A 1 a =A TUESDAY, or 20, 1921, FATHER OF MISS RAPPE : SAD 10 BE NL A decided change for the worse THE DAILY 1 Who Jilted Mother of the L. Delaney, postmaster of Clay- Dead Movie Actress in ¥., who is critically ill at tho ° ] x * 1893. Hospital, Wotertown, N.Y., suf- This Is "S hn icken {ll : g from asthma. Mr, Delagey was Ohi 21+~Pa Ds, Bue, : a a Moni a & =e me EERE Sverre ainnans St LR a A Ra IR RR er ie TELLERS SAR EIR 7 At George Vanlorne's 8 NO HOPES HELD OUT, | Condition of Wiliam TL. Delaney, Clayton, N ody Grows Worse, Times. x Gate and nl sorry end waa foreloit m hospital. His none Bas £ When she wes brougiit into the world. | sTadually grown weaker since his re- LI is stated that ghe wis the daugu- | moval to the hospital. Sunday he be ter. of an English nobleman, why | 18D sed into unconsciousness and has © Jiited her mother, Matlo Rapp, Jur. (remained in that condition so far. : S0g the gay days of the worid's ar in Chicago. Tals version Js vouched for by i 8, Juseph Rafferty, formerly nufse and WIL minute triend of Virginia's SErandniviuer, Mis, Ceioline Rapp. + Because of ube Nngishman, Mabie § Rapp, noted for her beauty, broke Fler engagerieni with the soa of a Hoted Cawago fanmly, wusting du ihe Pronvives of the suglishwen bat he ou marry ror, TMrs, Ratferty declafts sho knows the ndme of V rgiuia's father and of the wan of wom Virginia's mother Was belgothed, but declines to make them public at uhis time, . Foreign visitors who came t0 the city to witend the fwir were infaiu- ated with tho beauty of Virginias mother. She was a familiar figwo a tho gay night life and was fre- F quently seen in the promicent res taurant partice duriag asd aftor the wcrla's fair. 3he was more beautiful than Virginia. Mrs, Rafferty says Virginia was born in New York iusteaa of Chicagd, contrary to popular beliel. When cer condition became such that it might cause talk, Mable Rapp went to New York where Virginia was born and remained until the timo of her - death, cight yds later. Virginia was #n a private school . ot thé time, but ber grandmother sont for her. She developed into a strikingly beautiful girl and readily obtained employment as a modal by the best artists 4nd photographers. The funds thus earned enabled Vir- @inda nd her grandmother to move nto better quarters, At the dea'h of the grandmother, Virginia went two California and engaed in the mo- - tion picture--industry. She added a final "e' to her mame after she en- tered the movies, But hec real name 'was Rapp. Many old-time Chicagoans recall Mable Rapp, the mother, and her . beauty and the vague 'Scandals con- '§ mected with her life, "but mamy of these stories canndt be confirmed. : Westport rsonals. ! Westport, Sept. 19,--The many friends of Miss Ora Botting, who un- 7 derwent an operation for appendici- "tls, will be pleased to know that she is recovering nicely. Miss Violet Cole- * man left on Tuesday to spend a few weeks with friends in New York. ~ Miss Lulu Weatherhead, trained . nurse, who has been spending the past six weeks with her mother, Mrs, ~ Annie Weathehead, left on Monday . for Chicago. Miss Ivy Reynolds, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs, (Dr.) Smith, Beaverton, has retura- ed home, R. Reynolds, Hartford, Conn. is the guest of Mrs: G. F. Rey- nolds. Migses Florence and Vera Stinson have retyrned home after - spending the past two weeks (with friends in Toronto and Brockville. Mrs. W, W. Russel] returned home Friday after spending the past month in New York. Rev. A. Pringle, Na- panee, was the guest of L. G. 0. Wal- ker on Morday. ~ When Women Suffer ~ Look for weakness or ill-health. "Bee if there is not a side ache, head- i ache, restlessaess and the *'blues." i The symptoms indicate that you need he gentle assistance of. Dr. Hamil- 's Pills. This soothing medicine is a great friend to womankind. They are a wonderful relief to constipa- tion, they clear up sick headache, re- move wastes and poisons from the Br Girls and women dan use Hamilton's Pills with great suc- cess. Thousands use no other medi- eine and rely solely upon Dr. Hamil 'ton's Pills to regulate the system and Xeep it in smooth running order. 25c¢. all dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., es EL DRESS SYSTEM "AGENCY 'FOR ALL For particulars APPLY tO J. P. HANLEY, . & T. A., G.T. Ry., Kingston, Ont, Dr I a Sica Dental Surgeon Wishes t unce ] that he Lo aed practice, cor. Wel- lington and Princess Streets. Phone 2092 Dr. H. A. Stewart No hopes are held out for hid re- covery and it is believd that the end is but a question of a few hours. Mrs. Delaney has been at her hus- band's bedgide constantly singe- he was stricken. France Is Not To Haye An Aerial Police Force Paris; Sopt. 21.--Aviation exper have been called in by the' Air Min- istry to study how an @ir polioo sys- tem may be installed not only wv protect the frontiers from smug glors or enemy invaders but ass from bandits. The latter possibilty has become serious because of the rapid devolopment of aerial mayi- gation between Paris and practically overy European capital, with some ol te voysgers requiring night trips. \The pilots unanimously have re- commended that cach aeroplane be provided with a small machine gua for signalling or protective purposes, but this now is considered insuffisi- ent constantly patrolling the clouds. With criminals of all nations bold- or than before the war, the aviators lave suggested that # would be a i task for air bandits to hire, say, three machines, surround a se luxe air express loaded with million- wires, and force it to descond to an iselated field far from the metropu- lis, where the bandits could relieve the passengers with certainty of a good haul before escaping in their own machines after damaging the de luxe airships so as to prevent being followed. Few Bushmen Applying For Work in Camps North Bay, Sept. 21.--Althous: work was offering for about 159) bushmen, there were so few appli- cants for jobs at the Ontario Gov- ernment Employment Bureau to-day that one cothpany had to send over to Sudbury $0 seek help there. H. P. Chariton, In change of the bureau, said that the season 'was early yet and that men were not yet coming forward at the wages offered in the bush--namely $26 to $32 . per month and al found. One company in this section which last year operated eighteen camps will have only half that number 'hus year, their representative said this aftepnoon. ------------ Holland And Belgium May Get Arms Seats -- 'Washington, Sept. 21.--Sufficient assurances, formal end informal, ara understood to have been received by the state department "rom the dif- fevent powers invited to participate in the armament conference to make it appear that Holland and Belgium will te given seats at the conference when it discusses far eastgmm sun- jeots. The state department's proposals regarding the conference programme which were forwaded to the invited powers, are understocd to have been responded to in partand on the wnole #0 have met with little announced opposition. Three Were Badly Injured When Their Coupe Upset S---- Belleville, Sept. 21.--On Sunday evening an automobile accident oc- curred on the road that leads from Corhvville to Fairfleld's Bridge. The victims wene Dr. Clinton, of thie €ily. provincial officer of health ; Mrs. Clinton and their dauglter, Miss Jean The party, who were ia a coupe, were travei.ng towards the cits, when in turning out the coupe Was upset. As a result Dr. Clinton's right arm was broken, Mrs. Clinton had two ribs cracked, and Miss Clin- ton quite serfously injured. TO CONTINUE HER PAPER. Sylvia Pankhurst Succeeded in Rals- ors' - Sylvia Pank- dburst's paper, is not going to stop publication, as #t was announced oa Saturday. Yesterday Miss Pankhurst stated that she had changed mind end decided bo continue the paper as she had been successful in mfalng the £500 necessary te camry with, Notes From Wilton, : ton, Sept. 19--NMr, Blake Swit spending several days in To- » Spent at the home of Blake Switzer. . Clement Booth, Rutherford, N. «+ is with her sister, Mrs, Sperry . Mr and Mrs. Ottis Storms, ath NJ., called on friends uring the past week. Miss Darling' the Odessa public school staff spent the week-end with her sister, Miss Clare Darling, at the home of Gay Simmons. Rev. H. J. and Mrs. Latimer and family returned on Fri. day from Ottawa where they had spent several days Aaltending the Ot- tava 'shibition. oF 2 KN-Semi-ready Tailoring sys- tem was developed a quarter century ago, ready-made clothes had The struggle then was all for cheapness. Manufacturers vied with sale. The inevit- e sacrifice of quality a The cheapest, taw- deicat nassrialp mers -ugeds and wher Vv. ever any -part-of 'the work courd be omitted 'without the buyer dis i the trick, the omission was considered quite <in the game. It was the idea. that men-weve will- ing to pay a fair price for quality and good 'workmanship that was the basis of the Semi-ready policy. - The conception of the physique type system, which meant that every shape of man could have his own suit shapely designed to fit him, was, of 'course, the main idea. But this alone would not bring success to a new venture, That shoes of the best leather were made in large factories and made bet ter in style and in fitting quality than the ordinary bench shoemaker could them had been proven. Then not suits and overcoatsi ; Within a decade of the coneastion of the Semi-ready idea Canadians were considered the best dressed men in the ciyilized world. And they.arg today. vs An Exposition of Meri's Fashion and ~ Perfect-Fitting Suits! ~~ Founded on the Physique Type System: Semi-ready Tailored Clothes "That men will "pay a: better price for what they know and feel to be a better srticle is true today and always, a well-fitting suit or owter garment, It is based on a physiolagical study of mankind---allowing for the physical shapes caused by occupation and cavionment. There-s : Semi-ready- Suits designedsfoeshort slight men, Seviewady Sula. for whom, vou men, Suits for the sverjge man keop his weight right for hig SALE Suite for tall men. Suits"for tall: stout-men, | Buits for fat men. as Suits for chesty men, aid offices for men of Te ah at the waist. Naturally the d has to A sult Besigued Tor o cbal miner, whose burly shoulders are abnormally It was quickly found that the mos} expensively woven woollens, the finest pod pusest wool cloths, could be mada 300 new Suits WE Overcoats--showing all the new styles and physique types, are now on view at my store. Come in and see them--not necessarily to buy, but to know what "Semi-Ready means. There's as much difference as between a thoroughbred and a cart horse--but the "price in the pocket" means a near-cost product, . George Vi: