B ____THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | TUESDAY, SEPT. 27, 1081, In the Realm of Women---Some Interesting Features \_[ I Tommewn 1 8 oa, (A CHINESE SCHOOL = || HOROSCOPE | |} rum---- 1 S-WHL MNNED[ | The Dread Pyorrhea Begins 7 pe; 4 id | 2 Sawa Kea, . ; Splendid Work Is Done in It With Bleeding Gums | WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 26. © | Under Capable Pyorthea'sinfecting germs cause many ills. Medical | According to the stellar rule this | anagement. science has proven this, Jay Jedd be notable for some sub- The Chinese sehool which is bes Diseased conditions, which not long ago doctors mg row: Durvdularly slag : {ing carried on in Sydenham street were unable to trace to a cause, are now known often oo {struction and oe RT oar Methodist church on Sunday after- to be the result of Pyorrhea germs that breed in pockets |ments, "A thwarting and delaying noons, is a very attractive place. The about the teeth. Rheumatism, anaemia, nervous dis- [force 1s brought into lively action school is under the competent man- orders and other diseases have been traced in many |by the aspect of Mercury both by agement of Roy Ward, and he 1s cases to this Pyorrhea infection. lunar and mutual direction--a swift. | enthusiastic over the work. On Sun- Don't let Pyorrhea work its wicked will on your winged planet stirring to movement ) day, he had twenty-two Chinese mn isi i should be found good, with profound attendance, who were given individu- body. Visit your dentist frequently for tooth and gum . insight leaping to dependable con. al attention, to beginners, and from inspection. . 1g ten t e 3 { clusions, All mercantile and profes-| she to two are cared for when iney And watch Jolly gums yourself. Pyorthea, whish 4 sional pursuits should flourish, but | have advanced to the higher grades. afflicts four out of five people over forty, begins with RR those in the employment of others| Made with one pound of meat, ono | Few of them who come to him are tender and bleeding gums; then the gums recede, the ax uraen should be cautious. | Pint of cold water, half teaspoontul | able to read even their own Chinese teeth decay, loosen and fall out, or must be extracted Those whose birthday it is have | Salt, two slices of onion. language, but they rapidly pick up to rid th syst f i ir base. the forecast of a year of steady pro-| Insert the carboards semt from the | the English language, which 'they d the em of poisons generated at their gress, with the judgment equal to|laundry iu men's shirts in" ehirt-|find to great-advantage. Last year Forhan's For the Gums will prevent Pyorrhea-- or cope with stubborn problems. Those | Waists that. are packed in a suit | there were as many as thirty-five check its progress, if used in time and used consistently. in the employment of others should | Case to keep them flat and unwrinkl- | Chinese in attendance, but through Ordinary 'dentifrices cannot do this. Forhan's keeps be careful not to give offence. A | ed the business slump quite a few of the gums hard and healthy--the teeth white and clean. child born on this day should be| Tomatoes and peppers stuffed with | those who were in the laundries and Start using it today. If gum-shrinkage has already set steady, persevering, industrious, and | tuts, raisins and bread crumbs | restaurants have been transterred to in, use Forhan's according to directions and consult a have sound and dependable judg-'are delicious and quite new to maay other places or have béen appointed dentist immediately for special treatment. ment, being studious, contemplative | housewives, to new ground in Canada. A goodly 3 and profound. In escalloping cauliflower, toma- | number in recent years have passed 35¢c and 60c tubes in Canada and U. S. If your esr} toes, eggplan', onion, or almost any | through Mr. Ward's hands, and he druggist cannot supply you, send price tc us direct and vegetables, finely chopped nuts, mix-{ has received letters from many of we will mail tube postpaid. I ed with the crumbs which form the | *'his boys' who speak enthusiastical- . Formula of R. J. Forhan, D. D. S. You can't increase your strength by overtaxing the digestive organs. Strength comes from food rich in tissue-building elements that are easily digested. Lighten the tax burden by eating aS Rrra Aryeh he Arehm top layer, add greatly to the flavor |ly of the help he had given them. Forhan's, Lid., Montreal and give an added food value as|One of them returned to China and well. missionary work on the streets and One teaspoonful salt, 3 )s il. S---------- recently was able to build a church Sis Wiis ne 3am i The annual pest of candflies aud |in his native place. On Sunday there chopped Sun Maid Raisins. Add galt | Other insects is in several parts of the | Was a request for $60 for rally day to boiling water. Add oatmeal slow- | €OUNty near Windsor. Farmers have | purposes, and of this twenty-two Chi- ly and boil ten minutes, Add raising, | found them so troublesome 'o the | namen contributed over $19. Cook in double boiler at least forty | horses that they have been doing five minutes. Any cooked or dry | their plowing and fall wheat tililng ILDING cereal is improved by the addition of | PY moonlight raising. J = orans TOU are nA pes ' gt . ECZEMA fi IS GOING AHEAD SRE AT ou u Db i" "hork TY, > Tips To Housewives i ment for Besema and Skin Wry | 10 oor oT Splendid View Checks Pyorrhea EEN Oatmeal With Raisins Seputng: | a pure whole wheat food prepared in a digestible form. You will also lighten the burden of the housewife and mother because it is ready- cooked and ready-to-eat-- no worry or work. Two Biscuits with milk make a emis Thr i Dorn bah: 3 tals 6 skin. e le Chase's. Diteasal fre it you 'mention n this of Lake and the RTT TTT TT eee A teaspoonstul of sugar in the al dealers of Bamanton, Bates Greens. os stove blacking will add to the lustre ian ted, Toronto. ---- a of the stove. The spacious Cataraqui Golf Club W ny rv G d M 1 A Jump of camphor placed in the Wil SON'S building is rapidly being constructed, e e e 00 ea S << oe of eho Sh Sh SEE EAE SE china closet will prevent any silver It is on a very prominent site, com- nourishing, satisfying meal and which may b: in it from tarnishing. manding a wonderful view of Lake For good meals prepared right come and try us -- cost but a few cents. Delicious It a level teaspoonful of corn- Ontario and the Bay of Quinte, as starch is added while making fudge, with raisins, prunes, sliced bananas, well as views from the windows of the candy will be smooth Rh peaches or other fruits, creamy. ai y four or five of the greens. R/N. F. Everything you could want served as you like it. : Put « ittle. Butter i fh McFarlane, the contractor, is push- a IMtle butter in the griddle \ ing erection ahead rapidly and will 9 a he) cake mixture the 'last thing before \ J oe in a position to work inside Dainty Restaurant % 0 | i 3 6. frying the cakes and the griddle will RN throughout a portion of the winter. y ! .- ead Jory line rousing. : Very wide and expansive verandahs 83 PRINCESS STREET nner for the members of around the building. It is two - the family must be kept waiting, put | [Kill them all, and the | storey, one section being for the |s the plate with the food in the steam- 3 ladies and the other for the gentle- er and keep it tightly covered over | Z€rmMs 00. 10¢ a et men. In the sitting room in the front yp dissolved 1 o| 86 Druggis FOCEYS | of the building, Mrs, H. W. Richard- NEW PRICES son is erecting a special fire place, pint of boiling water, allowed to and er Stores. feldspar being used in the constru:- cool and bottled for use at any time tion. It will, when finished, be very { HARM TEAS : will remove cll stains and tarnish attractive with its spacious and well- At Bollevile on Seturday the |Allen Fink 30UBgegt som of Dasis som bras sad Will 'oi are the i 9 adorned mantel. Altogether, the . ' skin on the hands. only requires E ers that mariage took place of Wanda Iv- [ Fink, Iroquois, to be rubbed on the ' surface and ABY S sib membre WH) hive guar pin: 26c. PER PACKAGR orna, only daughter of the late H, W.| The Bay of Quinte Country Olub | wiped off. oo 9 30c.. PER-PACKAGH . (SLonk and Mrs, Cronk to Herbert | will be proceeded with, e * A foundation of soup stock is ' GREEN PACKAGE JAPAN... . 30c. PER PACKAGR GIRL MEETS TRAGIC THESE ARE THE BEST VALUES ON THE MARKET, DEATH IN ACCIDENT Cleansing Laura Labelle Has Her Head MEMORIAL UNVEILED Healing Jammed In Elovator at To iRoguois oeao| [Hi lick's : # Cornwall Hospital. . : Fragrant phate By Brig.-Gen. King--Lieut.- Malted Milk for Infants Cornwall, Sept. 26.--An accident Col. Mulloy One of A safe Silke Sie, belter than Attuned whi Sati resus Gosutrod Speakers. rich milk 3d malted grain extract af oap as . "wet Lait Aabelle; he ight son Iroquois, Sept. 27.--Brig.-Gen. Bizear Labelle, who ive about wo | ¢ yiistacy District No. 3. Kengruns, miles west of Lancaster, met instant | om .10ted at the unveiling of a me- death. Exactly how the accident |, wo... tablet, erected to the memory happened will never be known, as it| oo +10 students and ex-students of Was witnessed by none of the hospit-| 14 Iroquois high school who died al staff or patients. during the great war, at a public Miss Labelle had gone %o the base- gathering held here Friday after- ent tor 8 Judkot of slothes 16 lake noon. The unveiling was largely at- up to the oor. DE, | tended by townsfolks and residents FERD. T. HOPKINS & SON superintendent, and Miss Hill, assist-| of the county of Dundas. The tab- Montreal. 2 ant, saw the girl get into the elevator | jot, of bronze, contains the names wid stay; ho all S9puccany Yeut of thirteen soldiers from the school Gouraud's well u e elevator was midway | who made the supreme sacrifice, O i ' / between the second and third floors, I= (OFT when nurses on the latter heard ames M. Tisdale, chairman of " . . e screams. On going to the elevator [the Board of Education, presided.|Councillor W. J. Forward, léd ¢he e O e or Oo usic they found Miss Labelle with her |and addresses were.given by Brig.-|singing. Thirteen high schodl girls : 1 head jammed in the elevator ehaft. | Gen. King; O. D. Casselman, M.P. for dressed in white deposited white . 3 _P: : : . " - I A Her body was lying on the floor of | Dundas; W. H. Casselman, M.P.P|flowers at the foot of the table T Heintzman & Co. Player Piano J an Instrument upow Hp the a en basket of |for the county; Reeve G. H. Davy; [and the "Last Post" was sound which the whole world of music is instantly available. Ite : ciothes, and a hole had been made in | Liout.-Col. H. W. Magwood, Corn-|by Buglar Harry Knox. presence in your home will increase your social pleasures, add AF tal-taveed the plaster where her ead was lodg- | Wall; Lieut.-Col. Coburn, Toronto, culture and musical education to the a mpli h t of poif every T ed. The elevator was moved and the [20d Lieut.-Col. L. W. Mulloy. The On Sept. 8th, at Forest, Ont, sie €Co shments ion ' Cooking use. dedication ceremony was conducted marriage of Miss Myrtle Stonehouse, rom children. Every member of your family will derive pleasure wl tad Dr 2.00: Alguire You will be delighted with our service. Made in Canada by by Rev. T. H. Iveson, Anglican|daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Stone- THe Western Salt Co. Lad. Es i A EE OE Ao, rin Lesion. aa HT toss | daughter or Mr. an Williams, Fort . < ' Courtright, Ontario arrived. An examination of the|{llam Merrilees, Presbyterian minis-| Frances, Ont., son of Mr. and Mrs, ! body disclosed the fact that her neck | tT, sang "The Deathless Army." | W. H. Williams, Almonte, was quiets ro * . "| and right jaw had both been broken | AR Orchestra, under the direction of! ly golemnized. . : The only explanation of the accid- --_ ont would seem to be that Miss ) Plager-Fiann WB | ATEN (BELan ul | She we fru the third floor, An fo- on 5 . If you own a piano which is dead and silent because no one q b | 'gn. i 1 Alguive, coroner, and the evidence There S only one way m can pla it, e change. it for a Heintzm & Co. Alumin 5 'of Miss B. McInnes and Miss B. Fer- Action layer Pines, Brighten your hone wish the music you B ) N he boi An un Beg the world to get the love. Flood your home with melody. : : y ing, the superintendent, was taken. i vite ae way was) || Superior corn flakes: The Heintzman Player-Piano is the player-piano you will even- TE : ad tually buy. It is "wear-proof," "weather-proof" ye "trouble- < he oa Ask . f proof." The moze severe the test to which you put it, the <I sent at 3 9clock ou Friday aight, Septen- your gr ocer 1or better you will be satisfied. Make that test today. i . i " : . ' : Be ) 0 By Brockville's "Wild Man" Caught. + C. W Hg | WERARINEERD | cowie son irons ier Post Toasties * | ® [a : , noying women end children in the bes west end for some weeks, was taken x -- t corn flakes in charge by the police on Sunday morning when they found him asleep 9 under a clump of bushes. He spent | When you say 'Post Toasties™ you avoid [the last three weeks sleeping in the all chances of getting ordinary corn flakes. open in the woods and begging by | ; wu