WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21, 1921. A COOKED MEATS _McGEEIN'S | Phone 1182 282 Princess Street - FOR MOVING OF Freight, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and Cartage of every description-- « Kingston Transfer Co. Phone 377, 153 Wellington Street. DAVID SCOTT Planber Pilambing and Gas Work a specia). - ty. AN work guaranteed. Addreay 145 Frontenac Street. . DRAW. WINNETT ' DENTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnsun and Wellington Phone 863 Dr. Waugh 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. Angrove' $ Repairs ens. Talking Machines, Bicycles, Ban 7 Garring Lava Jie ers, ete. We Tepair wor! re and guarantee _satisfacti a 17 WELLINGTON STREET WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street, Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order, Phone 1763. Res, 1137, ¢ Phone 1277, W. R McRae & Co. COAL Cholcest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by uv, No BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 "REDUCED PRICES IN MONUMENTS AND CEME- TERY LETTXRING J. E. Mullen 161 FRONTENAC STREET Phone 1417. DID YOU EVER TRY ¢ Wagstial's Gluger starmalade, Wagstan'y Pineapple Marmatade, Wagstai's Brambie Jelly. We &isv have a Tull uns of other relablie makes of Marma- hades, Jaw and Jeiues fur sale Bhi Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Earl Streets License No. 5-27149 Phone 1844. FOR SALE 100 acres, about 12 miles from the city. Fair price. Real Hatate aml Insurance WHAT CAUSES] HEADACHES ? "Fruit-a-fives" Prevents Auto-intoxication ~Aute-intezication meansself poisons Rena. . ing. Many people suffer from partial Constipation or insufficient action of the bowels. Waste matter which should pass out of the body every day, remains and poisons the blood. As'a result, there is Headaches, Indigestion, disturbed Stomaeh, Pain in the Back, Rheumatism and Eczema and other skin diseases. "Fruit-atives" will alwoys relieve Auto-intoxication asthese tablets, made from fruit juices, act gently on the bowels, kidneys and skin and keep the blood pure and rich. 80c a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25¢. At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, ted, Ottawa. BUILDING? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. Daan Maria, Sm avornad ro fy "wy New location: Corner Ontario and West Sta Phone 67. PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer, Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 214. 349 Princess S¢. FOR SALE Good second - hand Lumber, Corrugated Sheet Steel and other building materials, L. Cohen & Co. 275 Ontario St. Phone 837, | Very Choicest of Meats Always HH 8 > thon HOGAN'S MEAT MARKET 822 King Street. Phone 285 .| Brockville, Prescott and Ottawa. Ine DAILY BRITIS H WHIG. I -- - » May Be A Candidate, Dr. M. J. Maloney, Bganville, may run as an independent supporer of the Meighen government in South -- ee -- Strawberries Ripe! N. Peterson, Belleville, hag fine strawberries in his garden at this late season. The plants are quite laden with the fruit. Building on the Q's, Alert men and women know that qauntity must go hand in hand with quality, We are building our classi- fied columns on the Q's. ------ Harvest Thanksgiving St. Paul's--Harvest Thanksgiv- ing on Sunday next. Holy Commaun- ion, 8 a.m. Morning prayer, 11 am. Evening prayer, 7 p.m. Mike Rodden as Coach. Mike Rodden, a fcrmer Queen's student, will this year coach the Parkdale senior rugby squad. Last year he coached the Argonauts of To- ronto, ---- Change in Agents. George J. Valin, G.T.R. and C.N.R. agent at Pembroke since a year ago las. February, is soon to leave to be succeeded by J. W. Ritchie, agent at Galetta for the past twenty-five years. Remarkable Growths. William Ennis, Perth Road, has a tomato grown from his own crop that measures seven inches across the top and eighteen inches in cir- cumference, and also an ear of <orn fifteen inches long Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. George H. Howard, Elgin, announce the engagement of their daughter, Enid Alberta, to Cecil F. Myers, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Myers, Portland, the mar- riage to take place early in October. Our Back to School Sale. We offer parents a good oppor- tunity to outfit their boys right and save money. Good Suits for $7.00. Fancy Tweeds in Greys and Brown. Sizes 26 to 35, worth $12. Prevost Clothing, Brock street. Catching Maskinonge, Mrs. Mann left Thursday for New York after spending several weeks in Clayton, N.Y. This #s the thirtie.h year that Mrs, Mann has been on the river and during that time bas land- ed eighty maskinonge. To, Curb Speeding. The department of Highways is evidently determined to curb 'speed- ing and other traffic violations on the Prince : of .Wales Highwaybetween It is announced that T. K. Chapel, Kemptville, has been appointed a traffic officer on the highway. Gabanoque High School. The two vacancies caused by the resignation of Miss Fleming and Miss Gillespie from the high school staff have been filled, and in "he persons of Miss Ellizabeth Chown, B.A., and Miss Rachel L. E. Wood, B.A, #t has two teachers exception- ally 'well qualified to co-operates with Principal Smith and Mr. Lewis in handling the largest enrollment or students in the history of ihe Gan- anoque high school. No less thaa 142 students are already registerea with more to come. peacBetslermsdn Reformatory. =. Isaac Sellyeh, a young man, for- merly of Belleville, was sentenced by Judge Deroche to a term of three months in the Ontario reform- atory for theft of a motor, the prop- {erty of Phillip Sauva, and an inde- | terminate period thereafter not to ex- ceed two years less one day in all. He was convicted of other crimes. Made Presentation, W. J. Wells, wecently retired from 'he post office staff, was in- formally presented by the staff with a tambour model cathedral-gong and mahogany clock. The: gift was suitably engraved, and was accom- panied by an address expressing the best wishes of the staff. Mr, Wells was on the post office staff for "hir- ty-three years. ------------------------ Injured in Runaway, Wellington, Ont., Sept. 21.--A ser- fous accident occurred to Georges Smith, Jr, Hillier, as hie was deliv- ering empty cans at Morden"s factory here. Some cases fell off the wagm and frightened his 'horses, which bolted up "he railway tracks, Smith was thrown from the wagon and one wheel went over his body, break- ing three ribs, bruising his back aud almost tearing eff his left ear. Had a Bad Fall, John Chant, Harlem, was compei- led to jump from the top of an iron silo "1ddder twenty-nine feet high when the part to which the carrier rope was attached gave way, letting the carrier which he was guiding in- to the silage opening fal} to the ground. Mr. Chant escaped with a broken elbow and a very bad shak- ing up, but he is walking around again, Marshall Cole Dead. A telegram received in Belleville announced the death at Adrian, Mich., of Marshall Cole. Deceased was sixty-eight years of age and was born in Tyendinaga township, being a son of the late Danijel Cole. A wid- ow, one son, Herman, and one dau-- ghter, Hiss Lillian, survive. C. R. Cole, connected with the Belleville Intelligencer office i8 a brother of deceased, also George Cole, Canifton. Delighted to Meet Them. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. .Greenlees, Kingston, are in town for a few days. It is some time since they have been here and their many friends are de- lighted to meet them again. For the benefit of new residents it may be said that Mr. Greenlees was princi- pal of the Model School here for a number of years, leaving for a wider sphere of usefulness in the city -- Picton Gazette. ------------------------------------ Criticism Resented. The farmers of Pittsburg, who tect the bandits in the car stolen from R. S. Waldron, place the blame for this upon 'he police. One proui- nent farmer stated to the Whig Tuesday that no word was received in his section of the shooting of Pal. iceman Cotter on the afternoon it occurred, but had a description of the car and. the bandits. been tele- phoned along the Joyceville . road they might have been apprehended. ~~ Full of flavor gathered from mountain breezes in South America Rideau Hall Coffee NOTHING ADDED NOTHING TAKEN AWA™* SOLD IN TINS ONLY--BY ALL GOOD GROCERS 'We Serve Good Meals For good meals prepared right come and try us -- you will be delighted with our service. Everything you could want served as you like ft. Dainty Restaurant 83 PRINC ESS STREET Used Cars For Sale 3 Briscoe Touring: 1 Reo Touring. | Studebaker Touring. | Ford Truck. I Chevrolet Truck. See our new 1921 Briscoe Touring Car.. ANGLIN BROS., BaySt. MR. ROBERT W. ANGLIN, MANAGER I: | have been charged with failure to de- here was a school fair at Joyceville | that afternoon, and had word been | received, thirty = automobiles were | there to join in the chase. But the | rbandits: passed along -the-JFoycevitte } road in perfect .security during 'he | afternoon.' | } Is No Fiction, Classified advertisements contain. no fiction--they are filled from the first word to the last with facts -- grand, glorious facts. Is. Now in Russia, Col. H. J. Mackie, M.P., Pembrok?, | is in Rusbia with the intention o1 concluding a contrac' with the soviet government regarding delivery of Canadian grain. - His trip will be full of interest and hemwill no doubt have | many experiences worth recounting. A message received a couple of days ago stated that he expécted to real Pembroke about Oct. 16th, Assisted the:Shipmans. ~ Walter Benedict, Alexandria Bay, N.Y, is being held at Clayton, N.Y., for the grand jury on a charge of as sisting in the escape of Duane Ship- man and Thomas A. Shipman from the lock-up at the place early this week. Benedict admits having pu:- chased hack saw blades which, he claims, were given to "he Ship- mans 'by another man. | | | | Kingeton and Vicinity ] A Per market $2. Ladies' fine grade high tops; pretty Real up-to-date, LUMBER is the cheapest Feilding materi] on the to-day, S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington KGA Office Phone 66. Factory T'TENDING TION while visiting our city and ex 9 big Restaurant } an up-to-date manner, Boots--regular $6 at very reasonable prices, - / 'Cafe PROP, Two Doors Above Opera House Warburton For Florida. | W. H. Warburton, proprietor of | the Thousand Island and Crossmon | hostelries at Alexandria Bay, ton stated before leaving that the |, season at the two hotels had been |! above the average. The Thousand Is- | land House closed ten days ago and | the Crossmon on Monday, Mr. War- burton will leave New York for Bar- tow, Fla., where he conducis The Oaks, one of the leading and fash- ionable hotels of the south. To Make Improvements. It is said extensive improvements wil! be made to the Westminster hotel, at Westminster Park, N.Y. I is the plan to raise the roof of the hotel, making it five stories instead of frur and increasing the present capacity of 300 to 400. Extra bath rooms will be installed. Extensive improvements will also be made to the grounds which will be enlarged These grounds adjoin the country club golf eourse. Tooks Liké War Zone, The south part of Queen's now has more the appearance of: tne trenches in France than a university campus. The tunnels for the new heating system are beginning to take form and some new ones are being dug to take in the puildings. The main tunnel will run to the present plant and the heat will be distrib- uted through the present.tunnels to the main buildings. The concrete forms are now being filled in. Aged Man Undergoes Operation John Maguire, an aged resident of Jones' Falls, was last week forced "0 go through an ordeal which would tax the strength and will power of many much younger persons. Mr. Maguire, who is eighty-one years of age, was brought to the Kingston General hospital for a serious oper- ation and on account of his age and condition of his health, it was thought advisable not to administer the usnal general anaesthetic. With only a local anaesthetic being usad, the aged man bore up under the op- eration wonderfully well and is now getting along nicely, and will be discharged from the hospital this week. Mr. Maguire has for a num- ber of years been a reader of the Whig. Instances such as theoe are not in- frequent at the local hospitals when patients on account of their age are compelled to go through this ordeal. Last week a resident of Vora was |[1] who is eighty-four years old was, like Mr. Maguire, compelled to undergo a very serious operation under similar conditions, and in less than a weck"s time he was discharg- ed from the hospital feeling quite fit. AN INDEPENDENT VIEW A Citizen Suggests John M. Campbell as Kingston's Member, While various men have been pro- posed for federal candidates in King- ston and one hag already been select- ed by the Labor party, the indepensl- ents have been heard from. Here is the view of an independent express- ed to the Whig: "The next five years 'will be the most important and vital to King- ||ston, In all probability a new gov- ernment will be elected for five years and during this time the Well- and canal will be deepened. Will |} Kingston have the harbor improve- it the deep water ? Whilst we are the niat- ural terniinus on account of our lo- cation, a very important part im ob- taining the improvement will depend upon the ability and energies of vho member who represents us. "In regard to this there is one, conspicuous on account of his ability, knowledge of the subject and energy. This is John M. Campbell. No one has the subject so well in hand. No one has even as much vision as to what it means for Kingston. This is the most important but there. are many. others, and Mr. Campbell would give them all the considera- ideal representative. Al parties should have sufficient civic patriot. ism to get together and try and enlist his services at this particular and very important time. If this idea ma- tures, 4 is t, be hoped that Mr. Campbell Nill Gonsiies 1 4 futher Yq ' N.Y., Iz is-enroute to New York. Mr. Warbur- | 'S -- d rk $4.95 Men's Brown and Black Bluchers. Sizes 6 to 10; Fair Week . . . $4.95 FPhane 1843, Equipment furers' Agents Accessories 2 Get It" 109 Brock St, Kingston, Ont. B. R. EYRES EEPS COAL 1d--= SOWARDS BE 150. |GALL'S CIGAR STORE =E 811. AL COMPANY $30.00, See our fine quality New Stock of Fine Quality Suits and Top Coats For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 --$35.00 -- TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) 32.00 Blue Serge Suits at 3 For the Cool Weather WRAPS, CAPES, COATEES, AND SWEATER COATS - Plain colours and fancy com- binations, including many of this season's latest novelties at very attractive prices, W. N. Lintén & Co. Phone 191. tion which they need and make an| i du'y to perform end accept. We know it will mean a big sacrifice of time, but he wiil be repaid with the thanks of 'the people of this district for a work which would be well done." People Are Coming To know things about every science. People have come to know about ad- vertising. They know its worth and the business that is not advertised is discredited, ®