Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Oct 1921, p. 5

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ESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 194%. THE DA ILY BRITISH WHIG. CHOICE WESTERN MEATS and COOKED MEATS McGEEIN'S Phone 282 Princess Street || ---- =="""FOR MOVING OF » ty Furniture, Safes, Pianos and = Cartage of every description-- Kingston Transfer Co. FrLoae $77. 158 Wellington Street. - | THE TORRORS OF T Relieved by "Froit-a-tives" partial digestion of food; is oh of the most serious | complainis--bhecause it is responsible | for many serious troubles. | almost invariably are troubled with | Rheumatism, Palpisation of the Heart, ! Sleeplessness arid excessive Nervousness, Indigestion because these tablets - strengthen the increase the flow of the digestive juices and correct Constipation, which * usually aceompanies Indigestion. At dealers or sent postpaid by F INDIGESTION Kingston and Vicinity | It Pays To Look Around. See our blue serge suits, splendi] th ! it Medici | quality, all wool, made in single 6 ru ne | breasted style. Tlese suits were ssld Indigestion, = Weak=-Digestion ~or--{7sg larly at $75 16 IAF $257 Sides 135 to 42. Prevost clothing stors, {Brock street of present-day i Peculiar Accident to Horse. | James Thompson, Monteagle town- | ship, North Hastings, lost a valuable | horse in a peculiar manner, The animal had just been let loose for a {little rcereation when it became i frightened and ran into a wire fence, breaking its neck. J Four Months for Perjury, Harry Raymond, Belleville, 'ap- | peared before Magistrate Masson on | a charge of perjury and admitied tha charge. Raymond, in giving evid- | ence at a trial, denied that he had been convicted of an offence, when Thode who suffer with Indigestion, "Fruit-a-tives" will always relieve stomach muscles, 50¢ a box, 6 for $2.50, trial sise 250, ruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. » DAVID SCOTT Plumber Pinmbing and Gas Work a special. ty. ATE rer guaranteed. ddregy rontenac Street. Phone 1277 || - een 03, 8 i BUILDING? 21 Main Street. | questioned thereon by counsel. He | was given four months in jail, REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by The Sisters of Charity of the 0. Aykroyd & Son House of Providence, who have been Phone 1670. [in® Prescott for-the last two weeks | on behalf of their orphans and old Were Very Generous. reais DRAW. WINNETT DINTAL SURGEON. Oorner of Johnsun and Wellington a . Phone 863 Furniture--Freight--Baggage TRANSFER Phone 1776J S. WHITEMAN \ 210 QUEEN STREET | .| ville, on Sunday will celebrate | deeply gratefuj to the people who al- ways respond most generously. Married Forty-Two Years. Mr. and Mrs. James Hall, Brock- the Dr. Waugh 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. & | | . A ' R : 4 ANSIove S hepairs 8 (king Machi B 'Ba Tie ges, Lawn em. Bleyeles P p fr work right and guarantee Ba tisfuction. 197 WELLINGTON STREET | WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street. [Fresh flowers ana plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding i Phone 1763. sp W. R McRae & Co. Em COAL Cho'cest quality of 'Scranton ~ Coal. No other kind sold by I BOOTH & co. 'SOAN'S RELIEVES | F tism, ly, without tw and readily, . non-skin-staining. Ask your neighbor. their were forty-second anniversary of | wedding. The brida] couple married at Perth. vive out of family of thirteen, namaly NEURALGIC ACHES |+- son at Syracuse, two sons in To- | ronto and three daughters in Brock- OR forty years Sloan's Liniment | 0 2 has been the quickest relief for | n neuralgia, sciatica and rheuma- | tired muscles, lame backs, | rains and strains, aches and pains. | Harold McCammon, Portsmouth, Keep Sloan's handy and apply free- [arrived home Tuesday to attend rubbing, at the first |Queen's, after spending the summer inge. |in St. Paul, Minnésota., On his way It eases and brings comfort surely | nome, he stayed a few days with his brother, Edward, who is now with the Border Cities '(Windsor)~ Star, and was formerly on the staff of the Kingston Standard. Harold McCammon Returns, You'll find it clean and | Sloan's Liniment 'is pain's enemy. At all druggists--35¢, 70c, $1.40. A Mammoth Potato. The Whig was shown a mammoth potato on Monday, grown on the 10 > » ° niment farm of Charles N. Bott, at Harlowe, | in Barrie township. The potato is | certainly a beduty gnd it is safe to say that, if all the farmers had e crop of this variety there would be no danger of a potato famine in this distriet. Mr. Bott isto be congratula- ted on his potatoes, Had Gun and Knife, Bruce Whitmore, alias John Sar- covitch, who claims Dallas, Texas, as his home, and George A. Baker, of Toronto, were arrested at Belleville for riding on a G.T.R. train without a ticket. Whitmore had in his pos- session a 38-calibre revolver, whilst upon Baker was found a large hunt- ing knife in a case. The couple were remanded to jail for a few days. The Late John Bromley, John Bromley, an old resident of Pembroke, passed away at six o'clock Sunday evening, in his seventy- eighth year. He was born in West. meath township in 1844. Mr. Brom- |iev was formerly manager and a A | shareholder of the Pembroke Lyim- ber Company. He leaves to mourn his loss, his widow, two sons, Wil- liam H., Pembroke, and Dr. John E. V X Toreats | For sale in Kingston by Aus. tin's Drug Store, Mahood's Drug Ce., Ltd, Sargent's Drug Store, A. 0. Leonard, Imc., Mfrs, 70 5th Ave, N. Y. City. CEMENT - | people, have returned to Kingston. | | They were most successful and are Six children sur- | Bromley, Estevan, Sask.; and two | 1ake possession of a piece of property duughters, Mrs. A. B. Petrie, Ham- { purchased by Hall at a recent tax {ilton, Ont, and Mrs. A. W, Frascr, [sale in Deseronto, | Ottawa. : i a "thé Properéy in question was Indian Auto Stil] Missing, { property and not liable to seizure for The automobile belonging to Rob- taxes, Judge Deroche decides that {ert Lindsay, Sydenham, end which [rue Indians have no claim to the pro- | was stolen from the parking area on | perty, gives Hall possession and as- |Bydenham street, the night Consta- {sessed - Indian defendant with all [ble James Cotter was shot, js still | costs of the action, | missing, in spite of the fact that the A iere---- | Kingston police have sent word all Given a Scholarship. over the district about the missing | A Rhodes scholarship for Quebec jcar, and the sending out of circulars | province was given John ' Colborne lgiving particulags, about the auto. Farthing, of McGill university, son | The belief is still held that the car |of Bishop Farthing, Montreal. Mr. | was taken by the three bandits after | Farthing was elected on November {they discarded the car stolen from { Sth, 1920, and left a few days ago IR, 8. Waldron, | for Oxford. The scholarship amounts to £300 per annum, to which there | is being added temporarily a living A Robbed House in Athens, A bold robbery took place in Ath- |allowance of £50 per annum. lens when Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Scott {and son were at church. Their home, |per annum, which is just about en- only a few doors from the Methodist |ough to cover his annual expenses i church, was entered and the cash box | while at Oxford and on vacation, {containing $110 and a small cheque, ------------------ | was taken, The cash box and cheqis U.F,W.0. Active. | were returned to Mr. Scott. The rob- Mrs. R. J. Vair, president of the bery is thought to be the work of [United Farm Women of Frontenac. | local parties. | is most active in completing "he or- Farmor Candidates in Renfrew. Y - R. G. Wilson was nominated by |Cussing the public questions involved {the U. F. O. convention at Eganvilia |in thé coming federal elections. She las the farmer candidate for South has delivered many . addresses | Renfrew in the coming elections, He |throughout the county, and repor's was opposed by Dr. Maloney, Egan- { splendid results. The keenest inter- [ ville, but obtained a majority of est is taken in the election and the | twenty-five votes of the 106 dele- | women 3 vote is expected to be a | gates present, Arthur Collins, Cob- [large one, On Tuesday morning | Mrs. Vair me* many of the Wolfe 1s- {land women in the island market in connection with the work assigned to the island clubs. A Golden Wedding, The home of Mr. apd Mrs. Lachlan McLean was the scene of an unique gathering last' Thursday evening in honor of the fifthieth anniversary of their marriage. . Mr, McLean was married to Miss Ellen Cameron on Sept, 29th, 1871. Since that time they have made their home on the Seventh Line of Beckwith. Three children blest their fire side, Robert A., of Centralia, Wash., Allen C., of Schrieber, and Ellen at home. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McLean S8Y son, Dun- bar, and Mr. Allen McLean were home for the occasion, About seventy guests were present, includ- ing Mr. McLean's sister, and Mrs. McLean's sisters and brother.. The bridesmaid of fifty years ago. Mrs. John McArthur, a sister of the bride, was also present. After a sumptuous repast the neighbers surprised Mr. and Mrs, McLean by address, which was read by W. H. Stevens, and a purse presented by Duncan McNaugh- ton. {den, will be the Farmer or Progres- | sive candidate in North Renfrew in | the approaching federal] election. Had His Leg Amputated. N. C. Lloyd, Warspite, Sask., form- erly a resident of Lanark, met with | |a very serious accident recently. | While assisting with the hay he re- ceived a nasty cut on the ankle, and [before medical aid could be reached, the wound became 'so serious that amputation of the foo! was neces- sary. Later developments of the in jury required another operation, his leg being removed above the knee. Hil] Won th¢ Suit. Judge Deroche 'has given his de- cision in the Hall vs. Green suit to Curling Rink Was Moved. The curling rink has been success- fully moved to its final position al- Green, the de- ! | fendant, set up the argument that {scholar can, therefbre, count on £350 | | anization of the women of the dif- | ferent clubs for the purpose of dis- | RELIEVES PAIN $1.00 a tube, at your dealer's, or by mail THE,LEEMING MILES CO. LIMITED, MONTREAL ong the road in the college grounds. (The rink wil] be set on cement piers. building took considerable time but The preparatory work of tying the | in remarkable time the huge strue- ture was pulled across the space, and the ground for the new Jock Harty rink is.open for the Hdmilton Bridge Company to go ahead with the erec- tion of the steel work. They have their crane in the stages of erection now. The crane will have two seven- ty foot booms. The steel for the rink is arriving in the city and the erect- icn will start on Monday next, and it is thought that in threa weeks time the steal wil] all be in place. As soon . . T&B Its use marks 'you as a judge of tobacco - BLOCKS SILLS, CAPS, LINTELS, ETO. Improved process. Material and price are right. 527 Princess Street, corner Alfred ~-------- | Grove Inn Yard * Phone 138 'e . EIN MONUMENTS AND CEME- TERY LETTERING ~. FOR SALE Double stone dwelling, three storey, large lot; 1 extra lot. Good barn, Rents for $44 per. montln Price $4,500. W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Broo!: Street. Phone 424, @ J. E. Mullen 161 FRONTENAC STREET i, Phone 1417. DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstai's Ginge:, siarmainde, : . Wagstat'y Fiueappie Marmalade, WwW Bramble Jelly. ~ . We algo nave a full line ot other Feuubic makes of Marma- laues, Jam and Jeilies lur sale wii GET IT REPAIRED | | immifomess o Sewing Machines, PI nographas, pu sh agai Guns, Rifles repaired and refitted. Parts supplied. Saws filed, knives, TS and edge tools ground. Locks repaired. Keys fitted to all kinds of locks, Al makes of Lawn Mowers sharpemed and re- paired. We can repair anything that is repairable. J. M. PATRICK 149 Sydea Street, Kingston Phone 2056J ra . Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King atu Earl tres Phone 18544. . PATTON'S DYE WORKS {late Montgomery's) 0% Only Dyer. FOR SALE A. Chadwick & Son Corner Ontario and West Sta. 'Phone 67. Hospital reports show that 86,000 French soldiers died victims of tub- erculosis during the war, Master Creator of Characters Who Live A CENTURY bas passed since Charles Dickens over the unfinished ae tha supports are put up at the Arch street end, the wood workers can get ahead for it is in that section that all the dressing rooms are situ- ated. The wood work will be started the end of next week. Prof. Lindsay Malcolm who designed the structure, is overseeing the work. " Married at Glen Walter, Ont. St. Lawrence Lodge, Glen Walter, Ont., the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Craig, was the scene of a very Fretty wedding on Monday after- noon, when the second daughter, Mary Beatrice, wae united ia mar- riage to John Charles Grant, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Grant, Wost- mount. The ceremony, performed by Rev. Hugh Munro, took piacs :n the parlor under an arch of evergreens and autumn leaves, The bride, given away by her father, wore a gown of white taffeta radium silk tr'mmed {with sead pearls and beaded rope girdle, tulle vei] and wreath of or- ange blossoms and carried a shower bouquet of Ophelia roses. The brices- maid, Miss Helen Craig, B.A.. wore a dress of pearl grey meteor crepe trimmed with fringe, and grey crepe de chene hat trimmed with pink fow- | ers, and carried 4 bouquet of piak American beauty roses. Edgar Brown of Cornwall was best man. After the refreshments e house was tastily decorated with chrysanthemum: and ferns. Mr. and Mrs)\Grant jeft on the 1.50 train for New' York. the uride travelling in a suit of brown Iulivia cloth trimmed with Beaver and pur- ple touque trimmed with orchid and Wore a -corsage bouguet of violets. {On their return they will reside at 390 Northcliffe Avenue, Westmount.' {A large number of friends were yre- tent at the station to shower the young couple with confetii aud every good wish for a long, happy and prosperous wedded life. The groom's gift to the bride was a platinum bar pin set with diamonds; to the !rides- maid, a silver vanity case, and to the best man, a pearl tie pin. From the agony column of the London Times: "Demobilized capthin makes hand-embroidered erepe de chine blouses, 25 shillings. Exelusive designs." A major who knitted jump- * ers advertised in the same column. |= : CEDAR SHINGLES | Good grades of Clear Cedar Shingles are ll the cheapest and most durable Roofing ma- terial==New-reduced prices, -- { ~ LT S. ANGLIN & CO. . Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Out. Office Phone G6. Factory Phone 1415, | | | Queen's Students Kindly remember that the GRAND CAFE is still in the same lo cation. Now for after Theatre Parties, late Luches or for a choice Dinner come in and let us serve you with anything you desire and you will find our prices are reasonable. Grand Cafe PETER LEE, PROP, Two Doors Above Opera House Phone 1843, 222 Princess Street Open from 8 a.m. to = a.m. DO IT NOW! Vuleanize that old tire and get the balance of the season out of it with a MAXOTIRE. More miles and mo trouble. EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBCER Co. A. NEAL, Manager 284 Ontario Street. Phone 2050. . SOWARDS KEEPS COAL --and-- COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 153. UPTOWN OFFICE--3icGALL'S CIGAR STORE PHONE 811. SOWARDS COAL COMPANY mn, New Stock of Fine Quality Suits and Top Coats For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 $30.00, 32.00 See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at --3$35.00 -- TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) Blankets and Comforters That Will Keep You Warm Real Scotch Wool Blankets--each one whipped singly; large double bed size . ..$12.00 and $15.00 a pair. Flannelette Blankets in White and * Grey; all sizes; at mill prices. - Comforters covered with Chintz and Art Sateen and well-filled with sanitary Cotton. Large sizes oe at.......$3.00, $3.75 and $4.00 Eiderdown Comforters in pretty pat- terns, 72" x 72". Special at ..................$1350 Ww. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191. The Waldron Store. Y by 0} -- y ! "Her miother had 'twins thrice, Four centuries ago it was the law three of her had twins twice, [in England that all persons must be and she herself! has had twins three | buried in woollen shrouds, times," writes a doctor.regarding one Thirty-nine "miner planets of his patients, discovered in 1920, were

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