THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Hallowe'en Novelties Ball rad vl Thea = PDeeoratd ¥ avers Placo-Cards; © Programmes, Pumpkin Heads, Black Cats, Witches, Owls, Caps, Streamers and Festoons, Fortune Tell- ing Games, Tea Cup Reading, Masks. Everything to make the Hallowo'en-party a success. A R. Uglow & Co. Waterman IDEAL FOUNTAIN Also WATERMAN INK PENS T follows quite naturally | that improved ~@yesight means better health. Any organ of the body that' is weakened by age or use calla upon some stronger part of the anatomy for assistance. We are capable, experienced optometrists and can repair your failing eyesight. We understand all of the funda- mental truths of the law of opticé and are competent to test and measure your eyes for the lenses they need. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 PRINCESS STREET oJ. Registered Optometrist 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post Office A A 0 RENT oe In Tolegrann Building, SUITE of FOUR GOOD ROOMS, with two brick valuts, suitable for offices or will arrange for residence. Ap- ply MR, KIRARPATRICK on premises. Automobile Repairing ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON Phones: Shop 1039. Res. 1537J. 378 BROCK STREET 1840-1921 The Nordheimer Piano A FITTING COMPLEMENT TO THE FINEST HOME The owner of a beautiful house feels that no piano of lesser merit than the Nordheimer will do. The Nordheimer is the outstanding success among Canadian instruments. The first Nordheimer Piano, expressed an ideal ---it was thé leading Plano of its day, and all Nord- heimer instruments have been the satisfactory' out- growth of the high aims of the master maker who founded the House of Nordheimer in 1840, While in the higher priced class, its cost is not 80 MUCH sréater as to place it beyond the reach of the average family--especially when one con- sliders the reasonable terms of payment that we provide for. { Exclusive agents for Nordheimer and Steinway Planos. | A full line of VICTOR RECORDS. R. J. RODGER 132 Princess St. Oxfords Girls" School Oxfords in dark. brown calf imitation brogue style. Also in black calf. Good, serviceable footwear at a mod. erate price. $3.75 a pair Allan M. Reid = SHOE STORE 111 Princess Street DISTRICT NEWS | Accepts Position, Kenneth Beale, Smith's Falls, has | accepted a position in the. branch of | the Canadian Bank of Commerce, | Broce kv ille, Last term Mr. Beale ¥ Wag ["TEACHEr On the staff of 's Falls public schools. To Be A Teacher. Miss Helén Y. Marshall, B.A, a graduate of McMaster University, To- | ronto, has accepted an engagement | on the staff of Smith's Falls colleg- fate institute. Miss C. Webster, hi had been offered the position, is not to take fit. | | » | { 'A Big Squash. George Kelly, Montague, is th- champion squash grower. in that sec tion. He brought the Smith's Faiis Record-News a perfectly sound | squash weighing eighty pounds and | measuring seventy-four by fifty-six | inches. Booths are in Control. It is reported that T. G. McWain, | agent for the Booth Fisheries, Deser- | (onto, has secured control of all that | part of Forresters' Island except what | is owned by Mrs. Percy Johnston. {| Mr, McWain's plans in regard to the {Island are not known at present, | | New Rector Inducted. At Tamworth, on Thursday, Arch- | deacon Beamish officiated at the {ceremony of instituting the inducting 'the new rector, Rev. J. A. _ | tormerly of Ameliashurg. was a large number of members pres-| lent, including representatives from | Enterprise and Marlbank, which are! included in this congregation, Flow of Oil. | A Belleville despatch says the flow | of gas from the wells which ' wero sunk on the front of Sidney several! Years ago, continues steadily. There are two places where the earth has been tapped for illuminating gas, pamly, on the farms of J. Rapson and Mr. Pearce, Both these. men have | used the gas for illuminating pur | poses Roadwork Shut Down. Work on the provincial highway between Belleville and Shannonvilia has been shut down, throwing about ninety men out of employment. The wet weather is the reason advanced for the cessation of work on the high- way, but as there is considerable sur- facing under way the workingmea engaged feel that this should be. car- ried on and cannot understand the complete shut-down. Bancroft Fire Investigated. On Friday night September 20ta the stables in connection with the Kennedy House at Bancroft village were destroyed by fire and 'wo horses | the property of Mrs. Kennedy, own- er of 'the premises, were burned to death. At the time it was surmised that the fire was incendiary in its origin ard an investigation took place with the result that a suspect. ed party is being held in custody. Death of Former Resident. Word was received of the death at Uniontown, Pa., of Mrs. Ethel J. McDonald, on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. McDonald was brought up in Smith's Falls and was the widow of the late Charles McDonald. She had numerous friends who will be sorry to hear of her untimely death. While a resident of Smith's Falls she was a devout member of St. John's church. Caught Big Pickerel. Matthew Ryan, Smith's Falls, has in the past year or two caught some large pickerel, but the climax was reached a few days ago when he landed one weighing nine pounds, two ounces. He was fishing at Mills' locks, about three miles from town; he used @ Tod and line and had a minnow as bait. Belleville Father Gives Blood. Ralph Griffin, the young son of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Griffin, Belleville, improving in the Bick Children's Hospital, Toronto, after an illness of some duration. Recently the father went to the hospital and had eight ounces of his blood transfused into the system of the child. An improve- ment was immediately perceptible, Late W, 8. Wannamaker, Walter Stanley Wannameker pass-! ed away Oct. 6th, at Ameliasburg. He had been in failing health for the past year, death being caused by heart failure. Unti] about six months ago when he retired to Ameliasburg, ! he had always lived in Salem, where | he carried on farming very success- fully. The funeral was held in Am- ellasburg Methodist church, inter- ment being made in Wellington cem- =) | elery. ho | Poston, | There | is | _ TT od Deceased was the youngest son of the late Christopher and Eliza- | beth Wannamaker. He leaves to { mourn his loss a widow and one { daughter, Gwendolyn, a' sister, Mrs. Alma Benson, Wellington, and two brothers, John and Edgerton, of Sa- lem. He was fifty-one years of age. To Locate Theatre. | May Bell Marks is in Auburn, N. Y, trying to find a suitable theafre | TO PTaE= tHe May Bel "Marks Com- | pany. She will visit New York eity ! | and endeayor to get the rights for | stock in Auburn. She has a very | { flattering offer from a theatre mana- | ger in Auburn. R. W. Marks is at | ' present at Christie's Lake, looking ' over. scenery, lights, etc., for a pro- | j acon. | Had Local Speakers, 1 The annual meeting of the Hum- :1ane and Children's Aid Society was -| held in Gananoque on Friday night, in St. Andrew's Church. The pro- gramme. included addresses by two |] | Kingstonians. Prof. MacClement, of | Queen' 8 University, spoke on "Origin - |and Refining of Sugar," and G. M. | Macdonell, K.C., gave an address on | I Boys and their difficulties." To Speak at Napanee. i 3} { The Napanee Historical Society | | course of lectures this year promises [to be better than ever. The first of the series will be given by Prof. J [James A. Roy, Queen's U niversity, | | Kingston, on the evening of Novem- | ber 4th. Prof. Roy was attached to | the Intélligence G. H. Q. in the re- | construction of Europe at the Peace | Conference. Men's Brown Bluchers. Men's Black Bluchers. To Help Consumptives. At a meoting in Belleville, i ar | Hanna representing the city, Jax son Bone for the chamber of Com. | merce, J. G. Moffat for the Eotary (Club, E. D. Finkle for the GwW.v.aA, | Ladies' real fine Brown Kid Laced High Top Boots--Spool Heels-- a real pretty shoe. Sizes 2} to 4 only. ....... ; SATURDAY $2.95 $3.95 Ladies' light weight Calfskin Black Laced Boots-- Extra low price $3.95 $24.5 Sizes 11, 12, 13. Young Lads' School Boots. Sizes 1 to 5 at $2.95 |and G. E. Foster for the trades aad | labor council, decided to put ox 1 campaign in aid of the varicus homes | for consumptives that are under | direction of the National Sanitarium Association the | Received Prize Bicycle. Charlie and Elmer Foley, Smi'h's Falls, are the proud possessors of a nice new bicycle from the American firm of the Pictorial Review Co. as a reward of part of their work dur- ing the summer holidays, when they sold three hundred copies of the Pic- Boys' Black Calfskin Brogue Boots--sizes 1 to 51. School Boot that's made. . $5.00 The best-wearing | torial Review, this being the required number to obtain the bicycle which arrived by express. It is a splendid "Pathfinder" machine, well built and strong throughout. GROCERIES and MEATS OF BEST QUALITY New goods arriving daily. Cummings-Moag Wedding. A pretty autumn wedding was sol- emnized in St. John's church, Smith's Falls, on Saturday when Nellie Code; daughter of the late James | Moag and Mrs. Moag, became tho | bride of John Robert, son of John | {Cummings. The bride, given away | by her brother-in-law, Wilson McCue, looked charming in a travelling suit of navy-blue, with blue panne. velvet hat and ghey squirrel furs, and car- ried a bouquet of Ophelia roses. Try our Pork Sausage. Try our Mince Meat. Try our Tea and Coffee. C. H. Pickering 490 and 492 Princess St. Phone 3530. 50,000 SAMPLES Dr. Bell's Veterinary Wonder 50,000 one dollar ($1.00) bottles Free to horsemen who give the Wonder a fair'trial. Guaranteed for Colle, Inflammation of the Lungs, Bowels, Kidneys, Fevers, Distemper etc. Send 25c. for Malling Package etc. Agents wanted. Write your address plainly. DR; BELL, Vis. KINGSTON, Ont. aa A wishbone will do you no good unless you have a backbone to put with it. Learn early that you must be re- sponsible for your words. Is Doing Splendidly, Dr. Fred W. Clement, Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E, Clement, Des- eronto. Dr. Clement is one of Des- eronto's young men who is making good. Besides having a good private practice in the city, he holds a posi- tion on the staff of the Dominion Orthopedic Hospital now under the control of the D.S.C.R. He filled a similar position while the hospital was under military control. He also holds the position of demonstrator in anatomy at the Royal College of Den- tal Surgeons, being the second term in which he has held this appoint ment, SPEAKS HIGHLY OF [7 Lg g i = THIS STORE SPECIALIZES IN HOME OUTFITS For years we have made a careful study of requirements of younj couples starting out in housekeeping. We offer you our experience and excellent store service, JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker. PHONE 147. A BABY'S OWN TABLETS Once a mother has used Baby's Own Tabets for her little ones she is always. pleased to speak highly of them to other mothers. She knows the good they havé& done her children land realizes ~ that her experience should be of benefit to others. Con- cerning the Tablets, Mrs, Fred Mur- phy, Charlottetown, P.E.I., writes: "i have used Baby's Own Tablets for the past eight months for my baby. I cannot speak too highly of them for |they have been of great assistance |to me in my first experience of moth- erhood." © Baby's Own Tablest are a | mild but thorough laxative which ara labsolutely harmless and may be given to even the newborn babe with | perfect safety. They are sold by medicine dealers or direct at 25 cts. a | box from The Dr. Willlams' Medicine {Co., Brockville, Ont. \ Many people fail because they are too economical in trying. Tn | TWICE TOLD TALES | mn News of Kingston TEN YEARS AGO. Queen's lost to Ottawa College in rugby by a score of 15 to 14. L. Uglow of this city has been awarded the gold medal for a geolog- ical essay competition open to stud- ents of all Canadian universities. "Ned" Hartrick, manager, has been presented by the Victoria base- ball team with a gold locket having the names of the players engraved iu- side. Hon. Dr. R. A. Pyne; minister of eduction will formally open Gordon ball at Queen's on Wednesday. McNeill, Queen's quarter, had his nose broken in the game at Oitawa. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. The citizens of Kingston arc af- flicted with football fever. Rugby is about the only topic allowed aiout town, i A resident of University avenue threatens to sue the city for damage done to rare shrubs by city officials. Brockville juniors have defaulted the return game in the junior O.N. F.U. to Granites. OW, Wh Studs, Sunvury, Sas pass. ed the examinations of the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeoms. Staff-Sergt. Percy . has suffered a relapse of his recent #liness New Prices on Men's Wear Penman's Fleece Underwear--per suit ........ President Style Suspenders ......"*. Wool CashmereHose . ............ Big range Men's Fine Soft Cuff Shirts All New FallHats . . . .... Men's Heavy Wool Sox Men's Work Shirts .... ... . Newest Neckwear . ...... Children's Overcoats . . . . .. a Men's Heather Ribbed Hose Boys' Pure Wool Pullovers Men's Sweater Coats . . . . . Men's Winter Overcoats $1.75 . 60c. . 50c. $1.40 . $3.50 cev...$1.00,$1.40, $1.75 +.....50c., 65c., 75¢c., $1.00 .$5.00 to $8.50 .... 65¢c. and 75¢. i ee.....$2.50 to $10.00 coer... $16.50 to $35.00 5 and 'is again in the hospital,