DAILY BRITISH WHIG. " Published Dally and Sewi-Weekl THE Pr Ww WHIG ©0., LIMITED J. G. ElMlott ,........ Bae nss as President Leman A. Gulla .... .. Editor and : naging-Directos TELEPHONES; jrormn Rooms ob Offic SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Daily Edition) ®& Year, deiivereg in city ne year, pL] paid in advance ,. na year, by mail to rural oftices One year, to United States Ope year, by mall, me year, if not paid In adva ne year, to United States ., QUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES EF Calder, 22 Si. John St. Montreal , W. Thompson ......100 King St. W, Toronto. Letters to the Editor are published enly over the actual name of the writer, : best Attached is one of the Th printing offices in Canada. The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the ABQ Audit Bureau of Circulations. There is always room at the top for brains. i me ---------- Some movie stars seem to be doing fh fadeaway, Fast living shortens fewer lives than fast flivving. . ------------ A little scandal now and then cuts the profits of movie men. As usual, the most influential book of the year is the pocketbook. Falling stars are becoming a com- mon occurrence in movieland. An absent-minded surgeon is one who says: "Let me feel your purse." The Krocker is a nuisance unless he is kiocking eomebody you don't ike. pHi ES i ds sk pp ------ "Success : brings poise," says a rjagazine wihter,. Bapecially evoir- Tapols. ---------- Some day a popular song writer will give us The Automobile Blues in fout flats, -------- Sometimes the difference between a pessimist and an spHmist. is a fresh shave, _ The baker's helper is a lucky chap. [When he needs dough, he can always count on a raise, You can fool some of the people &1l the time, but they don't include your wife's relatives, The wife of a western miner has fallen heir to $1,000,000, 'Want to buy an alarm clock, cheap? Why should there be unemployed? Siete is still room 'on the streets & few more filling stations. ------------ * Caruso's fortune did not reach the $1,000,000 that was at first reported. They had it pitched a little high. People who . buy anthracite coal finderstand why slite is no longer commonly used as a roofing mater- dal, I -------------------- If the house shortage contfhues, 1t may yet become necessary to estab lish a closed season for house hunt: dng. ~ There is gtil] hope that the cost of living will not increase, so long as no investigating committee starts an en- Guiry. The man who knows too little doesn't' get to the discard much ahead of the chap who thinks he | knows it all. We presume the transitions in the filps. are for the purpose of giving the movie actors and actorines time to take a drink. es ---------- An alarm clock is like a gon- stlence. Treat it with contempt a few times, and after that you won't hear it at all. -------------------- Every married woman has days when, for no articular reason, she thinks her Musband the lowest form sows vr 3 Queen's for Eastern Ontario. : college in the United States. ? | 8lon, Queen's is accepting only Qioen's studer 3 year 1921 a memora annals of the univemsity, terest at present iy centred on their | rugby victory over Toronto "Varsit ty] om Saturday, it might be rec Queen's medcial student u their fellows of dither Canadian ical colleges like a ign ¢ he it over med- -1Hiet-4n-the -Domiiion-dadice The year examinations. last cil Foundation turned | Queen's medical coll sion' of the .five-million made by John D, Rockefells extension of medical Canada, The reason gis one medical college was : for Ontario, and that Tor | McGill 'were all that were needed for the area between Windsor and Mon treal. The decisicn of the medical advisor to the Foundation is prove ing faulty. There is easily room in Ontario for two medical colleges, To- ronto for Western Ontario and Toron- at ient to medical®schaool reports over 1,20) students, the largest number of an medical school in America, a Chi: 0 00 | cago college having a registration of having the medical McGill "ad one hundred Jess and largest attendance of any also has over eleven hundred medi- cal students. It js becoming recognized hat a medical college can have "oo large jan attendance and that such attend- lance mitigates against efficiency. Students do not get the chance of constant personal contact with their profeSpors, as Principal R. ruce Taylor pointed lout in an address a few days ago. This contact dounts, { as those who have enjoyed exception- {ol privileges can testify. This ses- limited number of medical students, and is making a careful selection, choosing only those who give prom- | ise of 'doing efficient work and be- | coming genuine dootors of medicine | land surgery. |to turn out thorough men. Many who applied for admission have been | | refused, as backward students are not wanted. The view that there is not suffic- ent elinical material in the hospitals of a small city for a modern medi- cal college is being proved erroneous, insofar as Kingston is concerned, anyway. Kingston's two hospitals, closely associated with Queen's medi- cal college, are approved by the Am- erican College of Surgeons and set down in the list of standardized hos- pitals. Besides these t institutions. K'ngston has a hospital for the in- sane, a military hospital, a tubercul- osis hospital, a child welfare station, two orphanages and two homes for the aged. One million dollars is be- ing expended upon the General Hos pital so that it may serve as a centre for a district of one hundred miles and clinics have been established in the hospitals. The high standing of her graduatés shows that Queen's can win laurels in the field of medical solence as well as in other spheres. PREVENT 'FIRES, Every hour of the day and night the torch af carelessness brings de- struction to somebody's propédrty in Ontario, causing during the course of a year the loss of millions of dol- lars wofth of property and many lives. The average fire loss during the last three years exceeds one mii- lion dollars per momth, a per capita Joss of $5 for every man, woman and chiild in ¢he province, This is a problem that calls for the co-operation 'of all the. people, and the Ontario Fire Prevention League is engaged 4n carrying out an educa- tional campaign dn order to bring home to every eitizen a sense of rer sponsibility and eliminate one of the greaiest factors----carelessness, Sunday, Oct, 9th, was. set apart for observance as "Fire Prevention Day", and the League hopes, through the medium of paremts, churches, and schools to impress upon all, children and adults, the importance of carrying out this week a definite programme of fire prevention by cleaning up the home, shop and of- fice, A pamphlet containing valuable information - and suggestions has been issued by the League and copies may be obtained from the local fire department. Fires originate in carelessness, in- difference and faulty construction: Carelessness in the use of explosive or inflammable substances, fires, 'matches, etc.,; indifference in per- 'mitting the accumulation of rubbish in cellars, closets, yards and attics, such as papers, discarded "lothing and rags, and faulty construction in &as fixtures and electric wiring used for Mghting and other purposes. These are matiers that should éngage the attention of the individual houss- holder. But civie officials, merch- ants and manufacturers have a great responsibility. During 1918 fires in industrial plants numbered 4886, or five per cent of the total for the whole year. Tho loss from this cause was estimated at $7,565,322, forty-eight per cent of the total fire waste of the prov. ince. In 1919 there were 450 fires under this ification causing a loss of $2,441,124, but in 1920 the number rose to 483 with a loss amounting to $3,508,634. Oleanli ess, order end forethought ave im- portant factors towards reducing this making the | flanmable materials are advised to | provide better and more systemat' led "hat | i 1319. inclusive for-the-Baited Staley I | each year for building construction 3° aud | al The object of this is | BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY GUARD YOUR THOU GHTS | ~Finally, brethren, what-| soever things are true, whatsoever | things are just, whatsoever things | are pure, whatsoever things are love- | ly, whatsoever things are of good | report; if thére be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on 'these things. ~--Philippians 4: 8. SITET NE. Mrs. ®ve wh Tk) e visited Nannie Martin Wednesday. G. W. Williams and wife and Yeats Sprinkle attended church here on Taursday night. incpection and watchman's service, more efficient fire extinguishers and automatic sprinklers, The great economic loss from fires {is forced upon our attention by the | | following comparative figures com- | | pled for the ten years from 1910 to | and Canada: the average sum spent Mrs | was $914,376,600, and the average { loss by fire each year was $242,201,- 600, : | But it is the human elemen' in {this appalling problem with which | we have to deal. Rarely are scient- ists called upon to disclose the mys- terjous origin of this mortal foe Criminal negligence, wilful folly anda ignorance, especially. on the part of children, are the prolific causes of fires and nothing should be left un- done during thie week to make every home and place of business in King- ston "SAPE"" for the winter. Let every citizen join in this work of Fire Prevention. Let us make the city "as clean and attractive, as safa from fire and as free from diseazo | as any in the province. 'The success of the "Clean-Up" depends wupen everyone taking part. Diary of Miss Opportunity Tuesday, October 11.-- Met WIN Ekinem on street A brainy fellow, but erooked as corkscrew. Suggested honvs'y as best policy and offered him good propesition, He declined it, declaring as long as there were | so wany heals anxious to ba, sepa- | riatad ffwm their money he intended t» get his share of it. Can see nice, cozy little cell next to Ponzi's waiting for him. | ) Dally Seatenge ssvmidl Remember, it takes more than strong language to strengthen a weak argument. ---- ------ News of the Namés Club, A Tofonte (Canada) reader writes: "Miss Norma Sweet and Gordon Plckehly have just been married here. | Would it be proper to speak of their | offspring as 'Gherk'ns? Hunting Chestnuts. | Upon a hunt for chestnuts (The truth is sad and solemn) The place to find & good crop Is in the hum'rist eolumn. ~Cincinnatj Enquirer, Walt Mason THE POET PHILOSOPHER The POORHOUSE WAY. The price of things is higher than it should rightly be, and oft we hear the buyer exclaiming, "Hully chee!" They say that hides are cheapér--so cheap the growers lose; but ol, the weary weeper who buys a pair of 3) | shoes! We cannot serape together the CRERAR'S ONTARIO For such tame sport ag this, sirs, I really do not care; 4 Look where you will and chestnuts Jou' 11 find, will be right there. ~Ndwark (Ohjo) Advocate. WORTH COMING YOUNG MEN'S ULSTERS Extva Special Values $27.50 Others ask $35.00. All new models. ---------------------------- MEN'S UNDERWEAR Penman's Stanfield's Pure Wool Underwear at sreatly reduced prices. QUEEN'S! QUEEN'S! QUEEN'S! Queen's Pure Wool Bweaters V. Neck Pullover Roll Neck Sweaters 4 coin to buy a pair of shoes of honest TOUR OPENS ON 17TH leather, such as we used to wear; | and so in shoes of paper, for which | The First Meeting at 'Bramp- | !'we roundly pay, all drearily we caper along the poorhouse way. Oh why ton--In Toronto Early In |are things of leather still priced to November, | break the heart, when hide of steer [ana wother are cheap, in every mart? And cotton has been selling so ruin- ously low we heard the growers yel- ling and wailing in their woe. But goods composed of eotton, the things we had to buy, as you have not for- gotten, were always beastly high. Conditions are not cheering, to one who's spent his wad; the hogs are profiteering, the swine are still ab- road. Reduced are pins'and buckles and carpet tacks and nails, but when I'd buy brass knuckles the war pricg still prevails. Silk skirts, of blazing splendors, are lower than of yore, but when I'd buy suspenders, they're dearer than before. Oh, many things seem rotten, and few seem good and Toronto, Oet. 12.--Hom. T. A. Crerar will open the Progressive campaign in Ontario at Brampton next Monday night, Oct. 17th. At that meeting the Marme s' "Big Three" will mske their firem bow to the public. Besides Premier Drary and J. J. Morrison, many' of On- tario's leadil® Progrossives will be on the platform, Mr. Cremar has six meetings ar- ranged for mest week and will have at least two the following week. Then he goes to the maritime prov- inces, to return to Ontario early in November. On this gecond lap he will | address a huge Toronto audience in | Massey Hall, His meturn trip wil | last at least two weeks and will {n- | OUR DISPLAY OF New Fall Suit and Overcoats MILES TO SER V. Neck Sweater Coats Shay] Collar Sweaten Coats . SEE OUR $85.00 BLUE SUITS Hund-tallored; pure wool Indigo Serge in the new twosbutton single and double-breasted models, MEN'S HOSE Pure Wool Heather. The $1.25 value for-- 75¢. PER PAIR ------------------------------ - COLLEGE GOWNS for Queen's Freshottos. Get our prices Bibby's "Matron A heavy, compact Range with four Osinch lids; all iron line ings; 18 inch oven with' thermometer; nickle-plated oven shelf and edge rail. BUNT 'S Hardware, King St. Range" SPECIAL SALE PRICE $38.50 gay, as, in my shoes of cotton, I tread the poorhouse way. -- WALT MASON. elude London, Sudbury, and other places yet 40 be arranged for, Meetings already arranged are: Brampton, Oet. 17th; Simcoe, Oct. 18 Woodstock, Oct, 10th; Wing- h Oct. 20th; Mount Forest, Oot. 218t; and Orangeville, Oct, 22nd. The following week he probably will visit Oshawa and Smith's Falls, EE -------------------------- Tax on Fat Persons Suggested in Berlin ALONG LIFE'S DETOUR BY SAM HILL Advice to a Lover If you are much to love inclined, Don't seek to probe your sweetheart' mind, Just grab her 'round her soft equator And say the Lord made you to mat: her. Berlin, Oet. 12.~The govern- ment's search for new sources of re- venue to meet jrcreasing expendi- tures has brought a group of humor- ists to the rescue , one branch of whieh, submitting a statute, sug- gests a tax on fat folks whose waist. line circumference exceeds the chest measurement, Another suggests attention to be paid to double ching and 'whiskey noses.' The proponents of the fat tax in- clude the follc wing provisions in the statute they have submitted: Males between the ages of 15 and 30 whose waist the 'dhest circumference shall pay 1,000 marks yearly for each excess centimeter, be- tween 30 and 40 years, 500 marks. -- Observations of Oldest Inhabitant, I kin remember whet men wore white bosomed shifts that they had to pull on over their heads. -- Death, For a Short Time, Might Not Pe So Bad At That. (Classified Ad. in Cincinnati Paper) FOR BALE, op aecount of death, for a short time, a 7-r. house, arranged for 3 families; in best condition; cheap If gulekly sold. -- Her Idea of. It, "What do you think of the armament Conference?' asked Highbrow. "It it means we will have to give up the coat-of-arms we have just spent a lot of money to buy, then 1 am against it," replied Mrs. Profiteer, Dis- Mrs. The United States emergency tari{f is to remain in effect until February ist. food's Pills purely . vegetable . Te, cure a con stipation, all liver ills. Pleasant to take. Work every time. 28e Cuticura Soap] Complexions- Are Sor ------ But Where Did He Get the Price? "ris autumn, and the thrifty soul Already's bought his winter coal Fool Questions. J. ¥. writes, "Headline atatea 'Fire Swept City Clean! Why not appoint ¥ire on the Board of Health? : EE That Would Be Our Idea, Too. "What is the bést thing you have ever drawn?' .we asked the famous nartodnist. : "My salary," was the quiek reply, : Y ---- Blue October Monday, Birdies Linger Upon Eyries, Lightly soaring in the blue Upon wings alert and true Endlessly disposed to coo, Muse on Noble Deeds and Yodle® er Cats Too Qdd By Every Rule, Never feel too proud to linger, Drinking from the founts of drool, Asking counsel from the woodchucks Yearning o'er for cocktails, coel, a 0, 8 8 048 Farts: Setmatiin and Aly A statistician has figured 1,000,000 cakes of yeast were wasted ip the! last year by men trying to make home brew that would not brew. A patent has just been Jrsued for a Fruit corered with sharp points for the vee of pedestrians. The idea be- tag 1 erable the pedestrian to get ¢ven' with the motorist who runs over kim, by puncturing his tires, A mew gun for wives will shoot only bullets made of words. The Ine ventor claims this new weapon will greatiy fedugs the casualties among husosrds. 3 ; a : This Looky Like » Regular Shower of kes. MOORE'S A Few 30x34} Tires $9. GET A GOOD TIRE CHEAP™ DOMINION CHAIN TREAD TIRES $14.50 - WHITE ROSE. GASOLINE ....... SPECIALS 00 MOORE'S 206 WELLINGTON STREET RAILWAY SYSTEM ERD TRONK AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIPS For particulars apply to:-- J. P, HANLEY, = & T.A., G.T: Ry., Kingston, Ont. R. H. JONES Auto Tops Tope repaired, recover- edi slip covers; all kinds of cushions repaired, : BOAT CUSTIONS made all Sprin (May Hill Cor. Hillsboro (Ohio) tte) Drusle Siders called on Mrs. J. W. FOR SALE Good second - hand Lumber, Corrugated Sheet Steel and other building materials. L. Cohen & Co. 275 Ontario 86. Phone 8387, NEW CLOVER | HONEY IN THE COMB AND Jas. REDDEN & Co. I Phone 30 and 990, | Rupture Expert Permanently Loecated--No Periodical Visits We are always here, For forty years we have been fit- ting Trusses in Kingston. No need for you to go from your home town for expert adviss about your individual case. ¢ We have the best appliances that are made, and we SUars antee to secure your Rupture and make you comfortable, Dr. Chown's Drug Store 185 Princess St. "Phone 848. Crutches, Elastic Hosiery, ete, Farm For Sale A FIRST CLASS FARM of 197 acres close to good village, and thirteen miles to Kingston on & good ad; good frame house; 18 d air; good gellar, cistern Sd ace ¥ wo large ba horses; larger d el hog 1 Vo . rary ond jeu n tal | good zapaifs wood; whter and good 1 ; 1; & good orchard; the bu ings alone would oo8é $10,250, one of the best ar the County. e Urnace with fiiteek: for 44 cows and § ots of Plenty of nore th than the price of the wh Telephone a vod will recefv: 2% Queen Sto RAWFORD'SE OAL QUARTETTER NE thing that you O should at all times keep | . in mind is the high character of the coai solid by us. If you had ever seem coal dug and screened at the mines you would know that there are as many different kinds ot coal as there are of potatoes, ha goal we sell 1a a dependable articl Crawford Scranton Coal Phone 0. Foot of Quesi 8¢.