Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Sep 1921, p. 7

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ii a ea TF ERP SEE eta BH {MOLE SLAY FAR OVER 'Big Attendance on Wednesday Book Store Headquarters for Queen's University Text : Books, Note Books, Supplies, / Fountain Pens, Stationery, etc. a \ R. Uglow & Co. EC ---- IDEAL FOUNTAIN Also WATERMAN INK PENS RING or send us the pieces when you break glasses and our exper- fenced repair department will make a lens or a pair of lenses that will exactly "match" the damaged ones. Ours is an eye glass service that is dependable in every way from the testing to the adjusting of the finished ar- ticle, Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 PRINCESS STREET Automobile Repairing Registered Optometrist 40 Wellington St. Opp. Post Office ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON 3 - ut mm TO RENT Phones: Shop 1039. Res. 1537J, 2 In Telegraph Building, SUITE 378 BROCK STREET FQUR $o0D ROOMS, with two rick valuts, suitable for offices r will arr e for residence. Ap- ply MR. KR RIC on premises. Like people, our advertisements make friends and keep them. DOUBLE VISION LENSES If you find it necessary .to wear Glasses for both distant and near work do not try to worry along with two pairs of Glasses, when for a small ex- tra charge you can have them made up" in KRYPTOK INVISIBLE BIFO.- CALS or Double Vision Lenses, thus doing away with the chance of losing one pair, also of having to change each time you wish to look at anything up close or in the distance. A May we make yours for you ? R. J. RODGER Optometrist - - - 132 Princess St. Phone 347, | © --The Horse Race and i! Baseball Results. | The Wolfe Island fair closed 'on | Wednesday and the day was one of { the mq | island fairs. Tuesday, the opening [aay saw ao attendance of 400, but | on Wednesday there was fully one thousand people on the grounds. The weather was ideal and the attractions Were very much enjoyed. Tha ferry Wolfe Islander made hourly trips throughout the day for accommoda- tion ot visitors from the mainland and a large number was present. Among. them was Hon. J. W. Ed- wards, minister of immigration and colonization, who was keenly inter- ested, and James Henderson, presi- dent of the Kingston fair association, Secretary R. J. Bushell and many of the directors. George Rattray, reeve of Wolfe Is- land, and secretary-treasurer of the society had general supervision of the work. In addition to the agri- cultural exhibits, all splendid attrac- tions, the programme mainly con- eisted of horse races and baseball. The races were good, and the base- ball, a game between Wolfe Island and Three Mile Bay, created great interest. Among the successful competitors In live stock were: Oscar Fawcett, winner of first prize for pure bred Durham bull; T. Conley, first for { Southdown sheep; William Haley, | first for Shropshire sheep; E. Savill, Yorkshire pigs; J. Alarie, first on pure bred Percheron stallion; L. Me- Glynn, first on Amardale two-year-old colt. The full list of prize winners will be available for publication later. The judges were: J. Armstrong, Maxville, horses; A. A! Colwell, New- castle, cattle, sheep and pigs; B. N. Whitney, Kingston, poultry; J. Hea- ton and C, C. Friendship, fruit, vege- tables and grain; Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Alexander Smith, dairy produce; Mrs, tichmond, ladies' art and needle work. The officers of the society are: President, Dexter Keil; 1st vice-pre- sident, George Friend; 2nd vice-pre+ sldent, Willlam Allum; secretary ana treasurer, George A. Rattray. Directors: R. Walker, Ed. Brice- land, T. Rodgers, Thomas Moran, Thos. Connelly, Wm. Kemp, Dave Watts, W. McAdoo, Wm. Bullis, Geo. Woodman, Richard Kesler: Auditors: W, G. Woodman, EQ. Briceland. Committee for races: Oliver Haw- kins, A. Hough, Wm. Haley. Superintendents: General superin- tendent, Wm. Haley; horses, Rod. Walker; cattle, Ed. Briceland; agri- culture, Wm. Kemp; poultry, Wn. McAdoo; sheep and swine, Wm. Al- lum; dairy produce, Thos. Connelly. Directum Murphy, owned three straight heats in the 2.35 class, and Peter Mack, owned and driven by Geo. Darrah, won by three heats in the Named Race. The results were: 2.85 Class, . Directum Murphy, T. K. Nicholson, Kingston ... 1 1 Slipper L., D. Denrpster, Gananoque .. Judge Murphy, F. Whitney, Kilgaton. ,...ccoonnnevs Nellie Murphy, C. Perry, Latimer . Best time 2.39 1-2, Named Race. Peter Mack, G. Darragh, Kingston Go Direct, D. McLaren, Wolfe Island ... Babline, Geo. Willis, Wolfe Island .. Jimmie D., T. Berrigan, KIBEIROR «oveversnvses 44 48 Best time 3.00 The officials were: Starter, Charles Randalls; judges, L. Martin, R. Aylesworth, Asa Hough. The baseball game was full of ex- citement owing to the rivalry exist- ing between the teams both of which are composed of island boys and the Unfit to Live--Must Die. This verdict is rendered a thou- sand times every week---no corn can live, it must pass out, drop off, it Putram's Extractor is applied to cork and warts. Use the old reliable "Putman's," it never fails. 25c., at all dealers, DR. MARTEL'S FEMALE PILLS FOR WOMEN'S AILMENTS 25 years Standard for Delayed and Painful Menstruation. Sealed Tin package only, all Drugglsts or direct by mail, Price $2.00. Knickerbocker Remedy Co., 71 BE. Front St, To- ronto, Canada. t guccessful in the history of | and | driven by T. K. Nicholson, won by | score of 5 to 3 shows that it was 2 {hard fought battle. { The line up was: { Wolfe Island--ULarush 2b, Good- | friend cf, Spoor 3b, Hunt ¢, Ryan 1b, | Koen p, Kiel] ss, McDonald rf, Kenny 11e THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | | Three Mile Bay--Stiblins ss, Var- | | ley 2b, Sprague 1b, Riley ¢, Empy i { 3b, Hayes p. i Umpire--G. R. Hornbeck. t= The-score by-innings::2 Three Mile Bay NO NEW LIGHT ON FATE 100002000--3 Tried on the Kidnapping \ | Charge. » T-- for conspiracy to kidnap Ambrose stated. The chances are charge, unless the authorities can police are still clinging to a chance dead or alive, formation has come into the hands of the authorities regarding Mr. Small's whereabouts. PLAY AT THE GRAND. Wednesday Evening, in three acts, was presented 'at the lish company, is one of the best pre- play tells the story of a feud be- tween the Hillcrests and the Horn- blowers, and it ends by startling dis- closures about the life of one of the Hornblowers being made. Mr. Horn~ bower, a manufacturer, who had ob- chased some property 'close to the home of the Hillcrests and had | threatened to build chimneys. Mrs. Hillcrest, in her endeavor to atop him building, is able to find out something of -the inner life of Mrs. riage, and she makes it known, with erected, is also a clever player, CHANGE IN TIME. Canadian National Railways tive October 2nd, 1921, Canadian National Railways an- nounce the following changes in train service, effective October 2nd, 1921: Train No. 5-74, Effec- Ot*'awa-Kingston, 4.17 p.m.; arrive Kinguten 5.06 p.m, Train No. 6-74, Toronto-Kingston, | dally except Sunday, will {eave To- {ronto 12.01 noon; arrive A Harrow- | smith 4.17 p.m.; arrive Kingston, 5.05 p.m. Equipment on trains No, 5 and 4 as at present: Parlor und dining cars and coaches. Full information obtainable from nearest Canadian National Railways agent. Hon. Dr. Edwards Confident Of His Re-Election | "I never saw the situation in {Frontenac more promising of suc- cess," said Hon. Dr, Edwards, when asked what he thought of the politi- cal situation. '"I have made a trip through the northern part of the county and the people are ready for the fight, in fact, they were never more ready to give me their full sup- port, and it is a cause for great <rati- fication to me. 1 appreciate Lhe warm support of my friends now, more especially since accepting the obligations that cabinet responsibil- ities carry. I feel that Frontenac county is more solidly with me than ever before." A Belfast funeral party was fired upon Wednesday when returning from a cemetery, and one man was killed and three were wounded. ' The Spanish Pulp and Paper Com- pany announces a ten per cent, cut in wages of the whole staff. mm. Girls' School Oxfords in dark brown calf imitation brogue style. Also in black | calf. Good, serviceable footwear at a mod. erate price. $3.75 a pair Allan M. Reid - ~~ SHOE STORE 111 Princess Street Ee ---- | TWICE TOLD TALES TEN YEARS AGO. The schooner Katio Eccles is aground near Brighton, with a load of coal from Sodus on board. Parham fair on Tuesday and Wed- nesday was a big success in every way. Motorman Charles McDonald, of the local street railway, has accept- ed a good position with, the Calgary Street Radway Company. Queen's rugbylsts are working hard in preparation' for the game with Argonauts on Saturday, Good weather favored the second day of Kingston township fair, mak- Ing it a general success, Every piece of iron in the new government steamers being built at the dry dock Is made rustproof by a Special treatmeny News of Kingston TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. James Halliday, street rallway electrician, says the street cars in use here are superior to those in Ottawa. ton hdve been engaged by W. WwW. Bennett & Son, Gananoque. : Dr. Begg returned yesterday from visiting hospitals in New York city. To-day a local law firm issued a writ. for $50,000 for an Oshawa company against a local well-known itizen. The city council passed a vote of congratulation to M. Flanagan, city clerk, on the occasion of Lis seven- ty-third birthday. Doston University rugby team warts to play two games here this fall, but it is not thought 'that ex- penses could be rajsed for them, daily except Sunday, will leave Ot- | tawa 1.00 p.m, arrive Harrowsmith | | rf, Northrop cf, Mount 2b, Muchian | Wolfe Island........004010000--5 OF AMBROSE SMALL | John Doughty May Never Be John Doughty will not be taken | from Portsmouth to stand his trial | Small at the present sitting of the'| criminal session at Toronmt) ft was | that | Doughty will never be tried on the | produce some further evidence. The | that they may get some direct in- | formation about Mr, Small, either Since Doughty went to Portsmouth | in April to serve his six year sentence | for the theft of $105,000 of Mr. | Small's bonds, no further clue or in- | | "The 'Skin Game" Was Presented on "The Skin Game," a tragic-comedy | Grand Opera House on Wednesday | evening before a good-sized audience. | The play, which is put on by an Eng- | sented at the Grand in years. The 1 tained considerable wealth, had pur- | Hornblower, Jr., before her mazr- | the result that the buildings are not | Matthew Boulton, who played the | role of Hornblower," is exception- | ally good. Audrey Cameron as "Jill," | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hillcrests, Fred Simmons and 'Herb Apple-| -- @ Special Lr ABERNETHY"S oe Barg $4.95 High School Girls' Saddle Strap Brown Brogue OXFORDS Sizes 2} to 6. Special Price $4.95 last chance at $2.95 "Your Last Chance" $2.95 Ladies' Brown and Black Kid Laced Boots--sizes 24 to 7. Your Boys' Brown Calf- * skin Saddle Strap BROGUE BOOTS Sizes 1 to 51. $4.95 $355 SCHOOL BOOTS Medium narrow toes. Sizes | to 5. Regular $6.00. Now $398 $1.50 Ladies' Black Kid Grey Top Boots--regular $7.00. Sizes 2} and 3 only. ans - BE For a Tasty Meal ° Buy your supply of 'Groceries, Provisions Meats and Fruits -- at the UNIQUE GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET 490 and 492 Princess St. Phone 530. C. H. Pickering 50,000 SAMPLES Dr, Bell's Veterinary Wonder 50,000 one dollar ($1.00) bottles Free to" horsemen who give the Wonder a fair trial. Guaranteed for Colie, Inflammation of the Lungs, Bowels, Kidneys, Fevers, Distemper. etc, 'Send 25c. for Maing Package, ete, Agents antag, rite your ainly. address DR. BELL, V.S., KINGSTON, Oat. Atta atni Between the high prices demand~ ed by-the coal men and the bootleg ger, father knows he is in for a hard 'winter. JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker, PHONE 147 FOR : REAL SERVICE ~--nr MEN'S ALL WOOL BLUE SERGE SUITS Color guaranteed. $25.00 - RONEY'S, Princess St. When Cool Weather Comes! Home and Living Room will be the Zathering place. you need to make it more comfy and cosily during Autumn and Winter season's. Re-arrange your Living Room now. prices on our odd and discontinued Living Room Furniture, Is there anything Take advantage of the reduce: Arnprior Races. Arnprior fair had a record attend- ance Tuesday, when 14,000 passed through the turnstiles. . The Jain events on the programme were the harness races, which were thorough- ly enjoyed by all. Romala went against the track record, held by Grand Opera, and went the distance on a slow track in 2.06 1-4. r-- STROUD'S TEA | Full flavored and satisfying 109 Princess Street Phone 849 'NEW PRICES '. CHARM TEAS BLUE PACKAGE BLACK ........,...25c. PER PACKAGE RED PACKAGE BLACK ............30c. PER PACKAGE GREEN PACKAGE JAPAN... ... THESE ARE THE BEST VALUES ON THE MARKET, «++..30c. PER PACKAGR - A lazy man and a comfortable bed are not easily divorced. It is far more honorable to black shoes than it is to black characters,

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