" "Greater Than Love" -- Mabel Bal Constance Talmadge -- i HE outstanding feature sage. the love of love. Louise Glaum appears as the un- whose heedlessness and selfishness disappear Tegeherate, the unbeliever before a great love which, in turn Bives way to the "Greater Than Love element personified frail Miss Ger trude Claire the mother and which is shown to be Maith, "The Journey's End" "The Journey's End" tells the story of a young irl delicately nurtured and bred who leaves a convent in Rome, where she has been educated, to make her home with an uncle in America. Through force of ctrcum- stance she is forced into a marriage with a man infinitely her inferior. Then, when finally she meets a man who is in every sense of the word her | mate, conditions become intolerable d. How Fate | intervenes to straighten out the tangle | makes one of the most Tipping, force- | tul stories ever flashed upon the silver. and she leaves her husban sheet, "Lovetime" The romance of when an artist of of [an assumed na "Greater Than Love" is its mes- Thy Faith of the Mother in the play transcends all loves-- the love of self, the love of dross and "Lovetime" begins noble birth, wan- dering inte & village of Savoy under lin-"Lovetime"-- "The Greater Profit". me, paints the portrait i of a little peasant maid Whose beauty [has attracted him. The scene shifts | to Paris, whither she 80es to escape the attentions of an aged Don Juan and where she earns a living by her {ability as a singer and dancer. The | young artist follows her--so does the aged Don Juan--his uncle. The lat- er enlists the co-operation of the rtist's aristooratic mother to prevent & union of the loving pair, and dim- | culties thereupon are erected. But all comes right in the end, of course. "Up The Road With Sallie" The story concerns a number of irresponsible young relatives who, at a given time have to account for the | several ways in which they have em- | ployed five thousand dollars. The one { who has put his initial bequest to best | use will receive the bulk of a large | mate, How. Sallie, her initial five thousand dollars in sand, kidnaps her own aunt, bumps into a house infest. ed by "burglars," is herself mistaken for a crook, is Quarantined for small- pox, and finally falls prey to the very game which she herself is playing, make a fast moving screen story in which count' ss laughs are Punctuated with a few sighs and fhany tense moments. "The Riot" Jimmy Aubrey in his latest comedy, eh rs SAA Pi a LY BRITISH WHIG. LON SL CLA T 458 LAUD S77 ~ LPCY YALL LU 7H 3 78AK0L AVEO OY TA Go po "The Riot, undertakes to play the | her tearful ejected fro mother are about to be | Jimmy's Gallahad m their humble home be- | landlord is a veritable Goliath while cause they cannot meet the rent bilL | Jimmy is not cast of AULELL. TAU TE, APA mee with intentions. The landlord shall [in part of a Sir Gallahad--a rescuer of | not pass forlorn dames. His sweetheart and | domicile! the doorsill of his beloved's | But unfortunately for Pretentions, an heroic mould. Jimmy is penniless but his soul is afire | His most ferocions weapon is a twitch- ' David. the | B & oN wo Toa or CY re mm CHITTY AH THLE 'COPTIC Le FodL STAG Sry TUR THE LOAD II TALL Se g moustache. Jimmy, meets the issue and prove however, | a modern but receives a reward .in of the realm which is a fitting endi "Cush" is king, He not only saves the girl | 1s Kood old coin yo ali to a story of modern days when she live among criminals and other "The Greater Profit" The story of "The Greater Profit" highly dramatic, revolving about a ung girl of high ideals and her ex- In the underworld wheres is compelled by ecircumstdne i ATASTOY His lates and * THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1921, AND IND ROrEFyrrs =~ tage HL 75 ZT iy sirables. Fate, howe brings about her regeneration and there is a de~ lightful touch of rdmance to leaven the stronger moments in which the production abounds. Rod La Rocque Among the most popular of the unger players is Rod La Rocque, appearances are in "Life" Greater Than Love." yo AAA A AAA en. SE ns sam os woe --- h, with | last week. Her husband, her par-|the evidence visible from a college ents, sister and brother.mourn her|office peint to the' fact that 'ue early demise. young girl of today is aiming teward INJURED AT YARKER. serving the village with fresh meats. | will be held Nov. 13th and 14t | William Fry, for many years a resi- [a social evening and tea on tHe night 4 Chase & Sanborn' of the 14th. x £ Ee , Lake. - i: i ¥ { Kenneth Freeman in an Auto When It Turned Turtle, Yarker, Oet. 25.--Kenneth Free- "man met with quite a serious acei- dent Sunday lasts The Ford car he was driving turned turtle on him, And striking a telegraph pole, threw him through the wind-shteld, cutting Bis head open -Aseistante was quick- ly rendered and he was rushad the office of 'Dr Oldham, "It cer. tainly was & narrow escape from sud- den death. . Allan Silver is busy in the mill Yard sawing up the slab wood. Wood Will be in plenty this winter and the Price lower. Banks in the surrounding villages are pfeparing for any attacks that may be made on them by burglars. Church' attendance has been slim in the Methodist church here, owing to having no fire to warm up the church. Mr. Boyle, of Napanee, promises to ha @ new furnace in- . Mtalled this «-Re¥.Mr. Diekin- "som is again able to take charge of _ the Camden sh, The H. Church on the hill has Been rented Dy the Standird church, and meet- ., Ings wil] be Beld there every Sunday $vening. Rev, Mr. Tomlinson will ba © in charge of the services. i Hilda Wartman has gone to To- i ronto, having secured a situation £ there. Travelling men report busi- # mess very dull, Alfred Cousins, Olden, has rented the Charles Emberly farm at 'Varly We now have four butchers -------- | tle of election tal M.- dent of Yarker, died as a result of a stroke at Orillia. We hear very lit- k, but likely will after the convention at Napanee. One of our village homes had a narrow {escape from fire, but quick action on | the part of a young lady extinguished the blaze. Mr. Lord and Mr. Smith have moved to Yarker. Both are employ- ees ofthe C.N.R. Our magistrate was called upon to give warning for the stamping out of the sale of cigarettes to minors. Mrs. R. J. Skinner, visit- ing her parents here, has returned to her home in Toronto, The country is {well Watered now, owing to the re- cent rains ond the Napanee river is rising, giving plenty of power to the several mills on the stream. Mr. and Mrs. Spicer have returned from their holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Dolby leave this week or their holiday trip. The anniversary services in connection with the Methodist church in Yarker The Events at Elgiu. Klgin, Oct. 24.--Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Knapp, Toronto, who spent the month with relatives, have returned to Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. J. Morris were recent guests at W. Myer's, Forfar. Mérlin Campbell, Smith's Falls collegiate, spent Sunday at his home. Born to Mr. aft Mrs. David Drummond, a daughter, =» Miss Hazel Coon, R.N., left last week to accept a situation, in a New York hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ferguson have returned from spend- ing a week at Rockport. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Myers, Portland, were guests at George Howard's, W. K. Deleney, Lyndhurst, was the guest of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ruthven, Kendall, were called here by the death of their daughter, Mabel. The remains of Mrs. C. Meyers, New- boyne, were brought here for burial The Wallace Oil Shale Test Plant of the 'results are judged as RUSSERT NV Anglo-Persian Oil Company. It is located at Rosevale, New Brunswick, not far from the city of Moncton, Ten thousand gallons of oil were to be extracted from the shales of New Brunswick and a large plant erected if 'the satisfactory. Photos by courlesy Canadian National Railways. ------------ USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL This The Ambition of The Day Girl. Oct: 26.--Judging 4 girl's fitness for bysiness by the length of ler hair as an employment standard has little mores t0 recom- mend it than the selection of a man because he wears a bow tie or a four-in-hand, in the opinion of Dr. William WwW. Guth, president of Gou- cher College, of Baltimore. Whils a Httle vanity is good for any woman, "bobbed brains," are a more vital subject than bobbed hair, according to President Guth. "It Is difficult to see why this harmless feminine whim has aroused such widespread discussion," Dr Guth added, "umless, perhaps, ft is true that we delight in making Mountains ott of molehijls. For, all Baltimore, @ standard-not to be compared with uniform coiffures--the standard of real usefulness in the home, in 'he "So much has been said about the vanities and frivolities of the mod- ern girl that it is only fair to point out tha: the average girl of today is far better equipped mentally than the girl of a generation ago, The girl of today wants to be useful as well as ornamental." who had the chance to buy proper- ty, now worth millions, for a song and did not, we never could under- stand why people should boast ab- out their ancestors. Some folks act as if they thought no one would know they were am- ongst those present if they did not Insist upon handing in a minority report, " 4 Lm a a i i? TT TTT FTI TI YG AN OIL INTERESTING RECOVERY EXPERIMENT IN NEW BRUNSWICK AWE TA Present | COmmunity and in the world of busi- . ness. | CEYLON AND INDIA TEA Is the result of fifty years of constant study to bring to the discriminating tea drinker tea gardens o the Far Be ul In the flavor, aroma and golden i Ceylon & India Black Tea can with which the plants have been read all the impaicmen a Saieq ad Sold and coe pound pcos, ssl sie i best to be found in the or of Chase & Sanbom's ceaseless care in half CHASE & SANBORN, Montreal, Que. WN Beeley's Bay Church Re-Opened. Seeley's Bay, Oct. 25.--On Sun- day, Oct. 23rd, the Methodist church at Seeley's Bay was re-opened after Very extensive renovations through- out. Services were held at a.m. and 7 pm., and were very largely attended by loca] friends and friends from Elgin and other points, Many favorable comments were passed up- on the bright attractive, decorative scheme of the interior, The preach- er at the morning service was Rev. D. Mick, S.T.L., of Grace church, Gananoque, who preached an in- spiring sermon from Joshua 1-2. Rev. Dr, Meyer, Lyn, was to have preached in the evening, but was unable because of indispgaition. The Pulpit was occupied by. the pastor, Rev. George W. Dustin, B.T.L., who preached from Mark 1; 21, The siuging was of a high order. In the sang "Praise Ye © and a duet was sung by A, stand Mrs. (Rev.) Doggett, "Near fo Jesus." In the evening the oir réndered-an anthem, "My Tim- €3 Are_in the Hands," and Mrs, (Rev. ) WA. 8. gett sang a solo, "This 1s My Task." ------ the ta Plowing Around Oso, Oso, Oct, 28.--Most of the farmers are busy doing their fall plowing Rev. Mr. Pringle conducted the ger vice {n Christ Church, Oso. - Normes McPherson and Herbert -Bourk -re turned from the west, James War ren has gone to work at Whitby with his brother, Joseph. H, Osar, of Blginburg, has returned home afte: a visit with friends. here, Joseph Warren, who was ill, is able to I out again. Mr. and Mrs. William Macpherson spent Sundey at J. W. Bourk's. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Carr and Dora Car: spent Sunday at Joseph Warren's Sam Swain and brother, Vietor, visit ed at John Crawford's, Luck to the Bluenose. New York, Oct. 26.--""More pow er to the :-Bluenose, may her years b long and may she never know wate haul or a day's ill luck," is the wis of the"Tribune for the winner of th International Fishernten's trophk race this morning. rt ------------ A Spits dog is said to bo a domes ticated jackal. - There are dozens of differ- ent brands of corn flakes on market -- Post Toasties --best corn flakes That's why psiticular peopie say © "Host Yodstlen™ witem erdering corn fiskes, but only one