Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Oct 1921, p. 13

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I'dfE DA(i 7 BRIT ISH WHIG. p,000 MILE GUARANTEE BPECIAL TIGER TIRE DISPLAY SEB THE AT ATT -Wolane.s.Lew.30x8 14 1g 277 BAGOT ST. XOOD & DINE an eed Tires at... comer BAR Phone 410w. ~---- Before and Afte Vulcanizing your torn tires at Sud- cdaby's shops--a picture that tell§ the story of our efficiency and economy for thousands of tire users.-- They bring the tires to us worthless; we return them back good as new. Suddaby Bros. Cor. Queen and Wellington Sts. Phone 1988 Briscoe Model 4-34 Regular Touring Car, Five Passenger This car is bigger, stronger, more pow- erful and better in every way than the form- er old model. Price F.O.B. Brockville $1,550.00 Plus Sales Tax Canadian Briscoe Motor Car Co., Ltd. Brockville BROS., Bay St. ANGLIN » fuel. For appearance it is secon Let us show them to you Who uses-a PEERLESS PENINSULAR RANGE and they will tell you it is a PERFECT BAKER and is very economical in Stove Department on Second Floor, Lemmon & Sons 187 Princess' St d to none and is built for wear, Absolute Evidence in Favor of Ground Cylinders All high grade automobile engines manufactured in this country as well as in Europe have their cylinder bores finish- ed by grinding. Some of the American cars that mentioned are: Apperson Brewster 3 Cadillac Cunningham Dorris Franklin Haynes Holmes" Hudson Kissel Lincoln Marmon Mercer . Packard LaFayette Locomobilg might be Peerless Pierce Arrow Rolls Royce rend wwe road Uuryea Stutz Templar Winton In fact, 849% of all the manufacturers of pleasure cars use engines with ground &ylinder bores, and 91% of the com- ~mercial motors are ground. Heald Machines are used ex- ' elusively. Automobile owners we have one of these Heald Cylinddr Grinding Machines, and can guarantee first class work. Ground Cylinders is a selling point with many ears. Automotive Grinders ; M. CAMPBELL, Corner of Queen and Wellington Streets. FORD SEDAN OR COUPE Drive a FORD SEDAN or COUPE this winter. It will give you a new con- ception of motoring comfort. You will not worry whether it rains, blows or snows--all kinds of weather are alike. And won't your wife and children appreciate it? We are equipped - ' to give you prompt and skilled service at any hour. VanLuvenBros. Phone 1609. . 34-38 Princess St: cet. It has been estimated by experts that 4 per cent. of the male residents ot are colorblind, but only of 1 per cent. of the females. an ama} A' chemical solution has been pat- ented into which photographic prints can be dipped to give them a flexible waterproof and dirt resisting coating. | Norway has started its fipst mill [81 PETE aT IVES ETO Y DOR Or WHEL A motor driven knife has been in- vented for skinning animals. {for the rolling 8f tin plate. A pneumatic chisel 'has been de- gned for removing old mortar from bricks. .. & A windmill geared to a screw pro- rinvention. & A dish washing mop in which is a bag to hold ecraps of soap has been patented. Just about one-half of the world's sugar supply is produced in Europe from beets, _ Ink literally is pimped into a new fountain pen as a rod in its barrel is manipulated, Scotland has opened its first school of practical forestry at Birnham, in Perthshire, A patent has been issued for a combined stepladder and scaffold for use of housewives, After eight years of optional use the metric systom has been made compulsory in Japan. When a ball enters a new basket for basketball games it depressés a lever and rings a bell. Satisfactory results have attended the experimental cultivation of flax in Northern Manchooria. An electrically operated machine has been invented to push boxes along warehouse or wharf floors. What Chinese call almond cakes are made from the flour of the edible kernel of a variety of peach. Norway has had promising results trol yasimenty in the production of a meal for cattle feed from gpea~ weed. An inventor has patented a frame to which a rocking chair can be fast- ened to convert it into a rolling chair. A new locking device prevents drilling tools unscrewing from dflv- ing rode in oil or artesian wells. Interest has been revived in the Azores in sweet potato cultivation for the production of alcohol, Three human figures give afi ac- robatic performance to music as a new toy is manipulated by the hands. | Experimenters have succeeded in | raising in France the tree from which lacquer is obtained in the Orient. A new circular saw for cutting hard metals is automatically fed up- ward into the material in which it works. ? A mill has been invented in Ger- many to grind coal and other mater- fals fine enough for use in colloidal fuels. An automobile raises clear of the ground a wheel to which a mew de- vice can be attached as it is driven over it. The invention of a Frenchman enables oxyacetylene blow pipes used for cutting metals to be lighted under water, British engineers have completed an eight-inch pipe for fuel oil across Scotland from Glasgow to Grange- mouth, ! { jjinvented to hold pieces of mitred | system in Montevideo, has been invented. A suitably shaped clamp has been wood together while they are being glued or nailed. Uruguay has authorized experts from the United States to make studies for an underground telephoné A Chicago man is the inventor of a combined platform scale and ware- house truck which weighs its load at almost any angle, Argentina and Paraguay have agreed to exchange wireless tele- graphic service, which is a govern- ment monopoly in each country, To lessen the labor of ironing a spring attachment for ironing boards that helps lift the weight of flatirons Compressed air at a hundred pounds pressure is being used tc quarry granite in Georgia, the rock fit being cracked with blasting powder. American 'equipment Wi be used throughout in two automatic tele- phone exchanges with a capacity of 10,000 subscribers in Copenhagen. "A recently patented holder for a safety razor blade to make {it serve ag scissors folds #0 the blade can be safely carried in a pocket. Chinese government engineers have made successful flights with a seaplane of native design and mater- idl driven by an American engine, The body of a motor truck design- ed for carrying hay can be elevated to enable the hay to be unloaded lev- el with a second story window. After many years of work a rail- road tunnel under the Pyramees be- tween eastern Spain and France, nearly twenty miles long, has been completed. . To save moving heavy searchlights electrically operated mirrors to re- fiect their beams of light in any de- sired direction have been invented. Ot Danfsh invention is g flexible material for partition walls made of 8trips of pine or similar wood woven with a rust proof wire, Included in the base of an electric reading lamp for out door use is a fan to provide a breeze and drive away: insects attracted by the light. A substantial prize has been offer- ed for the first flight from Auckland] to Wellington in a New Zealand built aeroplane by a New Zealander. "An automobile lubri has been invented to protect tive and car wheels and rails from excessive wear as railroad trains round curves. The Esthoflian government has de- cided to allow from 23,000 to 24,000 acres of its 3,000,000 acres of nation- ally owned forests to be cut annually " A projecting lantern invented in France that can be used in daylight photographs directly from objects to be displayed, dispensing with slides, Using a feathering propeller of his invention) a Chicago man has suc- 'ceeded in building a machine, in md- MOTHER ! fClean Child's Bowels With "California Fig Syrup" Even a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup." If the little tongue M coated, or if your child is listless, cross, .feverish, full of cold, or has colic, a teaspoonful will never fail to open the bowels. In a few hours you can see for yourself how thoroughly it works all the con- stipation poison, sour bile and waste from the tender, little bowels : and gives you a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers keep "Calitor- nia Fig Syrup" handy. They know a teaspoonful to-day saves a sick child to-morrow. Ask your druggist for genuine "California Fig Syrgp," which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle, Mother! You must say "California" or you may get an imitation fig syrup. €ally as well as in the usual direc- tions of airplanes. 5 Even engine vibrations are claimed to be eliminated by a new stabilizer for steamship berths, For use in connection with a con- crete mixer there has been invented a rotary pump automatically control- led so that it supplies only the proper amount of water for each batch of concrete. THE MAN ON WATCH The issuance of marriage certifi cates Is said to be slow, but who wonders at that in these times? Germany would tax all those with double chins and whiskey noses. Once upon a time whiskey noses would have yielded a good sized tax In Kingston, but this type of nose is gradually disappearing. - Of all Kingston families who have made wealth, the Richardsons have giveu Kingston the most in service and gifts, Is there not danger of these wo- men's political organizations creat- ing cleavage? Women are capable of carrying political aniinosities farther then men, and Frontenac may suffer as the result, - Hands up in favor of en excursion to Toronto. Now to Montreal. The latter wins handily, Why? How many bYeople know that it Increases the rate of fire insurance if an automobile is kept within for- ty feet of a building? These military courses of instruc- tion should besgiven at times when young men holding positions could attend them during vacation, There is a dispute about the own- ership of Horseshoe island. But why worry? There are a couple of thou- sand other islands hereabouts. A Queen's professor wants to Know what is' man's chief end. The Ports- mouth Philosopher is of the opinion that his head Is the most import- ant, Je Kingston not only has dollar wheat, but it has the ten-cent loaf aud the ten-cent sundae. ' ' There iz a championship held at Queen's which has not been official- ly credited to Principal Taylor's uni- versity. The other universities will have to go some to beat Queen's at holding social functions, Now we know where to go in the winter. Wolfe Island's trees were stripped of their fruit by the torna- do and the apples have 0 be made into cider, i y 2 i Kingston Chinks do not appear % take kindly to the automobile for not one of the Celestial colony pos- seases oven a flivver, Up at Guelph they are bragging about feeding their jail prisoners for eighteen cents a day last year. In Kingston #t cost twenty4wo and one- 'hailf cents. But there is a difference between feeding prisoners and: feed- ing them well. Up at Jafler Hawk- ey"s prisonhouse there is no scant CHAMBERLAINS For People Over Forty Most people over forty feel the need of a reliable laxative oc- casionally. Nothing can give results than more satisfactory Chamberlain's Tablets. Their action is so mild and gentle that you hardly realize a medicine has been taken, yet the effect is none the less certain. del form, at least, that can fly verti- TABLETS 25% DOMINION HAS WEALTH | PROSPECTS OF CANADA BRIGHT Is FOR RICH FUTURE 'Undeveloped Resources In Land and Minerals Forecast Great Expan- sion Just as Nineteenth Century Belonged to United States So Will the Twentieth Century Be- me JORG te People of -Qur-Emnd; ANADA'S great war effort left her with heavy labilities, but these are comparatively small when her asselp in developed wealth and natural resources are eonsidered. The war, too, was a great stimulus to her industrial development and to her foreign trade, and she is doing her utmost to capitalize the advantages gained. That she is succeeding is shown by the faet that her total trade, imports and exports, for 1920 was a new re- cord in the amount of business trans- acted or $40,000,000 more than the total for 1917, which was previously the record year, and more than $400, 000,000 in excess of the 1919 fig- ures. Imports for 1920 were $1,336,911,000, as against $941, 013,000 the previous year, and | ex- ports totaled $1,805,000. The in- crease in the value of exports from $1,294,830,000 in 1919 to' $1,302,- 805,000 last year, maintained In spite of a marked decline in prices, of Canada's export business. Twenty Years ago Canada's exports were only $59,963,000, and last year they were more than tweaty times that amount, a remarkable record for a country the population of which to- day is under 10,000,000 people. Canada's population at the begin- ning of the twentieth century was the same as that of the United States at the beginning of the nineteenth, and Canada claims that as the nine- teenth belonged to the Unitéqd: States the twentieth will belong to Canada, The United States is already well set- tiled, and {ts natural resources have been in a large measure ex- ploited. Canada, when its vast area is considered, has a small popula- tion, and but a comparatively small beginning has been made in the de- welopment of its natural resources. The fisheries, being the easiest, show big values each year, but Canada's potential wealth in agriculture, for- est products, minerals and water power has only been scratched on the surface. Recently Col. John 8. Dennis, Chief Commissioner of Colonization and Development of the Canadian Pacific Railway, referring to one of Canada's uncashed assets, stated that Canada still has within fifteen miles of existing railway lines a total of 30,000,000 acres of good agricultural land owned by the Gov- ernment, railways and individuals. Inasmuch as the farm products of Western Canada have won highest honors in international competitions repeatedly, the bulk of this lana will be sold and become a wealth pro- ducer in the future. Canada's popu- lation has doubled in twenty-eight years and her experts anticipate 'a minimum increase of 500,000 per year until the four Western pro- vinces, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia--now inhabited by about 2,500,000 -- will have a total population of 10,000, 000. Alberta has 15 per cent. of the world's known supply of eoal, 8,000,000,000 tons of which are semi-anthracite or high carbon bi- tuminous. The bituminous coal of Nova Scotia is estimated to last 700 years. Vancouver Island has been producing coal for sixty years, and ® coal seam on the Mackensie river, N.W.T., has been burning since 1789, when it was first seen by Alexander Mackenzie. Cankda has water energy equal to nearly 20,000,000 horsepower, only one-tenth of which is now being utilized, although hydro-electric de- velopment is progressing steadily. Bhehas a greater railway mileage per capita than any other country, one mile for 234 persons. There are three transcontinental lines, totaling about forty thougand miles. Her ocean steamshi on the Atlantic trade with Great Britain, South Africa, South America, the West In- dies, New Zealand and Australia. Her. ships from Pacific ports make regular trips to and from China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain and other ports.. The War gave new life to shipbuilding in Canada and the Government has built many steel ships ranging from 2,600 to 10,500 tons. Typical of the growth of'her foreign trade is the fact that exports to South Africa in- creased from $3,200,000 in 1913 to $9,704,000 in 1919. ada is already one of the greatest wheat-producing nations and the future # full of promise for vastly inereased areas. The pulpwood industry started in 1881 with five mills. In 1918 there were 37 pulp mills, 31 paper mills and 26 combined pulp and paper mills, the total capital invested being $241,844,704. ' The market value of Canada's sea fish in 1918 'was $55,362,675, and she com one- of two of the three great sea fishing areas in the world. E Although %he mineral resources of Canada have been developed along the southern, eastern and western fringes of the Dominion only, except in the Yukon, she is rich in gold, sllvef, copper, col iron, asbestos, alckel, salt, etc. Great areas in the northern parts of the four Western provinces, as well as even greater stretches of the North: Terri- tories and the Yukon, are unexplored, so far as their mineral resources are comcerned. _ Prussia's potash deposits are esti- mated to contain equivalent to 2,000,000 metric tons of " enough to supply the world for 2,000 years at its present rate of consump- tion. = As the result of experiments Agpstralia has established -its fir plant for the productiqn of dye bases This amount was $2,639,713,000, | is a striking tribute to the soundness | jm iit ar Dr a, Six years ggo when first announcing this pneumatic tired truck, Reo said, "This Speed Wagon will revolutionize transpor- tation." Today that prophecy is a fact -- a fact known to everyone who owns or drives a motor truck. Not only has this Speed Wagon changed all methods of city delivery and invaded every field of commercial activity, but it has performed as great a service for the farmer, the stockman, rancher, orchardist and truck gardener. Having done more kinds of hauling and delivering better than any other type of motor truck, it has also revohmtionized truck design and manufacture. To such an extent is this true, it may be said that every other practical commer- i capacity is a frank copy or an imitation of this Reo-- or is obsolete. Today the world is geared to this Speed Wagon--it dominates the field regard- less of carrying capacities. . Its success has been tremendous --unpre-: cedented--because in conception, in . design, in construction, it fits every busi- ness and meets every need. Because of its wonderful qualities -- its great power, its endurance and low up- keep--its fame has spread until there are now more than 55,000 Speed Wagons in seryice throughout the world, : Wherever motor trucks are known Speed Wagon is known as the best, Price, always the lowest, is now greatly reduced, while standard equipment has been increased by "Nobby Cord Tires all around." This Speed Wagon will do your work, do it better and cheaper. Economy is amazing --satisfaction supreme. CL SIISILLII SS 221s Re 7 AISIAIII 1 UAL SAIL 7 GRIPS ALIAS NS SIA RTIIIIS TSAI S AAAS SI BOYD'S GARAGE Brock Street Se LIRLIS IES RESSSLL 4 1S ARISES ALESIS SIAL SIIIL IIS SS AISI 1H Reo Motor Car Company, St. Catherines, Ont. - i a TET > Re gz Ayres 2 i IPP ee $2,215 with Canopy Top Express. Prices are F.0.B. Factory. ai LE ep eae----" GARAGES sews. » eo BLUE GARAGES LIMITED Now is the time to have your engine looked over. Carbon should be removed. 4 : Carburetor should be adjusted to cool weather con- ditions. Battery should be attended. to. ' You use your Battery fifty per cent. more now than in warm weather, both for starting and lighting. It you hive Carbon removed and Carburetor ad- justed your engine will start better, thus saving your Batteries. : We employ expert mechanics in our repair _de- partment. Dealers in McLaushlin Buick Cars -- Canada's Standard Car. Agents for Prest-Odlite Batteries. " J : | at ar . Melbourne with. native asters) BU mG ARAG Blue Garagés,Limited Cor. Bagot & Queen Sts. > wy With some people selfishness is ac- Practical religion is mad, tually a disease. acts, not prayers, \

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