Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Oct 1921, p. 10

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10 DAILY BRITISH WHIG. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1021, . SOMETHING | YOU NEED ? OUR BIG STOCK HAS JUST ARRIVED ! One Defeat Only Spur to QUEEN'S SWEATERS K.C.L SWEATERS | Light and heavy weight; pure wool; roll or V| 2 neck. GYMN PANTS 'White Cotton or Pure Wool. Queen's Colors. - GYMN JERSEYS White Cotton or Pure Wool. K.C.I. and Queen's | colors. STOCKINGS Queen's, Blue and White, Red and White, Red, White and Blue and others. Everything For Your Next Football Game ! COLOURS ! Show the other fellows you are proud of your team. We have Arm Bands, Bh Ribbons, | Queen's. 'Buttons, Canes, etc.--K.C1, RM.C, ' TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. THE _ In the ee -- Apo -- BACK AT IT. AGAIN WITH SAME OLD SPIRIT Queen's--Fine Practice on Tuesday. A little vietory i8 sometimes a dan- | gerous thing but Queen's have learn- |ed their lesson and now they are |aWay once more to the daily grind | with full intentions of working hard- [er-than ever for the intercollegiate | { championship, With the pained sur- prise of Toronto gradually dying out, { and, to tell the truth, it was slightly | milder than expected, things are tak- | ing on a normal shape again and the boys are once more planning to plough through to victory. On Tuesday afternoon a good re- presentation was out on the stadium | | tor practice. Leadley and Harding were not in uniform but the rest of | { the players were in their places and { when all had assembled, George Awrey called them together and led | them forth to battle with the incom-/ some- parable third team huskies, Dolan's | times known as "Eddie" | pets. The juniors approached the senior squad rather gingerly, but as soon _as | the two stocky little quarters, Evans {and Dolan, had set them moving after sundry scratches at twin caps, the fray was a joyful! one. 'Open play" was the watchword of the juniors and they kept their big op- ponents on the move all the time. Smith, Quinn, and their fellow halves, with "Red" McKelvey giving | them a helping hand, pulled off some | beautiful runs and Quinn, doing the | punting, gave Campbell a good run; | for his money. The third team, a little reinforced M.A.A.A. ARE AFTER FORMER YALE CAPTAIN | Undaunted by their defeat. at Ot- | Spotlight Notes tawa on Saturday and still eager to.| : break into the winning column in the |} : Interprovineial series the M.AAA. | Bambino Ruth, the - Mandarin of Rugby squad held a light work-out | 3ul, is weeping salty tears of re- Monday at the Westmount grounds, | Pe2tence and promising to eat hum- going barnstorming | starting the preparations for the re. ple, for | home game against the Hamilton | 28@108t Papa Landis' orders, = We | | Tigers next Saturday. Frank Mc- | pave 8 hunch that they won't put Gill, former quarter with the Wing- | 4 ean jail or anything like that, led-Wheelers, is expected to be in the | '°CU4&1, and all the humble pie he'll fy ar squad lines up at the | ®t Will look like a Christmas dinner | | to most other folks. | lend of the week and, with Tim Mur- | ray and Foster back on the ling, an- | !ticipate making: the best showing of | the season, MA Woodstock Sentinel-Review: We | heard that one of the competitors up Tuesday a delegation of M.A.A.A. | 3t the plowing match felt so bad | | Rugby officials conferred with "Tim" (Whe the plowshare on his plow | | Callaghan, last season's captain of | Proke, that tears were to be seen in | the famous Yale University eleven, [MS eYes. . The thing that bothers us, | who is at present domiciled in the |S did the plowshare his grief? city, in an effort to have the former | -- | Tan ET HEMLOCK We have a large and well assorted stock of Hemlock on hand. You will find that we can meet your needs at right prices. Allan Lumber Co. Phone 1042 = = = = Victoria Street CO ---------- thin Is i famed centre don a Red and Blie| Harry (Slim) Haldorson, formerly | of the world's amateur champion Fal- | cons, has forwarded his signed con- | tract to play with the Victoria, B.C., Aristocrats this year according to Lester Patrick, manager of the local hockey team, | uniform for the remaining Big Four matches of the year. | Alberta Wants > | 0.C. Interpretation | ! Alberta will again carry a recom-| mendation to the annual meeting of | the Dominion Amateur Athletic | | Union that the Old Country interpre; tation of an amateur be adopted in | Canada. At the annual meeting of | the provincial branch held here this | morning, a resolution was passed, recommending that an athlete be al- | lowed to compete as a professiogal | in one branch of sport and an ama- teur in another. This same motion | | was put through last year, and the | | matter was thrown out at the Do- minion convention, |and Jack Dempsey is twenty-six years old. He was born in Manassa, Col. The major league record for bases on.balls in a single game was estab- lished in the game of May 9th, 1916, when Detroit drew eighteen passes the Athletics were handed twelve, From 90 to 110 acres of ground are needéd for an eighteen-hole golf course./ The United States has won the | Judge Jackson, of Lethbridge, vice- | international polo match five times | | president of the Canadian Union, made the motion, and he argued strongly in its favor, pointing out | that such an amendment to the Can- | adian amateur regulations would do much to eliminate the many compli- | to England's three, McNeill,.a wing man on the third | team, is certainly a comer. When Smith gets started the re- Great Rebuilding Sale Of Furniture Our business has so increased as to compel us to enlarge our show rooms. All goods will be sold at a great reduc- tion, R. J. Reid THE LEADING UNDERTAKER Telephone 577-W ES -- --. | by second team men, put up as good, {if not a better, battle, than the | seconds could against the seniors and Jack dd 3s Acai |a Jue practise for both squads re { ack an ess Again After # miz-up it §s pretiy Sard to | 5y'tec. { In July, Says Tex | ten which is Dolan and which is ( -- | Evans, till either one speaks. Then Jess Willard will attempt to re- | recognition is made possible by the gain the world's heavyweight cham- different varieties used. Voiced By Out of Town Papers-- |DPionship from Jack Dempsey at Jer- . cations arising in amateur circles. | feree might as well blow the whistle | BICYCLES--FISHING TACKLE--PHONOGRAPHS--CAMERAS. for the opposite side's kick-off. 88 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 529. "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" ---- Don't Use a Broom to Clean Your Carpets Use a Hoover VARYING OPINIONS, ' Must Know. . Comfort and wear- ing quality of soft, natural wool an- teed unshrinkable. Two-piece or form-fitti combinations. tag ECTRIC GOOD JUST ARRIVED Price $3.50 each. NE Students' Study Lamps, extra good value. English Hot Plates, price $7.50. Call and see our large assortment of Portable Lamps. Agents for Apex Vaccum Cleaner. Burke Electric Company - PHONE 423. Choice Assortment of -- HUDSON SEAL, BEAVER AND SABLE Gourdier's BROCK STREET | Agree on Weather. | sey City next July 1st, Tex Rickard, It is interesting to watch the drift | promoter said. of the various newspapers regarding | the defeat of Queen's by McGill last { where Kearns, Dempsey's manager, said he Saturday, The first reports were wild and excited, Queen's was hope- | had verbal agreements Rickard, returning from Chicago, he conferred with Jack with both lessly outclassed, the tri-color foot- | Dempsey and Willard for the bout and many other irrational ments. By Tuesday they had drifted along to the stage when eye-witnesses told them a few things that could not be gainsaid, so- Queen's line 'was given a little boost and the blame placed with the back division. Curiously, the Montreal papers gave the fairest criticisms of the contest. Of course they could not have given an account of the play as it progressed without so doing, but their comments were more restrained and fairer to the visitors. At least there is one point on which they all agree and that is given in this little quotation from the To- ronto Star: : "The one-time incomparable Hugh Gall handled the game 'well, with | | Wm. Foulds as umpire. The day was ideal, the wind, while strong, not being too raw." Evidently the weather is also agreed upon by most of the papers so there is that much consolation. McKay gave his shoulder a bad twist during the workout, but outside of some scragging by Carson, that was the only casualty of the even~ ing. . . Possibly Your Own Wife She may not look so young and pretty as she used to. If her cheeks are hollow and pale, if she is tired and nervous, her system needs a good regulating with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, a real medicine that is noted for restoring the bloom of health to sickly girls and women, Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills tone up the entire sys- tem. Complexion quickly becomes rosy, spirits rise, strength increases daily. Health, vigor and good looks will soon return to a faded woman, if she uses Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Sold everywhere, 25c. per box, or from the Catarrhozone Co., Montreal. ET -- The pendulum of fashion is sure to swing back, and #t is dollars ¢» floughnuts the next generation is not rvs cs monn. mm me Ni, going to see near as much as this one has. A CLASSIFIED AD. will] find you a new home. BRINGING UP FATHER | three bucks left the ball inches from ball bubble burst, the Kingston bluff | and added that he had sent Willard called, the line a miserable crumb- | ling thing, the back division a theory, i signature is received, Rickard ex- state- | pects to sign Dempsey up. a contract. As soon as 'Willard's Dempsey, Rickard said, had agreed to accept thirty-five per cent. of the gross re- ceipts, and Willard twenty per cent. Did Queen's Line Hold? Toronto papers of Sunday and Monday were verbose in their cries of Queen's weak dne. The whole Queen's team was miserable for every miserable minute of a miser- able game, according to them. These two extracts from the Montreal Star, which should have an idea of what hanpened in Montreal on Saturday, seem different. "It was McGill's chance to go over but Queen's line held firmly anc the chalk mark. Queen's were giv- en possession as the local team failed to make its yards....," showing conclusively that McGill could not and did not get over for one clean try. "Although there 'was no chance victory for the Presbyterian team they refused to give up, and, taking McGill by surprise they plunged through for yands on successive bucks." This, fn the fast stages of the game, looks decidedly favorable for Queen's line. After Canadian Franchise, Leo Dandurand and Joe Cattarin- ich, well known around the Montreal bull rings, have made an offer for the Canadian hockey franchise, Frank H. Dunn, Provincial License Inspec- tor, is another who wants to burst into the big time, and has offered to buy the franchise outright, Jean Dubuc is another who is in the mar- ket for the club. Nap. Dorval prob- able manager of the team, states that it is likely that the surviving bro- thers of George Kennedy will oporate the franchise for the estate. Every mém believes in taking all the glory for his success himself but he blames his failures on some one From the Ottawa Journal's ac- | count of the Quean's-McGill game: | --~Queen's sen. 200 down from | Kingston who suported the team | well. © Poor old dad back on the | Bingo farm may expect to get an in- timation that Kingston boarding house keepers have boosted the H.C.L. up again.-- It ds very evident that there is some person on the staff of the Journal who has had experiencs with Kingston "boarding house keep ' ers." Your words are only.too true, brother. Got His Answer. A bumptious young American far- mer went to England togslearn his business, but where he went he pre- tended that it was far easier to teach the farmers than to learn any- thing from them. "I've got an idea," he said to a grizzled old Nor- thumbrian agriculturist, "for a new Phone 441 and we will demonstrate at your house H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC (0. 167 PRINCESS STREET kind of fertilizer which will be ten thousand times as effective as any that has ever been tried. Condens- ed fertilizer--that's what it is. Enough for an acre of greund would 80 in one of my waistcoat pockets." "I don't doubt it, young gentleman," sald the vetéran of the soil. "What is more, you'll be able to put the --- ---- crop into the other waistcoat pock- et. et oid In a quarter of a century succeed- ing 1882 the population of the earth Increased one-eighth. The industries of Norway are ex- panding at the experse of agricul ture, olse--usually his wife. en ee Ce a Cp 2 Sa] LILLIE fo tr 1204 7-7 oo NS IS THES0 hg ~~ AN SNEAK THROUGH HIS HOUSE « ( THAT'S A FINE NIEGHBOR ACROSS THE COURT: HE'S QONNA LET Me CLIMB OVER oli IaolNalT | THING Foal DARE FOR ONE. MOMEN THAT ILL LET You T 1 LET YOUR FRIENDS CALL HERE TODAY- *e i IF ANY FRIEND YOURS DARES COME IN THIS HOUSE TODAY TLL KNOCK THEM COLD - - BOT LISTEN CAN'T You - yn or

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