6 THE DAILY BRITISH _WHIG. TUESDAY, SEIT. 27, 1021, "THE BRITISH WHIG 88TH YEAR. | What a hundred years it has | Twice the country has | coininally as an empire, : Published Dally and Sew. THE BRITISH WHIG PU CO., LIMITED J. G. Blot ,.,...,., teres. President Leman A. ila Editor and Managing-Director TELEPHONES Business Office Editorial Job Office SUBSCRIPTION RATES; . (Daily Edition) oy One year, delivered in city I HH ce . x "re One year, if paid in advan . Ona year, by mail to rural office. One year, to United States {-Weekly Edition) One year, by mail, cash One year, if not paid in advance One year, to United States OUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATITES F. Calder, 22 StL John St. Montreal F. W. Thompson ......100 King St, W. Toronto, Letters only over 'writer. Attached Is one of the best job printing offices In Cana. to the Editor are published the actual name of the The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the ABC Audit Bureau of Circulations, i -- Duty is sometimes skin deep. Clever people often make you think that you don't think what you think You do think, r -- Some men are born poor, and - Te ---------------------- MEXICO'S INDEPENDENCE. Mexico is celebrating the centen- nial of her independence from Spain. been, ruled as a republic the greater part of the time tke government has not been more stable. Often 'its presidents charig- cd with the frequency of the moon. the last decade was not less so than any that preceded Susumu _ 'the Spanish dominion were the s: 2s prevailed in other Spanish-ruled lands, and under indgpendence they did not improve. A mongrel race, the Mexicans always have had an affinity for trouble, and if that spirit seems a bit dormant now there is no assurance it will not awake again. How much of the responsibility for the internal diesentions which have dail the people are due to misgovernment and how much to the natural liking of the people for trouble may not be accurately de- termined. However, it is clear that hhe people have not learned the les- son of yielding to the majority, and the majority has not learned to con- sider the rights of the minority. Under the rule of Diaz the govern- ment was despotic, yet it may be that such is the only kind for which the Mexicans are at present fitted. It is certain that while there were great abuses of power under the Diaz regime, there was order, and the na- tion progressed with great rapidity, Had it been a more benevolent 'de- spotism it might not have been suc- ceeded by the turmoil that ensued. Yet the internal disorder which hes marked the hundred years of the mixed character of the popula- tion 4s considered. Three-fourths of the people are of Indian blood, either pure or in mixture. Naturally ignorance prevails. Yet the natural resources of the country offer great possibilities, The centennial cele- bration marks more the lapse of time than great political advancement, though progress commercially has some monkey with the stock ex- change, Se------------ It you can't lick him, flatter him. It amounts to the same thing in the end. rvr---- Most of the light touring cars are designed to hold five passengers or twelve girls, -- V "Tariff tinkerers are not satisfied with their work." That, apparently, makes it unanimous, The tired business man probably @ets that way reading advice about how to get back to normal, As people grow older, they lose faith in Santa Claus and begin to look to tle federal treasury. -- Every once in a while you see a headline that doesn't say anything about anybody getting killed. To the lay mind, about the only difference between goif and old- fashioned "shinny" is plaid stock- ings. ------------ When 'a negotiator says his pati- ence is exhausted, he probably means that his epithets are exhaust- ed. A Lenine has executed a few more princes. Apparently they were over- looked during the spring house- cleaning. ------ Man is never raved over by the ladies except when he is 'three months old and when he becomes a movio star. ' ------------ The best movies nearly always get . through introducing all of the ph shifters before the first reel is ex- hausted, -- Don't judge a man by the charac- ter given him by his next-door neigh- bor. Maybe his chickens scratch up the other fellow's garden, ---- The book salesman can get almost every man's signature on the dotted line i he willysay that he is offering the work to intellectuals only, ---- No matter how the tax burden is shifted, the average individual is cing to "eel enough of it to know that he is carrying something, One reason why Germany is lead- "ing the way back to normal is <be- cause she doesn't have to waste any | energy to preserve her sphere .of in- - finence, « -------------------- . Possibly the reason so many auto- mobilitss drive so fast ie because by t method they think they will get t of the way quickly and leave the road open to others. A ------------------ + * A womah fashion expert says per- _ fegtion in the manufacture 'of stock- ings has brought the short skirt. Most everybody will be able to see . through what she js talking about. I -------------------- : Tapression that intoxicating bev- _ erages can be made in the home is a mistake, says a news item, Notwith- standing that they are, which would indicate that the impossible is pos- been made, of course. It is to be hoped that entrance on the second century will usher in an era of stabil- ity and quiet. A cessation from revolution and a turning toward industry would make Mexico's second hundred years great- ly in contrast with the first. ---------- eee RACIAL VIRTUES AND RACE SUICIDE, Is there being enacted in America to-day the same great drama of the Roman Empire? Shall future read- ers of history find world progress identified with racial dominance as we to-day read of the Greek Empire, and the Roman Empire, that were founded upon superior physical and intellectual ability, and continued to flourish until the dominating race that founded them lost its purity of blood and succumbed to the numeri cal superiority of the lower races? There is a striking 'parallel in the stories of the old and new worlds, and we should study them. There are not wanting signs that America is facing a grave danger, not from without but from within, the conse- quences of which none can foretell, This danger lies in the racial prob- lem. Her population is now over 90,- 000,000 of people, made up of many races, but the original Anglo-Saxon stock that settled in New England is not holding its own, Dr. Henry Fairchild Osborn, speaking before the second International Congress of Eugenics, declared that the one- child, or no-child marriage, now pre- valent, was causing the extinction of the race. ' This was race suicide. He advocated maintaining the numerical superiority of the Anglo-Saxon stock rather than the acceptance of the melting pot theory which, to his mind, tended to degeneration and not to an increase in racial virtues. 'It we had precise information re- garding the origin of the different races that make up the human family we would know which was superior and ought to survive, but race sui- cide is certainly not a virtue and the race which practises it is not worthy of survival and deserves to become extinct. There are conditions, however, that are favorable to some races and unfavorable to others. One of the most important js climate, for it holds the secret of the welfare of the white race. The southern latitudes to the white race. The northern states and Canada are its natural home because they correspond to the cradle of the race on the shores of the north sea and the Baltic. Eco- nomic and social conditions undoubt- edly have their influence, but the first and most important of al] is cilmate. . Canada is not likely to be invaded by either the colored or Latin aces, and if its population remains co: tent and does not emigrate to the south it will preserve the purity of the race on this continent, with all jtg virility and strength. This is a les- son that must be forced home to the Canadian people, for it is worth more to them than all of the deliber- ations of eugenic congressés, gclent- ists or learned arguments, The melting pot theory is one that America must face whether it likes jt Or not. - The climate of the centra tad 1 Tho conditions in Mexico under independence is not surprising when | of the United States are destructive [the negro and Latin races, No im- migration barriers have in the past | shut them out and they are there | as well ag the Dative Indians. and Chinese. New f{ypes, the result of {ueion, are bound 0 result whether | 'or good or Lad. A consciousness of the danger can be kept alive by education and thts is the task of tie eugenics. it has been a turbulent century, and | | | Wait Mason THE POET PHILOSOPHER MY BUSY DAY My motor purrs and quickens, | the tank with gas is filled; the road is strewn with chickens and cats | that I have killed; still faster, faster going! And cattle that were lowing, |2nd roosters that were crowing, are | now forever stilled. I have no earta- | ly reason for hitting such a clip; 1 [have the whole blamed season in | which to make the trip; but my old | boat's a dinger, a dust and gravel |slinger, and so I do not dinger--just | watch the old girl skip! But say, | what ails my vision? I seem to be {in bed! "You had a bad collision," {Just now the doctor said; "at high {speed you were racing, all motordom | disgracing, and now you see me plac- | ing this poultice on your head, Your | car, that was a daisy, is wrecked pe- | yond repair; the coroner is crazy, 20 | many dead are there; when two fools {get to driving, to break speed ree- | ords striving, it's strange that one's jurviving, as you are, I declare. The {said truth must be spoken, though it may seem a frost; your collarbbne {is broken, and both your ears. are { Yost; with blood your dome is crus:- |ed, your diaphragm fs busted, your | works mist be adjusted, and that aut | frightful cost." And from my couch of sickness I watch the autos pass, and mark their pep and quickness when drivers give them gas; I may not drive such sprinters for many, many winters, for I am all in splint- ers, oh, waly and alas! --WALT MASON. ------ To Dissolve on Friday. Ottawa, Sept. 27--Parliament will be dissolved next Friday. With dis- solution, Mr. Meighen, who will stop off at the capital on his way to ad- dress a mass meeting in Montreal, will issue a manifesto to the country, and the campaign will be under way. The date of polling has not yet been definitely fixed, but it is certain that it will be between the fifth and tenth of December, this enabling a long, educative campaign. RlLM ables THE FASHIONABLE FOX { in a trap along his trail broke but lost his tail. his oases cried, "T hear 8 BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY, THE WAY TO PEACE: -- Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee.--Job 22: 21. '{ ALONG LIFE'S DETOUR | BY SAM HILL here Are Too Few of Em. The kind of men For whom we long Are those who smile When things go wrong. Nom-- Observations of Oldest Inhabitant. I kin remember when daughter 8 | skirts swept the floor, and she would | help mother sweep the house. Since "It" Has Become a Medicine. "They used to take the gold cure for the Mquor habit," observed Bolt "But now the man with the liquor Pabit has to have gold to get the cure," remarkéd Nutt. This Should Remind You To De It Early. (Aberdeen (8S. D.) Daily News) Mrs. Mary Christmag has arrived | from Bradley, S. D., to visit friends in | | Hecla. He DBrightens Up Our Soles. The poor bootblack's No light divine, Yet he, for us, Will always shine, | Fool Questions. | F. G. asks: "Why don't they call | in the doctor for an ill wind?" The Exits Are Plainly Marked. "That's a wonderful old clock you have there, Miss Peach." "Yes; it belonged to my great- | | srandfather, and is over 100 years | old." "And it still goes?" "Yes, Mr. Staylate. It's so different from thie young men of this day." i i | Lven Matrimony Keeps Better in a Cold Climate, Eh? According to a news item the King of Sweden has been married longer than any other European monarch. | We alwayc understood the Swedes were | a hardy race. Dally Sentence Sermon. |A doctor never loses by his takes--Ilearn to profit by yours. Sean | i Even Jazz Helps. Let this word ring Both loud and long; It pays to sing A cheerful song. --Cantofi © _a10) News. And here's a truth For old and young; It pays to keep A silent tongue. -- News of the Names Club. A Madison (Ind.) reader writes that | while their town is a nice, quiet place, A. Wake is always there. Aaother Madison candidate is Dewey Marsh, but he Insists there are no mosquitos around him. Live Vs. Dead Ones. You'll find the same old twisted ways Wherever mankind flocks. We hand the dead oneg the bouquets, And hand the live ones knocks. ~--Cincinnati Enquirer. And that's the Way "twill always be, While--here on earth men slave, Our greatness people fail to see Until we're in our grave. =San Francisco Chronicle. Charges that the British govern- ment had been duped into buying false and fonged documents are made by Karl Radek, in the newspaper Pravda, of Moscow. Constable James Cotter, who was shot by the bandits, ¢ontinues to im- prove at the General hospital. There are no new developments in the case, Arbuckle's counsel charges con- spiracy to blackmail the film comed- jan. He who has no sense of humor has but few friends, We wish to inform the alterations. JOE The Paris Cafe NOW OPEN public business formerly known as the Everything is in first class con dition, Your order can be depended upon 4 After Exhibition we will close for a while for extensive S. LEE, Prop. 191 PRIN CESS STREET that we have taken over the Prince of Wales Restaurant. s good meals cooked to ere. > whole process of making 238 Princess St. SEE FOR YOURSELF HOW "PURE ICE CREAM" IS MADE!!! It will be a pleasura for us to show you through our plant and to describe su detail the ways a healthy, appetizing food. MASOUD'S Kingston, Ont. + pure Ice Gream -- al- Phone 980 and southern states is ad Pp to -- ee -------- is The Kind We Sell Men's and Boys' Wear at Wholesale Prices We meet and beat all catalogue prices, FALL OVER. COATS for $20.00 Pure Wool colors. See Our Young Men's Donegal Tweeds -- new Slip-an models-- ---------------------- SWEATER COATS shape neck, Col- legiate and Queen's Pure Wool. See. Our Young Men's SUITS All new models; Fal All new colorings; All new designs; All wool fabrics. Extra special values. $30.00 ----- tra FOOTBALL SUITS The newest kind. 50 MEN'S HOSE Pure wool ribbed Hose, blacks. Extra special value 45c, MEN'S UNDER- man's Merino; two piece or combination Shirts; Scotch, Eng- lish and French Shirt- ings. $3.00 qualities, WEAR 1 weight, Pen- izes 34 to 44. Ex- special $2.00 per Suit MEN'S FINE SHIRTS dozen Men's Fine Special $1.98 BARRETT'S Everlastic Roofing AND "MULTI-SHINGLES" Four-in-one--The best Roofings on the market and the lowest priced, BUNT'S Hardware, King St. MOORE'S SPECIALS A Few 30x3} Tires $9.00 GET A GOOD TIRE CHEAP DOMINION CHAIN TREAD TIRES $14.50 WHITE ROSE GASOLINE ........ 38c. MOORE'S 1.206 WELLINGTON STREET Rupture Expert Permanently Located--No Periodical Visits We are always here. For forty years we have been fit- ting Trusses in Kingston. No need for you to go from your home town for expert adviss about your individual case. 'We have the best appliances that are made, and we Buar- antee to secure your Rupture and make you comfortable. Dr. Chown's Drug Store 185 Princess St. Phono 348. Crutches, Elastic Hosiery, etc. THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. Wanting anything dome in the Sorgen. tery line. kh or : almo « of all kinds. All orders \ it attention. Sh Hi promp op Farm For Sale We sold the Farm we adver- tised last week. How would this one suit you? 120 acres, about 8 miles from Kingston on a leading road; large frame dwelling; good cel- lar; bank barn 48 by 60 feet on a nine foot stone wall with Stabling for 14 cows and 4 horses; drive house and hog pen; about 60 acres under cul- tivation; clay loam; plenty of fire wood; well watered, Price $4,250, T. J. Lockhart _Real Estate and Insurance We have removed our office to 58 Brock Street, Kingston TAXI FOR HIRE Special prices for out- of-town trips, G. C. MILLARD |. 30 Main Street Phone 2351 w. -------- CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS SILLS, CAPS, LINYELS, ETC. Improved process. Material and price are right. 527 Princess Street, corner Alfred A PENCILS REPAIRED We are equipped to make any repairs to above pencil We carry a supply of parts. Prompt Service. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston. NEW CLOVER HONEY L¥ THE COMB AND EXTRACTED Jas. REDDEN & Co. Phone 20 and 990, The House of Satiafaction ind AUTURN CHILL 1S IN THE ATR- FOR THE WINTER Tine 'RAWFORD'S LX AART utumn is the natural coal A buying time of the year. , It is the time when ser- fous minded men and wo- men: begin planning for the | wintertime comfort of their families. Consult us by phone and we'll prompti§ attend to your coal wants, : Crawford ; Phone 9. Foot of Queen St.