: . f f- wor A \ , ; E DAILY PRITISH WHIG ANNOUNCING FOR ~ TOMORROW The Tug's Responsibility. T { On the other hand, the question | i 5 ) | wis asked whether thé mate of the | tug Margaret Hackett was free from | blame, and should her owners -be! | held liable in whole or part for they damage eustained by the barge | hurst's tow) he concluded she was a | . the Attractions. for the Maclennan said his assessdr advised ad a Brookdale? When the mate of the : RCHA Band And RMC. Margaret Hackett saw the. gress i 3 enna GDL 0OF the Brookdale (the. Maple- | i SE samo b+ Riding Detail a Are Among vessel under sail, .and manoeuvred || his"own course accordingly. Judge F X : (Special to The Whig? him that the mate was justified in HIBITION "|| Picton, Sept. 21.--The annual fair || a a ilet VISITORS lof the Prince Edward Agricultural | (216 manoeuvre, but e ' to take into consideration his own | Society was officially opened at 2 with a showing of FALL SUITS and OVERCOATS (Ready-to-wear) unequalled by any- shown in | o'clock this afternoon by His Excel- lency the governor-general, Lord! Byng of Vimy. The vice-regal party | arrived at the station at 1.30 p.m. |and was met by a large gathering of | people. A parade was formed and | His Excellency was escorted to the fair grounds. The parade was in | the following order: Band of the R. [C. H. A, Prince Edward Veterans, | "C" company, Hastings and Prince | Edward Regiment, school cadets and | Girl Guides, governor-general and tow and its great length. The asses- sor further advised that the mate of the Margaret Hackett was guilty of a breach of the regulations in at- tempting to cross ahead of another vessel, although there was justifica- tion for this, and that he was guilty of a grievous error of judgment when he believed that his tow, considering its length, could cross the bow of the supposed sailing vessel. The mate must be held to blame for his error of judgment and for failure at the last moment to have starboarded, Our Fare Refund Sale--Exceptional Values in All Depart- ments throughout the store. 30 BEAUTIFUL FUR-TRIMMED COATS $42.50 up to $85.00 Rich appearing, every one of them, with large rever. or shawl collars of Nutria, Mole, Squirrel and Opossum --elaborate embroidery and cable stitching--bell shaped, straight or set in mandarm sleeves; large, roomy Coats, the newest vogue. thing | party, members of Prince Edward which, in the assessor's opinion, | County Council and Picton Town | would have averted the collision. He | Council, agricultural society repre-| was wrong in attempting to :cross | sentatives and Captain Bray and de-|ahead of the tow when he should | tail from the riding establishment of | have kept out of the way, and his | Royal Military College. owners, Judge Maclennan decided, | ! At the grounds addresses of wel-! must be held responsible in propor- | | come from the Prince Edward Coun-| tion to the degree in which their | i ty Council and Picton town council | mate was at fault for breach of i were read by Mayor Newman. The | Article 20 and 22, and which con- fair, which opened Tuesday, was of-|'ributed to the collision. ficially declared open by His Excel- lency. _ Maplehurst More to Blame. The town is gaily decorated and In the court's opinion the Maple- all along the line of march flags and | hurst was very much more to blame bunting were in prominence. The |for the collision than the Margaret an alive Pins I si Be proportioned-- - All new shapes and colors. See ve it mornin, DUE Ihe od wa liability to the Maplehurst and dne- our Pearl Grey. Pric until 1.30. The rain fell heavily in|9Urter lo the Margaret Hackett. gi the morning, but towards noon the| Judgments on demand and cross- a i sp -- -- sun shone out and made the after.|demand were accordingly entered as noon's programme a success. follows: Judgment in favor of the ---- George Hall Coa] Company against NEW COATS Made from a fine grade of French Velour, Polo Cloth, and Whitney; deep Collars of self material, in a variety of new styles and colors. $25.00 EACH Kingston in selec- tion, quality and price. Fall Suits $20.00 up to $40.00 Fall Overcoats . .$18.00 up to $35.00 Rain Coats . ..~. $12.00 up to $20.00 SILK DRESSES Unusual value . . ... $18.50 Colors: Brown, Navy, Black. Sizes for Misses and Women in the latest fall style. CHILDREN'S COATS in a broad variety of Plain and Fur-trimmed styles. The colors: Grey, Copen, Brown and Navy. Prices moderate $5.50 to $11.95 the steamer Maplehurst and her bail for three-quarters of the damages to the tug Margaret Hackett and costs; Special for this week--Shirts val- ues up to $3.50, for ..... $1.59 Three Parts Fault Attributed to Maplehurst, One Part to Margaret Hackett. and judgment in favor of the Canada > _FOR_THER COLL SION | Steamship lines against the tug Mar- -- garet Hackett and her bail for one- quarter of the damages to the barge Brookdale, and costs, with a refer- ence to the district registrar (Mr. Walker), assisted by merchants as assessors 'to determine the damages Montreal, Sept. 21.--Judgment a was given in the Admiralty Court by Justice Maclennan holding both ves- sels to blame for the collision which occurred early in the morning of July 16th, 1920 in Lake St. Peter betwéen the lake steamer Maplehurst, belong- ing to the Canada Steamship Lines, Livingston's 75.77 BROCK STREET Founded 1847. "If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk" \ Ladies" Fine New Suits Priced . . . .. $42.50 up. Suits of richest new materials, distinctive models --- in and the steam tug Margaret Hackett, all the latest colors. belonging to the George Hall Coal Company. : 3 oa ca SE Tk Georgette Crepe Over Blouses ett sued the Canada Steamship Lines for $58,000 for the loss of the tug, New and effective styles -- beautifully embroidered. Colors: Flesh, Sand, Navy. Sizes 34 to 42. B and against this the Steamsh Lines Note Price . .+........ $4.75. sued the George Hall Compan $6,000 damages done to the M hurst's tow, the barge Brookdale. The court f were at fault, quarter to the Margaret Hackett, Between three and four o'clock in the morning of the date named the Maplehurst was going down the river with the Brookdale in tow. In Lake St. Peter she met the Margaret Hack- ett, which had the barge Gladys H. | Anderson Bros. Limited JOSEPH A. RICHARDSON k or moré than thirty vears district in tow. The Margaret Hackett pass- | Passenger agent of the Wabash Rail- ed the Maplehurst without observ- a headquarters In Totento, whe, ing her tow. 'Seeing the light of the ---- barge Brookdale, and thinking she NEW RUBBER APRONS Ideal for general housework. Practical in style and color. 400 YARDS BLACK MES- SALINE DRESS SILK 36 inches wide. Exhibition 1 was a sailing ship, the Margaret Hackett attempted to take a course between the two. She 'sfruck the tow cable, swung into the Maple- hurst's tow, and was so badly dam- aged by the collicion that she sank. The main issue, as submitted to | Mr, Justice Maclennan, with whom Captain J. O. Grey sat as assessor, The kiddies believe in taking in the fair the first day. Tuesday the il grounds were filled with youngsters | and 'they had the time of their lives, || especially in, the main building, | where they went the rounds and col- | locted ail the souvenirs they could | | get. John Alexander, who has spent | Two qualities. Prices 300 YARDS ALL WOOL Extra Value . . . . $1.00 yard 100 YARDS NAVY ALL. WOOL CHEVIOT Principally used for Child- ren"s Reefer Coats. 54 inches NAVY SERGE Regular value $1.75. «ove. 90c. yard was whether the Maplehurst carried | three months "with his x Suet in the extra light on her mast the law England, is sailing for Ruston id exacts when a steamer has a vessel Saturday to resume wor Kk in he | 3 in tow. Odd Fellows Relief office. V 1S] The evidence was to the effect that | Rev. W. J. Gratton, St. John's | { church, Pittsburgh township, has such extra light was carried. It was °C , I 5 ; : . admitted this Mght was not'an elec- | P€n @ppointed to the parish of Thg expenses of your trip may be amply tric light like the others the ship dis- | Ameliasburg and will commence his . . : played. It consisted of a lantern rig- | "eV duties on October 1st. | compensated if you take advantage of our special prices on-- ged up to the mast in an old veget-| Seckel pears at Carnovsky's. able box. | and i Sale Price 98c. yard John Laidlaw & Son, Limited The lookout of the Margaret Hack- | ott Fi that no Night which HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR would indicate that the Maplehurst 5 GROCERIES had a tow ern as the Margaret PRINTERS | Hackett approached. CURED A Breach of Regulations, MEATS FRUITS and 4 MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. Mr. Justice Maclennan, in deliver- BORN. ing judgment, pointed out the im- GALLAGHER--To Mr. and Mrs. W. J. 3 portance of observance of the regu- Gallagher, 103 Pine Street, on Tues- Come and see us! We extend a cordial Jations SYSeriing Hebs, particular: day, Repl. 20h, 1331, & daughter welcome to patrons of Kingston Industrial and crowded waterway between Exhibition. : wite of Henry James knapp, aged : ance was prima-facie negligence. The Tan her late residence, Bar- WANTED, HONEY, EGGS, CHICK- court found that the Maplehurst did jefleld, = Sroay Stternpon, at 3 3 SAI T ME 3 not have the towing lights required | (Toronto and Carleton Place papers, 8 ENS, FOWL, DUCKS. | by the regulation. The men in charge piedse copy). " of the tug saw the bright electric in' a vegetable box; it was so dim, Phone 147 for Ambul:nce. and, the judge said, in such a posi- |" tion that it was no notice to the tug ROBERT J. REID hat he Maplehurst had a barge in p The Lencing if Lifes luli Se _ Proof of the breach of regulations The evidenee, the judge said, was con ve that if the lights ! Maplehurst hag indicated she vessel behind her in tow, the argaret Hackett had ample 'Montreal and Quebec, Departure DIED. 3g light on the Maplehurst's mast, but JAMES REID ADL WEEK SALE OF GRAPES cast the burden wpon the infringing and room to pass her, in which my. gn Big Girls' Brown 2 Strap Welt Shoes -- lowheels. 24to6.............. $6.50 Girls' 2 Strap Street Shoes, win tip, military heels . . .. .. . . $6.00 These Strap Shoes are smart in style and good-wearing Shoes, ~~ « _ Big Girls' Oxfords in Black at 4.80 : and Brown $4.75. : LOCKETTS || UE , b L' from these regulations was . only | SNATT IR, Pqrricfeld, on September justified by 'necessity. Non-observ- not the second light--the one burn- | ~The Old Firm of U al : ing in the coal ofl lantern rigged up | 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET: . » Niagara's, Concords, Rogers, Delawares veasel to establish that the breach did not cause or contribute to the 'collision, 2 § iE Fif