satisfactt TUESDAY, SEPT. 27, 1021, | LOST 29 POUNDS. DYSENTERY WAS THE CAUSE. Inte i Dysentery is oné of the worst forms | of bowel complaint, and hardly any | other disease so quickly undermines | the strength and brings about a con- | dition of prostration and utter col- { lapse that often terminates fatally, CHOICE . WESTERN MEATS = and 'COOKED MEATS | MeGEEINS I Phone 1182 282 Princess Street | ---- without bringing on constipation you should use that grand old remedy with a reputation extending seventy- six years DR. FOWLER'S EXTRACT OF . WILD STRAWBERRY. Mr. G, H. McVagh, Mawer, Sask., writés.-- "About eight years ago I had a severe attack of dysentery. I was sick for three weeks. I weigh- ed 154 1bs,, when I took sick and 125 when I got it stopped. I think I tried every medicine on the market, but did not find relief until I used Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry, and one bottle did it. I think there is nothing like it for diarrhoea or dysentery. I always keep some on hand as a person does not know { when he will need it." Price, 50¢. a bottle; put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, nt. FOR MOVING OF Furniture, Safes, Planos and - Cartage of every description-- on Transfer Co. 877. 103 Wellington Street. | ~ DAVID SCOTT Work a special. ranteed. Add NE Pe ttl Furniture--Freight--Baggage } TRANSFER Phone 1776J 8. WHITEMAN 210 QUEEN STREET Dentist 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. picture gives ideahow shelooked and ----t' felt. BY taking Korein and f ing casy directions of Korein system she reduced from clumsy fe-tures to graceful [gvortions. Now she is agile, attractive, y alert and in better health. Reliable anti-fat self treatment. lens Talking Machines, Bicycles y Carriages, Lawn Mowers, ete. . repair work right and guarantee | ection, on, WELLINGTON STREET 197 WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street. [Fresh flowers and plants daily al designs, and wedding [bouquets to order. Phone 1763. | Res., 1137. or money (pronounced koreen) at busy hy Or write for free hooklet to oreig Company, 277-A, Toronto, Ont. BUILDING? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son 2! Main Street. Phone 1670. Relief From Paining Feet New treatment keeps feet in perfect condition PeorLe all over the country are finding an easy and effective way to end foot troubles. Blue-jay Foot Treatment is composed of three essential articles for keeping the feet in prime condition: Blue-jay Foot Soap, Blue-jay Foot Relief (a mas- sage) and Blue-jay Foot Powder. All who suffer from the nervous strain and constant irritation of aching, tender feet should try Blue-jay Foot Treatment. At all druggists', Write for free booklet--** The Proper Care of the Feet"--to Bauer & Black, + Limited, Toronto. Blue-jay Foot Treatment keeps feet feeling fine a Bauer & Black product FOR SALE GOON, CLEAN COAL. A. Chadwick & Son New location: I Corner Ontario and West Sta | Phone 67. Cho'cest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by LUN . BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 J REDUCED PRICES IN MONUMENTS AND CEME- TERY LETTERING J. E, Mullen 181 FRONTENAC STREET Phone 1417. - -- Kingston's Only Dyer. . Dry Cleaning a 'Specialty DID YOU EVER TRY Phone 2i4. 349. Princess St. w . x Ginger © 'Wagstafs Pineapple Marmalade, Wagstafi's Bramble Jelly. 'We also Dave a full line of jor Fellabic makes of Marma- Jam and Jellies I sale BOOSTER Bon Marche Grocery HAIR malar TONIC 1 PUR, Hit So aa out. Two applications a week for a few weeks will surprise you. (See window display) M. R. McColl Prescription Druggist. Phone 82. == Mrs. Bizzan, an aged lady, died at | Rossmore. on Saturday, . PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) 00 acres, about 12 imiles from the city. Fair price. ~ W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brocl: Street. Phone 424, "Tg check the unnatural discharge: = THE DAILY BRITISH WHI G. b This Newspaper Is teaching its readers that it ig ar nomical to read the ad- It' will teach them to ads unless you are miss. 18g this oppartulil¥. oo me ees -- . A Presentation, The choir of St. James church, Carleton Place, presented Fred Tighe who recently resigned the position of organist and choirmaster, with a handsome Masonic signet ring, How to Revive It. It the success of your business seems to waver study your advertise. monts. Are you telling all of the people all of the time what you have and what you are offering them? St. Paul's Harvest Collections. The St. Paul's church ' harvest thanksgiving contributions by enve- lope on Sunday were $130. and the open offertory $22.73. The contribu- tions hare not all been received yet. Engagement Announced. Mrs. Mary E. Wilson, Smith's Falls, announces the engagement of her daughter, Georgie, to J. H. Errett, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Erreit, the marriage to take place in Septem- ber, > Ilis Name Suggested. F. E. Evanson, secretary-treasurer of the Oddfellows' Relief Association, Kingston, is another former Prescott resident, mentioned as the successor of Hon. J. D. Reid in Grenville county, Checse Sales. Iroquois--400 at 14 1-2¢. Napanee--1,283 at 15c¢. Cornwall--1,258 at 14 1-2¢ 14 5-8e. St. Hyacinthe, Que.--400 at 13c. to Married in Toronto. The marriage of Miss Marjorie Forsyth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Forsyth, Tofonto, to Freder- ick Holmes Barlow, son of the late Mr. Barlow and Mrs. W. J. Barlow, Lyn, Ont, took place on Sept. 27th. Special Reduction. During the fair we will give a special reduction in our three de- partments, men's and boys' cloth- ing, made-to-measure suits and gent's furnishings, all at reduced prices. Prevost, Brock street. Passed Away at Smith's Falls. Miss Ida Chalmers, Smith's Falls, died on Wednesday, following a long illness, aged fifty-four years, Heart trouble ended a life which had nev- er been marked by the best of health, Miss Chalmers was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chalmers. Will Help Looks. You can keep that well dressed look if you make a practice of watch- ing and using the advertisements simply because you do your buying with two-thirds less effort and: you don't get * all in" when you are out shopping. On Suspended Sentence, Mrs. J. J. O'Neil, Montreal, who shot and wounded Emile Mischkie in Jaw at Cornwall, was tried, and as there were eoxtenuating circam- stances, she was released on sus- pended eentonce. The ruling of the magistrate met with public favor. Mr. Knapik and Mrs. O'Neil returned to their home in Montreal. Buys Beautiful Suto. Tho magnificent Fiat car which attracted so much attention at the Perth exhibition has been sold. it is the only car of its class on this continent, and the new owner is J. L. P. McLaren, of the Perthshire Stock Farms, Perth. The price paid for it-was $6,550. Remembered Kingston Event. The late Samuel McCammon, Gananogue;-lived-nnder--five-sover: eigns, namely, George 1V, William IV, Queen Victoria, Edward VII and George V. He remembers well the celebration ia Kingston in honor of the coronation of Queen Victoria in 15837 when a whole ox was roasted. Had His Leg Removed. Gangrene developed a few days ago in one of the legs of Aldnzo Smith, Merrickville, and physicians found that the only hope of saving kis life lay in the amputation of the limb. He was taken to the hospital at Smith's Falls and the operation was performed, since which time Mr. Smith has 'been resting as easily as could be expected. ---------- Can You Guess Why? "Where do you go from here?" acked a citizen of one of the Midway retainers late Saturday night. "Stra:- ford," the showman informed him. "Then we jump to Leamington -- and then back to God's country ag- ain; but say," and he added in a 'tone of mingled awe and respect, "Montreal is the capital of, the world." Married Twenty-Five Years. Mr. and Mrs. James T. Brown, Brockville, and Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Cowle, Lake Eloida, on Thursday celebrated the silver anniversary of their wedding day at the residence of Mr, and Mrs. Cowle. The two cou- nles were united in marriage twenty- fivo years ago in the Methodist c¢hurch at Addison. Mrs. Brown and Mrs, Cowle are sisters. Will Provide Iatertainment, Through arrangements made by the Rotary Club, the Rex Stock Com- pany will'put on' one of its best plays, | "Fair and Warmer" at the Mowat Hospital on Friday afternoon next for tho entertainment of the soldier patients of the Mowat and Sydenham hospitals. The Rotarians will assem- ble at British-American hotel with their cars and procecd to the Syden- ham hospital and convey the patients to the Mowat hospital and back from the Mowat to Sydenham after the play. Tragedy at Stonecliffe. At Stonecliiie, Mrs. W. McKenna was killed in a tragic manner, She was a sister of Mrs. G. J. Heney, Fombroke. A man was engaged to bury a couple of large stones un (he pathway to one of the outbuildings, and he had dug a hole about five feet deep between them. On Thurs- day morning the man was not work- ing and after starting the children to school, Mrs. McKenna evidently got down into the hole herself and was doimg some work in it when the largest stone weighing about two and a half tons, rolled over on top of her, crushing her against the other rock and it is believed causing instant fad ERA GR 1111] NRO) KIDNEY % PILLS = INIA oF ELIT | SL PCTS re gk PHYS pi? ie: 2 B80] Foods are is years has not provea. Drops and Soothing Syrups. age is its Wind Colic and the The Children's. Comfort-- | i * a eo In Us ¢ For Over 30 THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Childrem. specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups ase not interchangeable. a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 It was the need of public after years of research, What is CASTORIA? Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, It is pleasant. neither Opium, Morphine not other narcotic guarantee. . F tian icy eur hus . » For more years been in constant use for the relief of Constipa Flatulency, ot oy ries; dilayise Feverishness : regula Stomach and Bowels, Cod; giving healthy and natural sleep. 'The Friend. ' aide eo uINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of : Years { death. Deceased was thirty-five yoars | {of age. | i Geologists at Work, |. Cyril Knight, assistant geologist of | the. Ontario.-Department of Mines; is { completing a two years! examination ot Cobalt mine camp, a work that Las caled for minute inspection of seven- | ty-five. miles of underground work- | ings and fifty square miles of surface | areas. His repost is in course of pre-- | paration_and is bound to present a' large amount of extremely valuable geological information that will prove of the utmost assistance to mine operators in mapping out the campaigns of discovery of new ore supplies. Lauder to Play Golf, To keep fit for his opening in New York on October 17th at the Lexington theatre, Sit Harry Lauder will play golf in the Adirondacks. He has been challenged by the Lake Placid and Saranac Lake Clubs. Dr. Molleville Dewey, of Lake Placid. and Dr. C Trembly, of Saranac Lake. are arranging the match. Sir Harry has chosen for his part- ner in a foursome, Duncan MacInnis, of the finance department of the city of New York, the man Mayor Hylan chose to represent him in recent in- vestigation matters, and an old friend of Sir Harry Lauder"s. Sir Harry is scheduled to appear at the Grand Opera House, tnis city, on Dee. 1st only. Were Visiting Renfrew. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas' Clark, for- merly of Renfrew, but residing for the past fifteen months or more at Field, B.C., were back over the week- end, the guests of their daughter, Mrs. A. H. Turner. Mr. Clark has been engaged in Railroad Y. M. C. A. work in Field and has just been transferred to the branch at Sarnia where he will act as secretary, a de- | sirable post. The change was made | | chiefly for the reason thgt the clim- | ate of British Columbia did not agree with Mr. Clark. They left for their new home on Tuesday. Their son, { Capt. Roy Clark, Kingston, happen- ed to be in town when the telegram | came announcing that his parents | were on their way. He remained over | to mect them. Chicago to Have One Cent Lunchroom for Children Chicago, Sept. 27.--While New York is borrowing millions to start its public schools and explaining why no new school buildings have been erected in four or more years, Chicago is establishing penny lunch- rooms in all its schools where pu- pils may secure a good substantiai| meal for five cents. This includes soup or beans, choice of two sand- wiches, méat or potatoes, a cup of milk or chocolate and a desert. Every'hing for sale will cost a] penny instead of the two and three- | cent charges last year and the full] meal is not to cost more than a nickel. The state also is furnishing free text books this year and will do so hereafter so that the vast army of Chicago pupils will have fairly easy going. All the food is to be of the very best and prepared and serv- ed in an appetizing manner. Quebce's Better Way. (New York World) Prohibitionists in this country will no doubt view with a proper con- tempt the action of Quebec in com- pletely reversing its attitude toward liquor-selling. After giving dry-law | enforcement a trial under the local- | option law of the dominion; the Can- adian city has abandoned this policy, woting by an overwhelming majority to adopt the provincia] liquor statute under which the government controls the sale of intoxicants. Outwardly, of course, this is a re- pudiation of the high principles of prohibition. In actual effect it means the exchange of conditions which in- creased drunkenness and gave an in- centive to bootlegging for a system of restricted liquor-selling which diminishes the evils of drink without attempting the impossible. Quebec has substituted for hypocrisy and in- capacity in prohibition enforcement a plan of regulation which serves the uses of temperance without either Prussianizing the powers of govern- ment or making a mockery of them. It is too much to expect that the more intelligent Canadian policy of dealing with the difficult problem of liguor will appeal to zealots here. But the example remains of a governmeat content to obtain the substance of restriction without grasping at the shadow of absolute prohibition. Three-Cornered Fight. Belleville, Sept. 27.--There seems every likelihood that Prince Edward county will have a three-cornered fight in the coming general election. It has been announced that the Progressive Farmers will select a candidate, among the names suggest. ed being those of E. B. Purteile, Bloomfield, James R. Anderson, Mountain View and R. W. Ireland, Wellington. : Motor Boat Destroyed. Belleville, Sept. 26.--A largs motor boat, owned by James E. Ryan, backfired and burned to the water's edge involving a loss of $1,- 200. Tho boat was being backed out from an island when the inighap occurred. The occupants reacaed shore in safety, A donation of ten bushels of grain will be asked from each farmer in Canada by the Armenian Relief As- sociation to help avert the death of hundreds of thousands of people in Russian and Armenian lands. Bargains In Lumber The used lumber from the Old Skating Rink has been removed to our Rideau Street Yards. We are selling this at very low prices. For inside sheathing or out-build= ings it is quite serviceable, S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Say and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 08. Factory The Restaurant THAT GIVES QUALITY AND SERVICE Come in and enjoy your meals with us. You will have comfort while you eat. We have a coms petent staff that will see that your desires are fulfilled. Grand Cafe PETER LEE, PROP. 222 Princess Street . Open from 8 a.m. to = a.m. Two Doors Above Opera House Phone 1848, A. NEAL, Manager FREE We will continue our offer of one tube FREE with each MAX. OTIRE for the balance of this Week, 1 EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBBER CO. 284 Ontario Street. Phone 2050. india "An mint SOWARDS KEEPS COAL - ~and-- COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE" 155. UPTOWN OFFICE--McGALL'S CIGAR STORE PHONE 811. SOWARDS COAL COMPANY New Stock of Fine Quality Suits and Top Coats For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 $30.00, See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at : i --3$35.00 -- i ~ TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. . 32.00 (One door below Randolph Hotel), Underwear FOR FALL WEAR Cotton, Union, All-Wool and Silk and Wool in Vests, Drawers and Combi- nations; all styles; no sleeves; short sleeves and long sleeves; ankle and knee length Drawers. Moderately priced from ..... 50c. a garment up W. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191. The Waldron Store. The Third Internationalo of Mos- cow has sent out a wireless appeal to tho workmen of Europe to block arms #=d 'munition shipments to Poland, Rumania, Esthenia, Letvia and Fine land, charging that a war was being prepared by Poland Jand Rumania against Russia. E - 'nton, of the Empire Presa U the erection of a chain of wirel stations to reduce' unemployment.