mam MAK Bl ro YE ca SIR HENRY DRAYTON NAY REN FOR OTTAWA. SEAT A. E. Fripp Is Not Oontesting | Being a Senate Aspirant. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ___.. G HISTORY AT GRAND PRE FE A RE on THE REX STOCK COMPANY a Grand Witla Yuta i eecnitle "Fair and Warmer" was presented by the Rex Stock delore a crowded house Ee duo on "Thursday night; ung Rex Quelrove and Zana Vsughn filled 04 leading roles with great success. 'William Tule, a former Kingston boy, made a great 'hit in vaudeville between the acts, anid the Patk Kiddies were de- lighttul. . "Pair and Warmer" is the famous comedy that has gained a complete &old on the theatre-going public and .| it js presented by this company of stars in a way that only Rex Snel- grove can interprete it. From the rising of the curtain in the firet act to the close, the interest of the audi- ence was kept at the point of ex- citement. The part of "Billy Bart- lett" was admirably acted by Rex himself; Jack Wheeler by Billy Sey- mour; Mrs. Wheeler by Zana Vaughn whose emotional qualities were seen at their best; Philip Evans by Wil- liam Mitchell; the moving gents by William Yule and his helper, Charles Hannah, Gloria Machan took the part of Laura Barlett, the young wife, who caused all the trouble by her desire for romance, but who was completely cured of.-it. Hasel Wii- liams received repeated applause in the character of Teaste. William Yule appeared in vaude- types of clergymen in amost:humor- type of clergymen in 2 most humor- cus way, as well as a stuttering schoa] boy chum reciting 'Marmion an dDouglas." He was repeatedly ap- pisuded during his act. "Fair end Warmer" will be shown by the Rex Stock Company to-night and Saturday, with a special matinee on Saturday afternoon. It ie one of the gems on the programme of this compeny and none who love gooa comedy should miss it. -- KIN Theatrical dire. bs. "Charley's Aunt." | 4% ¥ Coming dircel {rom the extonded | Hamilton and Toronto, thore wild un- in London, Hamilton, |doubtedly be a rumber of people dis ta to the Grand Opera appointed who depend on lest min- oases hore, on dondey, October 3rd, | Wie swervatiods to eecure thelr seats. Willian Grow's all-star Tevivel Of | AME » ' Chatloy's Aunt, with the moderals- | od settings and ecetumes and with | 8ky Pilot at Allen, dines ggptircly re-written by the fam- Probably beeause of the fact that ous ctor, James W. Swift, will be he thoroughly knows the subject Proseutad et the Grand Opere House | whereof he writes, Ralph Connor's ~ hore. The plot of Charley's Aunt story, "The Sky Pilot," which King Beods lle veviewiog as everyoue | Vidor has directed as a motion pie- Enows that # concorns the funny | ture, is one of the real gems among | preffcomect in which two. coltege [current motion picture releases. fellows ave placed, - when the aunt | Ralph Connor, whose real name is who was to cheperono a little party | Rev. Charles W. Gordon, and whose for them and thelr sweethearts fails. steady occupation is' not writing 10 appear, and an unfortunate | books at all, but preaching the gos- friend is rushed into the breach to [pel in his little Canadian chureh, Sill tho ehoes or rather the drees of [is to be congratulated upon the sin- Ofte, 30 --eOttawa Cone servatives gre d ing the pos sible nomimation of Sir Henry Dray- ton as a candidatefor one of the Ot- tawa seats. He hag been a resident of the capital for the past ten vears. A.B Fripp, MP., has advised the executive shat ho will not be a can- didate. He is cn aspirant for the Senate vacancy due to the death of Senator Ddwarda, 4 yd Sir Henry Drayton now sits for Kingston, but latterly has been mentioned for the nomination in North Toronto, the seat vacated by \8ir George Foster. ---- £l HEAVY GALE ON THE LAKE (A Number of Vessels Held Up By A Lively Storm. A very heavy gale was reported on the leke on Friday morning. A nums ber of veasels are held in port, wind- bound. The steamer Susie Chipman was at Richardson's .whart on Friday morning windbound. The steamer Brockville arrived last night fom Bay of Quinte ports with six hundred barrels of apples for tra meant to Ottawa. The government ligh'ship Concre- tia put in last night for shelter from the helavy seas maging. The gasoijine yacht Kismet, cerry- ing a party of young/mea from the Thousand fiends on a short had to take; shelter Friday mom £ at Booth's . wharf. -------- Goods must back up the adyertis- er's claims. Study our Mveriijos ments and 'then compare them tho goods. If the goofs are not all the merchanks claim, Jet us know. Fashion authorities declare the long skirts ane.coming back aster all. The men will' have to make the Dest of their present oppartundties, An effortyis being made to re At Grand Pré, Nova Scotia, the other day, three hundred members of the Acadian National Congress assembled, and kneeling reverently at the statue of Evangeline, the heroine of Longfellow's immortal poem, accepted on behalf of the Acadian race a gift of two acres of the Evangeline Memorial Park #rom| the Dominion Atlantic Railway. There are in all about fourteen) acres in Evangeline Park, and the two acres were presented to the Acadian race on the condition that the sale will include the entire con- of this largs, well furnished resi. nee as follows: -- wing Room Pair of M bogusy Sofas, Manowelry Arm Chairs, Reception Chairs, B, . raving room Butte, fine Axminster and Carpets, B. P. Mantel Mirrors, Auficis Bronse Candelabra, Lace Cur- ne, Screen, Brass Ooal han 6 decorated Vases, Hod and Fire Dogs, Stee] fre Implements, Steel Engravings end Etohings, etc. Aunt Donna Lucia D'Albardores, | cere manner in which the Cathrine his story to the screen. Few authors o can claim as interesting a film ver- » Estate Late Miss Gordon, The story dedls with a | young minister who is sent into the Important Sale by gospel among the cowboys. His me ] . ion { his faith, his hope are masterfully Auct o | interpreted by King Vidor through OR ASST , | role. How the pilot, unpopular at NGS, CONTENTS OF | first, wing a place for himself in LisnAn T aan -| the hearts of the cowboys, who sur- TUESDAY MORNIYG, 4th COTOBER lcading him blind-folded down a AL Ten O'clock snow-covered trail to show him the without his knowledge, forms the human note of the story which is matic scenes. "The Sky Pilot" will begin a three-day engagement at This 10 only tho beginning of the fun | Curtis Productions have translated sion of their work as can the Rev. an n Fr ces A. Ferguso {Canadian ranch belt to spread the trials and tribulations, his fights, 2 ANTIQUE, MAHOGANY AND OTHER john Bowers, who plays the title | Eoan youn a \ : A » | STEAD, ini KING STABET, KING- © STON, ONTARIO, ' prise him on Christmas morning by little frame church they have bulit featured by several smashing dra- the Allen Theatre to-day.----Advt, Rare Prints, would build a church there, eorge E. Graham, general man. ager of the Dominion Atlantic-Rail- way, expressed his pleasure at wel- coming the delegates. With regard to the p sed church, the D. A. R. would" still further beautify the grounds and would give it perfect setting. . The com would open the old post ans had been ge At the Strand. The feature at this popular thea- tre for the latter part of the week is "The Fatal Hour," -a screen ver- sion of one of Cec!l Raleigh's dra- matic mesterpleces, 'The Marriages of Mayfair"! The announcement that the picture was adapted from Library Desk, Antique Walnut Table, Mahog- . &ny occasional chairs, Axminster Rugs, ©e Curtains, Portiers, Couch, c= | tures, Mantel Clock, about 500 volumes | books, including attractive sets, etc. ining ; Magnificent. Old Georgian Mahogany Dining Table, set of eleven very fine, old hogany Dining Chairs, ocoetly walnut sideboard, dinner wagon, buffet, Cataraqui Golf Club. The matches in the club handi- cap III. were finished this week. A. McGowan (30) defeated J B. Me- Ji) Evanceline well and the willows, Grand Pré N.S, Cur- A { i ~ 'School, Royal a, i . amount of the tender. | ern Breakwater reconstruction at Col- I'S 13 [o'elock noon, Friday, 0 Laem. Ey Y : French Gilt Martel Clock, Lace tains, Pictures, Axuiinster Rugs, Copper Fercolator, China, Cutlery, Cut Crystal, Silverware, eto. Halls. Axminster Hall and Stair Carpets, such a famous stage play, plus that the fact that it is a Metro production, with an all-star caet under the di- rection of George Terwilliger, arous- edkeen Interesl among local film Chenille and Japanese Portiers, Maho- ny Chairs, B. W. Hall Stand, Chippen- Pic- i itself t Monte Sead |fans, And the picure its 80 { le Barometer, | them, tures, Couch, ete. Carpets ang"Siroomm 1 Sei | 'The entrancing scenic effects and rpets an Ugs, ainu edroom " Tr 8, Mahogany Chests of Drawers and | 80t interiors, "shot" in old-fashioned Jollet Mis rare, aheval Mirror, gouty Baogland and picturesque Bwitzer- ntique ahogany an other ard- | robes, "White" Drop Head Sewing Ma- | land, in addition to the thrilling fe Arm and otlier Chairs, Lounges, | theme, make a fine foundation for i & and Bedside Tables, Antigue. Falling Leaf Tables, "Napoleon Req | 'he excelent work of the cast. Sitique Jishogany Washstands, Tool; The spirited story opens with the es nn 00ls, Curled Hair wna Oscer- | moor Mattresses, large Feather Pil- | boat races of the Henley Regatta on lows, Toiletware, Chauffeurs Livery, 1|the Thames, where a plot is hatched Minter and two (Summer Overcoats, to rob Nigel Villiers, the young heir Ta Em Natu, ole. [to a title and estate, of his inherit- © Kitchen, Maids' ¥ "Souvenier" p Gurney Oxford" ance, because he snubbed a London Gas Range, Churn, Refrigerator, Gar | den Tools and Hose, Kitchen Sundries, | Iron Beds, Bureaus, Carpets, ete. THE HOUSE WILL BE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC on Monday Oetober 3rd Inst, from 2 eloek, Afternoon, til 530 o'-| H. A. FERGUSON, Executor, A At ast rs SEALED TENDERS addressed co the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for fraaiy , Paving roads, etc, Royal Mili ry Oe, ose ingaton, Ont," will be received until 13° o'clock noem, Wed- Badan, Datgher 8, 1031, for the con- struction of grading, paving, roads, otc, in connection with the Riding ilitayy College, King- ston, Ont. Plans and Specification can be seen and forms of tender obtained at the of- fides of the Chief Afpiiieer, Department of Public Works, Oftawa, The Resident frrenttoot General Post Office, Teron- to and Mpesrs. Power Bon & Drever, Arghitects, Kingston, Ont. ndérs will not be considered unless made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordincs with the conditions set forth therdin, Bach thnder must be accompanied b an Becepted cheque on a chartered ban B able Xo the order of the Minister of 'Public Works, equal to 10 p.c. of the War Loan Bonds of the Dominion will also be accepted as , Or war bonds and cheques if required to make up an odd amount By order, R. C. DESROCHERS, Secretary. artment of Public Works, ttawa, September 28th, 1921. Pes EXTENSION OF TIME NOTICE is hereby given that the time for the reception of tenders for "East- I» lingwood, Ont." has been extended to ctober 7th, By order R. C. DESROCHERS Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, Septombes 20th, 1921. | BIG ALUMINUM WARE SALE STARTING FRIDAY, Sept 30. Reg. Sale Price Price 25 Tea Kettles . .$5.00--83.50 25 Tea Kettle Insert $6 18 SotSdlaory (8 cups . 86. 40 Double Boilers $3. 60 Double Boilers 78 Plo Plates . . , . = Cake Plates . . Frying Pans B50 Sauce Pans 50--$4.25 50--$4.00 50---$2.00 $2.50--81.65 S50 33 S50 85 . .$3.50-82.00 SO 85 'Other articles too numerous to mention. | branded as an imposter. Landsdowne, and burlesque queen. , In Switzerland a page is torn from a document, and soon after- wards Nigel is dispossessed and Then the climax, a swift hair-raising struggle over a precipice that contributes to unravel the skein of entanglements. The rest of the Strand programme is varied and absorbing, from thé dramatic incidents in a new episode of Ruth Rowland in "The Avenging Arrow," a great Pathe sérial, to the antics of Mutt and Jeff in "Cold Tea."--Advt, Ee ---------------- GANANOQUE Sept. 30.--On Wednesday after- noon at the Gananoque East parson- age, James street, Mrs, Anna Davis, James Galway, Front of Leeds township, near Ma- ple Grove, were united in marriage by Rev. C. W. Hollingsworth, pastor of Gananoque East circuit. The bride and groom were both unattended, the former being gowned in a neat suit of navy blue with hat and veil to match. Mr. and Mrs. James Wil- son acted as witnesses, This is the fourth bride Mr. Galway has led to Hymen's altar. Both are well- known residents of this section. They will reside at Maple Grove, where the groom is a prosperous farmer. : At the home of her daughter; Mrs. Arthur M, Mabee, Stone street south, there passed to rest on Wed- nesday morning, after a lingering ill- ness, Elizabeth Rogers, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ro- gers, of this town, and widow of the late John B. Abbott, who prede- ceased her just a year ago, Deceas- ed was in the eighty-second year of her age, and had resided here all her life. She was of a retiring but kindly disposition. She leave one daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) A. H. Mabee, at whose home she passed away; also three brothers, William N. Rogers, John L. Rogers and Dr. H. D. Ro- gers, all of this town. The funeral was held this afternoon to Gana- noque cemetery. The serviee was conducted by Rev. Daniel Mick, pas- tor of Grace church, of which she was a lifelong member, Miss Bdith McCamon has re- ceived. instructions to hold the posi- tlon of deputy division court clerk for this distriot until notified of the appointment of some one to fill the vacancy, occasioned by the death of her father, the late Samuel MoCam- mon. Miss McQuillan, who has filled a position on the staff of the local pub~ lic schools for some time, has ten- dered her resignation te accept a position nearer her home. The re- signation has been accepted by the local Board of Education, and Miss Jaret Robinson, of this town, who has been teaching in the rural dis- trict near Seeley's: Bay, has been ap- pointed to fll the vacancy ocoasion- ed thersby. closed for fifty or sixty years. He asked them to cast their minds for- ward the next five years when this chapel would be erected, a beautiful sanctuary in the midst of a beauti- ful country. Mr. P. J. Venolit, minister of highways for New Brunswick, sub scribed $100. for the erection of the new church and George E. Graham $100 and the Rev, Father Cormier addressed the the church wou! eople, saying that fa be erected on the te of the old church of St. Charles. t would be a facsimile of the church of_thelr ancestors, (2) Around the statue of Hon. D. V, Landry," Moncton, resident of the Acadian Congress, formally took possession of the plot and returned thanks to the Dominion Atlantic Railway for the gift. Men and women knelt reverent- ly on the ground, the tears stream- ing down their faces, murmuring blessings on the day that had re- stored to them the land of their ancestors. They plucked flowers and leaves and dipped their fingers into the water, all of which were more sacred jn their eyes than: Evangeline at Grand Pré, words could tell. The pilgrimage to Grand Pré took upon itself all the characteristics of a pilgrimage to Holy Land, In the past, said Mr. Landry, the Aca- dians had been reproached as an inferior people. That reproach was now eliminated. The ambition of the Acadians now was to unite in work that would make not only for the returning of rogress but for the advancement all Canada, These sentiments the sent. ments of the whole race nn An, Historic Events at Annapolis Royal (1) The second powder house of the fortress erected in 1708 Anne, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, the walls are 4% feet thick. first powder house was too damp. at Fort] The (2) Monument erected by the Canadian Government at Fort Anne to the illustrious memo Sieur De Monts the pio Annapolis Royal, has been the sceme of on August 31st, 1921 tablets were unveiled. Amongst those the event were: Chief Justice Harris; Hon. identified with Hon. MacCallum Grant, Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia; Hon. Justice Chisholm; Hen. George H. Murray, premier of Nova Scotia; Hon. Sir James Aikens, presiden of the Canadian Bar Association Hon. Sir James of the Interior; B. B. H, and F. C. Whi of the Historiea dent , Minister Ha feed.) Mayor ardwick, of Annapolis Royal, tman, vice-president 1 Association of An- napolis Royal Mr. F. M. Fortier superintendent of Fort An & committee of Annapolis citizens. Hon. George H. Murray, Premier of Java Seats, presented the at tablet, whic rs appropriate hist- orical emblems and the following wacripti jon :-- 1621-1921 The tablet, placed® here by the Goverment of the Prov- ince of Nova Scotia, A.D. 1921, commemorates the three hun- dredth anniv of the charter of New Scutland; by King James I of Eng and VI of Scotland, A.D. 1621. The birth of an idea which Nved, and had jts final freitien and yal ry of Lieut. General Timothé Pierre du Guast, neer civilisation in North America. Nova Scotia, many historic celebrations in recent years. An addition to the number was added , when three in the taking of this Fort and conquest of Acadia in the reign of Queen Anne. Hon. MacCallum Grant, Lieuten- ant-Governor of Nova Scotia, un- veiled the first tablet. Hon. Chief Justice Harris, Hon. Sir James Aikens and other speak-| ers on behalf of the legal profes- sion presented the second tablet, inseril as follows: -- placed here by of Canada ng (in this Fort), A.D. 1721, of the first Court administrating English Common Law within what is now the Dominion of Canada. "Law Hateth Wrong." Wingate: Maxims, No. 148. Mr. F. C. Whitman, vice-president of the Histerical Association of An- napolis Royal, presented the third tablet, the inscription em which is as follows: -- Leod (14) by four up:aad: three. Members who still have ties to | pa play off the club championship, first | thet they default. The Caturday competition a bogey handicep. Evangelist round, are requested to do so with-|look larger than: they remily: ate I. Stephens for a cain- 'gn: at! th's Falls. ow In fiction troubles ead! with,mer- She always belibves that her gh out delay, or notify their opponents) they teel comfbrtable. will be| riages, in:realdife they have just He- VETERAN'S MEAT MARKET E. LUCKIN Corner Princess and (ClergySts. Phone|153 1G Finest BLACK Finest GREEN . .-... .. SALADA--Black and BELLEVILLE ein mien LEGS ..... Te Meeting the Historical Societies in the Bijou , beginning at 8 o'clock , and a band concert about (At the meeting in the theatre the Hon. Justice Chisholm, sident of al Society, ed the vacant store in the McKenzie block on 1Kag street. Miss Edith Dempster, Kin street, left recemtly for a visit wit her sister, Mrs. Wilfred Watt, Chase, B.C. ' h at 70 SAIL TO BELLEVILLE g | The Yacht Kulota Is To Leave These , 'Waters, Speary Fradet:, Belleville, whe purchased the yawl Kulota this week A partition has been run across from the Royal Military C ge, ox: the assembly hall of Gananogue high school to accommodate the increas- od attendance. Miss Johnston is pected to have his new boat in the water to-day and sail her home as soon as thé wind goes down. The supplying on the staff until a firth} 2": 18 in much better ocomdition teachor+can be engaged. A young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Vallier, Stone street, had ber Weld quite budly cut by a fan! from ond Of the swings-at- Stone Mr, HaoWwon, :Brogkylile: has dees. = Rr 2g a | than at first thought and will need very little overhauling to be in firs: class shape, Mr. Fradett intends to enter' the Hnulota in the Belleville regatta plan- ned for mext year, and is quite con- ----- the silverware. Much enthusiasm'is reported in the "Bay City" yachting circles and although very few racing yachts are owned in that city at present, a great revival in this sport has been siarted since the visit of tae SHOULDERS HANDY CUTS \ CORN FLAKES. ... POTATOES ....... Kingston craft this summer. A great regatta, second to none an the Jakes, is promised for next year, with many native boats, as well as visiting ones, competing. Mrs. Lester, a well-known lady of Lamark township, died Tuesday, at the ripe old age of ninety-three years. 3 CAULIFLOWER BUTTER SIDEPORK vcard ome EXTRA SPECIAL-- PORK SAUSAGE Once tried, always tried . . . . . . . . .20c. Ib. JAMS Blackberry, Red Raspberry, Straw- berry ...... ...... 41h. pails 58¢. /, SUCAR ............... CATSUP--Ilarge bottles . . PORK & BEANS (twos) SOAP--P. & G., Arrow Borax ARGAINS WESTERN: BEEF POT ROASTS ........ OVEN ROASTS ..... TEA 126: 'oa 186, ss ae ss a" Ne so 0 nla ...33¢c. 1b. .. .45c. Ib. ..... 50¢, Ib, ve afs Green ie . .. 40c. Ib. .. . 3c. lb, &y oF / - - 10 Ibs. 86e. , . .3 for 28¢c. . . 2 for 26¢. ..3 for 2lc. . .45c¢c. Peck , CABBAGE, CARROTS