a Do we sell Football Supplies? i: Do wesell Queen's Jerseys, Sweaters and Stock- angs? E ~ What kind of Gymn Shirts have we got ? Have we Queen's Colors? ® These are only a few of the questions we are al- 'ways being asked. ; i + Nine times out of ten, the answer is: "Yes." i We have a new assortment of just what you want at prices which are right. We sell only the 'best quality goods, which results in a satisfied cus- tomer. May we serve you ? Catalogues free. Ask for one. Wear a Queen's Ribbon on Saturday. We've got them at all prices--1 5c. up. Show the other fellows you want Queen's to win. "TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. BICYCLES--FISHING TACKLE--PHONOGRAPHS---CAMERAS, 88 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 529. "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" FURS Choice Assortment of -- HUDSON SEAL, BEAVER AND SABLE Gourdier's " BROCK STREET THE DAILY BRITISH (QUEEN'S INTERMEDIATES | | | oy LSO"SHOWING UP WELL Keep the Seniors Moving In | Practices--Fine Prospects | for the Second Squad. i | | In the excitement attendant upon the activities of the senior rugby team, and particularly a winning senior team, the intermediates have 50 far received scant thought from the rugby enthusiasts at Queen's. The Athletic Director, however, has | been paying just as much attention | to them as possible and they are rapidly shaping into a unit which will be a big factor in the intermedi- | {ate C.LR.F.U. this season. Manager Roy 'Blacklock has re- | i In the World of Sport speedy wings, and Nickle formed part |of last year's second back division. | | r quarte 1ds can de- on. G) position last year, or on "Eddie" Dolan, third team quarter of Jast season. Both these men have prov- ed that they have the ability to {handle the position. McKay, Min- | nes, Whitton, . Shaeffer, and many | other stalwarts are in good form for { line positions, along with several now carried ds substitutes on the | first squad, Al the players, of course, are still aspiring for senior honors, and, if they show the ability their chances are as good as they were at the beginning of the ye The first team will soon be apparent, however, and then tlie real body of the second team wil] be working to- | gether, and it will be a crack second i r the seco: | Sm | team, turned to college and is looking after | all the wants of the boys, doing a lit- tle coaching, but leaving the biggest part of that end of the work to Pro- | fessor Bruce who has kindly taken a | great interest in the second squad { again this year. Last year's inter- | mediates put Queen's on' the rugby map and almost got away with a { championship, losing it by a very | narrow margin. At the end of the | season it is questionable if Queen's | seniors would have been able to with- stand them. ; The same high record will be { maintained this year ard there i nothing to keep the intermediate rugby championship from Queen's University. On Tuesday afternoon 18 the first and second teams practised | together as usual, and the second squad made an even better showing than usual. {ed by the tackling of Abernethy, Jerow and Heisman, and the speedy and others. "Eddie" Ryan is a player of first team calibre but may be re- tained to strengthen the second squad, as the first team back division is well filled up." Heisman and Jerow are well-known to the rugbylsts as If Losing Looks or Strength Read This Carefully Once you were robust, bright and happy. To-day you are dull, wor- ried, failing in vitality and appear- ance. Just when you should be at your best you're played out and need a cleansing medicine. Get the right remedy and your blood will redden, your vivacious spirits will soon re- turn, and you'll be yourself again. You should use Dr. Hamilton's Pills ~--a truly, wonderful medicine. It drives away headaches, and weari- ness, lifts the load from your liver, tones up the stomach, puts you on your feet in no time. Use Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills and watch the result-- in a week you'll feel like new. All dealers, 25c., or The Catarrhozone Co., Montreal. Smoke TaB All the rich aroma of the best Virginia leaf AA A AAA AAA agment of the skull is 15 feet long feet wide and weighs three tons. NAA rn, A huge sea monster has been nd off the coast of Florida. A L | A lass 3 Rough Weather Shoes Men's Black Calf Bals--medium recede double toe, double soles, Goodyear welt and rubber heels. © A splendid shoe for rough weather or medium wear .... .....$7.50 RUBBERS now in stock for every member Women's Black Calf---semi- brogue Oxfords, sewn soles and Cuban heels. comfortable shoe and made to stand up under fall condi- Hons +... ...... .... 56.50 A nice of the family, THE VICTORY SHOE STORE 206 PRINCESS STREET. "Where Dollars Bring their Value," PHONE 486. Their work was featur- | back division work of Ryan, Nickle | LITTLE BITS | "Bill" Muirhead got a nasty crack in the practise of the tri-color on | Tuesday, but being pretty tough was soon on his feet again, with a few re- | marks to make to the world in gen- | eral about the occurrence, | | | Interest in the world's baseball | series, locally at any rate, is very | weak this year. Perhaps the expos- ure, or attempted exposure of the | "Black sox" can account for some of | fact that both representing it, or perhaps the competing teams are | the same city, One day's gate receipts at the {world's series games would make a | nice little donation to start off a {fund for the unemployed. |: Yuh betcha, Foxy Grandpa is a Wise bird; wise enough to know that when people start ridiculing him he has them worried. We might also add that Foxy Grandpa is not that dashing young man who received a tie from the local undertakers last Christmas. No, he is well up in years, though still unmarried, praise be, And one of the Montreal] papers says that Varsity was playing with a very weakened team. Of course it was not because Queen's was play- ing with a strong one. Funny thing, too, about one of the papers that contained a#n account of the Queen's-Varsity game last Satur- day, The issue in which the account appeared was all bought out before it was run off--sure, advance orders and . .everything--several hundred more had to be printed in a hurry-- police reserves out to keep tho crowds back and all that sort of thing--all because of the fame of its sporting writers, Gee, ain't it a grand and glorious feeling to be such a famous journalist as that? r Even though the world's series is drawing to a close, Arthur's famous cup has not yet an owner, One lady remarked to another on a Kingston: street 'car the other day that 'she wasn't sure, but she thought that '"Babe'" Ruth was the youthful wonder who invented the toddle top." for becoming a famous Kingstonian; walk down Princess street' with a member of Queen's senior rugby team. If possible get him to call you by your first name in a public place, ---------- How Varsity Feels, The Toronto players report that Queen's University flelded a strong team that played like wildfire from beginning to end, but they are loath to admit that the Tricolor is stronger than the Blue'and White. They are looking forward with confidence to the return game in Toronto, when they hope to even accounts with the Limeston city team, and they are also 'hoping that Queen's wil] stop McGill in the final game of the series at Kingston, However, that is a long way to look ahead and the locals' are not forgetting that they have the battle of the season on thelr hands at Montreal next Saturday. George Duncan will be back at fiy- ing wing, and 4t is likely that "Red" Murray will replace Harry Hobbs at guarterack. Murray played well in that position last year, and it is thought that he deserves another chance. Recipe fam, Who played That] i WHI | FUNNY THINGS ABOUT THE BAMBINO Toronto Mail and Empire | = Babe Rear fe grange Teilowr! He is a man of contraries, > A man, we add, of complexes and contraries, a man who is apt fo do the thing you don't expect him to do. A man who is a great man to have around when the psychological mo- ment arrives as it arrived in the | affairs of the Yankees ir the fourth inning of Monday's game, when his unexpected bunt caught the Giants flat-footed, and started the Yankees on their 3 to 1 victory. But, as. we have said, Ruth is a! man of contraries. He struck out three times Monday, apparently dizzied by the slashing cross-fire of the Giants' left-handed star, He has struck out eight times in five games of the series, which is a record number of strike-out for five | games. | Billy Sullivan, the. great backstop [of the "Hitless Wonders," the Chi- | al gl {cago White Sox, fannéd eight times * | in the 1906 series of six games. The | breezy little Josh Devore fanned | | eight times in the 1911 series of six | | games between the Giants and the | | Athletics. { | Ruth has established his mark in | | five games. Ruth dlways goes the | other fellow a bit better, | One out-of-town paper has some | interesting names in its account cf | Saturday's rugby match. Many of | the spectators will be sorry that they | [failed to notice the performance of | these stars. "Valilees," was one for Varsity; 'Clarke' another ~for | Queen's. According to reports both | turned in wonderful playing. | "Jerry" Jerow is back on the | rugby field again with that same | deadly tackle for which he was | known last year. In the first two hours after last Saturday's game "Billy"' Hughes had but two expressions in his vocabu- lary; "Gee, whizz!" and "Say 2 Soothes Irritable Throat. Relieves Bronchitis Quickly No Drugs to Take, No Medicine to Upset the Stomach. Just Breathe "Catarrhozone." Count ten--a bad cold is relieved by Catarrhozone--wait one minute .and you will feel its soothing influ- ence on a sore irritated throat. No failure with "Catarrhozone'--it is effective because you can breathe a healing vapor to the very spot that needs help. The big thing to re- member about Catarrhozone is this-- you just breathe a healing piney va- por that is full of the purest balsams --that is rich in the greatest heal- ing agents known te science. This wonderful vapor dispels all soreness, kills all germs, gives nature a chance +0 completely destroy the disease. Colds and throat troubles can't last if the pure healing vapor of Catar- rhozone is breathed. Catarrh will disappear, bronchial attacks will cease, coughs and winter ills will be- come a thing of the past. Complete outfit lasts two months. Price $1.00. Smaller size 50. Sample size 25¢. All dealers or The Ca.arrhozons Co., of Montreal. : Rites hi. fel FF 0 EEE J) SU i | pt -- HA rm et "market. HEE Eat Phone 1042 rma YULCANITE ROOFING We invite comparison in price and qual- --ity-'with-any other roofing material-on the Allan Lumber Co. HERE EAE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1031. HARE Le ym we = Victoria Street -- Living Room Furniture "All the Latest Period Designs Our Prices the Lowest TABLES, CHESTERFIELDS, BOOK CASES, POLLY CROME, MANTLE SETS, CANDLE STICKS "R. J. THE LEADING Reid . UNDERTAKER 230-234 PRINCESS STREET Phone 577. If you are in need of ; fixtures Call and see us H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC C0. 167 PRINCESS STREET At less cost than with flax or jute, twine, rope and bagging are being manufactured from bark or eucalyp- tus trees in Australia, Of French invention is a vehicle that runs like a launch over water and upon endless treads on land. Two waterfalls will be harnessed to provide power for an electric rail- way in the island of Guadeloupe. MACDONALD'S Cs -_-- MIT =< A device consisting of a number of cardboard tubes has been invented to enable a person to hear his own voice as others hear it. Compact apparatus using a kero- sene' stove has been invented by a French physician for treating frozen hands or feet with steam. { : In the original Hebrew the word Eden meant delight. 223232 Q =I ===) i W yy PELL IVER ut Brier pe -- a Sud ( a The decrease in the flow of the , owing. to the drought, is BRINGING UP FATHER BY GEORGE McMANUS by the fact thet this year 25,- 0,000 gallons flowed through Ted- ington Lock during July, while dur- the same month last year the Slow was 1,210,000,000, A fish that turns crimson when ven food ds found in India. ANOTHER CHAN SOME MONE ¢ DEMOCRAT 10c THE STANDARS VALUE WELL ILL TAKE AN ADK MACGIE FER Ps CE MALLE WOW. YOU LET ME nave SOME CHANGE THATS THE THIRTEENTH TIME TODAY YOU HAVE BOTHERED ME ARQUT r= td fM NOT SUPERSTI TOUS © 1921 sv nr Peaturs Service Ina t .