HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. «ezadd x, FIT, 80, 1974, In the Realm of Women---Some Interesting Features - Surpassing all others in Delicacy and Fragrance. "SALADA" TX A Bass EVERY LEAF PURE SEALED PACKETS ONLY -- | Special BAKER'S COCOA MAGIC BAKING POWDER JUTLAND SARDINES For Thursday 11e, TIN 11c, 1lc, TIN BOX SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR WEDNESDAY All kinds of choice Grocer- fes. All kinds of Soaps. All kinds of fresh Vegetables Choice lot of Creamery But- ter 48c. 1b. Fresh line of Canned Goods. Quick's Western Meat Market FOR BARGAINS To-morrow's HOROSCOPE By Genevieve Kemble SATURDAY, OCT. 1. Splendid auguries for business Success are read from this day's planetary configurations, both by | Lunar and Mutual aspect. It should Ibe a very likely day, with splendid opportunities in commercial as well as professional avenues, and also ith many excellent advantages for those in the employment of others Unexpected or unsought 'benefits may N tionably deserving, and these should carry with them popularity, promo-| FOR SALE GOOD, CLEAN COAL. A. Chadwick & Son New location: Corner Ontario and West Sta 67. FOR SALE Double stone dwelling, three storey, large lot; 1 extra lot. Good barn, Rents for $44 per month. Price $4,500. W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 80 Broc!: Street. Phone 424, | tion, increase of business and finan+ [cial gain. We read from one set of aspects, however, definite dangers from indiscretion in the pursuit of so- cial pleasures. Utmost" circumspec- tion is urged in this respect. Those whose birthday it is have the promise of a successful year, of many kinds of benefits and advan- tages, but these should not be nulli- fied by indulgence in too intuch pleasure. A child born on this day will rise in life through its fine ac- complishments and industry VAPORAT LD [I AAA cA i srg Fe The Telgmann School of Music Plano, violin and other stringed instruments; elocution and dra- matic art. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application. Engagements for concerts ac- cepted. 216 Frontenac Street. Phone 1325;. EVERSHARP PENCILS REPAIRED We are equipped to make any repairs to above pencils. We carry a supply of parts. Prompt service, J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston. Very Choicest of ~ Meats Always In Stock 'HOGANS MEAT MARKET I 822 King Street. Phone 285 Improves of cereals and fruits = pa ---- ) RT Vegetable fats and natural flower extracts give BABY'S Own SOAP its wonderfully softening and aromatic lather. Sold everywhere. Ry A ; Every 10¢ Packet of WILSON'S GET IT REPAIRED | \ Sewing Machines, Phonographs, Guns, Rifles repaired and refitted. Parts supplied. Saws filed, knives, elm Ts and edge tad that is J. M. PATRICK 149 Sydea Street, Kingston Phone 2006) be presented those who are unques- | FROCK FABRICS MADE IN PARIS "New Spring and Summer Mate- rials Lavishly Employed in the French Models. | POPELABULE IN MANY SHADES Woolen Goods Well Liked for Suits and Lightweight Coats -- Hand Embroidery Is in the Limelight. The making of women's clothes con- stitutes the third largest industry in | the world. The uniuitiated may speak | lightly of fashion, but nevertheless, | writes a fashion authority, it is a big | ger and more important subject, wield ing a more wides] people realize One of a slender twig. Then it suddenly began to grow and In a very short period of time | convert its development into amazing | delight | to lavish their best efforts on textiles, | proportions. Designers now art finds "unlimited silks their Woolens, for here | scope. | subject today. | Rodier, the great French maker of | fabrics, Is one whase genius apparent: ly never flags. During the months | and workers was almost insurmount | able his work continued. the things that they little short of marvelous. One might have expected the mer- | | chandise turned out under such con- | ditions to be plain and uninteresting. | On the contrary, the charm of color | | and the originality of pattern were very great. | summer Jnaterials, which are more made, although his fabrics have stood for. the unusual in | ly employed in the out by the greatest makers, French Popelabule Much Like Poplin. An interesting new woolen well liked for sults and lightweight coats Is called popelabule. In weave it is very like - old-fashioned poplin, the only difference being. It might be said to c¥Mibine the char- acteristics. of flannel and poplin. Bernard and Beer, two French mak- ers famous for their suits and coats, are making extensive use of this. Popelabule comes in 17 shades. There are wonderful reds, soft, dull | greens and enough browns and tans to please all tastes. Among the light- er shades there is a greenish blue and Coat Dress of Popelabule in Beige Trimmed With Blue and Yellow Striped Foulard. a mauve tint, each beautiful. lightweight woolens are . in browns beautifully embroidered leaves. twigs and pine needles, In spite of all the wonderful shades the preference is given to beige, not only in popelabule but in every other material. Throughout the entire col- lection of new cloths and silks by Rodier this shade predominates. There are many variations of it from the patest tints to darker hues almost brown. Cloths of other colors fre- quently have rellef embroidery in beige tone. The creamy Kasha cloth that Lan- vin exploited so freely last season is retained, but now it, too, serves gs a background for raised embroidery often in Moravian reds traced with Other rust in black. : Patterns in Plaids. For the heavier wraps such as trav. ad influence than | 3 the | strongest branches of fashion's tree is ! | fabrics. For a lorig time this was only | or cottons-- | | any one #ken separately is no small di- | rectly following the recent war, when | { the difficulty of getting raw materials | Weavers of | cloths worked out of doors in France | { amid the ruins of their factories, and | produced were | Rodier's new spring and | beautiful than any he has hitherto | always | both | | pattern and weave, are being lavish | models brought | dress- | t it is softer. | j of the design with needlework Is not {a new one. Cherult did It last sea- |son with hand embroidery. The bodice portion cont-dress of beige popelabuletrimmed with a printed foulard, blue striped +with.. yellow, shows: the back panel-cut in one with the right side front and | the deep sash girdle, the ends of the | latter and the reverse being lined with the foulard. It fastens low on the left side in surplice fashion with three galalith buttons the same the material. The long sleeves are of [the same cut as those in a man't | coat, a pew. and interesting note, Ong of Bernard's new coat-manfles | of Kodier's popelabule in a yellowish beige hue embroidered In dark blue has the ehbroidery appearing down the sides of the coat, on the roll col: | lar and forming a deep border for the | bell-shaped sleeves. The panel-llke | front and loose-fitting back are left | entirely plain. Just below the deep and exaggerated armhole are loop | Bernard Coat-Mantie of Featuring | Beige Dark Blue. } Embroidery | | | panels set onto the body of the coat, | giving the appearance of being cut in jone with the sides. These pieces are heavily embroidered inside and out, 'arrying out the embroidered design, which extends from the shoulders to the bottom of the garment. Woolen Novelties for Springtime. Embroidered serges are among the woolen novelties brought out by todier for spring. Dark, navy blue or black is embroidered in Roman stripe effect, also with borders or bars cov- ering the entire width. For the em- Yroldery, strongly contrasting shades, wuwch as jade green, yellow, black, erise, rose, violet and black red, are elected, A novelty woolen for sport clothes is called d'jersa Bullaine.. The pat- 'ern resembles the surface of a waf- 1e iron, with its alternating one-quar ter-inch squares or crinkled and plain material. It may be had in all the bright shades of the modern sport cos tume as well as dark colors. Satins and chiffons are embrold- ered In relief after the same manner as the woolens. An afternoon dress of black satin and black 'chiffon Is embroidered in red silk. The chiffon forms the deep apron-like tunic which extends to the bottom of the skirt and the lower portion of the bell- shaped sleeves. The bodice and foundation skirt are of the satin, the former being heavily embroidered across the front and under-arm sections, as well as the short upper sleeves. At the back there is a rather broad and loose hanging panel of the black satin which extends from the shoulders to the waistline. Under this panel the deep sash ends pass and knot at the left side back at a medium low waistline. Fantastic Bracelets in Cobra Designs, Satin and chiffon are combined in a frock. The satin is dark blue and the chiffon red embroidered in silver gray. The underslip is of satin and Is embroidered down each side with the gold thread in panel-like form, this being the only portion of the slip not veiled by the chiffon. The chiffon skirt is cut with hip yoke and apron panels, front and back, the former di- vided aad embroidered down each side. The bodice across the front is well covered with the gold embroid- ery, while the slightly blousing back is quite plain, with the exception of the little dot design which also trims the apron tunic. There are as macy. novelties being brought out in the smaller articles that complete the costume as in the fabrics from which the clothes are made. The women of Paris evince a craze for all sorts of metal girdles. The snake design In belts and brace lets is fashionable among the more ex- treme novelties. These may be made of greenish gold or, for those who are willing to pay a high price for a nov- elty which will soon go into oblivion, there are snake belts set with pre- clous stones. Often a large diamond may be suspended from the snake's mouth. eling 'and motor coats and for country sults the plaids having part of the pattern blotted out by embroidery are smart. The idea of suopressinz part All that our dresses and hats have of a simple shade as | Popelabule | in ee etree ee | | boric a -- EXTRAORDINARY SALE. OF BEAUTIFUL. DRESSES At a Fraction of Their Actual Value--Regular $25.00 to $35.00 COMMENCING SATURDAY $14.75 About fifty Dresses in all--fash- iofiable models in the most alluring styles imaginable. All fresh and showing for the first time--the re- sult of a manufacturer's sacrifice. These beautiful frocks offer values that will amaze you. There is a large variety to choose from, with frills, stitchings and beading. ruffles, overskirts, lace, MATERIALS: -- Taffeta, Crepe de Chene, Duchess Silk. COLORS: --Black, Navy, Taupe, .~ Copen, Brown and others. SIZES:---16 to 20, 36 to 44. Shop early for best choice. ALTERATIONS EXTRA. EXTRAORDINARY VALUE PURE SILK HOSIERY, 98c. Pure Silk Hosiery in Brown, Navy and Black; all sizes; seamless and perfect fitting, being full fashioned. Regular $1.50 and $1.75 values .. ........... aves 98¢ . C.C. ala GRACE CORSETS Heavy quality White Coutil, and are made with the best rustproof boning; style and comfort according to your fitting. $1 39 Regular $2.00 and $2.50 values .. ...... ..... . ' | JACKSON-MEITV LIMITED ll4 PRINCESS STREET fe a ea 0 00 The Whole World of Music The Heintzman & Ce. Player-Piand is an instrument upox Th! the whole wotld of music is instantly available. Ite presence in your home will increase your social pleasures, add culture and musical education to the accomplishments of ou children. Every member of your family will derive pleasure from fieintzman & En. Hlager-Piano If you own a piano which is dead and silent because no ane TD Te Et et me 1.37 Ris Action Player- sighten your home m you love. your home with melody. : The Heintzman Player-Pianoc is the player-piana you will even-/ tually buy. It is "wear-proef," Sweather/geobl and "trouble proof." The more severe the test ta which yeu put it, the Letter you will be satisfied. Make that test today. x C. W. LINDSAY, Limited