Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Oct 1921, p. 14

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THE DAIL WEDNESDAY, OCTORER 26, 1921. ; 2 CONDENSED ADVE Flist lc a word. Bach insertfon thereafter, half cent a word. Minimum charge for one | rion, 25¢; three insertions, 50 centy; The above rates are fo when charged the con- r cash only are double. HELP WANTED, WAITRES, ALSO CHAMBERMAID, AP. Ply at Queen's Hotel, Hrock street -- MAKERS--APPLY TO & Bro, Brock street. USEHOLD Kingston TROUSER Avingston WANTED ABL HO help. Apply to Matron, General Nospital. ---- KE CARE naces. Ap- 5, Whig TRUSTWORTHY M AN TO of offices and run two to Box Q wT CE WANTED -- EXPERIENCED STENO. Brapher and office clerk Must be Speedy and accurate. Apply Box S- 20, Whig oftige ee mes eee ee. WORKING HO! SEKEEPER WANTED for small hotel near Kingston; nfs; be good cook and have city refer- ence. Apply Box D-20, Whig. APPEARING daily Ap KE WANTED FOUR NE AT Young men f canvassing; and weekly co issions paid Sykes, 338% King street. evenings ---- | MAKE MONEY AT HOME, paid weekly for your B8pare writing show cards for us No can- Yascing. We instruct and sup. You with work. We t-Angus sn Card 'Sdrvice, f7 ( olberne Bld. ronte, 13 TO $00 nian SALES Lurepresented qoun- Ly or territory. Exclusive selling rights; geod Pay to energetic rep- resentatives. Our agency is valu- able. - Write Pelham Nursery Co. Toronte, Ont. ------------ : GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK -- we need you to make socks on the fast, easily-learned Knitter; experience unnecessary; distance immaterial; Positively no canvass- ing; yarn supplied; partic lars, 3e¢ Stamp. Dept. 15-C, Auto Knitter Co., Toronto. WE WANT 4 agent for each POSITION SINGLE MAN DESIRES farm, experienced. Apply Whig Office. WANTED, ---- *OSITION ON Box 0-11, te FIRST-CLASS ( HINESE (00K w ANTS position in hotel or private house Apply to 326 King .Street -- en Sets re -------- YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION As apprentice in blacksmith shop, Write C. Hartley, Bat rsea, Ont, SITUATIONS VACANT BIG 85 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS greeting card sample book free to workers, celebrated, inexpen- sive, Royal Serie Secure orders new; deliver later; men' ang wo- men already making five doliars up daily even in spare time; capital or expereince unnecessary Garret- son Company, Brantford, Ont. AGENTS WANTED BY LARGE BRITISH FIRE INSU ance office for Kingston or vicinity Remuneration by commission only Application from bart time agent invited. Reply to Box H-20, Whig. TT ---- NOT TO CAN. and appoint lo- Ju a week and e $50 a week State age and qualifica. perience unnecessary Dept. ¢ Jronta -- AGENTS--GET IN A PROFITABLE &ll year commission business of Your own. Every Property owner needs some of our nine hundred Varieties of hardy Red Tag trees and plants. Ng capital needed Complete equipment and instruc- MEN AND WOMEN, Vass, but to travel cal representatives, expenses Buarantee chance to mak expenses. tions E Winston RTISING RATES ; C, | time | E PEOPLE'S FORUM |e] | WANTED GENERAL HED BEDROOMS, NOV. | 1st, on bathroom foor. Apply Box P-24, Whig. a -- smi - es | STORM sassy REGLAZED AND PUT on; algo all kinds of furnit sihing. Phone 2070w. 26 p | o------ rman. eoepe------ | TO RENT AT ONCE, NEAR CAR Vice, a six or seven roon odern conveniences, A 25, Whig. '0 RENT, ABOUT 100 ACRE convenient to School; buildings good condition, Apply to Box M- Whig Offiee. ' : [Tw . FOUND A ¥ADY'S SILK GIRTH. APPLY 137 Union west e GOLD BROOCH ON DIVISION stréet, Thursday last. Ow may have same at ion street. A BLAaok CLOTH, FUR LINED, left at Dominion Hotel, Odes- Sa, last spring. Owner may have same by calling at the Hotel. WELLINGTON STRE fy, 4 parcel of baby ribbon anu el- astic. Owner may have same at Whig Ofrice, V EAKL SIREET, NEAR, Barrie, a &0ld brooch. Ow r may have same by applying to 170 Earl street and prov- Ing property. A WHIST WATCH ON MONDAY mornin uwner can have AM PAYING THE HIGHES Aubin applying to Mr. W. | Aubin, 65 Gore stret market price for fresh cat-fish. Ap- | Be * a piy to A ilazel, 168 Ontaric [| A LADIES LONG KID GLOVE-- ot. > 0) | Owner may have Same by ap- ¥hone 1878. plying at Whig office, LADY'S WRIST WATCH, ON King Stre ¥ Divi- sion Street LOCKLT, FICKED ue Stuart Street, Sunday noon Apply Whig Office. SMALL HAND BAG, YELLOW SllK, with network of Leads. Apply police Station. FOUND ARYICLES ADVER- TISED FREE, Anyone unaiug anytning and Wishing lo reaca the owner may Uo $0 Dy reporting the facts te The British Whig. The adver. Lisement will ve printed ia this Cuiumn free of Charge. O FURNIS TO RENT AT ONCE, NEAR CAR SER- | vice, a six or seven roomed house, | medern conveniences Apply Box k-| 25, Whig. | I ROOF REPAIRING -- HOW ABOU Apply Your root? Does it heed repairing We use Argus Roof-proof. Lro card to F. Coventry, 5 Barrack 5: ON after- WANTED TO RENT A SMALL HOU SL witn improvements, soutn or iri Cess prererred. Kent must ve rea- Suhavie. Apply Box C-16, Wnig O1- lice. | | | { CH KILT would buy nave any Box J-zu, particulars, | WANTED AT 'ONCE, ScCoT Sporn and SLocKings or Culnplete dress, |r you vne of the above write W nig Ouace, stating BUSINESS OPPOR YUNITIES. "Found articles" does aot in. clude logy Ugs, cattle, nurses, eLe These, it lost, may pe ag- | Vertised tor in the "Lost" column, ON SATURDAY, LADY'S BEAD PURSE, somewhere vetween City and pare Heneid. = Minder pense return to Whig Office. Liveray reward. FOR SALE, ONE OF THE BrsT GO- ing LJsiness hotels; vicinity K Stun; general and summer Lveryining in nurst class Uwner feuring on account or it~ healta, Apply Box R-7, Whig ee 8 | | | CHIROPRACTIC, WH. A. MARCELLS, D.C, Pa, C, Cer- ner Princess and barrie Streets, ind fluor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingsiwn, Ont. Consultation free. Telephone 322d. Hours vy {0 12 &.Ju. 1 to 6 pan. SATUKOLAY, BETWEEN liam, Clarence ana Bagot streets 'a small Cameo brovca, Valued as a Keepsake. Heward ag the Whig ut- tice. SUNDAY, oCT, 23rd, ON WELLIN ) Untario dlreet, Lauseway or rius- burg roaq, a smaii watch in gun- metal purse, witn broken chain. xe- ward. Welingon st. -- -------- FOUND. UN IRGE F, LUCY, DR. JENNIE A, Lhlropracuce opecialists and dudate Nurse, 23y Bagot street, between Princess and Brock. Tele- | phone yi3w. Hours y to 12 am, 1 tg = b, and 7, to 9 p.m, Spinal analys)s | Jnsuitation free Residentiai| Calls by appuintment, | A SHE +» OWNER MAY HAVE SAME | Ly caMing at ii Ciergy street west | "ud payiug eapeases. Rn (FEMALE) | A SMALL FOX TERKRIE While Wwiln brown on cneexs una] ear, and lame in pind leg. --nlug- | Ston numane Society FOR SALE, PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING | Wik WANTING PAINTING On '8 Jerhang.ng done, drop a card Lo A. Mounteer, x4 Arch street. MH. sCorTT & Co, 53 BEVERLY sr, Painters, Papernangersg and Deco- raturs. NO Job 00 small, no con- tract too large. Storm windows re- paintea, butted, gazed and put on All work done at shortest aotice, = == = PERSONAL hy MOLKS, WARTS, marks skin Lancers, scars, etc. re- movea bermanentiy, Satistactory Klasses Nited ang furnisned afte; Others nave failed, Uoitre removed, 30 yvars experience, pr. Eimer 4, Luke, fuye, kar, Noge. Throat, skin. 258 Bagot Street, Phone vl. | NG AND NETS, 249 bagot Street LINEN GILL NK1 rank w. Cuuke, Phone 436. IF YOU HAVE A USED CAR FOR SALE see Geo, Falmer, cor. Bagot anu Queen. Phone 410J. PLO0 Burs LU, Coy ELD, Dells - ery ruck; newly painted. faimer, Cor, bagot and Queen. SOME CHOICE FOX AND DEER hound dogs. Apply J. Mm. Tuoevbald, 297 King street, asangsion. | UPHOLSTEKING, . A CARD TO . uphiolsterer, 216 Bagot st. FUR yur yp. "ud genera) repairing al vr drop a card Lv reet. ° FRAME BUALDING, SUITABLE Fon ------------ camping or Poultry louse; size 10 x CALL OR DHup Apply 47 Euerbeck sireei. Gavine, WwW. HAROLD holstering wave vider Ud Clergy at FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CIT) Property, farm lang in saskaicne- wal. John Gen. Delivery, Kingston, On ¥. Craig, tL COVERED BUTTON $175 BUYS GOOD OVERLAND TOUR. | der in-alt-popnia S MADE TO OR- I shapes and gizes, Upholstering ang Fepairing 'done, kJ. Goodridge, 244 University tion free. Write Dominion Nurser. les, Montreal, --_--eeee FINANCIAL MRS. H. s. CRUMLEY, FIRE, AUTO. mobile and Casualty Insurance. 42 Ear] street. Phone 1782M. STRANGE & STRANGE, agents, established in the most reliable compa Scented. Office 95 Clarer Opposite the post office. i FRONTENAC LOAX AND INVEST. meu "Society; Aucorpurated 1x61. President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.; dice- president, A. B. Cunningham: oney issued on city and farm Rroperties, municiha] and county ebentures; mortgages purchased; investment bongs for sale; deposits fecelved and interest allowed. R. C Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar- Elice sree Kingston. SE TT-- INSURANCE 1860; ice sireet, Avenue, FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN. ished, guns, &ramapnones, ele. re. Paired brumptly cana suaranteed. Santon & bijeih. 45 Princess st, ------ --_-- ---- -- MUSI0. KORRINNE A. MADDEN 18 PREPAR- ed to accept a limited number of plano pupils. Studio: 50 Earl st rhone 153. ° uusical gsr Wimenits, alse ciotn- ing and furniture. Lall and get ows ing car, electric Starter and eo Prices. LL. joutva 3 A snap for quick sale, Paumer, cor bagot and Queen, Wk Sell AMD BUY ALL hINDS Oy ra, 28% Frincess Slreel. Phone 1723; GENUANE GRAPHOUNULA sno AkN Beleciions; your owy choice, $42.30 Yerms §¢ casa, #9 per mona, ©, w Lindsay, Lamiieq, Zl Frincess st CITY LOT. ¢» FELT FRONTAGE leet deep; ur casp $ida.0v. Alsu lucubuior, 14v egg, ang tWo bruou- Ors, not water ancateaq. Valy used once. Cawsun, #43 Concessiun si. ucar Victocia Stree. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE, ETC, Rt ow TEACH Pupils pre- 8. - Studio: hear John- ---- eT T-- ---- DAISY w. JOHNSON, A. T.C.} er of Violin and Piano, pared for examination 307 Collingwood Street, son. Phone 2329w. . a LEGAL CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST. ers and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston, A.B. Cunuing- am, Cyril M. Smith, Quebec Heaters, Pug Stoves and Box Stoves from $4 up to $12.00. Parlor Sets, $10 to $15. 1 Gentleman's Bicycle, $7.00. SIGNs AMBROSE SHEA, DA. A few Dressers, §10 and $14. and Solicitor, La BARRISTER W office, corner of SIGNS oF ALL KINDS, large or small, Post displa specialty, Princess Street. ee Bai LMISTRY COME AND HAVE YOUR HAND READ by e Lillian, who has given satisfaction to many. Hours 10 am t0 9 pm. 338 King Street East. GLASS WORK, ers, Showcards, by Shaw a: 213 ' PIANO TUNING. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING Z. work guaranteed. Peter D. Brown, 12 Markland Street. Phone 2397Tm, A number. of Men's Overcoats, §5, and 310. We buy all kinds of Fupniture. King and Broek, $s. over Royal Bank Money to loan. 1999. Phone DENTAL. DR, A. E. KNAPP, DENTS 268 Princess Street. Phone ---- DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, . DEN. tists, 158 Wellington street, corner oC. of Br ------ DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 Princess Street. Phone 1850. Open evenings by appointment. DR. AYKROYD, DENTIST, uUAs RE. * sum practice at § Princess St, fren Bank of Nova Scotia. Phone ¥802J. ! OFFICE LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHop 652w, f. } eb lin Phove 1045w. 507 Princess Street, ------ WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL Kisus oy svod seCvhu-nang lurniture auy stoves. any person DaVINg stoves and Iurnitucre jo uispuse oi, We wing bay hignest Prices. J. Taompson, 338 Princess street. hone i1svuw. NOKTHW Ly TRn Fro, h With wonderiuj Tesuurces. Position ever vunered Compares | With ours. Write to-day, tun par- No pre- ---- Loaded with Anthracite Coal, Nut sizes, reached us to-day, 'coal off these cars. James Swift & Foot of Jo fresh from the mines. Get some Pn a OF CARS | and containing Egg, Stove and Ucuiars iree. narrigon & Mcooas- kell, verunnak Springs, rlorida, THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY ox Division Street, Within the known gp BATEMAN'S REAL ESTALE, FOR SALE -- C. SEMI-DETAC rooms; B. and U.; down $6.500~BRICK; 10 | 10 ROOMS improvements; central, © ATES) x ~-- 7 ROOMS; HED; town, SIX Limited Co, L THREE ot ; garag AME HOUSE; Nom rooms; large lot, roo: Or two more houses .__TOLET. large lot and stable. TEN, RANE HOUSE, NORTH Exp, Five rooms, no pre ts, large lot, nATENMANS REAL BSTA 180 Welllaxton Stress. i RL air furnace TH END; m for one wREN * Wik-! ox, | | | ---- | KINGSTON RETAIL FOR SALEK 43 MAUS low , price ---- RIFLE FOR SAI &vod - condi oy. : ORE 3 : s ® 1 UNE UPRIGHT C SSI HEINTZMAN plano; good as new. Apply 47 Que- bec street. | MAHOGANY PIANO IN FIRST Ciiss| Trade Rooms, 8 p. "0 | day, Oct. 27th, condition; cheap to quick Apply 15 Pine street iG re Ee Ee - v » | OATS, SEED OR FEED: 0.A.C, 72 CRO} | { Of 1920. Sixty cents bushel. R. M.| Van Luven, Lake Shore Hoad,| eet ren sR, IN Paoene of the Labor Candi- | Connor, Friday, Oct. | Merchants | Important Meeting in Board of m., Thurs- H. J. Steacy, Sec'y. | THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SAT. Matinse Saturday at 2. THE REX STOCK CO. Presenting The Famous Farce Comedy Success 'NEARLY WED" : Vaudeville Between Acts Prices:--20-30-50c: Gallery 10c; Saturday Matinee 10 and 25¢ i { | | Portsmouth. Phone 1108 R 1-3. | + c | CANARY BIRD, MARTZ MOUNTAIN. Roller in full song; also a dandy | deer hound, 16 months old; well bred, with long tan ears. 6:9 Prin- (#95 Stredt. | | | ---- OK "OR SUM RE P CAEAPKEST s np on the market. We are de- livering 1-4 tous at $2.0v; ¥% tons at $4.95, or a rull ton ut $900 Phone 161im. WwW. C. Bruton. SALE op MILLINERY GOONS, CON- sisting of Maiines, : eiling, firaw The lady supporters of the Brai lowers, Kibuons, a © Ban sha owe ana chiidren's hats Liberal party will meet at the Apply 112 Lower Willian Street, 8 LUMBIA AND HY sLov | Bicycles, also bicycle repairing; | stre baby carriage tires put on white you walt. Muller's Bicycle Works, | $i4~313 King street. Phone 1032w. SEVEN - ROOMED HOUSE, Ww ITH wood-working shop attached; lo- | cated in prosperous village el Kingston; doing good business; | 800d reasons tor selling. Apply | remy wy et, on Friday at 4 p.m. J AUCTION SALE FRIDAY, ocr. 25th, 10 A.M, Alex, Alken, Marysivile, Wolfe Island Almost new Parlor, Dining Room Fur« niture, Sewing Mach Oileloth, Curtains. Gurne Oak Heater, Garden Tool ticles. near | 8 and other | | A SIX. ROOMED ligat anu gas. Sireet. FLkaisnueD ROOMS Ww IT BOARD | kiecwic ugas, APPLY 10s Clergy st | near Princess, | --ee AHRAGE FOR FALL AAD WINTER | Storage. McLanu agency, 36 Brock | Streei. Pnone 326. | -- | P ROUM WITH BOARY;| Apply 8i¢ Bar; | FIRST CLAS il convehiences. Tie or pnune 223sw. FIRST CLASS Kuuas AND BOARD; all lmprovewecnis, Ceuirally jocat- ed. Apply 243 University Ave, GARAGE, NEAR anu sagut A R 1, haiugston, CuNER QUEEN Py DL. GG. Hay, R. 'none 1ive r 22, A Nag Rouse Sra House, 146 Moutreai Sl, all duproveweniy, Yuone lvyy rg 3. Vacang Apri isu ------ ee SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE, ALL Pbrovemendcs, newiy UeCoraivd, Ply No. sv Xork Slreet or ph 407. AN rortsaours, A FRA urnisaea; six ¥ ult lotr, App Portsmouth, STORAGE FUR FURNITURE AND mercoandise; ciean and ary. -Mme- Cann ABency, 56 brock Street Fooue soe. ME HOUSE, oums; sned, weil ang y Mrs. Jno. O'Neil, Box N-24, Whig Office | -- ---- A FIRST-CLASS FARM OF 150 ACRES, five miles from Kingston on the Portland Road; two stone houses, chard, running stream through the] farm; Known as the Charles Tru-/ My eae -- dell 1arm. Apply to Knight, 346) Lulversity Ave, hingsion, Sor | s TO LET, - BR E---- The "Made in France Exhibition TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, APPLY Train" will be parked on Ontario Street i ooo | be Open to the public on 1 'Thursday, Oct- JV NG ROOM, NEAR UEEN'S | ober 27th, from 4 to 5 pam, and from BED SvAh to 236 Stuart. * 7 i "m. On Friday, Oct, 28th, .t B ae -- =m | Will be open from 9 a.m. to 12 noon for | 1 a On lit Phone 325w. | xanizations exclusively, Citizens are ur. 2 ~LLE Wey Faone Siow | gently requested to see this exhibit, 1 b " « | H. C. NICKLE, Mayor HOUSE, ELECTRIC APPLY to 219 Stuart | W. W. SANDS, City Clerk | Queen's Universit General Hospital, Ki eneral Iospital, King- Heating Plant Equipment. -- M Campbell, Chairman Building Com- mittee, Kingston, Ontario, until 12 o'- clock noon, Monday, Nov. 21st, 1921, for Piping, Auxiliary Equpiment, Covering. Hopper, Chimney and Stokers. Flang ang Specifications may be seen at the offices of the Consulting En- Eineers, Professor I, M. Arkley, Queen's n- | Thomas, 229 College Street, Toronto. "bl, A deposit of Ten Dollars will be re- Cue! nuired 'for plans given out. | [] Memorial Bronze | Convocation Hall, Monday, Oct, 81st 8 PM, Exercises--Rev. Wm, Stone barns, taree welis; good or- Langdon, 222 Divisiun street, King- on. NO. 24 Filth Street between Earl and West Streets nnd will MEDIUM-SI1ZED FURNISHED HOU delegations of T' | Ka » Oct. 25th, 1921 mn, Sealed Tenders will be received by J. Coal and Ash Handling Equipment, Coa] University, Kingston, or Melvern F. Unveiling of B.D., Hamilton, Five avusiey FRAN. HOUSE Al bingscon stayon; immegiate pus. | Session. Kent reasonaode, Apply | 1. Opening 141 nickson avenue, Liars Reo r--tm---- Kannawin, B.A. »u RNISHED ROOMS, SUITABLE FOR | 2, Hynmn--112, business genuiemen or students, hot &na cold water in each room. Appiy (3. 0. T. Scripture--w; 4U6 Johnson street. 11I.--Prof. Morison TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, HeAT-| 4 N. T. ' Scripture--Rom. ed, on bath roum nat; electric) >. : lights; gas; terms moderate, Ap-| Prof. Macphail. Piy 1¥2 Colborne street. 5. Prayer--Dr Arthur E Ross, SLVMAGE FUK FUKMIUKE, CLEAN, |g. Hymn--74 Uidy, Biry rooms;. your own tock § Bi Rid Key Irost 8 City Storage, yy. | 7' Sermon--Principal Dyde. S02 Jucen St Paone $28; res. Yayw 8. Unveiling of Tablet and Address =--G. M. Macdonneil, K.C., Chair- man of Board, Queen's Theological -- 00 USE oF College. FLRNISHMED BED-ROOM; married 9. Hymn--310. Kitcnen; sultable lor Coupie or two young ladies; near | 10. Last Post--Trum 11. Benediction, fsdom, Chap. VIIL-- Lolege ana Collegiate. Apply Box 0-24, Whig. APARTMENTS, ESPECIALLY FURN- ished for light housekeeping, mod- €rn improvements, at toe Ploneer Apartments, 212-214 Division street. Faone 1434w, A DOUBLE FRONT ROOM, on a bascony, hot water, h and electric hight, on Un near University, Suitable for two business men op Students. Phone 1859-1. rt teers mtmlesaeass SURNISHED® AND UNFURMSHED Tooms for light housek for ight'ana Rooms heated Handy to car line. Stephen Street. 5 _---- 3 AT ONCE, A NEw SEVEN RooOM house and barn on North Alfred; al- So un North Alfred street, a good brick house and eight acres of Jang, Apply to J. D, Boyd, 332 University Avenue, phone 1053M. APARTMENT, FOUR ROOMS bathroom; hardwood floors; el light; gas range and refrigerator; Sydenham Apartments, 227 Street, Apply McKelve Ltd, 69 Brock Street, St OT STOCK TO RENT. TWO or THREE rooms, two blocks f Conveniences, gas One room heated. A; OT 2106-J. peters R.C.H.A, To The Electors of the City of Kingston AND THE VILLAGE OF PORTS. MOUTH OPENING cated, gay ion street, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: -- I beg to announce that I have accepted the nomination of the Liberal Party of this City, and re. spectfully solicit your votes and influence at the coming election ouse of Commons. ou think favorably of my candidature and elect not will AND ectric make our home town a bigger and better Kingston: - JOHN M. CAMPBELL. Pearl. Nesbitt LTC. ist and 1 of Q St. Cholr Teacher in Singing and Piano Studie: 24 Division Street. Phowe 11674 UNFURNISHED rom Princess St. FANCY GOODS. EDGING, AG. box pleating ARCHITEQT PLANS--SURVEYS--ESTIMATES 8. Scott, BA, B.Se. M Inst. 123 King Street. at Phone 163J, row SON AND OREV Al rs. Merchants Bank . Y Shires ot Brock and Wellington e world is now nearing completion at the yards of the Canadian Viekers, Ltd., here, and Is expected to be handed over to her owners, the department of marine 2nd fisheries, in about three weeks. It will probably be operated on the ship channel below Quebee, and will leave tor that port immediately on delivery. The dredge is 284 feet EE -------- a : | Liberal Rooms, 143 Princess ine, Rugs, Carpets, y Range, Royal W MURRAY, Auctioneey rade and Commerce or- | and Nin sn, int To-day---"EAST LYNNE" Last. Time ST LON CHANEY "THE ACE OF HEARTS" twist in which destinies of many peo- A powerful story with an unusual ple hung upon "The Ace of Hearts SNOOKY COMEDY 1000 LAUGHS --------. Ps oe ------ A Ar A | en ia ST RAND [ THUR., FRI, SAT. | STRAND . ANOTHER PETER B. KYNZ STORY "THE TEN DOLLAR RAISE" . Full of downright human interest and played by a brilliant cast Last Time To-night--Louise Glaum in "1 AM GUILTY" | | QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY | | CONCERTS Single reserved tickets now on sale for. BERTHA CRAWFORD'S Concert in Grant Hall Thursday, Oct. 27th at 8.15 50, $1.00 at Uglow's, the Public L r, 75c¢. ts by Miss Crawford, the Flonzaley | PRICES: $1. ibrary, Queen's, Post Office. Unreserved tickets at doo Serial tickets for concer and assisting artists, My yra Hess, String Quartette: $3.50, $2.50. And for children, $1.50. On-sale at the same places. | | | | | ~ a --" INSIST ON THE BEST (Crossed Fish Sardines THE FINEST QUALITY IN PURE OLIVE OIL DRS. ROBERT and EDNA ASHCROFT OSTEOPATHS 204 King Street, near Earl Telephone 447. Latest drugless treatment. New electrical cabinet. Twelve years success lu Kingston ne MEDICAL PRACTICE Good opening in the Village of Battersea for a young Doctor. This id n good loeation for the right man. Apply -- BOX XYZ, BATTERSEA Dominion Taxi Service PHONE 116 ONT. W. KENT MACNEE Bank of Commerce Bullding, Brock and King Streets. Phone 701 or 1327). General Insurance Agency Writing: --Automobile, Accident, Sickness, Plate Glass Burglar Representing Only Reliable Companies. An THE OCTOBER BRIDE Wiints the Cholcest of Flowers. We can supply them. LAWSON & coLLins Store, Wellington and Brock Conse rvatories, Nights ana Sundays, phone 770. 68 Centre. Phone 1174J. Phone 667W. "Quality First""--Not How Cheap But How Geod. Ne rr a... _ ANNOUNCING A New Chevrolet Model "The 490 Special' "490," this model Vacuum Feed Sys- blong rear curtain Combining all the good points of the will in addition have Gasoline Tank on rear, ~ tem, Storm Curtains opening with doors, o light, nickle-flated radiator, nickle-plated bu "490 Touring Regular" «490 $785 ; Roadster Regular" $785 "490 Light Delivery" $785 All prices F.0.B. Oshawa--S8ales Tax Extra BAWDEN & EDWARDS CHEVROLET saLes AND SERVICE PHONE 400, 89 MONTREAL STREET \ long between perpendiculars, and 292 feet long over all, with a breadth Of 48 feet and a depth of 20 1-2 feet. Mackenzie King asks why contra- dictory replies are given to his ques tions on munition ship . Hon. Mr. Crerar opens his tour of New Brunswick at a meeting a Woodstock Tuesday evening. Ulster is the subjeet of ¢ Irish conference comm debate by th. ittee.

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