% THUKSIDA , 1927. = OCTOBER ; = | . CHOICE WESTERN | and COOKED M TS * Wi ! Came With E, W. Beatty. month, put the farmers need rain so- weak sj 2 wa) ta art ' W { imphries. superi t : fol houl ot grumble. at the tution on Monday night, . pt * P dge re orks Beni ey rma 0 I: sfferdd injuries to his . back. butt gives the artistic shadow line. e Canadian Paci é y, an = 1d suller : i EEI NICKEL PLATING Mr.. Grout ac ed E. W. Beat- Await Third pn He Is receiving ine pest of sate, 50d They are manufactured i in permanent and AND BRASS $ FINISHING _|ty to the ¢ da a it Y that : k 15, gis : fl ss on a a BC De : tike-h eco OTs. : Some Roads Bad. government candidate tor Ret -- | : i Some of the roads in the country | 2nd is wondering if .Sir Henry Dray- Met at Station. aL | \ are in a bad condition following the | ton is to be the opponent \of J. M. Sir Lomer bogin and = v pel: S. ANGLIN & CO. \ heavy 'rains Autes arriving in the | Campbell, Liberal, and Dr: F. J. | ty, president of the Canadian Pacific : ; 3 1 182" city on Wednesday pabginn O'Connor, Labor. ' Railway reached the city by private Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington points, were cov ered with mud. - TE car on the C.P.R. on Wednesday af- streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory 282 Princess Street Ae Arc hbishop y Worrell Here, ternoon. They were met at the stat- Phone 1415. It Pays To Look Around. Archbishop Worrell of Nova Sco-|ion by Principal R. Bruce Taylor and | | cm eee See ,our blue serge suits, splendid | tfa, who has been attending the An-|J. M. Campbellgnd accompanied to {| 0) srg quality, a wool, made in single | glican General Synod, arrived in the | Queen's University by Dr. Taylor and | \ En FOR MOVING OF breasted style. These suits were s5ld | city on Wednesday afternoon accom-| Mr. lr Freight, |] Furniture, Safes, Banos wn BUILDING?! KEPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son 21 Main Street. Phoue 1670. PR THE DAILY BRITISH _WHIG. Kingston and Vicinity 1 ee wr regularly at $35,-to-clear-$25. Sizes panied by Mrs. Worrell They are 11 while on his way upstairs Brantford Tapered Asphalt Shingles Add distinction to your building. The heavy Campbell. A - + | Cartage of every description-- ? 35 to 42. Prevost clothing store, | the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Kirk Bad Times in West. ew hair [i i aay He io Have Your Meals Kingston rans er 2 -- went to Western Canada this year o3 a» harve xcursion have returned | . : FYione 877. 153 Wellington Street. Returned to Kingston. Proper Advertising, Be Sarves: i majority S reporting | it S Capt. A. H. Lee, M.C, R.C.,, M.G.| . Readers of newspapers are adept very bad conditions out there. Some DAVID SCOTT 145 Fromtenac Street. Phone 1277 DRAW. WINNETT = ) crowd a large bald spot. Kotalke is obfainable ia drug stares everywhere. Or send 10 cents, silver or stamps, for proof box to KOTAL COMPANY, LIMITED, 866-L Adelaide Sk W., Torenta, | B., has returned to Kingston after at- tending the annual course in Ottawa {of Wight. ------------------------------------ | Our Daily Rain. { at the art of constructing a "body from a limb." enterprise, through small, or impgrtance spasmodic vertisements, This is especially true ! or unalluring ad- | { journeyed as far as Alberta, and even | then never obtained work, or else for | lucky ones were those who had been | before and were These condi- |in the country armers, tions were notably due to the thous- Now if you want a good, ap- petizing meal served to your order you will make no mis- ] Wonderful new growths of hair bof oval Ci ian C 5 ' lcortisame: are being | of the Royal Canadian Corps of Sig | of those who read lvertisements. ( , dud nnd hi y Plum r ng ted by those using » the Indian | nals, and a few weeks leave of ab-|It is no longer pos e for a store | 2 few days only, which would not take in patronizing Kingston's Piambing and Gas Work a special. dais compound. In many cases it has in- | sence spent in England and the Isle | to create sn impression of bignes | pay their expenses. Others were | largest Restaurant. ty. All work guaranteed. Address ucod a full hair crop where there was | i 5 t res ar $ SNES, | bliged tospay their own board. The | Arig Prices right. GRAND -CAFE [uows by the t "We are getting our daily rain," i 1 Ria | remarked a.citizen on Wednesday af- Suffered a Fall. ands who have been out of employ-| PETER LEE, PROP. : D.ANTAL SURGLON, | ternoon, when the shower started. An inmate of the Home for the | ment in Winnipeg and other large ' - Corner of Jobnsun aud Faose ses | October has certainly been a wet| Aged, Mr. Sanderson, ' took a western cities. | 222 Princess Street - - Two Doors Above Opera House Btreets Phone 363 { Open from 8 a.m. to = a.m. Fhone 1843. | Dr. Waugh f + WELL ! | : = DO IT NOW! § Dentist 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. Angrove's Repairs £5 * Talking Michines, Bieyclen, | by Carriages, Law, , ete. We ir work Tight and uy tinfaction. 197 WELLINGTON STREET [wa TTS on | Redmac, the Restorer of Health If you are fagged out at night or | have pains across the back and your face looks pale and drawn, RED. MAC will put you on your feet. When you find yoursef nervous, ir- | ritable and" easily upset, when you can no longer do your day's work (without being all in, do not wait till you go all to pieces and collapse in enrich your blood and to strengthen your worn-out nerves. Store. Sold in Kingston by Sargent's Pree] | | A. NEAL, Manager Vuleanize that old tire and get the balance of the season out of it with a MAXOTIRE. More miles and me trouble. EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBDER 00. 284 Ontario Street. Phone 2080. a state of nervous prostration, or , Ne A= 3 » y People' S until in a weakened condition, you | UPTOWN OFFICE--McGALL'S CIGAR STORE | contract some serious disease, but! PHONE 811. Florist | tuke REDMAC at once to help to | 1 5 | FRENCH MISSION MOBBED IN ITALY. SOWARDS KEEPS COAL --and-- COAL KEEPS SOWARDS | PHONE 150. | | SOWARDS COAL COMPANY i 177 Wellington street. ani : ts , a Ted : If you are HOt stops or well, you| Serious disturbanees attended the visit of Marshal Fayolle and the French mission | J Fresh flowers and plants daily owe it to yourself to make the fol- . . AACE 11 . Than \ a a ---- -- des and wedding | [lowing test: See how long you can | 10 Milan td place wreaths on the graves of Iialiax 1 war-dead. The French officers were {FF ==) bouquets to order. Phone 1763, | | Work or how far you can walk with- (hissed on their arrival at Milan while in Venice a threatening mob surrounded the mission. | ' . : out being tired--mnext take RED-|my.. - a . > : g atin. . y . 3 Res,, 1137. MAC for 2 Tow dive. Thon test] [The photograph shows Marshal Foyolle reviewing the Italian guard of honor at Milan sta | New Stock of Fine Quality your strength again, and see how | tion. * | much you have gained. | wm os ra da cri A ----_------_ | ! | Shoes are U nnatural "Suits and | meme | 1OP Coats | Hunter G. Ogilvie INSURANCE AND "GENERAL BROKER Grandad Beaver's Treasure Chest. / Grandad Beaver sighed, sat down | on a pile of sticks and scratched his | she intended us to go barefoot. But because it is necessary to disregard nature Sold by W.R McRae & Co COAL Cha'cest quality of Scranton Coal. Na other kind sold by use BOOTH & CO. : Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS SILLS, CAPS, LINTELS, ETO process. Material and price + are right. 3 | 827 Princess Street, corner Alfred SP Ra) DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstai'y Wagstam's Bramble Jelly. plave "full line of of Marma- ellies fur sale We Also i: ganas sua - Bon " Com, and Earl Streeta Neo. 5-2T149 1844. ed ESC In daily communication with Mont- real and Toronto Stock Exchanges. Dominion, Provincial and Munizi- .pal Bonds for sale. 28% KING STREET Phones :: 568 & 1087 Special Sale of Tooth Brushes Vew Brushes, bought at special prices. All shapes and sizes and good qualiyt. Treat yourself to a new brush and then smile. Special values for Friday and Saturday, 25¢ each. Sounds like old times, eh! M. R. McColl - | Prescription Druggist. Cor. Princess and Clergy Streets P.8.~--Neilson's Ice Cream Bricks every week-end. You Get Your Moneys Worth When You Get Your Clothing Here Men's extra good Tweed Suits at only $25.00. Men's Spring and Fall Jose Slip-on Coats at real bargain prices. Raincoats and Spring and Fall Combinations), a good assort- ment to pick : Men's Winter Overcoats, genu- ine bargains, from $18.00 to $30.00. Sweater Coats, Hats, Caps, Underwear, Gloves, Boots and Shoes See us and get extra good value for your money. ---- 1. ZACKS 271 PRINCESS STREET ee Swedish mothers put money into | chest," their child's first bath, believing that | them | this brings future wealth, The most valuable pearls are round; next come the pear-shaped, and, lastly, the egg-shaped. ll dad Beaver. Since the 16th century Holland | idea of making a treasure chest they i has reclaimed more than 1 ,000,000 heiped him with all their might. 1: acres of land from the sea, little wigwam, and was waiting for another cold spell before putting on | it the last coat of mud. "Not a bad job of repairing," quarters. ers me how shall I spend my time from now on? I hate to see folks idle." "How is everything going?" "Fair<to-middling,' "How's it with you? head. He had almost finished his' ne mused as he sized up "his winter | "But the thing that both- | Just then Mama Beaver rounded | | the corner. Spying him,' she stopped ! il | and asked: ~ replied Gran- | ourselves. From early childliood some feet ate deformed--e bent out 'of crippled. Why let your child's feet be like this? HURLBUT cushion sole SHOES allow the foot to grow as nature intended. The broad toe gives room to grow for every toe--the cushion sole gives a springy natural tread. The shoes are welted and insure the lowest cost per day of wear. you the in this respect, it is not necessary to cripple Write for 'booklet about Hurlbut "Re-buslt Service" and we will tell nearess lo you. HURLBUT CUSHION-SOLE Shoes # Children- MADE IN CANADA * by The Hurlbut Co. Limited, Preston, Ont. shape by parrow shoes-- name of the Hurlbut desler For Men and Young Men at Lower "Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 $30.00; See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at --$35.00 -- x TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. 32.00 I ------------------ ~ 7 [1 } m Knitted "How Shall I Spend My Time?" | Suppose your oldest are busy build- ling for themselves these days. Not long until frost now!" "Grindad," said Mama Beaver, | glad to be able to open her heart to | some one, "those boys worry me ter: ribly. They don't mean %0 be shift- less or lazy, but I can't get them in- terested in building," and she wiped her eyes on her 'apron. "They don't | realize the need of haste." "There, there! Dry your tears and leave them to me;' Le chuckled. "I'll show them how to do," and 'he sen: her home smiling. That evening Grandad Beaver call- | ed on Mama Beaver, and asked if he | might take the two boys, Wigsy Bea- ver and Twigsy Beaver, out for, a | while. At first he had a hard time convincing Mama Beaver it would 'be all' right, for every evening at sun- down the two boys were tucked into bed and not allowed to run out MNke other beaver boys. But after much | coaxing, Mama Beaver gave in, and away the happy boys trotted with Grandad. "I'm afte. lumber for a treasure said Grandad Beaver, leading into the woolls. "And I thought you boys would enjoy building one.' He chose a poplar tree nearest th: stream and begain nibbling the bark. The boys were so- delighted at the '238 Princess St. ICE CREAM Speaks for Itself Everywhere you go MASOUD'S Kingston, Ont. Brushed Wool, Shetland Floss. and Coats. colorings from Phone 980 r Phone 191. Much than going to bed. Gran Beaver showed the boys the best way to fell a tree. He 'ola them why .it was better to cut the trunk deeper on the water side, ana when the tree fell with a splash into was great sport being out after dark the stream the boys danced and yel- od at the tops of their voices. Tha | --the micest, coziest little wigwam stream carried the tree down to the | in Beaverviile, and 'he boys had bail dam near Grandad Beaver"s wigwam. | every bit of it themselves. Night after night the beaver boys] "AHN I did," Grandad Beaver toid worked hard helping Grandad Beav- | Mama Beaver, "was to show them er. Then one morning Mama Beaver { how to do it. Wasn't # fine, boys?' was led out to see the treasure chest "Great!" the heuver boys exlaim- (One door below Randolph Hotel) A and Throws Very Popular to be worn with Suits An immense variety of Plain and Fancy Combinations in "the newest $1.00 to $6.00 each. ~~ W. N. Linton & Co. $ Scarfs Camel's Hair and The Waldron Store. ~- ---- ed. " They had leannsd to love to work, 80 they helped Grandad Beaver vu: the last coat of mud on his wigwau, and when the first frosts came every one in Beaverville was ready for the winter,