, containing advice on the manufatoure of 'clock appara- tus." The police withheld the nature of their discoveries at the time of tie explosion, i ---------------- Hon. T. D. Pattullo, minister of lands in the British Columbia cabi- Ret, says that British interests are developing power on Campbell river, Vancouver Island. Cliixified advertising is profitable and. is paper offers better-than-the- overage opportunities. London mayors leave for Gair- Soch $0 see Lioyd LION==POLISH EN LX lo Val rN SOWARDS KEEPS COAL --and-- COAL KEEPS SOWARDS. PHONE 155. UPTOWN OFFICE--McGALL'S CIGAR STORE PHONE 811. SOWARDS COAL COMPANY ligion and a member of St. Andrew's Se --------" New Stock of Fine Quality Suits and Top Coats For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 $30.00, 32.00 See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at --$35.00 -- TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) For the Cool Weather WRAPS, CAPES, COATEES, AND SWEATER COATS-- Plain colours and fancy com- binations, including rfany of this season's latest novelties at very attractive prices.

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