Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Oct 1921, p. 12

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ATTURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1021, E WORLD'S PRE Ye Olde Firme, Established 1850--Over 50 Years. ) NE, 4 ENT PROBLEM. | ; se Yeas, Anaemia 74 \ fori Internati ; Suni pavast Lesson For Oct. 30 "| A Piano Record That y y_} = | by ; means 'Want of ) "Strong Drink in a Nation's Life. sa. 28:1-13. | Has No Parallel Blood", but the / \ 8y Wiliam T. Ellie. | : lerm 1s also used v. vener-| tj ich law-observance has | Nineteen-twenty-one is passing into the closing quarter of the year ny: 11 al, a sleepy, vener-|tion, of wh 2», } 2 is passing ; Saar Yet 42 describe imposet. 0 oa historic city iD today become the paramount pase, showing the volume of business done by "Ye Olde Firme to be largely in ished or weakened J | Nova Scotia, the second oldest set-|was a theme for Sunday Sehal Los excess of that of any pravious year in our long history, and giving every rea- condition 'of the { |tlement on the North American con!sons, It Bad I a the| son to expect that the objective set by the management earlier in the year . : tinent, suffered a disastrous fire a/jals or on front pa "3 piogs "hp will be more than reached. ' || |few weeks ago. 'The business center | hobby of Banotice oy SE Ask our sales staff how they find business, 'and the united answer is F you are anaemic you are in a condition of | of the city was destroyed, along with | Praviial peor - 30 lloeretiedt "good." susceptibility {to the attacks of disease tf Many residences. But ihe fre Wasjecome a lea DE ro 10 the prov of] No week goes hy without large additions to the sales of the genuine germs. For Anaemia lessens the functional | attended by incidents of more Bias 18 iid atieniio Cains than A © i : | ter significance than the destruct on the Un a ; ; 5 power of every organ in the body and increases of property. For the occasion lifted | foreign affairs. It has moved trom | your liability to serious illness. the 1id off an ugly phase of contem-T obscure Sunday School classes to he} © is : : Ry ¥ i litics, Europe : | porary life to which we are usually highest councils of politics. ¢ : You need WINCARNIS at once {bitna. Durie the conflagration, |is apparently more interested is the] Grand and Upright 4 WINCARNIS will enrich That is why WINCARNIS = |and immediately following it, when effects of prohibition in the United} the blood--strengthen the is recommended by | the noblest sentiments of neighbor- | States and Canada than in J 8 wy The sales closed within 1921 include the noted Grand Piano--specially nerves -- and restore the physicians and is accept- |liness should have ruled, there was mament Conference the public, builtin ivory white and gold- for Madame Tetrazzini and shipped to hep glow of health to your o a gue of the greatest {widespread looting of salvaged deepest Sopscloustiess e y } castle in Rogie. Hale onics in e world. 3 | that the wor cannot con-| as > s aly. : : : Cheeks quickly and surely. WINCARNIS does not | goods, | knows i Another beautiful Grand shipped to Madame Nellie Melba. for persona] IS is a bols i dd outbreak of tinue half dry and half wet. | ¢ i sensi combo anton, Ta peri fling ea Io, Taddoe 1 use in her Australian home. : 3 . I ds for- scientific combination of stim 3 {lawlessness by aliens: the men As one who regularly read | n hor ; . : a the glycerophosphates of oo ation, Ta beuelts 8 | caught were of the old British breed, feign publications, and occasionally | Nine Grand and Upright Pianos sold to the Canadian Pacific for use on sodium, potassium, calcium healthful invigoration to {Who settled the Maritime Provinces |the daily newspapers of many ities, the Empress of Canada and other transatlantic steamers of this great Cana- with iron and manganese-- all the organs and tis- {in the long ago. They typify a fact |I confess that I am amazed at Be dian Company. : ; the very minerals of Which Cs phe body. Take {of the times: namely, that the SVi7il |Yeskleasuess ot much hat s wh} And the half is not here told, for the vear's sales include Pianos to citi- our bodies are composed-- at once. You £ |of disregard for law and right has /ten about e continuanc R = : : i 3 fy combined with extract of Will eat better, sleep better aster Tee 5 ony Ta very |drink under prohibition. Disregard zelis of ouigianding prom Rense n Sl, Jinls of Cady fron °%oon fo acean Beef and Malt and a health- and soon regain your color {heart of oak of our civilization. for law seems ta be accompanied by | not forge ing expor shipm 8 lo / A, I Le¢ d, South Africa, giving Wine in proper pro- and rosy outlook on life. {Dark and hidden forces of- anarchy | disregard for facts. It is true that | South America, China, France and Great Britain. portions to be most zeadily Don't delay gin to get land crime burst out with alarming | in cities law-breakers seeking lig- | assimilated into the blood. - well to-day. | frequency in all sorts of unexpected | uor, and willing to pay a high price] ~--The one piano used by Rovalt Buy a Bottle to-day! {places. What happened in staid old | for it, may usually secure contra-| plana y y y , : = | Annapolis Royal is close kin to what {band intoxicants. But to say that whenever visiting Canada. {happened In Chicago and New York !the cities are "wetter than ever", This beautiful Canadian-made Piano is in reality a {and San Francisco. The papers talk and that "there is more booze drunk creation of its own---exquisite and rhythmic. in tone--pos- {of a "crime wave", whereas they today than before prohibition came] sessed of a rich, round, singing quality individual to itselt | really mean something more than a! in", is simply to talk bosh. --and for these reasons outstanding above all others--it has | wave--a rising tide.of lawlessness | For the greater part of two lound nquslised tavor with world-great artists and a criti- {whic ac ; $ J lling con- cal musical public the world over. raga Pri bot {Which is menacing the whole world. | months I have been trave Atall 5750 for 15m. ; 2 |Russia and Great Britain, Germany | tinuously in Pamala, he Atlant) --%A Heintzman & Co. Proprietors: COLEMAN & CO, Lnvrren, |and the United States, Japan and States and the Middle West, an 9 NorwicH, ENG. [France, are all being inundated by (have looked in vain for anything| : Planc for me" is the verdict. Canadian Office: 61 Portland St, Toronto. { [this perilous spirit [like the outward evidences of the CANADA'S MUCH-LOVED PIANC d | | baw old days of the open saloon : Frank S. Ball, Resident Director, 4 | : : - Peri There are rich and reckless men who S {gations Frosch Berl. Ione Stooi on and rekless men who C. W. LINDSAY, Ltd. 121 princess STREET, KINGSTON | " . 4 b "home-brew." There are also imma- " \ Y y are we that the very men who are : . y WwW od SDAIN PIIANIAN DINN ad horrified at the deadly orgy of mo- ture ind ho Want what is Je L EE ------ ~~ | tion picture people in a San Frap-|?ied them simply because it is de- {cisco hotel, proceed straightway to Bled. But all honest men who are] |talk complacently of the trade in 2Ple to form their judgments upon { contraband liquor, and to defy the ® Wide collection of facts know that, | SATURDAY SPECIAL | prohibition laws. They do not per-| 10 this period of Jabor unrest and} [ceive that law is law, and that obe-|UNemPployment, it is a boon beyond | |dience to law cannot become eclec-| WOTds to society that the saloon is | Choice line of Western Beef S n ne a ~Iclosed and that intoxicating liquors [he ilies ek baging ate generally inaccessible. The net|[] S00 Ibs. of Roast, ,..12%e; Ih, For Infants and Children. [obey then the Whot wate cours of a TeSult of the drastic legislation, |] Choice Steaks 1b, Who uses a PEERLESS PENINSULAR RANGE ard they will A ------ | y against strong drink has unques-| time iE, tell you it is a PERFECT BAKER and is very economical in tionably been beneficial. | Lamb Chops p Tel. [The man who breaks the laws a. ; 0 ers now a |against theft, as at Annapolis Royal, | [J] ¥romts of Lamb 15c. and 20c. Ib For appearante it is second to none and is built for wear, | | 2c Is no more an enemy of the com- The Pendulum's Present Swing. Rose Brand Butter . ...42c. Ib. Let us show them to you. - . . Genuine Castoria monwealth than the man who| mpg world's after war slump |} All kinds of Smoked Meat. breaks the laws against bigamy or is partly responsible for the diffi-! : Stove Department on Second Floor, against gambling or against the sale | culty that has been experiénced in Corn Flakes--10c. package. |of intoxicants. Lawlessness is law- | entorein th i 3 | g e prohibition law, as °® [peril of the warla, * "1°" PTI¢| well as all other statutes. Bui the Quick's emmon ons peril of the world, pendulum is swinging back. A few Le ca ma them ; bh Jb ) Em J) s.)) = NT Pa DBS & a en | civilization built upon law collapses. consideration as World's Temper-|gaiq to me, as we talked in his office | ance Sunday is once more observed | oe ohr common war memories FOR BARGAINS in the Sunday Schools. It is an 0C- ("There is certainly a perceptible re. 1 a |casion for a broad and fearless out-f turn toward the war ideals. People| ~ look upon the: attitude of the world. | org getting" over the debauch thrt| [years Is a common sweep Of followed the armistice. The world | snousht, from the crude law-break- seeing that her only hope is in {Ing at Annapolis Royal to the lack | sniritual forces." That man truly |of respect for men and Institutions |; terpreted our times. The extra-| such as we See. in the latest POPUAT | ordinarily deep and clear interest in| books. The 'Mirrors of Do Ding | ¢pg Washington Conference is one Street", the 'Mirrors of Washing-| vindication of his opinion. The | a _=.. ton", Strachey's "Life of Queen Vic- jjeals that won the war, and at the| toria~, Lord Esher's "Life of Kitch- same time put the iron heel of the| ener", and the long-suppressed but law upon the debauching power of| now published third volume of Bis- : : 4 . Cl h b I d marks Jemorrs are recent warting ce," (ne we sin mer! (up Electric Cleaner has been mprove or Ver evidences of the iconoclastic mooy of From the depressing spectacle of ' the hour. the heartless looting of victims of a| to Perfection < The Bolshevik is not the only one great fire, aid of all kindred law- " hir Yea I'S busy at attempting to destroy an- lessness, we turn to the more inspir- (cient stabilities. The trend of the ing view of a world, represented by Himes is that way. It looks as ifiihe churches au Sunday Schools, | The Ohio Electric Cleaner is as far ahead of most other cleaners as these are things in general were being pre- which is preponderatingly unselfish | h . ' . : P 3 y e broom. Its handiness and smooth o ration renders cleanin pared for some vast explosion, Ar- and altruistic. Deeper flowing than in Skivance of t 00! pe g thus Guiterman's Joss, ad aig the mood for disregard for law fs a pleasure. \ ect," comes to mind as we see the th . % - wr % . | prevalence -of- this attitude of -disre- |g Lob LAr _Dassion for humaa wel- The Ohio Electric Cleaner employs the compelling force of a large volume of This is the phase of the temper- | 4,v¢ ago the leading editorial ) ° ance question that is uppermost for | writer on a Milwaukee ri | Western Meat Market 187 Princess St fare and for righteousness. * Ordin- . . . . . : : : gard 'and disdain for constituted law | 4p), unvocal--entirely too unvocal arr suction aided by the slow moving brush. It will pick up lint or thread. It JT SEATAUE COURT, NEW von Grey. and authority:-- --the 'noblest public sentiment f{s will not injure the finest rug or harm the softest fabric. It answers fully every "The powder lay in heaps--a threat nevertheless, in most tests, domin- i : i ' Of death--where powder should |ant today. Men and ers --- a requirement of the good vacuum cleaner. It is improved to perfection and now: not lie; dreaming the great dreams of a so- 1 Some fool threw down a cigarette-- ber world, of a world of justice, of And flaming ruin rent the sky. |a world of good will and brotherli- | We Want to Improve Our Name ness, | "Whereat, a solemn jury met As our Lesson text says, "precept AU al the Dame In wisdom | must be upon precept, Precept upon : We will give $500.00 in cash for the best name submitted. | rare, precept; line upon line, line nu : : iti On him that threw the cigarette, !line; here a litle aps there a oe Seven other liberal prizes. The conditions of our contest are Not them that left the powder tle, the great truth must po taught exceedingly simple. If you are a householder you can easily there. to all peoples that no man lives to , qualify. : . himself alone, and that there is no "Upon the heaps of Want and personal dgsire ur privilege or right 3 Any of our dealers will gladly give you full particulars regard- ame, at may not nobly surrendered i i y arest dealer Whereupon men build, one evil] for the sake of all mankind. For L Ing our Prize Name Contest, tal UPoA our ne Se L today day that is the Christian principle un- 3 and ask for our Prize Name Contest Folder. the Some fool will fling a word of derlying the whole idea of temper. Ohio Electric Cleaner in operation. A demonstration flame-- ance. will be more convincing proof of its superiority than any Drive a FORD SEDAN or COUPE An at Will Wl. ¥h9 sl : claims we can make. Besides, a demonstration may Would Move For Expulsion suggest the winning name to you. Salt this winter. It will give you anew con- "But should all eag:h be overse pe ception of motoring comfort. You will Wall lay the Yiame, in. dulll de. or fon, Frank Carvel ; . Our dealers should all be easy to locate. Look . ether it rains : On him that threw th cigarette, Pritce Albert, Sask. Oct. 26--Hon. for the Red Prize Contest Card in the dealer's not worry whether it » blows or Not them that put the powder| W. R. Motherwell, Liberal candidate window. If you have any difficulty in locating 1 are alike. there." for Regina, declared last night that i snows--all kinds of weather Al re ens, deciated ot Bight that one of our dealers, please write us. And won't your wife and children Making a World itsons: ber im the next House of Commons, appreciate it? Twenty years ago the liquor ques- (One Of his first duties will be to The United Electric Co. of Canada Ww P p - me note ip the Stpultion of Hon. Frank LIMITED . We are equipped to give you prompt ainful Sores arvell from the chairmanship of the \ : : and skilled Ie at fe Ry On Her Ankle ™""™ commusioners. , 5 82 Chestnut Street = Toronto, Canada : ; NAME OF DEALERS by eS Pcparatians iy Swift Current, Sask., Oet. 26.--D. Houle and @. Ducheane, Quebec, yeins on my leg. They were instantly killed with a little sore that grew Reay 3 , mare painful till ft Waidrek when struck by a rallway i i Tse, | und my whole ankle, engine. They were section hands on - VanLuvenBros SA Rie | EL hi ® iis to purity my Dood, with. Hood's pt h edicated Soa) 'Wash the sore, and Not in Sympathy. + . Phone 1609. 34-38 Princess Street. Hood's Olive Olutment to heal it. It| Cincinatti, Ohio, Det, 26.--Notice Was Soon apparent I was on the right { was sent from the natipnal headquar- x Sohrue, fur 33 the result of {atthiull) very oF tne bn rIo of rallw taking the Sarsaparilla, the sore dim. 18 ay inished and finally disappeared. || Steamship clerks freight hand- - mel heartily recommend these 'remedies | 27%, Numbering more than two huan- The business section of Tampa, EUIL storm. No loss of life T™ been to all suffering from similar troubles. | dred thousand, that the organization is practically flooded under {reported but Industry is at a stand-|{ Mrs John Peterson, * Detroit Har-|is not in sympathy with the proposed feet of water as a result of the still, : bor, Wis. rallway strike, y »

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