"Fair and Warmer." The atmosphere at the "Grand Theatre the first of the week was, In the words of the weather man, _8lightly dull and cloudy without the "Popular "Rex for the end of the week are "Fair and Warmer." I be- . Meve this Avery Hopwood farce is to be the "attraction for Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday of this week. should make a re hit, because the fun is fast and furious, the cast rd rd Y | more different kinds of people thaa [ win be no more for the present.---Advt. Charley's Aunt Laughing Hit. The elaborate revival of the most charming of comedies, "Charley's Aunt," for a coast to coast tour of he larger cities, brought up a dis {cussion recently in the Lambe' Club of New York, as to the reasons for its great popularity, for the pldy has {shown a verility that promises to Stock Company." but. eqial:'Rip-Ven Winkle; *The-Ol | Homest er." | wae ead," 'and "The Music Mast- It was. findlly agreed that it due to its capacl'y to please any other play, combined with the advertising that it received from the --well--we'll be there, so|matic scenes, "The Sky Pilot" will | | begin a three-day engagement ' at | {the Allen Theatre to-day.--Advt, { | | | { RUGBY MATCH PRICES FOR. NEW STADIUM ANNOUNCED | | Season Tickets Available With Exceptional. Privilegege Good Accommodation. On Thursday the Queen's Athlet! Board of Control gave out some / and skipper arc all fact=rs in his choice of a carrier. His mental attitude is the same as that of the Scientific Space Selector who 'wants to know more about publica- tions than a mere statement of "Net Paid Circulation." . The wise Space-Buyer keeps his copy of "Scientific Space Selection" handy and digs deep into the facts set forth in A. B.C. reports so that he can obtain authentic data on where the publica- tion goes, and to whom it goes. He also wants to know about the in- fluence, stability and character of the publication in which he is going to buy white space. All these facts can De obtained from A.B.C. reports. You'll find a carefully audited statement about circulation on the first page and, if you read pages two, three and four, you'll be able to visualize the character of the publica- tion and to answer the question, "Will this medium help to sell my goods?" The capacity for taking infinite pains becomes, every year, more applicable to Space Buying. I :aggerated claims, misleading figures, general statements are looked upon with critical eyes. Dec tive reasoning dominates space @s it does every other busi- pess proposition. " That is why A. B.C. reports represent the back bone of space buying. They are correct, informative, and clearly set forth --but to reap the full benefit of A.B.C, reports they must be studied for more than the mere gtatement of "Net Paid Circulation." book, which in English-speaking countries was the best seller for from three to five years, and is still offered in every shop that sells books regardless of how small the stock may be ! » As a play its rich and continuous humor please the men who wish to £0 to the thea're for a hearty laugh. the thoughtful mothers find the problem which 'Charley's Aunt" (from Brazil) had to face a most appealing study; the young man and his girl and the young husband and his wife find in the heart interest is very well suited to that variety of show, and Mr. Snelgrove and Miss Vaughn do some of their very best work in the piece. Bedroom farce . May mean anything, but handled skilfully by the "Rex" Company, the « refinement that is-always evident in Mr. and Mrs. Snelgrove"s work, re- "moving any trace of crudeness, there is no reason why patrons of the Grand Should rot fill the theatre. We all know Rex and his charming wife now. They feel at 'home with us, 80 what more nantural than to see them playing around on the stage in chummy, intimate fashion doing Which: surrounds Donna Muola a and saying things at which we shall | 5" cv romance. large company of laugh happily and spontaneously 2 | character players carefully selected For those who may not care to | for their parts constitute one of the "laugh audibly (should there be any | Dest comedy organiza'ions om the such) there will be much worth | 02 to-day. seeing. There is special scenery, "Charley's Aunt," will be presén!- attractive interio# settings, and I'll ed at the Grand Opera House on Bay pretty Miss Vaughn in negligee Monday, October 3rd, one night only. --Advt. ANY PAIN OF THE BODY Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatic, Back- sche Sciatic and Ovarian Pains. : One or two DR. MILES' ANTI-PAIN PILLS--and the pain is gone. Guar anteed Safe and Sure. Price 30c. SOLD AT MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE rs Aer ts tant ea Po SEALPD TENDERS addressed to the fall. The most important fea the new season ticket propo The price of a geason tic dollars. This entitles the reserved seat at four se, Varsity at Queen's, Queen's, McGill at Q other probably Ottawy a St. Brigid's at Queen's, and at tv so intermediate games between R.,"" M. C. and Queen's, These larger gam .es will probably in- clude games if n the junior series which will be ggtarted early in the at- ternoon with ¥ QJueen's, R. M. C., and K.C 1 fe The plan for the season ticket is this: For erf¥ich ticket bought, the pur- chaser rec{ ives a little pad of vouch- ers. By tal, king this to Uglow's or the athletic }, board rooms at Queen's, he may picks « out his seat where he wants it and § secure seats adjoining. These seats tI Xe ticket holder maf have all troy gh the year, merely by notifying eithy tr; of the above-mentioned places ny nty-four hours before each game an es, mentioning the number of his oucher. Those first purchasing sea- son tickets, have, of course, the choice of seats, all in the large new grandstand. Jhe general admission to games will be 50c, with 36c to junior con- tests, both of these exclusive of war- tax. A special price of 10c has been set for children, so that the young- sters will not have to '"'go broke" to gee their favorite rugby heroes in action, These prices in general are very reasonable. When one considers the accommodation, the ' new stadium and the calibre of the games, they appear even more so. Some of the ; p 3 ! best rugby in Canada is played in : : 5) ! . the intercollegiate series, and the O. x ' J R. F. U. teams will also be seen here, The season ticket proposition is also a good one. 10lder to a nior games, Parkdale at en's, and the At The Strand. "The Fatal Hour," eagerly expect- | ye od and widely discussed, is|y/ shown at the Strand to-day for the first time. A play to set the nearc{[§ beating and the blood tingling is "h: rapid-fire melodrama by Cecil Rf 3 leigh, presented by Metro on a m* 692 nificent scale with an all-star d 2 of Broadway players. oh foe tev that most dangerous of all | fellas weapons--a woman's hate--; t Tou counts a stirring story. Aga . i undersigned and endorsed "Tender fo a fost a grading, paving roads. ete. Royal Mii. | Prillant background of Engli'™ 0 yop ary College. Kingston. ont." will be | Social life is unfolded = the ON tale of A e un 12 eo' k , Wed- » 7 meaday, October 5, on or Thy We Lieutenant Nigel Villiers, nd sir to the struction of grading, paving, roads, |title and estate of the Mg as a t Deerminster, who, because) srqua: 6 etc, In connection with the Riding School, Royal Military College, King- of a snub ¢ to an actress of the mus ner halls, is made the victim of a sta BN hal i8; ston, Ont. ana ns and Specification can be seen tlm: orms of tender obtained at the of- |g Ig con- fices of the Chief Alchitacs: Department sbiracy to defraud him of ed ne h heri:- af Public Works, Ottawa, [The Resident | ance. Its swiftly movi SD os 4 ect, Genera 'ost Office, T - 3 episodes to and Messrs. Power Son & Prever, heap sensation upon tl vs Be- Architects, Kingston, Ont. ginning with a keenly c SELON. Tenders will not be considered unless | race on the Thames pntested boat collégiate eights, it tr Fucen - na heart of London's fa yeis 10 ne set, with glimpses be and a revelation of b made on the forms supplied by the Department and {n accordance with the Comes the daring the famous Crown conditions set forth therein: Bach tender must be accompanied b Tower of London; pursuit of the thief, an accepted cheque on a chartered ban Pe able to the order of the Minister of u kaleidoscopic speed, tion to the snow He Works, equal to 10 p.c. of th amount of the tender. War than Dorie of the Swiss Alps, reaches {ts breathle: of the Dominion will also be accepted as security, or war bonds and cheques if perate hand-to-han edge of a yawning Be sure to get your copy of "Scientific Space Selection," the new A. B.C.book. A guide to every advertiser, space-buyer and publisher who fs interested in the sale or purchase of white space, Price, two dollars and a half. BASEBALL ON WEDNESDAY. National League. Brooklyn 9, Boston 5. Chicago 3, Cincinnati 1, bene the scenes azen intrigues. ttempt to s'eal ewels from the e escape and Cg then, with a sudden transi- vered fastnesses vhere the drama hen climax in a des- 4 conflict at the Qabyss.--Advt, -- American League, Tequired to make up an odd amount Boston 5, Philadelphia 4. By order, R. C. DESROCHERS, Secretary. Department of Public Works, ttawa, September 28th, 1921. The British Whig is the only newspaper in Kingston which gives its ad- vertisers an A. B. C. circulation. A HARTINGTON FARMER STANDING OF LEADERS. National League. . Lost. P.C, 567 ,820 697 f= R. M. C. STAFF STRENGTHENED. | tion at the United States academy at West Point fo years, - Mulloy May be Candidate. Hon. Dr. J. W. Edwards is to New York Pittsburgh Sky Pilot Probably becaus he thoroughly kn whereof he writes) orm story, "The Sky Pil Vidor has directed real gems among ture, is one . ne of the con picture releases. current motion ose real name is it Allen. ; of the fact that ws the subject Ralph Connor's lot," which King as a motion pic CORNWALL'S CARBONATED BUTTER 564 520 St. Louis American League. New York 94 Cleveland 93 St. Louis 79 Washington 520 | 518 INSURANCE VICTORS, Ralph Connor, wh Rev. Charles W. C G jordon, and whose not writing steady occupation, bucks a sl, i oe the gos- pel in his ttle ¢ & is to be congratul; Psadien hn cere m B | Dia anner in w hich the Cathrine Curtis Productions ! his story to the sc have translated For sale in Kingston by the following grocers;-- W. J. McRae & Co. J. R. Henderson. Jas. Redden & Co. Defeated Retailers by 12 to 4 Wed-| nesday Evening. In the preliminary finals for} group honors in the Mercantile Base- | ball League last night, Insurance met and decisively defeated their 'old rivals, the Retailers, by a score of 631| And 620] HELD UP BY THREE MEN Forced Out of His Rig. Bert Charlton, a farmer living near Hartington, was held up on Sat- urday night by three armed men on the Wolf swamp road when on his way home. He was ordered out of his vehicle and robbed of $27, besides other things in his possession. Then and proceed on his way, which Robbed of $27--He Was he was told to get back in his rig he speak at the Dundas county Liberal- Conservative convention to be held at Chesterville next Monday afternoon. It is reported that the name of Lisut.- Col. L. W. Mulloy will be placed in nomination in order to get the strongest available candidate in sup- port of the Meighen government. Ow- ing to the way the present U. F. O. member snowed under the Conserva- tive in 'the last provincial election in Dundas, the leaders of the party | tee that a man ofthe standing. of Col. Mulloy's needed to make a win- |ning fight, Dundas is no longer cor- trolled by the Tories as it was when Sir James Whitney and Andrew Bro- der, were elected by sweeping major- By the Addition of Teachers to the Civil Staff, Four new appointments to the civ- il staff of the Royal Military College are announced. L. A. Browne, for- merly of Toronto, has been appointed associate profressor of mathematics and will assist Lieut.-Col. H. J. Daw- son in this branch. Dr. J. L. McKee, formerly assistant professor of che- mistry at Queen's University, will be instructor in chemistry under Prof. F. H. Day. To the science department also comes Mr. Lewis, who for some years has been with the Ontario Ag- ricultural College, Guelph. He will be instructor in physics. Percy Lowe, M.A., who graduated from the Uni- ~ Humane Society Me: It is the wish of the Ki mane society to have present the Royal Huma medal to "Jack' Gilbert, and Mrs, John Gilbert, upon the occasion of hi Kingston in November city's memorial hall. displayed great bravery winter when he rescued named Irene Beck, who piece of floating ice n street breakwater. He thin ice to her aid, and escape himself. 3 can claim as le ER jeen. Few authors sion 'of their "work | asting a film ver- Gordon. The storCC [IKe® on he. Rev, youn ninister wh 'y deals ni Bo ranch 4 Wert is sent into the gospel among the ¢ to spread the trials and tribulatic _.owboys. His his Tali, his Nove prop maviartany interpreted by Kin M 3 John Boner wou . 00° idor through role. How the pilof)I} lays the title first, wins a place t, unpopular at the hearts of the co ke: himself in prise him on Christ rboys, who sur- as morning by » S leading him blind-f| A ie snow-covered trail to Pplded dowp =» little frame church tIWELE Boy him the without his knowledge hey have puilt human note of the st featured by several sn Parkhill Co. A. Glover. 8S. A. Caverley. W. J. Arniel. W. J. Nesbitt. C. E. Driscoll. Jas. Kelley: C, H. Pickering. Robinson's Retail Grocery. ' D. B. Gage and Son. CORNWALL CREAMERIES, Cornwall yOntario. . "The Home of Canada's Better Butter." versity of Toronto, Trinity College, in 1920, will assume the position of instructor in mathematics, 12 to 4. Both teams had good ities. strong aggregations on the field and were confident of victory, but the Insurance men had the big edge and proved their right to the higher position. did. Mr. Charlton served overseas in the first division. It is thought by Hartington residents that the ban- dits are the 'same men who shot Constable Cotter. City Assessor' The annual report sessor will be made ginning of next wee! that the assessment hdns 'erially increased andless pro- lation is about 134 lus com- corded last year. Tithe same remarkable in view tity very pression and the cltpads, : Case Settled. The case of Blackmore vs, Maxwell was dismissed in the supreme court tn > Wednesday upon the parties reaching a settlement, the basis of which was the payment by Black- more of $100 for the county claims These appointments wil] allow the R. M. C. staff to carry out the new system of studies and instruction in force at the college, under which the cadets are kept in small classes of about twelve each, thus giving more individual instruction and supervis- ion by the instructors. This plan has long been advocated by Prof. 1. E.|metive works. Had jes of ex- Martin, now director of studies at mal, Kingston's pal for dis » the college, and has been in opera- have been materialk and at< ---------- eters. WW AELE < 5 facilities; 4 proposal; ents which sisted, par New Eng- ition and &riod, as Queen's Line Better. CHEESE DROPS AGAIN. Wednesday afternoon's practice on the lower campus showed Queen's rugby squad to have made great ad- vances in the past few days. With the opening of college, a few Wil- lards; and Dempseys have returned to fill up the line and it now looks like a champion collection of heavy- weights. "Bill" Muirhead is back in the fray, husky as ever, as also is Burns. "Eddie" Ryan has again made his appearance in the backfield. There certainly is no lack of good material and every day brings forth favorable developments, Sold on Frontenac Board Thursday At 15 5-8 Cents, Cheese sold on the Frontenac | 24 the Dogs. Cas SuseEe DOATH 1 SB i ao Tallman Sweet apples and quinces dalle owing to the slump in at Carnovsky's. prices last week, but some of the fac- | sories are holding on to their output with the expectation of a rise There were 309 boxes boarded, and the bids started at 14 cents. At 15 6-8 cents L, W. Murphy secured the offerings of Arigan, Gilt Edge and Ontario, 143 boxes. R. Hamil- ton, at the same bid, failed to secure his selections, the price being re- fused, the Do you know what constitutes a strong constitution ? 0 t can BIG ALUMINUM WARE SALE, STAR TING FRI ' Rr nay, = 25 Tea Kettles PA Raise 25 Tea 00 33.30 18 aie os, cup TL HE Bowling Games, 330 Queen's bowling club will wind up the season this week. The green will be closed for playing on Satur- day, and then the fall work of get- ting the green ready for next geason will commence. The Scotch doubles for the Price cup has yet to be de- cided by "he committee. The first group was won by C. C. Hodgins and J. H. Hoppes some weeks ago, and since then they have waited for the games of the second group to be played to decide against whom thay would be matched. This series was decided Tuesday evening with A. E. Treadgold and W. Brownlee winners. The matter 'is to come before "he committee to decide when the final game will be played off. Some of the players in the finals have left the city and it may be that new players will have to be appointed or 'hat the cup be awarded to one of the 'eamsin ) the finals. It is Itkely that a meeting of the club will be held in November bition we will close for a while for extensive ) RX sng gains JOE S. LEE, Prop. An adjourned case, in which a lad 191 PRIN CESS STREET 40 Double Boiler 60 Double Belles 78 Pie Plates .. 50 Cake Plates 50 Sauce Pans . 24 Frying Pa TS havg soand, healthy nerves, completely under control, diged V0" Bl organs that are capable of absorbing a hearty meal, meansmpers of th have a strong comtitution! Your general attitude is one of opt/ortation Co 4 : 'gncil left las and energy. . hich will res in household But an irritable disposition, frequent attacks of indigestion, supplied wit languid depression, indicate your system is not in correct working om $4 to 3 Iw quoted : w selli hi Probably you are not eating the proper food. Probably igh Bl tious elements are not being supplied to your system in the rs. FF Grape-Nuts is the wholesome, delicious cereal that prbmotey, , , digestion, absorption and elimination, whereby nourishment is) / and malted barley comprise the chief elements of Grape-Nuta/ERSISTENT 4 at breakfast or Junch is an excellent, wholesome rule to follows, 5 , o 4 postal delay, You can order Grape-Nuts at any and every hotel, restsstimoniai to ite lunch room; on dining cars, en lake boats and steamers; in ¢ Joe delivery a " o J. Harris, an grocery, large and small, in every city, town or village in Cans' 4 a Wd to him while . 4 fn the South Grape-Nuts --the Body Bui" Fosiess 1a . » 5 18 years of & "There's a Reason been to India, # ind pearly all # the globe, > tes eet es ' Will Represent Japan. Tokio, Sept. 29.--The Japanese delegates to thé Washington con- terence on limitation of armaments will be Prince Iyesato Tokugawa, president of the House = of Peers; Vice-Admiral Tomosaburo Kato, min- ister of the navy, and Baron Kijuro Shidehara, ambassador to the Uni- ted States, it is officially announced. Other articles toornumerousg to mention. See our window dispil . W. H. COCKBURN & CO. Cerner Wellington and Princess Street. bv Large Registration 'at Queen's, Registration was continuea at Queén's* Thursday and a large num- ber of students enrolled. The students came in so fast on Wed- nesday that although the staff worked until late in the evening af- ter the office had been closed to the students, it was found impossible to get time to record the numbers en- tering. The classes in first year arts are of large size, First year sci- ence also has a larger registration than was at first anticipated. --wroke The Paris Cafe ™* We wish to inform the public t siness formerly known as the ig that a Everything is in first class con dition, your order can be depended upon After Exhi alterations. take over the of Wales Restaurant. good meals cooked to Steamer Besmer Aground. Word was received in the city at noon on Thursday, that the steamer Besmer was aground near Farran's Point. The Donnelly Wrecking Company sent aid to the vessel. was charged with assault, came be- fore Magistrate Farrell in juvenile court on Thursday morning and was Cismissed. -A special meeting of the city coun- cil has been called for Mbnday even ing. : A few baskets of plums for Friday at 8