Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Sep 1921, p. 3

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i WEDNESDAY, 'SEPT, 21, 1021. = Summer Grippe Requires prompt treatment. A few doses of . DR. HICKEY"S CHEST REM- EDY, together with a treat- ment. of COLD TABLETS #will break up the worst cold in a few hougs. Do not neglect your cold, but get these remedies at once. LT. Best, Druggist PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Open Sundays. Phone 59, Many Weddings take place in SERTEMBER and OUR STOCK 18 full of choice gifts for THE BRIDE THE GROOM and Their attendants as well as The New Home Wedding Rings. SMITH BROS. Jewelers Limited Established 1840. Registered Opticians 850 Kirg Street Marriage dcenses. uncommon words--maybe, but very common causes of HEADACHE We have glasses that remove these causes and give IMMEDIATE RELIEF Before consulting the physi- cian, before using medicines || and drugs, come and see ua. EN It your headache is caused' by eye strain we cure it' THROUGH PROPER GLASSES Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. Optometrist and Optician, 226 Princess Street. 8 doors above the Opera House DENTAL PARLORS: 183 PRINCESS STREET KINGSTON, ONTARIO | | tion, X-Ray work. Dr. Nash's | We specialize on:--Painless Extrac: Latest Treatment of Pyorrhea, Oil Heaters Before your Furnaces are lit for the winter you will want a little heat for the chill evenings. A new Perfection Oil Heater will give you the tempo- rary heat required. Price . Japanned .. .... $7.50 Nickle plate . .... $8.00 McKelvey & Birch, Limited Phone 237, e & & eo ~ = Kingston CARPETS, .CURTAINS, FURNITURE, PIANOS, VICTROLAS, RECORDS, WHITE SEWING MACHINES. Have you ordered your Hoover ? Fall housecleaning will soon be on hand. - . Make the work easy by using a HOOVER , SUCTION CLEANER. We have a very fine line of + Extra good value. o® T.F. Harrison Co.. Limited Pioe 9 Living-room Suites. ------------------ | I 17 | | oa | old In Twilight (Notice--Hereaft r, the Whig, in common with other papers all over +Cenada,-will make. a-echarge--ol $+ for inserting an engagemeat, mar- riage or receplion announcement.) To ge! the Whig's society writer, taleplions No. 857w., 189 Earl street. . - - The presence of His Excellency, Lord Byng of Vimy, drew even a lar- | ger number of people than usual to the aquatic sports at the Royal Mili- f tory College on Tuesday afternoon, | and the piers were crowded with on- {lookers. His Excellency, the Govern- | or-General, arrived at the staf' en- clcsure with its red and white deco- rations, accompanied by Major Gen- eral 8ir Archibald Maecd ell, his two aides, Major - Willis O'Connor and Capt. Jolliffe, and several of the officers of the R, M. C. The P. W. O. R. band played during the afternoon, THe races were followed with inter- est and a company of jesters in mo- | tely array created much fun, the bal. | let dancer in rose, with a very flirta- | tious manner, and the exceeding large baby being leading favorites. These turned out to be the competi- tors in the barrel dace and be:trode their treacherous steeds with cour- age, the ballet dancer leading. The | police cart of the "Barriefield con- | stabulary," with its warning sign: { "Go slow and you'l] see the eicty; go fast and you'll see the jail," appeared | with flapping door and rickety | wheels; two policemen drove this ve- | hicle and contended manfully swith | bandits who arrived in a car. The | cadets excelled themselves in their | various stunts and kept their Zuests |in roars of laughter. The tea served | trom a marquee on the ' lawn was | very welcome, as the easterly wini was a bit chilly and then the last race between the war canoes finished splendidly and the younger people went over to Sir Arthur Currie Hall to dance for several hours. Among those present were Brig.-General King and Mrs. W. B. Shuttleworth King, Col. and Mrs. H. J. Dawson, Col. and Mrs. Horace Lawson, Col. and Mrs. Greenwood, the Bishop of Ontario and Mrs. E. J. Bidwell, Col. Hodgins, Col. Beeman, Col, and Mrs, Schmidlin, Col. and Mrs. Scroggie, Col. and Mrs. Perry, Major and Mrs. F, A. Walsh, Capt. anl Mrs. BE. J. Harvey, Capt. and Mrs. Vokes, Col. and Mrs. Norman 8S, Leslie, Col, and | Mrs. Elkins, Col. and Mrs. F. W. Hill, Col. and Mrs. Beverley Browne, Col. and Mrs. Bevan Dunbar, Capt. and Mrs. J. C. Murchie, Capt. and Mrs. Hird, Capt. and Mrs. Gibson, Major and Mrs. V. Williams, Major and Mrs. McManus, General and Mrs. R. W. Rutherford, Mrs. Jeremy Tay+ lor, Mrs. Andrew Drummond, Major and Mrs. R. J. Leech, Col. and Mrs. G. Hunter Ogilvie, Hon: Mr. and Mrs, Burke Roch, Ireland, Mrs. H. E. Pense, Mrs. Greenlees, Mrs. W. Berminghom, Mrs. Malcolmson, Miss Alison Macdonell, Mrs. Earnest Cun- ningham, Col .and Mrs. Wilgar, Mr. and Mrs. F. R.. 8. Johnston, Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Brymner, Mrs. Colson, Ot- tawa, Mrs. W. H. Macnee; Mrs. Jam- es Cappon, Mrs. H. A. Lavell, Miss L. Shibley, Mrs. H. G. Betts, Mrs. C. E. Taylor, Mrs. Ross Livingston, Miss Marsh, Thornbury, Miss Alice Mac- '| nee, Mrs, W. K. Macnee, Mrs. James Hayden, Mrs. R. W, Spencer, Ganan- oque, Mr. and Mre. W. J. Fair, Prin- cipal and Mrs. Bruce Taylor; Miss Hora, Rev. A. Cooke, Miss Cooke, Mrs, W. A. Sawyer, Mrs. Bruce Hop- kins, Mrs. James Baxter, Mrs, Frank Strange, Mrs, W. R. Givens, Mrs. H! Ashby, Mr. and Mrs, gValter Flem- ing, Mrs. Gallagher, # Capt. McKay, Capt. Matheson, Mrs. John Mackie, Mrs. E. F. Torrance, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Davis, Mrs. R. O. Jolliffe, Miss Wootten, Prof. and Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. A. K. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. W. ¥. Nickle, Canon Woodcock, Rev, A. ¥; CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears CT the Signature of Rs Women Men Admire Men admire a pretty face, a good figure, but most of all the happ,.heal- thy, contented woman, as beauty fades and the figure will'change. Wo- men who are troubled with backache, headaches, those dreadful dragging sensations, and nervous irritability, cannot hope to be popular, and ad- vancement in either home, business or social life is impossible. The cause of these troubles, however, yields quickly to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound, as it is a natural restorative for such conditions, and dispels effectually all those distress- ing symptems. x 3 PAA AAA ILY BRITISH ¥, Brockville, Rev. W. E Kidd, = Mrs. T. Ashmore | 1d Mrs. John Barry, Mor Mrs, Ganong and Mrs. 3 , Toronto, Mrs. J. S. M Miss Adela Stewart, Montreal, Mrs. J. A. Newnham, Prince 'A ) Sask., Dr. and Mrs. Millar, De. Aus- | tin, Dr; and 'Mrs. Earnest Sparks, | Mrs. Hugh Ryan, Miss Aileen Rogers, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Marjorie, | Hopkirk, Miss Tyron, Miss Mamie Anglin, Miss Lilian Fair, - = & > > Mrs. Hugh Welsh, Bagot street, was the hostess at a very enjoyable bridge of four tables Tuesday. The room was decorated with pink roses in a silver basket, centreing the sup- per table. ; i . * - i The choir picnic always held by | | the choir of Sydenl.m street Metu- | |odist church was to have come off | on Saturday, but the weather proviug unfavorable, the affair was turned into a supper in the lecture hall ot the church. Speeches, music, etc, made the party a very merry one, greatly enjoyed by all present. . . . Mrs. Charles E. Taylor, 185 Kinz street west, will receive on Friday, | Sept. 23rd, and afterwards on the first Tuesday of each month. -. * . A surprise party is arranged for this evening which will claim the hospitality of the Misses Lymau, | King street west. Mrs. John Nicolle, Barrie street, | ertertained at bridge on Tuesday | evening, | Mrs. Lillie Perry, Camden Bast. was in town to-day. | E. Roy Moore, Kitchener, On*., is} visiting in the city. I Arthur Davidson, formerly of tha | Merchants Bank, Kingstcn, now of! Windsor, and his bride, are spend- Ing their honeymoon with Mr. ana Mrs. Davidson, Portsmouth. | | * ee Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Chown and | Hubert Chown, University avenue, | went to Toronto on Tuesday to be | present at the marriage of Wilbar | Chown to Miss Janet Douglas, which | takes place to-day. Miss Olive Chown | came from Guelph for the occasion | Mr. and Mrs, John Barry, Mont- | real, who were in town for the | aquatic sports at the R.M.C., were | at the Chateau Belvidere. Miss Jessie Polson, who was in| town for a few cays with her sister, | Mrs, Harold Davis, has returned 1o | Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Polson | and. the Missec Polson will leave for California shortly. - * * Mrs. J. BE. Ganong, Miss Ganong and Mrs. Glen Osler, Toronto, were in town for the aquatic sports ana were at the Chateau Belvidere. Mrs. Newham, Prince Albert, Sask., is at the Chateau Belvidera. Mrs. J. 8S. Morris and Miss Cecile Stewart are in town from Montreal for the Royal Miitary College sports. Mrs. R. W. Spencer, Gananoque, is the guest of Mr, and Mrs. James Hayden, Johnson street.' Mr. and Mrs. James Hayden, Mrs. Ernest Cunningham and Paul Cun- ningham have returned from their | motor trip through the eastern states. * * 3 Rev, A. F. C. Whalley, St. Pet- er's church, Brockville, is with Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Macnee, Queen street. Mr. and Mis. W. Coverdale will leave for their home in New York this week. Mrs. McDougall, Toronto, is the guest of her sister; Mrs. Charles Jackson, Sydenham Apartments. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phillipe, John- son street, and her sister, Mrs. Sid- ney Kirby, came from Toronto -on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs, W. ITobart Dyde have returned from Algonquin Park and Toronto. * . * Among the Kingstonians noticed at the Syracuse, N.Y. state fair last week, were: Mr. and Mrs. James Laugher, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ran- dall; Mr. and Mrs. BE. J: Metcalfe and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Van- Luven, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ran- dall, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Aylesworth, Cataraqui, Mr. and Mrs. Layton Guess, Mr. and Mrs. L. Baxter, Messrs, John Theobeld and Sudda- by. (Continued on Page ? ) Footprints in Greenland. The length of time that footprints will remain fresh-looking in the soil on the coast of Greenland is remark- able. On Littleton Island, near Smith's Soupd, members of the Peary Relief Expedition found footprints of a reindeer which seemed but a few hours old. Yet other signs discover- ed shortly after proved indisputably that the animal which left the marks had not been on the island for many weeks, Hope is a fine thing, but it takes a divvil of a lot c= work to realize on it. goods from-- 'We sell only the famous A.H.M. Brand of Boots and Shoes, Ten- nis and Outing Shoes, Rubbers and Rubber Boots fer Men and Boys. See the A.H.M. Booth at the Exhibition and buy the A.HLM. JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE - « = KINGSTON, ONT. fom ol. WHIG. pr } PROBS: --Thursday, westerly winds, fair. mag 1 | Attend and Boost Kingston's Greatest Fair a FEATURING SEVERAL OUTSTANDING VALUES | FOR THURSDAY | At Steacy's Sensational Fare Refund and Mail Order Comparison Sale-- the most stupendous bargain event of the Fall season. See our windows and bargain posters for added atfractions, WOOL TRICOTINE AND BOTANY WOOL Serge Jumpers Sale Price $9.95 Regularly priced at $15.00 and $16.50 25 only, Navy French Tricotine and Em- broidered Botany Wool Serge Dresses, with Novelty Belts; in sizes 16, 18 and 20; while : they last SALE PRICE cee. $9.98 All Wool 50 inch NAVY and BROWN SERGE Sale Price 87¢c. 180 yards of fine, heavy qual- ity, All-Wool Serge; in colors Brown and Navy--full 50 ins. wide--the greatest value offer- ed in Kingston since 1914. SALE PRICE . ... .87¢. yard . CASHMERETTE STOCKINGS Special value at 35c¢. a pair Sale Price 25¢. 300 pairs of first quality, med- ium weight Black and Brown Cashmerette Stockings--these are considered very special value at the new low pricé of 35c. a pair. While they last-- SALE PRICE. ........ 25¢. Large, Double-sized, White and Grey Flannelette Blankets ® og Regular $3.50 a pair. Sale Price $2.49 | 120 pair--all we could secure -- of extra large, heavy weight Grey and White Ibex and Kingest Flannelette Blankets --with borders of Blue or Pink. Secure your needs at this spe- cial exhibition sale price. ................ Sale Price $2.49 - WHITE FLANNELETTE 27 inches wide--reg. 23c. yd. Sale Price 15¢. 1,200 yds. of soft, white, fleecy: Flannelette; full 27 ins. wide; a splendid value at 23¢. Antici- pate your requirements at this very special SALE PRICE ........ 15. AMERICAN SPOT CHALLIES, 12ic. YD. Regular 25¢. a Yard. 800 yards only, of 36 inch Blue and Pink imported Challie--- marked for a quick clean-up--- most suitable for house dresses and children's wear. A great value at 25¢. a yard. SALE PRICE ........12}¢. Steacy's p Limited ' 3 =

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