Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Oct 1921, p. 5

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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1921. THF DAITY RRITI Kingston and Vicinity | Special prizes for the highest mum-' mains of shelled buildings, and in en- B UILDING?| Poca CHOICE ~ WESTERN MEATS and COOKED MEATS McGEEIN'S Phone 1182 | 282 Princess Street | S-- ay "~~""FOR MOVING OF Freight, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and Cartage of every description-- Kingston Transfer Co. 153 Wellington Street. LUMBER We have lately received several car loads of New Hemlock, Spruce and Pine Lumber. It is from the big mills, was bought right, -and we can afford to sell it at interesting prices. " ------ REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? | O. Aykroyd & Son | 2! Main Street. Phone 1670. omty To Speak in Kingston. | ) Furniture--Freight--Baggage | Mrs: A. C. Courtice, organizing! ber of points made during the first tents within the range of the i 8chool Club, is to speak in King- Mrs. Muchmore and Mr, Pelow. | - Phone 1776J ston at an early date, (Dancing was enjoyed after the! Auto Hit Buggy. . > -- en | games, music being furnished by the|. Several people had close calls for 8 SEA ' Keep Warm. { society orchestra. j their lives 03 Tuesday night, in an : " We carry large range of winter m---------- | accident, which occurred near the jovercoats for boys and men. Our Rev. James Hastie Dies, {railway crossing at Cataraqui. It| | prices for boys' range from $8.00 '0 Rev. James Hastie, a well known appears that a Kingston man was | $15.00. Men's from $15.00 to [minister of the Presbyterian church. jon his way into the city in his auto, [$28.00. 'Also children's reefers at|and for eighteen years pastor of With three or four passengers. As| { $5.00. Prevost, Brock street. Knox church, Cornwall, died on Oct. he came to the railway crossing a 24th at Moulinette, where he had train was approaching, and the, lived in' retirement for the past 'en driver, it is alleged, put on extra | years. The deceased was in his eigh- Speed to clear the crossing and on ty-second year. He was married clearing the tracks ran into a rig three times. {which was coming from the city. -- The rig suffered considerable dam-! The Late Miss Mary Boyd. |age, but none of the occupants were Miss Mary Boyd passed away at|injured but it is stated that it is a the residence of her sister, Mrs, Pp |miracle how they escaped. Chaplin May Buy Summer Home. |A. Haffner, 409 Johnston street, on. = It is reported in Watertown, N.Y, | Tuesday. The deceased was sixty-| Married in Chicago. i that Charlie Chaplin, film comedian, |six years of age and had been in| When J. F. French, Renfrew, | will buy a summer home at the failing health for some yearf. She. left for the American side, ostensib- | Thousand Islands, Irving Berlin, not- | was an officer of the Salvation Army|ly to attend the world's champioz- | ed song writer, a very close friend of {but her falling health obliged her to! ship series, between the leaders in | | Chaplin, has one near Alexandria | give up active participation in the|the two big baseball leagues, it! | Bay. splendid work of that organization. |seems 'hat he had more serious mat- | | {Surviving are one sister, Mrs. Haff-| ters in contemplation. At all events | Mrs. George Gifford Dead. | {ner, and three brothers, Joseph | friends received word that Mr. | | At Portland on Sunday last the|Boyd, Kingston, James Boyd, Tor-| French was married in Chicago on | | death occurred of Mrs. George Gif-jonto, and John Boyd, Fort William. Monday last to Miss Theresa Legris, | | ford, aged seventy-eight, a highly | ------------ | sister of Joseph Legris, Renfrew, and {esteemed resident. Deceased was twice married and is survived by her } | Messrs. Alfred and Harry Legree. | Blaze At Smith's Falls. | Dacre, and daughter of Alfred Le-| { husband, three daughters and one; | son. Estimates given by ~-------- | | TRANSFER" secretary of the Ontario Home and series of five games were given to emy's guns. jh S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Btrects, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415. « FOR SALE Double stone dwelling, three | storey, large lot; 1 extra lot. || Sioud bars. ts for $44 per | Detective James Cotter, who was Mouth. Price $4,500. | shot by the auto bandits, 'is now {able to walk around and is making w. H. GODWIN {rapid progress towards recovery. He & SON fwill likely be able to resume his Real Ystate and Insurance {duties in a week or ten days. 89 Broc!: Street. Phone 424, | Continues to Improve, Have Your Meals ~ With Us Now if you want a good, ap- petizing meal served to your order you will- make no mis- take in patronizing Kingston's largest Restaurant. Puoue gid. . DAVID SCOTT 5 Plumber -- Piambiag and Gas Werk sa apecia). ty. Al work guaranteed. Address 145 Frontenac Street. Phoue 1277, DR.A.W. WINNETT DINTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnsum and Wellington Btreets Phone 3648 An Best service. Prices right. GRAND CAFE PETER LEE, PROP, 222 Princess Street - Two Doors Above Opera House Open from S a.m. to = a.m. Phone 1843, ee ee VULCANIZING A Done our way insures long service. Try our re-tr work guaranteed. ding. All EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBCER Co. A. NEAL, Manager 284 Ontario Street. Phone 2080. At Smith's Falls, fire badly damag- | gree, Calabogie. The bridé has becn | jed the dry goods stock of Max Cohen | a resident of Chicago for some years. | | Who carried no insurance on the! The banns were published in S*. | Dr. Waugh { A Cap Was Lost. jStock. On the building. which Was | prancis Xavier church Sunday. Mr. hat | While going or coming back from |Butted, insurance of $4,200 was car-|and Mrs. French have arrived in 0 [the fire in the coal pile at Sydenham |Fied, and this will cover the loss. | Renfrew. 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. | hospital Tuesday night, a cap off| In the building were two residential ' . Angrove's Repairs one of the hose waggons was lost. |aPartments, one occupied by Max Chief Armstrong would like the|Cohen, who carried $800 insurance Seales, Talking Machines, Bileyelen Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, ete, We finder to return the same to the|OD his furniture, the other by Hugh Brock street fire hall. McMillan, who had no insurance. do repair werk right and guarantee satisfaction. Mr. Cohen, who owned the building, 197 WELLINGTON STREET cannot account for the origin of the fire. ' People's * Florist Dominion, Provincial and Muni pal Bonds for sale. Leamington, son of Mrs. and Mrs. 177 Wellington street, . Phones 2 568; & 1087 | sames L. Morris, Pembroke, the 28 Fresh flowers and plants daily os marria ) 1 « JING , ge to take place quietly early Funeral designs, and wedding 1 KING BTREET Bi November. bouquets to order, Phone 1763. | | =-- i Ies., 1187, Dr. H. A. Stewart Dental Surgeon Wishes to announce that he has resumed his practice, cor, Wel- lington and Princess Streets. Phone 2092. The death occurred at Grace hos- Dr. H. A. Stewart pital, Toronto, on Tuesday, of Miss = | Ethel Hawley,-a graduate and lately superintendent, of the operating FOR S \ LE . room. Miss Hawley had a distin- guished career overseas, where she GOOD, CLEAN* COAL. Staples-McCleneghan Wedding. A quiet wedding took place in new St. Paul's Church, Woodstock, | on Sept. 28, when Grace Emma, sec- | {ond daughter of the late J. A. and | { Mrs: McCleneghan, Princess street, | became the bride of Dr. Louis Will- | fam Staples, only son of the late L.| E. Staples, M.A., and Mrs, Staples, | | Ingersoll, Capt. Rev. E. Appleyard, | {the Rector, officiating in the pres-| |ence of immediate relatives. The | bride, who was given away by her Kingston and the officials have kind- | yrother, wore a smart motor suit of | ly consented to open the train for [Copenhagen blue, hat to match black | inspection exclusively for 'delega- [fox furs, and carried a bouquet of tions of trade and commerce organiz- | gunset roses. The matron of honor, ations. The Board of Trade has in- | Mrs. Will Dunlop, sister of the bride, | vited the Retail Merchants' Associa- | wore purple charmeuse and carried tion, the staff of the Royal Military { pink and white roses. Mr. Gilling- College, the staff of Queen's Univer- |ham, London, assisted the groom. sity, and the staff of Military Dis- (professor H. E. Illingwort played trict No. 3, to meet the members and | the wedding marches. Immediately | join them in inspecting the train. |after the ceremony the bride and ---- { groom left for a motor trip to Buff- A Lantern Lecture. [alo and other towns, and on their] Dr. A. E. Ross delighted a fair-|return will reside in Woodstock. sized audience in Zion church Tues-| Bm day night with a lantern lecture on| the work of the Canadian medical | corps in France. He showed some of | : the devastated regions and some in-| Man Want teresting views of the trenches Ogdensburg. { : Thomas Turner, wanted at among these being one commencing | i ! Brockville and in Prescott for forg- at the North Sea which had been d. theft. is In' jail /iu Ogdens- shelled by British warships. The ®™Y and theft, is | Og dressing stations 'were pictured -in|Pur8: N.Y. i charge of Shonting vivid detail, some fin cellars, in|® taxicab driver whose car s al- leged he intended to steal to engage h 1 sehoals .384_nuunerles, 1.1he re in a bootlegging enterprise. The victim will recover. { How Millions Turner, posing as a wireless oper-| Now End Corns ator, from a vessel in the port of | Montreal, and wearing a naval uni- They First Stop the Pain Instantly This Easy Way form, arrived at Broekville in the] Some years ago a famous expert Delicately fragront Absolutely pure Rex for Baty- Best for You S---- AA ima * Hunter G.Ogilvie INSURANCE AND GENERAL BROKER In daily communication with Mont- real and Toronto Stock Exchanges. -- Pn, Hear Major Mary Booth, Salvation Army, citadel. Friday, 28th, at 8 p.m. The major will ad- dress the gathering on "The Salva- tion Army and Its Work With Troops in France." Brig.-Gen. A. E. Ross will preside. Col. MacMilla®, chief secretary, will accompany the major. Kingston Board of Trade. A special meeting of the Kingston Board of Trade will be held on Fri- day at 9.50 'a.m. The "Made in France" Exhibition Train will be in SOWARDS KEEPS COAL --and-- COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 153, UPTOWN OFFICE--3cGALL'S CIGAR STORK PHONE 811. SOWARDS COAL COMPANY Engagement Anngunced. Mr. and Mrs, Allan S. Francis, Renfrew, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Margaret Isobel, to James Ramsey Morris, ~---- ---- Given a Five-Year Term. Five years in the penitentiary was the sentence pronounced in the case of Charles McConnell, who some weeks ago confessed to breaking and entering by night the residence of W. C. Springer, Belleville, and bur- glariously stealing a quantity of clothing which, by the way, was re- covered. WINTER OVERCOATS MEN and YOUNG MEN'S NEW NEW MODELS -- BEST VALUES $25.00, $28.00 $35.00, $38.00 CHARGED WITH SHOOTING ed for Forgery Held in Death of a Nurse. served for four years. She was the daughter of Mrs. R. Hawley, who resides near Napanee, W. R McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOUK. Ill in Hotel Dieu. The many friends of? Robert Hughes, 40 Union street east, will summer and disappeared after at- found a new way, to end corns. A tempting to pass a worthless cheque. | At Prescott early in October he) laboratory of world-wide fame adopted and produced it. entered a house and stole jewellery, | also a horse and buggy, and passed | COAL Cho'cest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by ub. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS | SILLS, CAPS, LINTELS, KETC. | Improved process. Material and price | A. Chadwick & Son New location: Corner Ontario and West Sta Phoue 67. be sorry to learn that he has been confined to the Hotel Dieu for three weeks, suffering from a serious {ll- ness. Mr. Hughes is a former mem- ber of the Kingston police force, has a wide circle of friends, all of whom wish for a speedy recovery. _-- A, O. H. Euchre, The euchre and dance held by the | Ancient Order of Hibernians on | Tuesday evening was the usual suc- | cess, a-large number -of the members and their friends being in attend- ance. The ladies' prize was won by Mrs. Haftner and the gentleman's prize was carried off by Mr. Pelow. The consolation prizes were won by Mrs. Hopkinson and Mr. McKegney. Developing and Printing Fop best results from your camera leave your films here. Experts do our work. A trial will convince you. Drop your yd way is Blue-jay--the liquid or the plaster. Apply it by a touch. The pain stops instantly. whole corn wen Jostens id comes out. : 4he way is gentle, easy, quick and sure. Itis scientific. Quit old ways and try this one now. Watch what it does to one corn. Join Ss Jour fi Bids, who never let a corn t t. Your druggist has Sg Liquid or Plasteg Blue-jay stops pain-ends corns a Bauer & Black product a forged cheque for $100. The| horse and buggy were located in Kingston, whence he entered the! United States. It is charged Tur-| ner shot the taxicab driver three | times from the rear seat of the car| and was dragging him to the road-| side for dead when the victim sud-| denly overpowered Turner and seiz- | ed the revolver. Turner was later! arrested in a vacant cottage. TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) aati it James ("Jimmy") Barret, famous Detroit American League outfieldor | Z) prior to 1905, and more recently en- | gaged in the real estate business, | dropped dead-in his office at Detroit 10] Tuesday. Apoplexy 1s believed to| have caused his death, 0] next roll into the Busy Drug ---- Store, corner Princess and Clergy streets. M. R. McColl Prescription Druggist. PHONE 82. SI JOSEPH FLAVELLE HONORS HEROIC RAILROAD CONDUCTOR Also Pays Striking Tribute To Efficiency and Physical Con- LS UNDERWEAR | dition of Crand Trunk For the cold weather. All styles, all sizes. Vests, Drawers and Com- DID YOU EVER. TRY Wagstan's Ginger siarmaiade, Wagstai'y Flneapple Marmalade, WagstaiC's Bramble Jelly. We Mise, binve a full Ane ot er reid FIA ig Jam and Jellies for sale i-- Bon Marche ---- PATTON'S DYE WORKS ie on Dyen Dry Cleaning a Speciaity Phone 314. 249 Princess St. OVERCOATS FOR MEN and BOYS Men's Heavy Tweed Overcoats, good qualities and nice patterns in browns, greys and black che- viot, latest styles and best workmanship BARGAIN PRICES FROM $18 } 'TO $28 Boys' extra good value in Win- ter Overcoats, a good range to pick from BARGAIN PRICES, $15 L ZACKS at a PRINCESS STREET i Nelli recelved recognition was R 4 at Hawkesbury, last : es baal, Wio wis on duty'on a Allies determined to eliminate Hapsburgs from Europe, x "% on Nelil took the to & nearby house, WBE 0 Ri Sr Dear a! to duty. | binations. All new goods at new, low prices. W. N. Linton & Co. ¢ Phone 191. The Waldron Store. [il United States and Can- | sections of the road." concluded i Joseph, "the loyalty of the em- | each : { Both the Cobourg and Pert Hope ween a and na Di | #lants of the Cobourg Felt Company was speak 5 a cun~piouous feat- | iT® THNNING now with a large staf, of kK with great ' and a good season for this industry 11s exvacteqg. The Quebec Liguor "Commission has issued permits for seven hotel Hi censes, 29 tavern licenses, eight res taurant licenses, one club loense and 43 shop licenses, v:

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