Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Oct 1921, p. 9

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+ _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Carefully selected and blended coffee-beans expertly roasted and ground produce delicious Rideau Hall ~~ Coffee NOTHING ADDED NOTHING TAKEN AWAY 'SOLD IN TINS ONLY--BY ALL GOOD GROCERS, + FOR UNNN BORN ORR 24,000 Women Cook With Moffats And every one fs cone tent and happy. A Moffat roasts (with less shrink. age), bakes, cooks just perfectly --retaining all the flavor. Gives more heat from less current. * Write for Booklet Moffats, Limited Weston, Ontario Morrars Zax a HE rich, luscious contents of a box of Moir's do not need even the charms of a pretty girl to herald their at- tractions. The eye and palate are alike delighted with what. they find . 1 MOIR'S LIMITED HALIFAX / - R. H. Coleman, Agent 418 Victoria Park Ave. TORONTO FEMINISMS ai me, what's the answer? MAMA CRICKET PAYS HER RENT There was a stir among the mead- ow folk when they awakened one morning to find that Mrs. Spider's army had been busy during the night sending out the messages from 7 Ask Anyone Who uses a PEERLESS PENINSULAR RANGE and they will tell you'it is a PERFECT BAKER and is very economical in 5 For appearance it 1s second to none and {8 built for wear. Let us show them to you. Stove Department on Becond Floor, Lemmon & Sons 187 Princess St _ Miss Grace Abbott, now head of Was formerly executive of the Ii- Fairyland. ; Hundreds and hundreds of tiny little silken threads ran from one weed 4a. another, until the whole meadow looked as if it were covered with telegraph wires. "It's high time we were our little ones into bed," chirped Mama Grasshdpper, calling all her children around her. "For it won't be long now before frost." And she began to whet the sword she carried on the tip of her tail, to make it sharper. "It's a wonderful work the spiders do, spreading their wires so that we can get the news ahead of time." "What news?" chirped © Mama 'Cricket, She had seen the webby wires stretching over the meadow, but hadn't dreamed what it meant. fy niche in the green stones where the heat kept her warm, yet the smoke wasn't too strong, and there ske began housekeeping. "But won't the folks object to us "What's the stir about, anyway?" "Why, don't you know?" laughed tucking the United States Children's bureau, inols State Immigration commission, New beauty of design and' new beauty of line dis i our new Shoes for Fall wear. ¢ newest in Brown and Black Calf Oxfords -- Brown or Black Kid Oxfords. to ch l.and 2 Strap Slippers in Grey Suede, Black Sue Kid--high or Many of the newest designs Suede and low heels. SUSETTE--Oh, what am1 to do? E fright in black with my peculiar brown Toft po | | } | | } | 3 Te TC ~ = A BLACK OUTLOOK, - -- Willy Ant, laying down the saw he had been working with on his cabin. "Why, winter is on the way, and be- fore you can say Jack Robinson we'll all be covered with snow. Better hurry and build your winter home." Mama Cricket shivered as a cool breeze swept through the meadow. She called all her cricket children in from their play and hurried and straightened up the house. Then she washed the children's faces and brushed out their (Jittle suits until they fairly shone, and away they hurried over the meadcw to the big white farmhouse, just as the first snowflakes came sailing through the afr, : A great blaze was flaming in. the fireplace in the living room of the farmhouse, and the crackling of the {logs was as sweet as music to the cricket family's ears, Mama Cricket choose a nice, com- living here?" asked the oldest Cryck- et boy. "Not it we're careful and neat about our place," replied Mama Cricket. "we must be very careful during the daytime and only sing Softly at night. In this way we can help them pass away gloomy winter evenings with our cheery songs, While our friends sleep out in the woods, we can pay for the privilege of this nice, cosey home 'by our chirping." . The cricket family was the happi- est they over had been in the fire- Place in ike old farmhouse, A Woman's Deed. Chivalry and self-sacrifice are of No age, sex, or racial condition. The other day a telegraphic {tem from New York told of an old womga who threw her little grand-daughter out of the 'way of an auto truck and say- ed the child's lite but lost her own, | The name would denote that she wag ral European, or perhaps Pol- Ish, nationality, One can visualize this woman of eighty, probably bent and grey, with the four-year-old grand-daughter clinging to her as they try to cross through the street trafic, the sudden terror as the heavy truck bears down upon them, then the impulse acted upon instant- ly to throw the child out of harm's way, before the monster struck her- self down. Such chivalry, the care Of the strong for the weéak--or in this case, of the weak for theweaker --8ives Mary Vyskocil a right to the name of heroine. Qetting Ready for Prince Charming. Tho impending visit of the Prince of Wales to pagie at caused q stir of excitement in salons of Hanover Square and Bond Street, according to correspondence from London. Many receptions and garden parties will be Weld during his visit, and the call from India for new frocks has al- ready reached the dressmakers and miliiners in Lomdon. "We have orders from both customers in India ad from those who are going there during the many iuquiries are being made up to' Passages by people who wish in India when the Prince is there. The Prince of Wales is due in Bom- kay on November 17th, Miss Elizabeth Stevenson, private Secretary to Prime Minister Lloyd George, of England, is entrusted with all state secrets. iveryone is going to wear black. hair, and I can't dye it, for then I look worse! r sally "Cnishing" ju NN AAO 4 9 LAX A KJ ---- 9. But I look a Sm, WHAT A WOMAN SAYS OF LIFE INSURANCE. Hon. Mary Ellen Smith, M.P.P., contends that life insurance ig one of the greatest businesses a man can be engaged in. She has always been a believer in life insurance and con- siders it one of the &reat safeguards In the history of the world. Can anything be more unfortunate than the situation of a young mother with children to bring up, left alone in the world without a dollar? How many tragedies have begun this way? It is this carelessness on the part of some husbands and fathers that has made the Mothers' Pensions . neces- sary, says Mrs. Smith, and refers to her own experience after the 'flu epi. demic in British Columbia, and quotes the Bible, I Timothy, V, 8: "It any provide not for his own, and es- pecially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and fis worse than an infidel." That is a pretty strong statement, but one you cannot get away from, and we are learning from time to time, that in: fidels, as far as insurance is concern- ed, are becoming more rare. Statis- tics show we have fewer today than ever: before in the world's history. The average man's excuse is that he cannot afford it, but when one thinks of the theatre tickets and boxes of candy young husbands bring their wives, one wonders it sensible girls wouldn't rather know' that their fu- ture was being provided for. Love would be more surely shown by pro- viding comfort for the future than amusement for the present. ------ REDUCES COST OF GOWNS. --_---- New Invention Saves Money and Makes Finer Clothes, Like many other really great in- ventions, the Deltor--as it is called --is simple. So simple, that the wonder is, it has not been introdwced before. It is an adjunet to the But- terick pattern, enclosed iu the pat- tern envelopo and making the! !n- despensible article a veritable men- tor in the art of dressmaking. Te begin with, the Deltor tells a woman the least possible amount of material she will need for the gar ment she is to make. The paltern envelope has always givea directions of this kind, but they have neces- sarily besn based on the ability of the average Woman, not the expert, to "lay-out" the. Dattera, As the Deltor gives "laying-out" directions }y means of illubtratod diagrams, OXe for each size, and suitable widil of material, which are the work of a bighly specialized expert, and yot #0 simple that aay oae can follow them, the amount of material t\e dattern calls for is coasiderabis lass thau ever before has been possible. Indeed it amounts to from 1-4 te 1 2-8 yards less and afrects a seving of from 50 cenis to $10 oa every gowa sr [rock, x Step by step, the Delto~ directs tle brocess of dressmaking. "Tuttisg together," --Foting, draping and fin- made 50 siaple a Maite, that even the in Work with the assurance and skill of the expert, while the expert, herself, ts by the time she saves in no Annette Bradshaw Full of Goodness "SALADA" ] TE A is pure- delicious ~-wholesome, = | i Robertson's Li CHINA, CROCKERY and GLASSWARE few days a nice For $ We are offering for sale for a China Tea Sets--very pretty pat- terns and good body China. Shapes are new and up-to-date. 21] pieces. line of English 4.35 Iara Asphalt to Embalm. Mummies Almost as far back as our knowl. edge of ancient civillaation extends authentic evidence exists which is now used in of the street paving in A cities, was known by the human race for its useful ana valuable properties. The earliest recorded use of asphalt Was by the Sumarians, a people in- habiting the Euphrates Valley prior to the mscendancy of the Babylonians. been unearthed by arc », demonstrate that as early as 3000 C. asphalt was used by the Sumarians as a Shatnting medium or binder for at- oh sma 5 ng or or to sculptures, carvings and pottery. An fephalt mastic cast excavated at La- gash, near the mouth of the Buphra- tes, dates back to 2850 B. C., and as early as 2,500 B. C. the Egyptians util- ized liquid or melted asphalt as a pre- servative coating for the cloth wrap- ping of mummies. Its Waterproofing value was known also at this dste and there is good reason to believe that the ark built by Noah was treated with asphalt within and without for this purpose. As a mortar for brick, asphalt evi. Stories of Lady Beck. In recalling that Lady Beck was the first woman Judge appointed at the National Horse Show at Madison Square Garden, a London resident to-day told how the famous Canadian horsewoman in 1914 there demon- strated her indomitable spirit, A pro- German sympathizer had written to the officials threatening to kill the Becks if they appeared there because of their active support of the war. When the management told Lady Beck she but rode into the ring with Bir Adam while Ameries's horse: men cheered. Not only did Lady Beck help her young daughter to emulate her as a hcrsewoman, but from her. childhood Some of the oldest relics which have B, dently was used in the construction of the Tower of Babel, for the Book of Genesis states that *siime had they for mortar" and the word "slime" fg tra d as "bitumen" or "asphal in the Vulgate. This same "slime" fa also recorded as having been used to daub the basket under the hondag LC. It was N Babylon, who, used brick pavements. His son, Dezzar, Senieueq ine Practice, as fa rat y a ition on a brick taken from one of streets, Asphalt was used also in the eonstrue- tion of foundations subject to water action in the terial appears to have been used In Ancient times by the Incas of Peru, who established a magnificent system of highways. Thus asphalt, instead of being a product of exclusively mod- ern use, as may be commonly sup- a world-old material, ch has been handed dest civilization, ciosely did she guard her that Marion 'Was not allowed to sing a note until she began last year in Paris to study. No less a person than Melba under- took to train the seventeen-year-oid Canadian girl and great things were prophesied for her. Lady Beck had looked forward to overseeing the training this fall, ! . -------- . Lady Ambrose Boynter, wife of a noted London architect, has opened a shop as a house decorator, and will supplement her husband's construe tive work by beautifying the inter- iors, Hair-dressing is the leading oecu- bation of women'in Japan, no less than 250,000 of them being engaged determined that ghe be a singer. So having to solve tho problems, | Already <0 ably worked out for her Ly tie Deltor, i 'In Oregon, if an unmarried woman makes a will, the will becomes in- valld the mere fact of her marriage. Farmers' wives in Japan rear silk worms just as women on the fa ms in this country keep poultry. Grape-Nuts-- ments needed for building and the Body in this line of work. The reason for the continued good health of some children is simple enough Especially when you know the facts, some of which are given here energizing the little body,

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