ee -- THE DAILY BRIT THE PEOPLE'S FORUM B® ISH WHIG. BUSINESS OPPORT UNITIES. FOR SALE, ONE OF THE BEST GO- ing businéss hotels: vicinity King- ston; general and summer trade. Everything In first lass © order. Owner retiring on account of' ill- health. Apply Box R-7, Whig. | FURNITURE FINISHING CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: First insertion. lc. & word. Each con-l m-- tusertion therextter, half t a word, Min'mum charge for One insertion, 25c; three insertions, 50 cents. The above rates are for cash only, when charged they are double. ei HELP WANTED, A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSE- work. Apply 142 King Street, or phone 2317TW. MAID WANTED; quiréd. Apply Blaff Quarters, RB REFERENCES RE- Mrs. Day, No. 2, MC p. T0 GO TO family, 3. ------ RELIABLE YOUNG GIRL Ottawa, housework; small Apply Box 0-21, Whig. WANTED AT ONCE, COMPETENT maid as cook, general Apply tu Mrs. R. J. Rodger, 151 Earl st t WOMAN FOR PLAIN COOKING, MAY sleep home If preferred; good pay; glve reference. Box O-7, Whig. WANTED MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Apply Mrs. Stanley Graham, 145 Colilngwood St. QUALIFIE for 8 TEACHERS WANTED. i D PROTESTANT TEACHER | S. No. 14, Piittsbur r ling & third class certificate pired district. Salary $30¢ Robert Whyte, R ville, Ontario. WANTED GENERAL eee, teeter eee' WANTED TO BUY A SECOND-HAND pool table. Apply Portsmouth Ho- tel, Portsmouth. Phone 1614 WANTED IMMEDIATELY, 5 OR © room apartment, or 6 to 8 roomed house, in good ldcation. Apply Box| 8-26, Whig Office. BUSINESS MAN WANTS COMFORT- able room with breakfast in quiet home, preferably in central locality. Apply Box V-27, Whig Office. ROOF REPAIRING -- HOW ABOUT your roof? Does it need repairing' | We use Argus Roof-proof. Drop card to F. Coventry, 5 Barrack S SMALL, COMFORTABLE HOUSE furnace and other conv west of Montreal stree and location to Box L- fice. WANTED, A GOOD WOMAN TO KEEP house and look after children for two weeks. Apply to phone 667W. WORKING HOUSEKEEPER WANTED for small hotel near Kingston; must be good cook and have city refer- ence. Apply Box D-20, Whig. AT ONCE, GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, family of three; no laundry. Wages $30.00 per month. Apply Box T-286, Whig. EXPERIENCED GENERAL SERVANT who can do plain cooking; no wash- ing; small tamily Wages $35 per month. Apply Box R-24, Whig. © FOUND ON BAGOT STREET, ONE FUR cuff. Owner may have same by apply ing at Whig Of ON JOY VILLE SCHOOU FAIR grounds, a child's tam. Ap- Ply to Mrs. Wesley Wood, of Joyceville. ONE RIM AND VIOLET RAY glass auto reflector. .Owner an have same at Abernethy's Shoe Store, TWO SMALL GOLD RINGS ON Brock street on Tuesday. The owner may have same by calling at Police Station. A LADY'S SMALL PURSE AT Holleford on Sept. 16th Own- €r may have same at Geo. C. Babcock's, Holleford. FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE. Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may uo 80 by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver tisement will be printed in this column free of charge. "Found articles" dues not in- clude lost aogs, cattle, horses, etc. 'These, if lost, may be ad- vertised for in the "Lost" column. TWO FURNISHED AND. WELL-HE ed bedrooms, with use of for light housekeeping: i end. State price to Box K-21, west Whig | = LOST. Office. WANTED TO RENT A SMALL HOUSE with Improvements, south of Pri cess preferred. Rent must be rea- sonable, Apply Box C-186, Whig Of- fice. -------------------------------------------- BOARD AND ROOM WANTED WITH | GOLD LOCK PURSE, , SET WITH PEARLS and Emeralds. Initialg E.R.H. Fiuder please return to 202 Alfred St. Reward. : CONTAINING MON AND Saturday afternoon, in Please return to the Reward. ti Kets Opera House. Whig Office. home privileges in private home; Catholic preferable; by young wo- man. Apply Box U-26, Whig Of- fice, . COOK, GENERAL, FAMILY OF TWO, No washing or upstairs work Ap- Ply in the evening to Mrs. Walter Fleming, 19 Sydenham St. A RELIABLE RL OR WOMAN FOR general housework; small house; two adults'and one child. Mrs. A. L. Hughes, 311 King West . A MAID TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL housework, must be able to do plain cooking; references required. Apply to Mrs. ¥. G. Lockett, 24 Stuart Street, just off Barrie, in the evenings or mornings. MAKE MONEY AT HOME, $15 TO $60 pald weekly for your spare time writing show cards for us. No can- vascing. We instruct and supply You with work. West-Angus show Card Service, 17 Colborne Bld. To- ronto. WE. WANT A RELIABLE SALES agent for each unrepresented coun- y or territory. KExclfisive selling rights; good pay to energetic rep- resentatives., Our agency is valu- able. Write Pelham Nursery Co. Toronto, Ont. A CONCERN HAVING OVER 150 branches and 3,000 salesmen, re- quires for Kingston branch, five young men over 25 years old, of neat appearance, for advertising and saleswork. If not satisfied with present position or Sarping less than $40 a week, see us to- ay, be- tween 1 and 5 pm. Room 1, 84 Brock Street. COMPOSITORS "SATURDAY NIGHT" has a new composing room, spac- fous and well equipped. If you are & competent make-up man or ad Setter we shall be glad to have you come to Toronto at our when we can show and tell you of what we have to offer. Positions guaranteed first-class men for one year. Scale $36.00 for 48 hour week. Won-union foremen. Open shop con- ditions. Applications in contidence to Saturday Night Press, 73 Rich- mond street West, Toronto. sy POSITION WANTED. YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION AS Sppréntice in blacksmith shop: rite C. Hartley, Batters Ongt. PERSONAL MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. marks, skin cancers, scars, etc, re- Satisfactory ished after Goltre removed. rience. Dr. Elmer J. ir. Nose. Throat, Skin, eet. Phone 301. FANCY GOODS. ; STITCHIN PICOT EDGING, AC. # and box pleating. 6230. Mrs. E. A. Card, Terrace, Montreal St. opposite Artillery Park. Sen LEGAL .Cldrence A. Cunning- M. Smith. AMBROSE B.A, BARRISTER and Solicitor. Law office, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bask Money to loan. Phone 1999. J BY A YOUNG, EXPERIENCED MAN, A |- farm to work on shares. Owner furnish everything. Apply stating terms to F. P. Van Luven, 181 Divi- ROLLING COULTER ASSEMBLY from Oliver No. 7 two furrow plow, between Kingston and Elginburg Return to or notify Van Luven B garage FOUND. sion Street, Kingston, Ont. Stanton & Sleeth, 35 Princes PAINTING AND PArER HANGING BUTCHER'S SECOND-HAND EQUIP- ment, fncluding knives, choppers, saws, scales and blocks, etc, also large waggon for peddling ice green, Apply Box M-21, Whig Of- fice. RAYED ON THE PREMISES AT §.| Sloan, Sunbury, a heifer. Owner can have same by proving proper- ty and paying expenses. FOR SALE. SITUATIONS VACANT oc A BIG $5 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS greeting card sample book free to workers; celebrated, inexpen- NE FORD TRUCK, ONE INDIAN MO- tor cycle, one kxcelsior motorcycle; cheap for quick sale. Apply George Muller, 371-373 King St. Phone 1032w. - sive, Royal] Series; secure orders now; deliver later; men and wo- men already making five dollars up daily even in spare time; capital or expereince unnecessary. Garret- son Company, Brantford, Ont. OLD ESTABLISHED CORNER GROC- ery, excellent location in heart of city. Owner retiring from business and will sell cheap. Apply Box Z-22, Whig Office. AGENTS WANTED eee ee ei AGENTS--GET IN A PROFITABLE all year commission business of your own. Every property owner needs some of our nine hundred varieties of hardy Red Tag trees and plants. No capital needed. Complete equipment and instruc- tion free. Write Dominion Nurser- ies, Montreal. UPHOLSTERING. CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. J, Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot st. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. holstering and genera] repairing. ave orders at or drop a card to 104 Clergy street. . COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR. der in all popniar shapes and sizes. Upholstering and repairing done. 5. J. Goodridge, 244 University 200 USED CAR SALE 1 Chandler Touring. 1 McLaughlin Roadster. 1 Ch 2 Ford Tourings. PALMER'S GARAGE Corner Bagot and Queen Streets. Phone 4104. y Roadster. ACRE FARM AT BREWER'S Mills, estate of the late Robt, Ang- lin. For particulars apply to R. W. Anglin, Kingston; Frank Ang- lin, Sydenham; W. 8. Anglin, Bat- tersea. Avenue. E REPAIRED AND FIN. + Buns, gramaphones, etc. re- paired promptly and guaranteed, St, CHINA CABINET PARLOR SETTES, chair and tables kitchen table, ex- tension ladder, wheelbarrow, gar- den seats, coal oil heater, baby's bath, laundry stove. 208 Albert street.. Evenings. PALIN --_----ee WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR Paperhanging done, Jrop a card to A. Mountee 4 Arch street. FARM ON WOLFE ISLAND ONE HUN- dred acres, near ferry landing, well watered, good buildings, all plow land. Apply to Chas. R. Webster, 33 Brock St, Kingston, or to J. H. Hogan, Wolfe Island. ING AND PAPER HANGING --J, Flanagan, Painter and Decorator Estimates freely given. Metalli- gold letters for store and office windows. 247 Montreal streer Phone 1432. CITY LOT. 69 FEET FRONTAGE; 117 feet deep; for cash $225.00. Also incubator, 140 egg, and two brood- ers; hot water heated. Only used once. Cawson, 248 Concession St. near Victoria Street. ARCHITECT PAGE AND WARRINGTON, REGIS. tered architects, 199 Yunge Street. Toronto. PLANS--SURVEYS--ESTIMATES TT, S. Scott, B.A, B.Sc Mem, Eng SULID BRICK HOUSE, DETACHED, eight rooms, all newly decorated; oak floors, hot air furnace, electric light, gag for cooking: Good cen- tral locality. Apply at 203 Wil- liam street, between Clergy and Barrie streets NT, 12x14, FOUR Foor WALL. ". W. Cooke. Phone 43%. HOUSEHOLD VATE SALE OF 5 Nel- | furniture. Apply Mrs. Buse, | gon Street. | PRI ALE 11K YOU HAVE A USED CAR FOR'S ALE see Geo. Palmer, cor. Bagot i Queen. Phone 410J. | FRAME BUILDING, SUITABLE FOR camping or poultry house; size 10 x 7. Apply 47 Ellerbeck street. AUTO OWNERS, WONDERFUL IN- vention, air humidifier; saves one- third gas; fits any car. Palmer, cor. Bagot and Queen. ' 16 ST. CATHERINE STREET, OAK Sideboard, 1 extension table, 5 chiirs, 1 single Bed, Spring, Mat- tress, 1 Cook Stove, etc. A KITCHEN STOVE (IDEAL FAVO- rite) pair of rope portiers, dining room table and rocking chair. Ap- ply at 68 L. Union Street. GENUINE GRAFHONOLA AND selections; your own choice, § 0 Terms §7 cash; §5 per month. C. W, Lindsay, Limited. 121 Princess St COKE FOR SUMMER USI; CHEAPEST fuel on the market. We are de- livering 1-4 tous at $2.50; tons at $4.75, or a full ton ut $9.00. Phone 161lm. W. C. Bruton. } + THE FOLLOWING USED CARS IN rst class shape: one seven passen- ger Studebaker, one Maxwell tour- ing, one Ford Sedan. Apply Box H-20, Whig Office. % WE SELL AND BUY ALL KINDS OF musical instruments, also cioth- ing and furniture. Call and get our prices. lL. Routbard, 289 Princess street. Phone 1723. ' FINE MODERN BUNGALOW, 7 ROOMS, bathroom and sunroom, hardwood floors all through, panelled walls and ceilings, best finishings, gas and electricity. Phoné 915J. . SALE OF MILLINERY GOODS, CON- sisting of Malines, Veiling, Straw Braids, Flowers, Ribbons, a few straw shapes, and children's hats Apply 112 Lower William Street. a SEVEN-ROOMED PRESSED BRICK - house on Victoria street, just com- pleted; hardwood floors, gas and electricity; 3-piece bath; full lot Apply E. E. Waltham, 143 Nelson 8 Phone 1391J. wR VE FOR SALI ALL KINDS OF good second hand furniture and Btoves. Any persgn having stover . @ad furniture to dispose of, we wil| bay highest prices. J. Thompson, 333 Princess street. Phone 1600w, : PIANO TUNING. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING -- work guaranteed. Peter D. Brown, 12 Markland Stree, MILLINERY. | MRS. MeLAUCHLIN WISHES TO AN- nounce that she has moved from 95 to 112 L. William Street, where she will take orders for making, trimming and remodeling hat MUSIO. THELMA B. CHOWN IS PREPARED to accept ano Pupils. Studio: 16 St. Lawrence Ave. Phone 303M. KORRINNE A. MADDXN 1S PREPAR- ed to accept a limited number of plano pupils. Studio: 50 Earl St Phone 1538. GRACE TAFT, ORGANIST, TEACHER of plano and theory; pupils prepar- ed for Conservatery examinations. Studio, 41 Union St. West. 'Phone 938w. OLIVE M| WOODMAN, SOPRANO sulolst, Sydenham Stréet Methodist Church, Kingston; teacher of sing- ing and theory. Studio, 183 Earl St, Phone 857m. DAISY W, JOHNSON, A.T.CM,, TEACH- er of Violin and Piano. Pupils pr pared for examinations, Studio: 307 Collingwood Street, near John- son. Phone 2329w. TO LET. GARAGE TO LET; RENT Apply Box P-21, Whig ------------------------------------------ SEVEN ROOMED FURNISHED HOUSE --all improvements; centrally lo- cated. Phone 1342w. MODERATE: eS FIRST CLASS ROOM WITH BOARD; all conveniences. Apply 376 Bar- rie or phone 2238w. lust. 123 King Street. Phone 1637. POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCHI. tects, Merchants Bank .Chambers. corner of Brock and Wellington streets. SIGNS SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS WORK, large or small, Pusters Showcards displays a specialty by Sk.w at 213 Princess Street. Coal of the Very Highest Grade; Properly Prepared and Delivered Anywhere. GOOD DRY WOOD James Swift & Co., Limited 'Foot of Johnson St. ANTIQUE FURNITURE, ete. Something mew arriving every week, Four Poster Beds. ' Parlor Suits complete. Dining Room Suites. Rosewood Spinets. Walnut and Mahogany Chairs. Old Pewter, etc. We buy all kinds of farniture. LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP Phoue 1045w, 507 Princess Street. A LARGER REED ORGAN WITH pedals; suitable for a church, school or mission. Also an harmon- ium; will sell these cheap for quick sale. Apply George Wilson, Man- ager Griffin Theatre, SALE OF USED BICYCLES, 2 TANDEM bicycles, 1 Crescent, 24 in. frame, 2 Overlands, 20 in, 1 Perfect, 22 in., 1 Cleveland, 22 in. 1 lady's 1% in, 3 ladles, 2 in. Muller's Bicycle Forks, 371-373 King street. Phone 32w. : NOW THAT THE let us get down to business. You need repairs to your Automohile and we need the business to keep our shops and men busy. - best move you can make to-day is to get your car over to our es- tablishment and have it put in good condition for service, DAVIS DRY. e . East End of Wellington St. FARR IS OVER NORTHW ESTERN FLORIDA---A COZY home and steady income for mod- ast investment in glorious climate th wonderful resources. No pro- position ever offered compares With ours. Write to-day, full par- ticulars free. Harrison & McCas- kell, DeFunhak Springs, Florida. So the DOCK CO. STOVES While they last, you may have one reasonable, as that is my J. TURE Phone 705 Auction Sales Lamhe ster Kin BEDFORD The Auctioneer Phone 1721 or 1428. CARPENTERING WHEN YOU WANT THE C. See James Selby, Contractor, 3 University Avenue. Phone 1538w. 8 BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, FOR SALE J ~TWO LOTS ON SOUTH MAC- donell street; ¥3x133 each. Sn $2,800--R. C. SEMI-DETACHED; SIX rooms; B. ina i C.; down town. + cen tral --- Rd $6,500--BRICK; ROOMS; LATEST Improvements: ge , AG-BRICK} 7 Roous, THREE iece i: hot alr furnace; and Eh of way. Sarage --- % RAME ELYonTh END: ve rooms; ge ot, room for ene or two more . --_ LAND; FRAME house, good eondition; 2 barns and stable; well watered; 14 miles from Kingston. BARGAIY Fon THIS WEEK; rame house; ooms; Bodd cellar and good en BA 159 W lot; north REAL ESTATE B. and! C.; TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GENT- leinen students; every convenience. Apply at Box W-27, Whig Office. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; all improvements; centrally locat- ed. Apply 243 University Ave. GARAGE, NEAR CORNER QUEEN and Bagot Apply D. G. Hay, R. R. 1, Kingston. Phone 1100 r 22. A NINE ROUMED STONE HOUSE, 146 Montreal St, all improvements. Phone 1099 ring 3. Vacant April ist. . GARAGE TO LET ON UNIVERSITY between Brock and Johnson; rent moderate. Apply Box P-21, Whig Office. TWO LARGE SUITE OF ROOMS, HOT water heating; electric Hght: phone near City Park. Apply 28 Wel- lington St. FURNISHED HOUSE, NINE ROOMS and bathroom. Apply to Dr. A. P, Knight, Alice St. Inspection by phoning 696. TWO FRONT BEDROOMS, FURNISH. ed, one single and one double; all conveniences. Apply 6 Jenki or phone 1319J. FIVE ROOMED FRAME HOUSE AT Kingston station; immediate pos- session... Rent reasonable. Apply 141 Hickson avenue. FURNISHED. ROOMS, HOT AND COLD running water in each room; suit- able for business gentlemen and students. Apply to 406 Johnson S:. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, Gray, airy rooms; your own loc and key. Frost's City Storage, 299- 305 Queen St. Phone 528; res. 959w. TO RENT 7 OR 8S ROOM SINGLE -hiouse, south of Princess street pre- fe; for grown-up family, by Nov. Ist. Apply Box U-27, Whig. APARTMENTS, ESPECIALLY FUR- nished for light housekeeping, mod- ern improvements. Pioneer Apart- eats: 212-214 Division St. Phone 1434W, FOR SEPT, 1st, partly Ne Sesizable localf 4 quired. Address wood Street. references re- 309 Colling- - FOUR ROOM AR' wood floors, el ligh Stove. heater, I rigerator. in ev way. App! surance Offies, 239 RD- L gas modern to White's In- t street. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping; gas for light and cooking: hot and cold water. Rooms heated by furnace Handy to car line. Apply at 17 Stephen Street. CALL OR DROP A A MODERN house; 8 rooms; in|. CARD TO WW. DRIS- 23 John street : col), WM. A. MARCELIS, D.C, Ph ner Princess and Barrie Streets, 2nd floor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, Ont. Consultation free. Telephone 822J. Hours 9 ta 12am. 1 to 6 p.m, DR. GEORGE F. LUCY, DR, JENNIE A. Lucey, Chiropractic Specialists and Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot street, Kingston, "Ont Telephone 943, Hours 9to 12am, sto 6 and 7 to § pm. Spinal analysis and consul- tatlon free. Residential calls by appointment. pecan A eee DENTAL. DR. A, E. KNAPP, DENTIST. OFFICE 258 Princess Street. Phone 652w. DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 159 Wellington street, corner of Brock. eee. ---- eet DR. RUPERT P, MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 Princess Street. Phonv 1850. Open evenings by appointment. DR, AYKROYD, DENTIST, HAS RE- sumed practice at $2 Princess St, over Bank of Nova Scotia. Phone 1502J. p-- FINANCIAL STRAN & STRANGE, agents; established in 1360; only the most reliable companies repre- sented. Office 95 Clarence street, opposite the post office. FRONTENAC LOAX AND INVEST- ment Society, incorporated 1861. President, W. Nickle, K.C.; vice- president, A B. Cunningham Money issued on city and farm *riies, municipal and county res; mortgages purchased; Investment bonds for sale; deposits received and interest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar- ence Kingston. F. streeg, The Bankruptey Act -- In the Estate of JAMES D. MAGUIRE, Bankrupt. that of King- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE James D. Maguire, of the City ston, in the County of Fro ac, was adjudged bankrupt and a re iving or- der made on the 24th day of September, 1621. NOTICE 18 FURTHER GIVEN that the first meeting of creditors in the above estate will be held at the office of R. Easton Burns, Clarence Streer, Kingston, on Monday, the 3rd day of October, 1921, at two o'clock in the afternoon. To entitle you to vote thereat proof of your claim must be lodged with me betore the meeting is held. Proxies 'to be used at the meeting must be lodged with me prior thereto. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you have any claim against the debt- or for which you are entitled to rank, proof of such claim must be filed with me within thirty days from the date of this notice, for from and after the ex- piration of the time fixed by subsection 8 of section 37 of the said Act, I shall distribute the proceeds of the debtor's estate among the parties entitled there- to, having regérd only to the claims of which I hafe then notice. DATED at Kingston, this 27th day of September, A. D. 1921. \ R. EASTON BURNS, Authorized Trustee. AUCTION SALE 35 Clergy Street West, Wednesday, Sept. 28th, 1.30 p.m, Black Walnut parlor furniture, cen- tre tables, ratten rockers, morris chair, lace curtains, oak extension table, side board, dining chairs, book shelves, fron beds, springs, mattreses, walnut bur- eaus, linen press, cots, Happy Thought range, gas plate and oven, china, glassware, etc. ALLE Telephone 252. VOTERS' LIST, 1921 MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF STORRINGTON Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Section 9 of the Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies required by the said Section to be so transmitted or delivered, of the list made pursuant Act of all persons appear- Ing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said municipality at elec- tions for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and that the sald list was first posted un at my office at Battersea, on Wed- uesday, September 25th, 1921, and re- mains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, . HAROLD w, SLEETH, Township Clerk. rire at Battersea on September 28th, John Hume Left $512,603, Port Hope, Sept. 27.--At his death on first of April last, John Hume, seed merchant and prominent citizen of this place, left an estate valued at $512,603.80. Charities were remem- bered as follows: Port Hope Hospital Trust $2,000; Baptist Church, Port Hope, $1,000; Children's Aid Society of Northumberland and Durham, $500; Port Hope Agricultural Socie- ty," $1,000. Fourteen relatives get from $400 to $2,000 each. His lions can buy the business from their shares. At the death of his widow, the estate is to be wound up. -- 'Was It Suicide? New York, Sept. 27.--Doubt that Mrs. Grace Laws killed herself after fatally wounding Miss Mildred Han- an last week was created by a report whiich District Attorney Lewis Brooklyn said had 'moved him to continue his investigation of the case, ; The report, he said, was that Mrs, Laws might not have died by her O%R hand aed that another man. be- sides Jeln 8, Borland was nearby waen see shot Miss Hanan. ---------------- Canadian Oattle at Glasgow, Glasgow, Sept. 27.--8even hun- dred and fifty-two Canadian cattle were offered on the market here yes- terday at fourteen cents for domos- tic" steers, Rougher grades went at twelve cents, + the Auctioneer -- The custom of wearing a Flanders POPPY on Armistice day will be in- augurated in Britain this year as well as in Canada, INSURANCE] of TUESDAY, SKIL. 27, 1021, GRAND - Vel SoL8 Matinee and Night WILLIAM A. BRADY PRESENTS JOHN GALSWORTHY'S GREATEST PLAY "THE SKIN GAME?" With: Distingutshed AN-EREHsh Case Bivece trom London === FIRST CANADIAN TOUR PRICES: --Evy.: 23-50-75-81.00-81.50. Mat. 23¢ to $1.00 Seats Now On Sale. PRICES GRAND -- The REX Stock Company Presenting "FAIR and WARMER" BETW AVERY HOP WOOD'S GALE OR LAUGHTER A Sure-Fire Cure f VAUD a or ei nll Thursday, Fri., and Saturday AL LE N -- Lower Admission Prices TO-DAY AND WEDNESDAY ONLY Ek HOUSE PETERS and IRENE RICH in "The Invisible Power" Thrilling, Compelling, Intense THURS., FRI TO-MORR( ------ King Streets. MR. LUKE GASK Kingston's Popular Baritone Soloist er et ee ee erm ee --_-- TO-NIGHT OW eee} Comedy + SAT ~----""THE SKY PILOT" by RALPH CONNOR en tr re VIRGINIA RAPPE in THE PUNCH OF THE IRISH A Henry Lehrman Special a a serpin X THE STRAND PRE-WAR PRICES HAS NEVER OFFERED A LIVELIER PROGRAMME BEBE DANIELS "DUCKS AND DRAKES" Three of the Funniest Films Ever Seen LARRY SEMON in NUB POLLARD in "WHERE'S THE FIRE?" | W. KENT MACNEE Bank of Commerce Bullding, Brock and Phone 701° or 1327). General Insurance Agency Writing: --Automobile, Fire, Accident, Sickness, Plate Glass Burglary, etc. Representing Only Reliable Companies. FOR The rr OSTEOPATHY sensible way 'health and strength. ize om stubborm chronic diseases, Twelve years' success in Kingston DRS. ROBERT and EDNA ASHCROFT 204 King Street, near Earl Telephone 447. "THE RENT COLLECTOR" BUD AND SUSIE in "CLEAN YOUR FEET" A ---------- Ask Your Grocer WAGSTAFFE'S | PURE FRUIT JAMS AND MARMALADR Sold in 12 and 16 oz. Glass Pots and 2, 4 and 7 1b gold lined tins to regaim We special Taxi Service PHONE 116 24 Hour Day Service Dominion phone Store, Wellington and Brock 770. pring. 2% miles of ne two barns, one 48x60. the oth large barn with the stanchions for 4 feed were cut this year, 20 sheep. Price $8,500.00. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phones 68 and 2240m. LAWSON ' & COLLINS Conse rvatories, Nights Centre. Phone 1174J. "WE ARE GROWERS" tillable 6 Ph Funeral Designs, Wedding Bouqu ets, Cut Flowers and Plants. FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS and Sundays, one 667W. land. 30 acres of pulpwood. 65 head of cattle. W wire fencing. Frame dwell- er 40x32; all cement floors in 225 tons of Farm has wintered 60 head of cattle and "490 Touring Regular" $785 ANNOUNCING $785 "490 Light Delivery" $785 CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE 89 MONTREAL STREET A New Che¥rolet Model "The 490 Special" Combining all the good points of the will in addition have Gasoline Tank on rear, tem, Storm Curtains opening wit light, nickle-plated radiator, nickle led pinion and gear in rear axle, car is the sensation at the Toront , more sensational --8$8935.00. "490," this model Vacuum Feed Sys- doors, oblong rear curtain plated bumper, gpiral bevel. and cord tires all round. This 0 Exhibition. The price is even "490 Roadster Regular" All prices F.0.B. Oshawa--Sales Tax Extra BAWDEN & EDWARDS PHONE 400.