Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Oct 1921, p. 5

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¥ bouquets 'A Res,, 1187. | Phone 814. 340 Princess 80, SATURDAY, nn is THE DAJLY BRITISH WHIG. === | CHOICH REPAIRS-OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given & Son BUILDING? | O. Aykroyd 1 Main Street. © 282 Princess Street FOR MOVING OF Freight, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and ' Cartage of every description-- Kingston Transfer Co. Firone 877. 158 Wellington Street. DAVID SCOTT Plumber | Piambing and Gas Work a special. tv. AN rh guaranteed. Addresy 14% Phone 1277, nienac Street. Smoke \ Smoke a pipe and | enjoy T&B a ---- i sr a LETs WouAL cost your suffering. Twang YOu to write, and let me tell you of my simple method of home treatment, send you ten days' free trial, post- \\, paid, andy you in touch with eo women in Canada who will gladly tell what my method A bas done \or them. : If you are troubled with i gans, nervousness, desire to cry, palpitation, hot flashes, dark rings under the eyes, or & loss of interest in life, writg to me today for free trial treatment, Mrs. M. Summers, Box 07 1 indeor, Ont. DRAW, WINNETT Corner of Johnsun and Wellington | Phone 363 | i i i | 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. | FOR SALE GOON, CLEAN COAL. A. Chadwick & Son New location: Corner Ontario and West Sta Phone 67. Angrove's Repairs { Scales, Talking Machines, Bicycles, | Baby Carriages, Lawn wers, ete. We | de repair work right and guarantee! satisfaction. | 197 WELLINGTON STRE®T | WATTS People's Florist FOR SALE Double stone dwelling, three storey, large lot; 1 extra lot. Good barn. Rents for $44 per month. Price $4,500. W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Broc!: Street. Phone 424, 177 Wellington street. Fresh . flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding to order. Phone 1763. W. R McRae & Co a. r- CUTICURA SOOTHES SKIN TROUB Bathe with plenty of Cuticura Soap Br Dry Huntly ane apy Cuthours 3 ightly apply Cuticura Stn to soothe and heal. Cuti- cura T soothes skin and overcomes y ration. Delicate, delightful, Cho'cest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold 'by us. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 138 IN MONUMENTS AND CEME- TERY LETTXRING J. E. Mullen 161 FRONTENAC STREET Phone 1417. Bir We also bave a full Une ut other Fe makes of Marma- lagés, Jam and Jeilies Bon Marche Grocery License aT for PATTON'S DYE WORKS {late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning » Specialty - ma lv Look Young is a valuable asset to fll. women in business, . social and private life. digestion. Poor elimination causes one to look sickly and faded. sweeten the stomach, stimulate the Jiver, pro- mote elimination. help= purify the blood, improve the complex- ion, bring the roses back Will Help You Sold Evérywhere in Canalda. In boxes, 25¢., 50¢. Largest Sale of any Medicias in the Werld, genan TRIS The slightest tickling in the doses of Dr. Hall's Cough Bal- sam gives immediate relief and prevents further trouble. Buy & bottle at once and keep It handy during this changeable M. R. McColl Prescription Druggist. ' Phone 83. ~ Kingston and Vicinity China Sale. lof attractive and delicate pleces of | dorsed. | hand-painted china at her studio, BARES ons saps | i 94 5 Gone Out of Business. The Kingston Home Canning Asso- ciation, that occupied an office op- posite the market square, has gohe out of business ahd given up the of- fice. am eea----l To Meet in Kingston. The annual convention of the Re- tail Merchants Association of East- ern Ontario is to be held in King- ston' in January. he dates have not been set, but will be between the 11th and 17th. It Pays To Look Around. quality, all wool, made in pingle breasted style: These suits were sald regularly at $35, to clear $25. Sizes 356 to 42. Prevost clothing store, Brock street. . Worries, | Are conquered easily and quickly |if given the classified advertisement | treat:nent before they get a chance to {grow up into troubles or calamities. The rent-worry, cook-worty, ers-worry, job-worry, assistant-wor- ry, and 'any-old-worry can be effec- tively ditched with classified | treatment. New Hardwood Kloor, Workmen are now engaged in put- ting down a hardwood floor in the corridor between the city hall and Ontario hall in the city buildings and when this job is completed, the en- tire portion of this flat will have a beautiful hardwood floor that can- not be surpassed in any building of its kind. Cuts Charge to Aliens, Word has been received from the immigration department at Wash- ington that the charge of $10 levied on aliens entering the United States {had been reduced to $1. The change will be welcomed by many Canadians who have occasion to patronize steamships leaving and entering the ports of New York, Boston and Phile- delphia, Canadiang and English im- One of the great epoch-making photoplays of many years is the beautiful William Fox photo drama of mother-love entitled "Over the Hill," which will be seen at the Allgn all next week. Founded upon the famous poem by Wil] Carleton, this simple story of the devotion "of & i.other )for her children in spite of the trials and tribulations to which they subject her, is one of the most appealing and lovable stories ever screened. Staged under the direction of Harry Mil- larde, it has relied for its great strength with the public upon the simple theme and plain story of a mother, and her family whom she carefully rears and protects. There is no suggestion of big mas- sive scenes, no spectacular effects, no crowds--nothing but the simple, thrilling end powerful story that touches the heart of all humanity and brings everyone to realize the love and affection with which a mother's memory should always be revered. Produced in New York by William Fox in September of 1920, without ostentation, without undue exploita- tion, without any furore or news- paper fire works, the fame of the simple and beautiful "Over tRe HIN" spread like wild-fire, All who saw it sent hundreds of their friends. News- papers hailed it as one of the great and crowning artistic triumphs of the motion picture world, Clergymen preached sermons about it. Editors wrote editorials advising every moth- er's son and daughter to see "Over the Hill." The result of this word-of- mouth advertising was to send such crowds to see 'Over the Hill" that William Fox repeatedly extended the 'engagement, leasing one theatre after another and moving "Over the Hill" continuously until it was fin- ally presented at six different thea- tres on Broadway. It must be re- membered also that "Over the Hill" was presented in leading first class Broadway theatres, at the top scale of $2 for the best seats, and for many weeks this single astraction playing daily matinees drew the remarkable gross business of more than $22,000 per week. These figures are absolute- ly accurate and have been the marvel of all who have been familiar with the presentation of taalyre pictures on Broadway. The story of "Over the Hill" deals with a mother, acted by Mary Carr, who endeavors to raise her childrea in the path of righteousness and with that end in view she makes every sacrifice so that her children may | higrants arriving in New York ex- { On Monday afternoon, the fifteen- | perienced trouble and delay in the { th, Annie E. McRae will hold a sale | matter of having their passports en- | See our blue serge suits, splendid |' orrd-sa0- bd With the outbreak of the war the charge was increased from TE ASR Classified Advertising Brought to the market places of the world a néw sort of commodity. It is called results. Through the clas- sified advertisements you can buy results as simply and as easily as you can buy a hat, The employer who wants a better or more workers buys that result when he invests in a bit of classified space. At The RM.O, The members of the Rex Stock Company were interested visitors at the Royal Military College on Friday afternoon. > ¥ The new section of the parade square at the R.M.C. is rapidly tak- ing shape and will be ready for use in a few days, Most of the filling-in has been completed and it only re- mains to be levelled. Returning Officer Busy. W. A. Mitchell, returning officer for Kingston, is preparing the elec- tion machinery and selecting the de, | puty returning officer for the polling board- | subdivisions, | ad | fused. | "|bis innocence, welcomes These will be located at the usual polling places in order that the voters may not become con- The people entitled to vote can only do so upon registering, no- tice of which will be given in a few days, Will W. D. Black Run? The Lennox and Addington Con- servatives have many aspirants to choose from as candidates. Some are: Arch. B. Carscallen, Tamworth; A. C. Tummon, V.S., Selby; Cyrus Ed- gar, Yarker; W. D. Blac", M.P.P. of Addington; Alf. M. Bell, Moscow; Chas. Hambly, Napanee; M. P. Gra- ham, mayor of Napanee; Dr. C. M. Stratton, Napanee; J. E. Robinson, Napanee. The candidate most spok- en of is W. D. Black, M.P.P. for Ad- dington. The contest is at Napanee next Thursday. Made a Full Colonel. The promotion of Lieut.-Col, John R. Munro, Ottawa, to a full colonelcy, with the command of the 2nd Canad- "OVER THE HILL" MOST POWERFUL OF ALL MODERN MOTION PICTURE DRAMAS 2 WAT S88 & OVER THE HILL WILLIAM FOX PROOVCTION ' have the proper schooling and com- forts, Unfortunately, her husband is a genial good-for-nothing, who even goes so far as to become involved in a crime rather than work. In the family, there are four brothers and two sisters. John, the black-sheep of the family, is a lovable, harum- scarum boy, who is constantly" get- ting into mischief, while Isaac, the eldest, is a cad and a hypocrite. Finally, the children are grown to manhood and begin life's occupa- tions, The two sisters marry. Isaae, the cad, becomes a prosperous busi- ness man, and only John, the black- sheep, is left alone with his mother, although he, too, has a sweetheart. The father, careless, lazy, and good- for-nothing, is accused of horse-steal- ing and circumstances are such that to pratect his father from going to jail John- takes upon himself the burden of the.crime. It almost breaks the heart of his mother and of his pretty sweetheart when he is sent to prison for a crime he did not commit, but the weak father, hesitat- ing to confess the truth, permits the sacrifice, Three years pass. John is released frox prison and comes back home to find his father is dead, his mother has been neglected by all of the other children, and the hypocritical Isaac has even appropriated for his owa use the money that should hav> gone to support his aged mother, She has even beén. ovicted from her own home and _sent to the poor-house. How John comes to thé rescue, saves his mother from poverty, punishas his hypoeritical brother and drags kim through the streets, is teld In vivid and dramatic scenes. John's faithful sweetheaft, over contident of bim with open arms, and it is a happy home Indeed when the mother returns to ber old 'home to find that even though some of her children may have neglected her, the black-sheop turns out to be the only white ore, all wool and a yard wide. This ( beautiful and convincing story and exquisite photoplay of | mother-love, is: presented with a special musical setting. --Advt, fan Mounted Brigade, has occasion- ed much plegsure to his military | friends in Kingston. 'Announcement of this promotion was made in mili- | tary orders of October 5th. The bri- =teadesconsiste-of three-cavaley gui --the Princess Louise Dragoon | Guards, of Ottawa; the Prince of | Wales Canadian Dragoons, of Peter- | boro, and the 4th Hussars, of King- | ston, of the P.L.D.G. previous to the war, and left them to take command of | the 8th C.M.R. overseas. -- ¢ Fargo-Hawkins. W cdding One of the prettiest weddings of the autumn was solemnized at the Church of the Sacred Heart, Wolfe Island, on Wedpesday morning' at nine o'clock, when Angie Virginia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hawkins, was united in marriage to Henry Thomas Fargo, sgn, of Mr. and Mrs. John Fargo, Wolfe Island. Rev. Father Fleming performed the cere- mony, The' petite dark haired bride was a picture of girlish loveliness in a suit of navy blue broadcloth with small feather hat of black and Hard. ing blue. She wore the groom's gift, a beautiful red fox stole, and car- | ried an armful of pink and white carnations and maiden hair fern. Miss Julia C. Hawkins, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, and look- ed very chic in a suit of almond brown velour and feather hat of brown and mastic shades, and wore a handsome seal neckniece, the gift of the groom, She carried an arm bouquet of pink carnations and maiden hair fern. Joseph McGlynn performed the duties of groomsman. The groom's gift to the groomsman was a pearl tie pin, During the mass, Mrs, Grace Shiels sang "Ave Mar- ia" very sweetly, Immediately after the ceremony the bridal party mot- ored to the home of the bride's par- ents where a sumptuous wedding breakfast awaited them. The house was prettily decorated, the color scheme being pink and white. The bride received many beautiful and costly presents. Mr. and Mrs. Fargo left amid showers of rice and con- fetti by Steamer Waubic for Cape Vincent, N.Y, They will spend their honeymoon im Pittsburgh, Pa, and on their return will reside on Wolfe | Island. WOLFE ISLAND BUDGET The Recent Rains A Great Benefit To The Farmers. Wolfe Istand, Oct 15.--The long- looked for rain arrived at last, and the downpour has replenished the wells. A shortage of wa'er ds not looked for again this year. It has also been the means' of enabling the farmer to exert Limself to the fullest at his ploughing. Very little has been done up to the presen, it being al- most impossible to™4uyrn a furrow owing to the sofl being so hard. During the week, a pretty wed- ding was solemnized in /the church of the Sacred Hear*, when Miss Angol- ina, third daughter of Mr. and Mre. William Hawkins, was united in matrimony to Henry Fargo. The young couple will take up their resid- ence on the island where the groa 18 a prosperous farmer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yott have re- turned home, after their honeymoon spent in Glengarry, Ramond Conley and bride are now at their home. | Upon their arrival.a reception was | given by Mr. and Mrs, James Conley to welcome the young bride. Mrs. Nickolas Mosier left fer Watertown, the first of the week, where she will | reside. The new blacksmith has tak- en up his residence in Mrs. Katie Grant's house in the village. James Stevenson and family have moved to the Outer Junction. John, brother of | James and Thomas Conley, after an absence of a number of years, hss returned home to visit his relatives. Grant Grimshaw and George Turner, Dexter, N.Y., are visitors here. Hugh Home, Mexico, N.Y., has arrived hers. Mrs. Annie Coyle, Kingston, is the guest of her relatives at her old home. Reports says that some good catches of salmon are being made off Long Point. Wilmur Boyd, city, is spending a few days. with als brother, George. Mrs. Ada McRae, who has been the guest of Mr. and' Mrs. William McAdoo, for a couple of weeks, returned to her home in Watertown, N.Y. Leonard McGlynn left the first of the week, to take over a lucrative position in Roches- ter, N.Y, High tariff does not deter the. American buyers from operating here. Messrs. Constance and Weber are shipping weekly. We who Eva in close proximity to the American market, realize what a lowering of the high wall on both sides would mean to us. Mr. and Mrs. John Finn Wilkinson, and Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Evans, Moscow, spent the week-end here among relatives. Charlie Doc- teur, Rochester, N.Y., was a recent visitor "0 the island. CONFERENCE IN TORONTO. With Regard to Town Planning and Housing Matters. - Toronto, Oct. 15.--The second town planning and housing confer- ence for Ontario will bé held in the | City Hall, Toronto, on Monday and | Tuesday, Oct. 31st and Nov. 1st, ! It is expected that at least 200 delegates will assemble, representing | municipal councils, boards of trade, trades councils, manufacturers asso- clations, Great War Veterans, hous- ing commissions, town planning eom- missions, architectural, town plan- J Col. Munro was in command || Do not forget that we have the largest retail Lumber sheds between Montreal and Toronto. Do not forget that our manufacturing plant consists of three large buildings, a Saw Mill, a Planing Mill, and a Sash and Door Factory. : ere COIL BDA S66 18. We will be. glad 10 Consider yous. problems. =. z S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415. With U Now if you want a good, ap~ petizing meal served fo your order you will make no mis- take in patronizing Kingston's largest Restaurant. Best service. Prices right. . GRAND CAFE PETER LEE, PROP. Princess Street - - Two Doors Above Opera House Open from 8 a.m. te 2 a.m. Phone 1848, DO IT NOW! Vuleanize that old tire and get the balance of the seasem out of it with a MAXOTIRE. Mere miles and mo trouble EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBBER CO. A. NEAL, Manager 384 Ontario Street. Phone 1050. SOWARDS KEEPS COAL - --and-- COAL KEEPS SOWARDS - PHONE 155. UPTOWN OFFICE--McGALL'S CIGAR STORE PHONE 811. SOWARDS COAL COMPANY New Stock of Fine Quality * 0' oof Suits and Top Coats For Men and Young Men at Lewer Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 $30.00, 32.00 See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at --3$35.00 -- TWEDDELL'S - 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) o} E g Blankets and 1 Comforters : "hat will Keep You Warm. _ Real Scotch Wool Blankets--each one whipped singly; large double bed size . . .$12.00 and $15.00 a pair. Flannelette Blankets in White and Grey; all sizes; at mill prices. Comforters covered with Chintz and Art Sateen and well-filled with sanitary Cotton. Large sizes at. ......$3.00, $3.75 and $4.00 Eiderdown Comforters in pretty pat- "terns, 72" x 72". Special Bloons viuisend ... $13.50 #* Ww. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191. The Waldron Store. - ' ay ning and' engineering associations, Local Counefls of Women, Daughters of the Empire chapters, and 'socal Yue and educational organiza- You ought to select your triends with a great care as you do eloth« Jing. y : ' | Better be the victim of misplaced sympathy than not, to show it at ally '

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