Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Oct 1921, p. 12

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12 _THE DAILY BRITISH In the Automobile World DEFECTIVE MOTOR NOW VERY SELDOM EXPERIENCED [is SEO Oiling System 0 Goes, "Wrong: Principal | m2 LUBRICATION IS Cause of Trouble is Thinning of Oil From Leaking Gasoline and Accumulation of Grit in The most serious defect that could | occur with the lubricating system is / failure of the pump; but, fortunately, this rarely occurs. Thé pumps are small affairs, but sufficiently rugged As their work js' light. Certainly | they never fail for lack of lubrica- tion because they run in a bath of ofl, Two Kinds of Pumps, There are two kinds of pumps in engine oiling--the gear and the plunger types, two gears revolving, one of them be- ing driven by a shaft which runs down from the cam shaft teeth catch the oil wl carry around until they mesh with each other when the oil is squeezed out. The plunger type is worked directly | from the cam shaft. It has two check valves. As the plunger moves toward the cam shaft, the oil is sucked into the body of the pump, one of the | check valves opening to admit it. This valve closes when the plunger | stops. The plunger is now forced in { on the cam shaft and | by the cam the oll goes out by the other check valve, by the strainer and passes into the gear pump, the shaft will break. The | plunger pump is more rugged, but {it depends upon a spring for the return of the plunger. If dirt enters it is | apt to jam the plunger, Failure of the pump is indicated mmediately on the dash at the pres- sure gauge or sight feed. But this must not be confused with another trouble--an air-bound pump™>Where the pump is set above the oil level there is always danger of its becom- ing filed with air. It then fails to pump oil, making a dangerous condi- tion for the engine. It is customary, in such cases, to unscrew the oil pipe at the sight gauge and to inject oil from the squirt can, This runs down and fillls the pump, "priming" it, as we say. The pipe is then replaced, the engine started and the gauge watched. If now the pump does not operate it is broken or jammed and must be taken apart for inspection. 3 Clogged Pipe Trouble, Another serious trouble is a clog- ' yy i Hints for Motorists. | Do not under-inflate and do no: over-inflate your tires, If too soft they will heat up too much and wear out all the sooner. If they are too hard they make harder riding _and require more gasoline consumption, as the soft tire wraps itself around -an obstacle, whereas a hard tire does not yield but must be pushed over the obstruction. When ball bearings become worn ft is not always necessary to hava complete new bearings installed, Tha old ones can be repaired and be al- most as good as new. This can be dome by turning up "he ball races and using larger balls of the proper, size, Tt is @ good plan to start the en- gine when filling the radiator of a car using a pump system. In some cases there are places which fill with air which only ¢dn be dislodged by running the engine, The system may seem full but after "he engine has started the level will be found too Gow. Running the engine while fil- ing willl do away with this. A lfttleoft and graphite injected between the spring leaves will make the spring more flexible and prevent squeaks, due to rusting. The easy- riding qualities of the car will be much improved as well, Present-day self-starting and elec- tric Hghting systems require efficient . 'batteries. For this reason the battery should receive careful attentiom. It The gear pump has | The gear | it | In case a plece of dirt gets | Oil Base. ged oi] pipe, which does not often | happen, as the oil must pass through {a strainer before it can enter the | pump. A stuck piston or a burned {out bearing may follow this trouble, and 'there is no way of detecting it [until the damage is done, but for- { tunately it is rare. { A recent development is lubricat- [ing troubles is gasoline in the oil, | owing to the difficulty of evaporating | the heavy gasoline now in use. This | works down from the combustion space if the cylinders .or rings are at if the mixture is too rich It condenses in | all worn, | or the engine cold. the oil base and thins the oil, creasing the friction and so cutting down the power, | of the oil should be drawn off on the | hand or on a piece of paper and in- spected for thinness. Of course it | will be seen to grow blacker with in- | creased mileage, but should not be any thinner. As soon as you are satis- | fled that the gasoline is mixing with it you should change it immediately. It is of small value compared with the gasoline which must be burned to overcome the increased friction. Base Becomes Filled. As time goes on and the car piles up its hundreds of miles the oil grows dirtier and thicker, unless there is gasoline condensation, Dust | gets in from -the outside, carbon {comes down from the cylinders, the | lighter parts of the oil evaporate and | in time the bottom of the oil base be- | comes clogged with a heavy muck. This has been known to obstruct the | flow of oil to the pump, stopping the circulation entirely. The usual (and | thoughtless) way to remove this de- posit is to drain off the engine under | its own power. This loosens the muck so that some of it may then be drawn out when the oil base is drain- ed, but it also splashes the fine grit into the bearings, where it acts as a fine grinding compound. The one way to remove this muck and grit is to drop the oil base and take it out by hand. This is a trouble- some process, but is far better than stirring up the grit and splashing it into the bearings. | [+ {should be inspected frequently and the plates of the cells kept covered with electrolyte. A Tittle distillca wa'er added at frequent interva:s may obviate the necessity of a new battery. If a motor is subject to comsider- {able vibration there is danger of the bolts coming loose at the base. A wrench should be applied occasional- ly -to make sure that everything .is tight. Jf this is not attended to ai- most anything may happen, from oil leakage to a wrecked engine, A frequent and unsuspected loss of power is due to spark piug leakage. Most plugs l*ak when run very hot, and for this reason it will prove an advantage to make an occasional test at the end of a trip by dropping a lit- tle oil around the packing joints and watching for bubbles. The (leakage can usually be stopped by taking ud on ths packing glands of tho plug. The tie rod under the mear axle tomes in for its share of neglect and it is fortunate that it is so well secured or it would give more trom- ble than it does. It should be tried occasionally to see if #t ds still tight or is loosening up. It serves a very important purpose which ds tc strengthen the axle housing at dts weakest point in the middie. The strains here are tremendous and tie rod relieves them to some extent. Jack up the front wheels occasion- ally and shake the wheel to see if the bearings are loosening, A slight looseness will give the bearings a ha blow, resulting in breaking one or more of them. The broken BOWEL POISON MAKE YOU SICK Your bowels may seem regular-- more every day--yet your thirty feet of bowels may be lined with poison- ous waste, which is being sucked into your blood, keeping you halt sick, nervous, despondent and upset. Whe- ther you have headache, colds, sour stomach, indigestion, or heart palpi- tation, it is usually from bowel poi- son. Hurry! One or two Cascarets fo- night will clean your bowels right. By morning all the constipation poison and sour bile will move out--thor- oughly! Cascarets will not sicken you--they physic fully, but never gripe or inconvenience. Re el Bodies 'Exclusive and individual styles built to your order. - LIMOUSINE, SEDAN, COUPE, ROADSTER OR TOURING MODELS Ship us your _ built Sor ar. next Spring. Prices $1200. chassis to have your own exclusive design of body 00 up. Write for further particulars to : CARRIAGE FACTORIES, LIMITED, ORILLIA, * Builders of Pleasure Car Bodies, CANADA Truck Bodies, Motor Bus Bodies, in- | Occasionally some | ou- CLEAR VISION FOR DRIVERS pimes will be jammed into the possibly ruining the whole bear- | you Know the locats jon of al ' grease cups on your rear end? Foggy Nights by This There - are usually. some tucked Solution out of sight which can only be reach- | ? 8 thess | : |£4 bY Bulag Bide the cur As yo vy! 1 There are many inquiries these are extremely important. If such a days for something which will keep the windshield clear h fo bearing seizes the brakes fail SNS oe | careful driving during a storm. Ouly one who has sat behind a foggy windshield will know the feeling of anxiety, almost helplessness, which the driver has. ! There are a number of mixtures sold which are guaranteed 'o keep rain off the the windshield, but a simple one may be made by amy driv- er and be carried for instant use. A small bottle filed with alcohol and glycerine, half and half, and a soft cloth to apply it are all that one throws the valves several degrees out hosts. x = not necessary to paint of time, preventing' the proper inlet | '°® ole glass with this. Take a and outlet of the gases. In extrema |SIT'P SIX or eight inches wide ana | cases the timing may have to be sey | the height of the windshield and coat forward ane totR. Lut the best reias it with the mixture, and the rain or ' snow will not stick to that part. = { This will give ample vision for driv- | Go over the bolts on your datach-| ing, and when the shower is over able rims octasionally to set them up | there is plenty of clear glass on e1- ther side. 2 i | In fitting the fasteners to your | {rear tires be careful not to hide any! |part of the number plate. The law |Is very specific on this point that | every part of the plate should be {clearly visible from. the rear. | strap or other obstacle hanging down in front of #t may put you into court. One of the many reasons why an old engine loses power is because the timing gears are badly worn. This {edy is a new set of gears. {a little more. They stretch in usa {and may come loose of themselves as the rim settles more. firmly into [are A little precaution here may | A relief cock with a handle that | is vertical when the valve is closed {avoid a serious accident later on. |' is apt to work open if the plug loos- ------ ens through wear. The best way 's MOTOR TRUCK INDUSTRY to throw.out the offending cock and buy a new one with the hole set GROWING VERY FAST properly, especially one with a | spring to hold the plug tight in spite &s ansion Is Well Hlustra of wear. Another method is to fil Pp wi ted | the hole in the plug with a piece of | { | Regulate Pet-Cock. by Exhibits at the Toronto [brass wire carefully fitted and to Exhibition. | arin a new hole in such a position that t the valve is closed whem ths The expansion in the motor 'ruck | handle is down. | industry is illustrated by, this section TT [of the motor show held in connec- | Issues News Letter. | tion with the Toronto exhibition. Tha| The Ottawa Motor Board has fol- | vehicles are more numerous and of Jowed the example set by the Auto- |a wider range than at any previous | Mobile Club of Canada and is issuing show. The exhibi's dre in separate | @ News letter to iis members contain- 'tents, an arrangement which is far |ing€ useful information about road from satisfactory both from the pub- | conditions, routes, and legislative lic and manufacturer's viewpoints, as | matters, which ie being much apprec- it precludes a comprehensive view ot | lated. The Nova Scotia Good Roads the machines. | Association is shortly going to follow The trucks include vehicles and |the same course, so as to keep its bodies suitable for almost every in- | members fully informed of improve- dustry where haulage is required. | ments made in {he highway system of They range from light speed wag-| bat province. Bons %% immense chassis with five yard self-dumping bodies for con-| struction work and for carrying heavy commodities. There has been a tremendous increase in the indus tries which use trucks, experience having shown that haulage costs can be reduced, when contrasted with horse drawn vehicles. It is satisfactory to note that Can- adian capital is being invested in the construction--or, more properly speaking, the assembling--of trucks. American manufacturers, too, are waking to the fact that it is econo- | my to build trucks on this side--and hence the made-in-Canada note is emphasized very strongly at many of | the exhibits. The feature of the show is the large num¥er of heavy 'rucks, many fitted with Goodyear and Dunlop giant pneumatic tires. 'Some of these heavy vehicles are fitted with hy- draullc hoists. Both the National and Packard companies s'age exhib- its designed to save time in loading. The former company has a chassis equipped with removable bodies, which can be loaded while the truck is on a journey. The Packard equip- ment consists of a trailer unit for use with a truck tractor. Three "railers enable loading to be done during the journey of the truck, thus effecting economy in the time of loading. The trailer and truck are coupled by a simple arrangement. Most of the leading Canadian dnd American firms are represented. Eng- lish makers. are making a more seri- ous attempt to secure Canadian ord- ers; the Leyland and Commer com- panies had specimens of their pro- duction on view, while the Tilling- Stevens Motors, Limited, exhibited one of their busses made for London traffic. This was interesting in view of the fact that the Toronto Trans- portation Commission have decided to experiment with busses. Seven are t0 be run -- four of American make, two of English make, and one of Canadian construction. They will each seat 48 people, twenty-two inside and twenty-six outside. It re- maing to be seen whether the outside accommodation is practicable under Canadian climatic conditions With regard to pleasure' cars, there is an inclination to revert more freely % four cylinder engines, and some new models are of this type. | With the odds against you, be care- ful with your chances. Is Your Stomach Sour? Do You Belch Gas? If you have sour risings from the stomach, feel bloated and uncom- fortable, just try twenty drops of Nerviline in sweetened water. Re- lief will come \quick. Nerviline dis- pels the gas, sweetens the stomach, makes you fit and fine in a few min- utes. As a general household .rem- edy for many of the ills that con- stantly turn up, nothing is more use- ful in every home than a 35 cent bottle of good old "Nerviline." A -------- = First Week Tests, Many drivers do their mew car more damage during the first week they drive than at any other time. Often these drivers do not stop to study directions for handling a new car. As a result they often smast Satopia sys Keep "Windehield" 'Clean "on PF IP ~~ . WHIG. | | | | | » More Months and More Miles Some motorcar owners figure battery life by service. Both are * of miles--others by months--of Willard. suited with the Willard Threaded Rubber Insulation is the secret of the "most miles of uninterrupted service per dollar" of this battery. As its name implies it battery, service is 'made of rubber late the plates, threads It puts extra strength at a point where many batteries are weak. It i a worry and expense. It lasts the life of the plates. You can get the extra months and miles of threads--rubber to insu- make the rubber porous. only by buying the Willard Threaded Rubber Md You can recognize it immediately by the Thread-Rubber Trade-Mark, stamped in red on the side of the battery case. WILLARD STORAGE BATTERY CO. OF CANADA Factory and Office, 100 Sterling Road Toronto, Ont. -- Lettered beads which can be strung into necklaces that spell names have been invented to identify babies and prevent mistakes in ma- ternity hospitals. An electro-magnetic process has been developed in Germany for the recovery of coal and coke from the ashes of industrial furnaces using hard coal. A Connecticut city has_the first factory in which houses are bujlt of ad IE We CK HS = yo rtd ~ yt] ln 3 AL ' - Ll h Nr up thé gears and sadly abuse their new dires. But their greatest ol- fense is in neglect of oiling. A new car requires considerable time for its 'parts to become "worked in". During this adjustment fast driving causes undue heat, and lack of ample Jubrication aggravates the situation. Rear seat drivers are the most daingemous kind of passengers. They constantly keep their feet working an imaginary pedal and give verbal direction in the operation of the car. They are nervous individuals who do not realize that their rear scat driv- ng gots, the real driver nervous, KY Toop? ALP 1, = ~--~-- A, ~~ GUTTA Go to your nearest dealer for Willard Service or a new Willard Threaded Rubber Battery: ONTARIO a Belleville, Quinte Batt. Serv, Sta. Kingston, I. Lesses Picton, Prince Edward Batt. Serv, Willard STORAGE BATTERY COMPANY has been invented in England. A Minnesota inventor's warehouse | truck is equipped with a spring motor jie help it up inclines, the spring be- ing wound by runni ing the truck over a level floor concrete in quantity, livered to purchasers trucks. A new bicycle is driven by press- ing downward pedals which unwind steel cables attached to drums on the | rear wheel, the cables being alter- nately wound as each pedal is lifted. The running times of as many as 50, machines in a factory can be re gistered electrically by a new device | to be kept at any desired place that ready to be de- by motor A novel musical instrument for or chestras is equipped with a angle banjo strinz which is playa h 'ce lo be the sounds cei ICT horn by a - uh A When a regiment of Tires goes into battle against the grind, bruises and ill-treatment dealt by hurry-ma motorists, 'the survivors who stand ready to answer the call for further service are "Gutta Percha" Tires. d " "Quality all Through" PERCHA & RUBBER, LIMITED Head Offices and Factory, Toronto,

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