FHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, enab-BEW friends as well as. laurels for. wear - - - active growing child puts far more strain on his shoes than the heaviest adult. Child- ren's shoes must be built accord- HURLBUT CUSHION-SOLE . Shoes # Children are made of highest grade leather and with weited soles. They last longer than other shoes and readily admit of repair when the wear begins to show. The nature-shape last gives room to grow for every toe and prevents distorted and erippled feet. HURLBUTS are ideal shoes for children. Write for booklet aboud Hurlbut " Re-buelt Service" and we will tell you the name of the Hurlbut dealer nearess lo you. How nature intended * 'BY The Hurlbut Co. Limited PRESTON, Ont. « | Goldwyn Theatrical "The Lion and The Mouse." To-night, Friday and Saturday the Rex Stock Company returns to Kingz- gon with a play which should wn the entire cast: Comedy and farce are very well in their place but as I sp'd before, variety--oh, well, I | might just as well use the hackney=d | phrase of the poet and say that var- fety is the spring of show business as #t is of life,, and we are all glad 1that Rex is giving us some straight drama. There are very few unfamii- and of its theme. It 4s one of the strong, v'rile things that people in- terested dn modern business prob- lems always enjoy, and I am looking forward to watching Rex and Zaha in roles which were admirably acted by the original people for whom Klein wrote the piay. John Burk:t: Ryder is a bully, a self-made man and proud of the maker. He is heartless and ruthless tven to mem- bers of his own family, grove is excellent in the part and I know everyome will be charmed wi'h Miss Zana Vaughn.--Laura.--Advt. At the Allen. Can you imagine a crook refund- ing money to a edb driver for under- charging--refusing to taka too much cash for the sale of his umbrella, and restoring five hundred do.lars to a stolen pocketbook, that he knew nothing about? It seems incredible but that's what Tom Moore does in is newest Goldwyn dramaticomedy, "Beating the Game," at the Allen | theatre to-day. You'll be thrilled through a maze of delightful situa- tions, more surprises and action than any other Moor e picture. Nothing was too high that would- n't engage the covetous attention of Tom Moore as "Fancy Charlie," in | "Beating the Game." In his newest production he starts his | career as an expert safe cracksman, | and aspires to be the biggest man in | his lire, but strange events cause { him to take the straight road and in Lusual appeal to our citizens--some iar with "The Lion and the Mouse," | Mr. Snel- | for Friday and Saturday hes an un- |epecial pictures of Lord Byng's re- cent visit and the R.'M. C. sports. -- | Advt. [set rasestsstsssse | | $ CANADA'S PENSIONS { NEARLY 81 MILLION * * + mpi a hp Ottawa, "OR "§3---Canada's + 4 annual pension list in respect of 4 the late war amounts to $30. & + * > * <>» * * > Hi {4% 802,406 payable to 50,287 dis- | abled. soldiers and 19,411 de- | 4 pendents. The figures are for | June of this year. + [feeder ttessrssss AT WOLFE ISLAND. The Recent Tornado Stripped the Apple Trees of Fruit. Wolfe Island, Oct. 12.--Mrs. John { Dawson has rented Mrs. D. McRae's {farm for next scason. Mr. and Mrs. William W , whe have been the | guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Leaky for { the past two weeks, have returned to | their homee in Kansas City. | The recent heavy winds have strip- {ped the apple irees of their fruit { which will' meen a heavy loss to the { farmers. . They will have to 'be ground up into cider. Mrs. A. Mec- Donald Las returned home after | spending a few days visiting her par- | ents at Conway. | The wild strawberries are in bloom, some green fruit has made its appearance, which is a rare thing at this time of year | James Stevenson and family have taken up residence in Kingstom. Dr. Edward Kingsley, Boston, has re- | turned home after a brief visit with relatives here. Austin McDonald is repairing bis barn, which was wreck- SPORTING NEW Parkdale vS. Queen's, | Toronto Star: Saturday at King- | ston, Mike Rodden"s Parkdale sen- | iors; leaders of the senior O.R.F.U. race, will have a chance to try their | mettle against Queen's, leaders of! Hie «College Unton:~--RoddsH" payed! { with the tri-color for several seasons | and is anxious to show the old town | what his eity team can do against the Leadley-Harding-Campbell rear guard. Brophy, Munro and Breen look just as.good, if not better, than the Queen's trio. Saturday will tell the tale. Must be in Top Form. The Toronto Star says: Last week there was a story from Kingston that practically the whole Queen's back- ficld were In the hospital. Now comes word from McGill that Flanagan and other stars have gone to the hospi- tal. Judging by the happenings at Quecn's over the week-end, the Var- sity team had better be at the top of their form in order to beat the hospital patients at McGill 'next Sat- urday. Athletic Club Elects Officers, The annual meeting of the Tweed Athletic Club was held on Friday ev- ening last. Officers were elected as follows: Hen. Pres.--J. D. Taylor. President--Dr. Kindred. Vice-Pres.--J. F. Houston, Secretary--F, E. Houston, Treasurer--A. Yule, Directors -- H. Soanes, Rev. I.. S. Wight, Rev. A. E. Smart, E. D. Man- ning, F, Rashotte, A. Cochrane, H. Connor, D. H. Morrison, Thomas Johnston, W, O'Keefe. led by thé wind storm. Mrs, M. Mosier heid a very suc-/| | cessful credit salo of farm stock and | | implements on Wednesday. Every-| {thing was sold and realized good | prices. The milch cows averaged | fifty-one dollars a head. Miss Ada | | McRae, Watertown, who has been visiting relatives and friends for the | | | past month, has returned home. | | FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD _---- RUGBY ATRMC. | 3 The R.M.C. cadets read with inter- est a statement in the Whig that there is nothing to keep the inter: mediate Rugby Championship from Queen's University." This seeming disregard of the cadets' team has [the best catches on the squad, junior jor senior. | The second team kicked their way down the field to the 15 yard line of | the seniors@nd then Nickle dropped one over neatly, chalking up an easy three points against the astonished seniors. "Warm-up-with-Parkdsale and Wen on to McGill," is the slogan. "The Varsity;" official organ and newspaper of the University of Tor- onto, gives a complete and very fair account of the game here last Satyr- day which is a tribute to the good sportsmanship prevailing in intercol- legiate circles. Its editorial inspiring Varsity rugby team to greater efforts is of the same type as those in Queen's Journal after each of the seemingly endless deféats of the past. No person is more highly pleased with the showing of Queen's rugby team than Professor Lindsay Mal- colm, who, after all, laid the first foundations for Queen's house of ath- letic achievement. Consolidated Schools Scope, Wellington, Oct, 13.--The plans for the new Consolidated School which is to be erected herc. have been finally approved by the Consoli- dated Schoo] Board, and specifica- tions are now being drawn. It is considered to be one of the best con- solidated prospects yet known, in that it will serve both urban and rural centres, and as such is creat- ing interest in educational circles throughout the province, The grounds will comprise some six acres of land. On the ground floor, he- sides the different class rooms, prin- cipal's room, etc., there is to be a community hall, capable of seating about 400, On the other floors there will be rooms for manual training, gymnas- ium, laboratory, domestic science room, library and other features, be- sides the usual class rooms, and two class rooms for high school work. The schools uniting with Wellington are "Swamp College," Gilhead, Hal- lowell Station, and part of the school at Niles' Corners, a Predestined EARLY ome million people live in Montreal and suburbs. More travellers and tourists pass a N . Sead order now or write for full particulars. | one year he becomes known as ""Ho- | { -- [nest Tom Smith," and Mayor of a |, woo cia ae 15 5-16 Cents | TeREthened in their hearts the hope SIN EEN ED GEE GE GED GEE EEE ame { hie v r seei | | t | 3 | hick town. A pleture worth seeing | at Meeting Thursday. | that they may prove a slight obstacie The first of the university's pro- gramme of public lectures will be {in the path 'of the sister institution. How You Can Remove Every Trace of Hair . (Toilet Talks) A stiff paste made with some pow- © dered delatone and water and spread on a hairy surface about 2 minutes + will, when removed, take every trace % of hair with it. The . skin should i= then be washed to free it from the re- id maining delatone. No harm can re: © #ilt from this treatment, but he sure + it is delatone ae disappointed Mix fresh as want: - . Twins Ninety Years Old Are Able to Plow Fr aseuy Leavenworth, Kan, Oct. 13.--Al- though James and Joel Cheatwood, twins, living in Leavenworth cdounty, eelebrated their ninetieth birthday anniversary yesterday, they still boast of being able to Landle a plow . 8nd to cut as straight a furrow as . ny of the "young sprouts" who are in their "teens" instead of the last of the "ties." The brothers, who be- lieve they are the oldest twins. in the United States, enjoyed a family « reunion at the home of James Cheat- ,- wood, Kansas District Suspended, Pittsburgh, Pa, - Oct. 13.--The * Kansas district of the United Mine - Workers of America has been sus- = pended by John L.: Lewis, interna- . tional president.' Alexander Howat , 8nd all the district officers are sum- + marily removed, and George L. Peck has been appointed acting | president of the provisional dis- trict. Do You Look Forward To a Good Night's Rest ? tea and coffee. Drink Postum, . the delicious meal-time beverage instead! In flavor it is rich and Do you regularty anticipate a sleep? dread sleepless, at the you get and you will not | to bed, only 10 stare, { twice, but he sure and see it once.-- Advt, Coming To The Allen. "How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child!' Ring Lear's .immortal plaint, finds vivid demonstration in "Ower the Hill," the William Fox photoplay | which will be seen at the Allem the- atre beginning next Monday. This '3 | the picture that has such a remark- [able Broadway run--breaking all records--and which has not had a single derogatory criticisin written concerning it.--Advt. At The Strand. "Uncharted Seas," a Metro special adapted from the Munsey Magazine short story of John Fleming Wilson, with Alice Lake in the stellar role opens at the Strand on Friday. The marvelous combination of a gripping story from the pen of the above short story writer, and the su- preme acting of Miss Lake is enough to insure an evening of unequaled pleasure and thrills to all that see it, and this is already borne out by the thousands who have seen the picture in other cities. ~ As Lucretia Eastman the young wo- man who gives her husband a last chance to regenerate himself, and prove that he is something else than an arran: rotter and coward, Alice Lake has a role pre-eminemtly fitted to her powers. The theme of "Un- charted Seas," with its climax far up in the Behring Straits, amid the dangers that beset "ravellers is far out of the beaten road of pictures. One item in the Strand programme Or do youn walls? The difference between sleeping and staring is simply nerves. a matter of At the meeting of the Frontenac | cheese board Thursday afternoon, | there was boarded 280 boxes of ecol- | ored cheese and 45 boxes sold at 15 5-16 cents. The following factor- ies boarded: | Colored -- Desert Lake, 20; Lati- mer, 70; Ontario, 19; Parham, 20; i Silver Springs, 56; Thousand Islands 45; Wolfe Island, 50. L. W. Murphy made a bid of 15 5-16 cents, and at this price he se- cured the offering of one factory, Thousand Islands. News From Myer's Cave, Myers' Cave, Oct. 11.--A few from here intend going to Arden to the harvest home festival and Sun- day School Institute at Arden on The recent rains have bad condi- Wednesday. left the roads in a very tion. ( Miss Tena MacGregor and R. Roy spent last' week visiting friends in Centreville, Newburgh, and Napanee, Arch. MacGregor is at his home here. Miss Mary Cox returned or Monday after attending the teachers' conveén- tion at Sharbot Lake. E. Perry ir visiting at Joseph Perry's. Joseph Perry is making preparations for lumbering. W. MacGregor spent Sunday at Mr. Perry's. J/Davy call- ed at J. Perry's on his way to Ardoch to visit friends. The case of Roscoe Arbuckle, charged with manslaughter in con- nection with the death of Virginia Rappe, is on the calehdar of the sup- erior court at San Francisco, Cal., Thursday. The cadets were loud in their ad- miration of the tackling of Queen's geniors last Saturday, and have closely studied their system of train- ing. The practice of "dummy" tack- ling has been commenced at the col- lege and has been found a vast im- provement on the old system. Whilst: practising yes'erday; the cadets' star half-back, Macpherson, réceived a gash in the chin, necessit- ating his removal to hospital. It is expected that under the careful treatment of the college medical of- ficer, he will be back in the game within two or three days. It is doubtful whether Evans, the fast half-back used last year, will be able to play next Wednesday. He re- ceived an injury to his shoulder early in the season and has only been pretising for a few days. If in good condition, he will be put on the team, for he is undoubtedly an ac- quisition to the cadets. \ -- Southam 4s back at practices each day with the cadets after an absence of the last two weeks. Some of the recruits are showing up pretty well, chiefly on the outeide wings." Hughes; who last year was captain of the Lower Canada College team, is playing his usual good gama at overy practice. Judging from their Jame with Queen's Seniors, the cadets play best in a losing fight, with their backs against the wall, 0 to speak, and there {8 no doubt that their games will be contested every inch of the way. The R.M.C. get right down to business, and only ask that the best man shall win, and be given 2 good run for it. Queen's rugby squads worked out yesterday afternoon in spite of the cold rain and the sloppy condition of the field. After formation practises the first and second team put on a game, giving the players some good experience in handling the ball en slippery ground. | Converts and Trys Lewis, a second squad man, show- ed up particularly well with a great When your nervous system is in a sound condition, you are certain to sleep well. But when your nerves are wom out and beyond your control, your rest is broken and yoar awakening leaves you languid and irritable. Doctors know that much of ostum for Health "There's a Reason" '| divided, and resembled a kilt propensity for line plunging and a deadly tackle. "Pep" Leadley appeared with a patched up pair of' rugby shorts but after the first run he made they more than anything. ' : Forrest, of last year's second team, worked on the senior squad and showed up well. Cruse, McKay, Lewis, Abernethy, Jerow; Bleakney and Heisman will make some of the first team tacklers {work hard to hold their positions. / "Hal" Bleakney was out for the first time this year last evening. His running and tackling last year at- tracted much attention. ~ Reynolds, who played defence on the junior hockey team last winter, is proving effective on the line, and Stewart is another of the stalwarts. "Jim" Gow amd "Dan" Nickle worked together 'on the back division of the second team last evening, both doing good work. Nickle 3 one of given by Sir Bertram Windle, profee- sor of biology, dn St. Michael's @oll- ego, Toronto, on Monday evening in Convocation. hall: The subjeot of his lecture, whioh will be illustrated with slides, will be "Roman Cilies in Briton." A Real Hair Saver Found at Last--Parisian Sage Shows Results in Three Dags. Here's good news for all men and women whose hair is falling out, who are growing bald and have scalps cov- ered with dandruff that itch like mad. Your druggist can now supply you with the genuine Parisian Sage (li- quid form), which is guaranteed to quickly, surely and safely abolish every sign of dandruff, stop itching scalp and falling hair and promote a new growth, or money refunded. Thousands can testify to its excel- lence; some who feared baldness now glory in their abundant hair, while others who suffered for - years with dandruff and itching head got a clegn cool scalp after just a few days' uje of this simple home treatment. No matter whether bothered with falling hair, gray hair, matted, stringy hair, 'dandruff or itching ccalp. McLeod's Drug Store wants you to try Parisian Sage--you will not be disappointed. It's a scientific preparation that supplies all hair needs. Too Fat? W.A. Mackenzie & Co., Ltd. 1 To 38 King Street West, Toronto. Please send me a copy of the circular describing i the 8% Convertible Debentures of The Mount ¥ : ; toyal Hotel Company, Name in full Gresser sseresseeeet rena tnnnns *a8sssnianentesttrtienstaneratereritansentenene Please write clearly. We Serve Good Meals : For good meals prepgred right come and try us -- : you will be delighted with our service. Everything you could want served as you like if. Dainty Restaurant 83 PRINCESS STREET 'CLEAN YOUR DUDS ! | " WITH SUNNY SUDS ELECTRIC WASHER and WRINGER - Burke Electric Company PHONE 423. Take a Glass of Salts If Your Back Hurts or Bladder Bothers. The American men and women must guard constantly against Kid- ney trouble, because we eat too much and all our food is rich. Our blood is' filled with uric acid which ihe kidneys strive to filter out, they weaken from overwork, become slug- gish; the eliminative tissues clog and the result is kidney trouble, blad- der weakness and a general decline in health. 2 Bsé i ; i MOORE'S SPECIALS A Few 30x31} Tires $9.00 GET- A GOOD TIRE CHEAP DOMINION CHAIN TREAD TIRES 314.50 MOORE'S 206 WELLINGTON STREET _ The Prince of Wales, advocating Many requests are made for Pre asks a guarantee | mier Meighen to speak at Ontari¢ poundg for the work. meetings. . Senator Knox dies suddenly fin the Caribou | Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, of '| paralysis.