GS a Suey in DAILY BRITISH WHIG. =) is town, the guest of his sister, Mrs. : VERY P00 ro 8. Knapp. Miss Aileen Freden- | urg spent the week-end at Salem 99 : iw ® ust of her cousin, Miss Edna | PROBS: "FLU Newboro Residents Certainly' cammeron. 5. K. Breeze and party, - i Have Good Reason to i Syracuse, N.Y » spending a few Enter a Protest. |days at his summer i. hi New- boro Lake. paration to combat the "Flu" is 3 RE ye Mee i BN rT . Miss Florence L t, of the ot- | H lo ro 1. ail . i Prevention Spry oT aut a SE Le, wi : 3 re DY Be Plo ne oma in end at her home here. Misses Bella . ina ey Yous : ns a. ive only |, 0 Grace I 1ndon returned to town | SE3Y Sei nt Sscdbudons Hi the year will Soom BE Tre for neoriville until sigh oo 8 THUFSER, ATer 4 Visit WI rerd- | The "PLU" weather te + here, : Ton : ight and memes | tives at Latisdowne and Rockport. 3 3 : : 513 /; MPP, W hn _and the one redl, reliable pre- around again with Is not < _ Parties expecting | 123 jor A ¥ Ler v M.P.P., was a vis a : importa mail have to be content 10F . banuay. RE vo WIXTURE their dark.mornings. [fl until next morning. PR. HICKEY'S M1. : = y | The wardens of the parish of El-p STEP FORWARD ralin for ? ri ortlane nd- N Cite ows testes : Ch ne By il IN MUSICAL HISTORY oughs and Colds. I t > wR. H. 8 : e d e Preston on Thursday evening last | 25 cents to decide on a successor to the Rev Queen's University Will Give ; : $8. ie pA TY Wis Tesced i Popular Concerts' This . russ Banlks, barber, has lease el ~ xT residence of, Mrs. William Eaves, | Year Also. STARTING PROMPTLY AT 9.30 O'CLOCK L. T. BEST | C k on Drummond street, and will. short | ¢ ny & : . ly move into his new quarters. Queen's University concerts that | Prescription Druggist. Dr. G. F. Ackland spent a few days are always looked forward to by the | . a " sic lovers of Kingston, will this! « « Open Sundays of last week in Toronto. music i Phone 59 pen 12 a wonderful help Ronald Gray, Elgin, spent Thurs- | Year represent a step forward in towards getting up on day here the guest of his grandpar- the musi ical history of the city, and | . tim nts, Henry and Mrs, Warren. the generosity of the trustees of tne . 3 a ci + rorsiiy { na a i 0 €. ; Mrs. S. M. Switzer, Kingston, js university will enable the citizens to | We have a splendid the guest of. J. H. and Mrs. Scott at hear a series of a quality rarely | . the Hotel Rideau. Mrs. G. C., Wrath- heard outside the larger musical | assortment. Priced all, Miss Thompson and Miss Tobin, centres. As in former years 'he | from -- teachers of this section, attended the | Drices will be extremely low in pro- | teachers' convention at Delta on |Portion to the fees, it is no doubt 5-3 Thursday and Friday of last week. [generally understood that the con- | $2.7 6.00 W. 8. Mavety has had the Lewis re- {certs are managed without administ- | | sidence wired for electric lights. ration charges and that profit is not < Wedding Marriage [ll | R. McManus, a resident here fifty aimed at. | Rings, Licenses. years ago, and now residing in Calif-| If the Kingston public give the ; R--a-- ' Ad | ornia, is renewing old-time acquain- €0f nmittee support this year, Queea's ? | tances in this section. Miss Annata {will be an assured musical event of : [ Myers, Portland, was a week-end vis- [the season in the years to come! uncommon words--maybe, but itor at her home here. Three COnCETtS will be given, the i very common causes of [] | Dr. R. J. and Mrs. Gardiner, (firs: on Ont, 27th, when Miss Bertha, 1 HEADACHE | Kingston, were recent visitors at the | the Canadian prima donna, We have' glassus that remove 1 + home of J. P. and Mrs. Tett. John coloratura soprano, who has sung ° these A give : Jewslen : Limited Cripps, who spent the past two weeks mn the principal operatic - Foles in ian A i Established 1540. the est of Athens friends, Mturn- Russia and Poland, will make ; her ensa 10Nna IMMEDIATE Opti ed t8 town on Friday. The Newboro | first appearance on a Canadian stag~. RELIEF Registered Opticians [ Citizens' Band has been engaged to | fo? fost al Tor 2 Nov: ind % / Before consulting the physi- 8506 Kirg Street | play at the sports day celebration at [in I amor g a 5 oron 3 wie hs " : clan, before using medicines : | Athens on Thursday. Mm. V. O. New of . ymohony ore Ra Is v and drugs, come and see us. | EE | Boyle, Athens, is putting on a con- January Kingston will also have the R 1t your headache is caused by | cert here on the 21st, in ald of the |first night in Canada for Miss Myra | a eye strain we cure it 's | Guna of St. Mary's church. Hess, the famous English pianis = or . THROUGH PROPER Dr. Nas | Mrs. Butler, who has been on an who will pay a short visit to tals] ! A continent, playing in the larger | | extended trip as judge of fancy | GLASSES { jcities. « The Flonzaley String Quar- | ~ . goods at the different fairs, has re- | Mn | DENTAL PARLORS: turned home. Lloyd Hull has purchas- | tette, wiieh ls Unkle So Save Jo i 28 0 | ' 0 i Keele Ir M.0 D 0 | 158 PRINCESS STREET ed {rors W. 8. Mavety his yesidence | on Hy Febronr, ye or : ' y *y eV KINGSTON, ONTARIO and shop on Drummond street and an yon endowed o the Americas | 3 Optometrist and Optician, AVL, MAL { will shortly open up a genera] wood- millionaire. | Mr. de Coppet, and 4 Ld . 226 Princess Street, We specialize on:--Painless Extrac- | Working business. B, Legedth, ax ! spent many years in Flonzaloy, a re- 8 doors above the Opera House | tion, Latest Treatment of Pyorrhea, | Collector of tne re gts stasis: | tired Swiss valley, gaining the per- ft . X-Ray work. On his rouncs £o : tn. | fect ensemble which has made it ok xk ; rill, a resident here for 5 $ ; 1. Moret, u resident here for | C02 Ce el ann ; Regular $22.50 to $35.00 values | Morrisburg, where he will in future fortunate to have the opportunity of reside, A. W. Huffman, Grimsby, hearing such famous artists and owe - | their support to the university. : % | has been appointed manager of the ep PEE | Union bank here, and is moving his a . | family to town. Miss Thompson, tea- IN THE HALLS OF QUEEN'S. : e-price ° "Wear-Ever" | cher in the public school, spent the | ee | week-end at her home in Gananoque. | The- Student Social Events Will 85¢. Aluminum 1-quart Stew Pan {Mrs. W. H, Warren is spending a Begin Very Soon. (wine measure) [few days in Westport, the guest of For the benefit of the students . a 1 Dr.) Barker, who are studyin biolo a club or ONLY 33c¢c- | her daughter, Mrs. ( ying gy For ONLY 39 J. Botting, Watertown, N.Y, |along these lines has been formad This special offer extends fren spent a few days of last week In |and the lecture on Wednesday. by Oct, 13th to Oct. 220d ONLY. Prof. R. O. Earl was the first of tho session. Some of the medical freshmen are ee rh wn i : 300 of the season's newest and smartest high-grade tiation for their noses were paint- ed with a rather permanent mixture. Dresses to choose hoi STR The players on the rugby: teams were Kept out of the rushes a' TO-MORROW we will place on sale a huge Queen's. No chances of haying any of the players injured in this way . ' were taken. || consignment of over 300 new Silk Dresses--guar- Queen's will soon be away to its . . . social programme. - The social even- anteed to be perfect in fit, finish and material -- ings which proved such sucoessés ' during the past two sessions wiil start soon. Dates have been booked far ahead -with the registrar. Prac- tically every year in the university . . » a ot Doty cuth 8E Ye less. The saving is yours, so come THURSDAY ! Offer is mage so you can see aluminum utensils are NOT ? bought at a big assignment sale at half. price and ONO naa Rann ANH w & 7 Trenton Votes for Bonus. ~The materials are Canton Crepe, Silk Trico- ~ . : | th Bath Trenton) on. Da: 12 neTrentan z . gh M cK elve & Bir ch i | i @ d The Heal Ey EO emia 0 lette, Satin Charmeuse, Satin Messaline, Chiffon 5 : For the future welfare of fixed assessme..t to the Anglo-Ameri- ; : Canada the childrea must be oan Motors, Limi'ed. Under the : kept hesithy mow.' Protect A a Taffeta and a few Botany Wool Serges. one 237 . Kingston | them from the germs aud the first two units of its plant with- x , microbes of disease by using || out delay and other units wiil be 3 : 44 Lifebuoy Soap. added as progress is made. The vi'e The sizes range from 14 to . | was 761 for the bylaw and 78 : againg®, For the bath-- nothing equals -T | the healing, cleansing free- uresvoy ||. z=. .| | Thursday $12.95 the congregation of St. John's Pres- Good Upholstered | heamSOAP | icon and the antiseptic agents dis- move call wis eqlended to Pach! E ~All sales for cash. infect the bruises, scratches, eto. that might otherwise be of Knox College. The congregation source of d: . A Life- also deemed it advieable to sell the ey poi ip the church manse and secure a smaller No approvals or returns. F itu | children to bed glowing with property. urniure ies | mmm rill SEE WINDOW DISPLAY TO-NIGHT ! George Ade said at a dinner, as he } \ twirled the stem of his glass of We have just now a large | vanishing after TP Wl | sparkling sarsapartlla between stock of Chesterfield Suites, ed thumb and finger: "Our parents covered in Tapestry and Ve- Bt \ 3 ane i. ko jay a Wethios urs lours in all the popular 8 . | Have been if they had only taught us shades. © \io lay up something for g.dry one!" These are well constructed mmo Ul DRY FOOTWEAR a fe, ing fee Call and see us about that pair of Fall Toc hl crs Shoes. We are showing good Fall Shoes at ou ne reasonable prices. This week we offer a : ' Box Calf Blucher, leather lined, medium fs togat.............. .....¢... 98.00 HOOVERS, PIANOS and VICTROLAS, CARPETS, CURTAINS RUBBERS! RUBBERS!! RUBBERS!!! ; = oe i AXD FURNIIYRS oF gu We sell the famous A.H.M. brand -- the : kind we guarantee. # Is ; * * JACK_JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Steacy's - Limited - =. KINGSTON, ONT. '