MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1921. A ---- Summer Gri rippe Requires prompt treatment. A few doses of DR. "HICKEY'S "CHEST ® REM EDY, together with a treat- COLD TABLETS will break up the worst cold ment of in a few hours Do not neglect your cold, hut get these remedies at once. L. T. Best, Druggist PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Open Sundays. Phone 59. \ ) | -- "The shortest days of "the year.will soon be around again with their dark mornings. A Reliable Alarm Clock uncommon words--maybe, but very common causes of HEADACHE We have glasses that remove these causes and give IMMEDIATE RELIEF Before consulting the physi- clan, before using medicines and drugs, come and see us. If your headache is caused by eye strain we cure it THROUGH PROPER GLASSES Keeley Jr. M.0.D.0. Optometrist and Optician, 226 Princess Street. 8 doors above the Opera House is a wonderful help towards getting up on time. We have a splendid assortment. Priced from -- $2.75 $6.00 Wedding Rings. Marriage Licenses. SMITH BROS. Jewelers - Limited Established 1540. Registered Opticians 850 Kirg Street Dr. Nash's DENTAL PARLORS: 183 PRINCESS STREET KINGSTON, ONTARIO We specialize on:--Painless Extrac- q » » P, | \ tion, Latest Treatment of Pyorrhea, | At 2.30 pin. an open air meeting | . | Was held at the corner of Bagot and X-Ray work. Quebec Stoves With Ovens We have a new style Quebec Heat- er with the Oven. Pot, the full size of the two top lids. As a result you get the same heat at the ends as you do in the centre. We have them with and without waterfront. The time is here when you need a fire in the house to take the dampness away. Price without water-front . . . . $45.00 Price with water-front McKelvey & Birch, Limi Phone 237. - - It has an Oval Fire Kingston is your room of comfort. It is the most importang room in the housé. More of your home hours are spent there than-n any other part of the house. The "GERHARD HEINTZMAN" Its design is suitable room Piano. living room. We will be pleased to give you a demonstration and prove its goodness. Call and get our prices on Pianos and Phonographs before purchasing, and ask about our convenient terms, PIANO is a living for any and every CARPETS, CURTAINS, LINOLEUMS, VICTROLAS, PIANOS, WHITE SEWING MACHINES, ELECTRIC SWEEPERS HOOVER I.E Harrison Co. Limited Phone 90 er THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. AN ORDIATION SERVICES. EORGE'S ARVES DAY Was Held on Sunday by the Standard Church General Conference. ----t en Ci annual, Conference general confers Sunday, beginning with sérvice held in Ontario am. All of the se ly attended by members of ¥ and delegates from distant tario Hall was pretty wel! : morning service which ed by great enthusiasm. of the proceedings deep Miterest by the wurch, on account 'of the porta issues arising ' out of death of the founder and leader, the |late Bishop R. C. Horner. . The sit- |tings have been characterized by a spirit of harmony and optimism. An impressive memoria] service was held during the gession. The following candidates were or- daired on Sunday morning: G. Fred Armitage, elder Stittsville; Ear! pson, deacon, Forester's Fall old D Billing's Bridge Charles Armstrong, loeil preacher, Napane Bessie Brown, Kingston; Blanche Caldwell, Shannonville; Bertha O'Hara, Madoc Rev. G. L. Monahan, Moose Jaw. officiated, assisted by Rev. J. G. Nus- | sey, Chesterville; F. G. Mayhew, Richmond; Rev. W. J. Watchorn, | Pembroke; Rev. H, 8 Hornby, Cal- gary; Rev. M. G. Leady, Caananville {and Rev. James Smith, Kingston | The singing, which was particularly | beautiful, was led by a quartette of sopranoes, Eva James, Toronto: Lois Richardson, Kingston; Carrie Haz- zard, Madoc; Mina Eastman, To- ronto, i Rey, Mr. Monahan gave a most in- 'apiring on "Prayer and Preaching" tion; and his exhortion was punctu- |ated by bursts of emotion, men and [women from every part of the con- gregation being seized by religious fervor. [sisted of the laying on of hands by [members of the clergy after the can- tdidates had answered the prescribed | questions. into the ministry and afterwards were embraced by each minister, deacon {and elder in turn with im- the Ross address | Princess streets, and at 7.30 p.m. a {real old fashioned evangelistic ser- | vice was held in Ontario Hall and | The | several of the clergy took part |conversions are reported to be very {numerous as a result of these ser- | | vices and it was found that the build- |ing at 44 Main street was entirely too |small to accommodate the congrega- | { tion, so Ontario hall had to be used {on Sunday. Rev. J. G. Nussey, Chesterville, was secretary of the General Con- ference, while Rev. James Smith, | pastor of Kingston church, made ar- | rangements for the reception of the large number of visitors.. The con- ference was a great success in every way. | | | Spent Fifteen Years in China.. Rev. B. McAmmond, who preached in two of the city churches on Sun- day, has recently returned from fif- teen years spent mainly in Wes? China. | minister, lived for some time Brockville, wheres Mr. McAmmond was born. In speaking to the Whig, Mr. McAmmond scouted the idea that his wife had always been meceived with extreme kindness in all their travels and work throughout "the country, even in the most inland sec- tions where a white face had never been seen before. Headache Recurring headaches usually come from an exhaustion of the nervous system, and they do not disappear until the vigor of the nerve cells is restored by such up- building treatment as Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Temporary relief by use of powders is often obtained at an enormous 'expense to the nervous system and the general health. Get the nerves right and the headaches will not return. Mrs. W. J. Pearse, Numn St., Cobourg, Ont., writes: "My system became run-down and | suffered greatly with pain in my head, This was so severe that | would have to bind a cloth tightly about my head so that I could get my work done, A' friend advised the we of Df; Chase's Nerve Food, and after taking the first box | found quite an impro vement in my con- dition. I continued wsing them until I had taken Ned ve boxes, and they strengthened an t Wp my system splendidly, completely relieving the pain in my head. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50- a box, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., himited, Toronto. previous to the ordina- | The act of ordination con- | They were duly received | His father, who was also a | MOVER in| missionaries had been persecuted in | the Orient, stating that both he and | Rev. Walter Loucks, Ottawa, and Bishop Hamilton, Japan, the Preachers. Zrain and ecked the altat oir Flowers, fruits talks of corr Clergy statis Sunday giving serv he n was especially good, Ey re's commun service being Peter Fair taking tha splendid The anthem "Praise the Lord, Oh' Jeruysdlem (Maunder), of which Peter Fair was soloist, Canon Walter Loucks, rector of A Saints, Winnipeg, was the preacher and bégan a strikilig sermon by speaking of the inter-dependence of the dwellers of the cities and of the country places, saying it was espec-' fally fitting that the churches in the larger centres should be decorated with fruits of the earth, to remind them that the food of the world came from the fields tilled by the sons of the soil. To one coming from the we tern grain fields, now bearing thejr golden harvest, God's love and God's power are outstanding facts. In the west, the promise of the springtime was wonderfu], but. rain and devas- tating storms had destroyed the la- bors of whole sections of the farm- ing community God is a Father whose chastening hand is felt by his children, but it has been found that if the wheat crop of one community fails, another land has prospered and the world's supply is sured The only thing that will bring stability to the world is the following of the principals taught by Christ, the fields } are white with harvest and the lab { orers are few. Bible students will find the law of sowing and reaping fol lowed so inexorably' in the natural world, laid down in God's word as the law 'of the spiritual world, "As {a man sows, so also will he reap." Speaking to the younger people, the preacher said, "The harvest of wild oats is a horrible harvest, but it has to be-garnered." An in the matter of giving, '"He that soweth sparing- ly shall reap sparingly." You may deceive yourself, you - may deceive your fellow men, but you eannot de- [ceive God. All that we have comes from God; if men and women reat] ized that and gave of their substance | as He had. blessed them, the day of special appeals would be at an end. At 'even-song a beautiful musical service was again sung by the male choir, C. B. S. Harvey and Arnold Fair being the soloists in Stainer's anthem, "Ye shall dwell in the land," never better sung in the cath- i edral, Peter Fair sang the favorite, "In the Garden," by request. The preacher was the Right Rev. Dr. Ha- { milton, bishop of the Canadian dio- | | cese of mid-fapan, who told his hear- | | ers of the wonderful opportunity for |'the spread of Christ's gospel in the Island Empire of the East, where sixty years ago the doors were closed | against Christianity, and to-day there { are 200,000 Christian Japanese. { Of res on ion at eleven mn | | THE UNLISTED MARKET. | The Whole Business was Very Dull | | Last Week. ; | |. Toronto, Oct.. 3.--1In the report on the «unlisted market of last week A. | J. Pattison, Jr., & Co., say that as a | whole business was exceedingly dull, i the market remained cbm- Price changes with { but few exceptions were only frac- | tional. A fair indication of the lack of stock in the market was clearly demonstrated during the week when Southern Canada Power Common was bid up seven points to 27 with jonly a limited amount of 'stock | thanging hands on this rise. Imper- | {ial Oil was considerably, firmer at| 87 to 93 with little stock changing hande in a wide market. Canadian Westinghouse gained a point to 98 to 101 without bringing any stock into the market and leaving several buy- ing orders unfilled at the bid price. Goodyear Tire Preferrsd was in de- { mand 'at the middle of the week be- | | ing quoted 51 to 53. Dominion Power | and Transmission Common was free- | 1y offered at 25 but no bids appeared | at any price. Canadian Woollens | Preferred registered an advance to |, { 60 to 63 while the Common was quot- ed at 20 to 24. Riordan issues con- | tinued quiet and unchanged. Whalen | Common changed hands at 4 and was quoted at the close 4 to 41-2. It was impossible during the week to 'obtain a bid on Whalen debentures | though offerings occurred quite free- I at about 42. Gunns Preferred con- »s in good demand at 57 to 58 11-2 with but little stock appearing in | the market at these prices, - Offer- {ings of Robert Simpson Preferred at | 756 1-2 were not absorbed. Murray | | Kay Preferred was repeatedly asked | for at 55 but no offerings were ob- | tainable under 60. Massey Harris | continues unchanged at 65 to 72 with | [but a small amount of stock changing | hands at these figures. | | paratively firm. Young Lady Roughly Handled. A young lady, while proceeding | through the city park to the General | hospital shortly after 6.30 'o'clock! Sunday evening, was attacked by a young man, who jumped out on her. | Her assailant treated her very rough- ly and then made off. The young lady arrived at the hospital in a highly nervous condition. This is the second attack made in that sec- tion during the past two weeks. . Another Rain Storm. ! Kingston had another heavy -raia storm on Sunday. All morning and' until late in the afternoon the wea- ther was ideal. The storm came up late in the afternoon, and many citi- zens who were out enjoying a walk | cot caught in it. The storm comtinu- | ed in the evening, and church attend- | ance suffered as a result. ' -- and cool. SS SPECIAL FOR TUESDAY Double Discount Stamps FROM 9 TO 1 O'CLOCK Shop early to-morrow--the Steacy way--and save 10% on all your cash purchases, An endefinable air of elegance and charm Is attained by the woman who wears the Corset most suitable to her figure, Corsets should be chosen with as much preci- sion and care as a new gown--for the basic lines must be correct before the outer lines can be so." We specialize in Corsets to fit all figures, and are sure to have a Corset adaptable to your particu- lar figure. You will find our Corsets exceptionally attrac- tive in price--made of the best materials and per- fect in fit and finish. It is for these reasons that ladies of discriminating taste prefer our Corsets to all others, May we show you our new models in c.c. a la Grace D. & A. and Nemo Corsets PRICED FROM $1.00 UP. Steacy's - Limited | "The Women's Shop of Kingston