FRIDAY OOTORER 28, 102%, --_-- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. (ADDRESSES ARE GIVEN 10 RETAIL MERCHANTS On Subjects of Much Interest --The Solicitation of Money Nuisance. Theatrical Ace of Hearts. To take life or to preserve it; to | Bet oneself up as an arbiter over the | lives of others, or to pursue the | 's © exis- : -- i ox- At a meeting of the Retail Merch- Pperiences of us all, are some of the ants' Association in the Board of J questions that find solution in the | Trades rooms on Thursday evening mew Goldwyn picture, "Ace of |addresses on very important subjects Hearts," by Gouverneur Morris, | were delivered by the district presi which is being shown at the Allen [dent, J. C. Waters, the dominion theatre today. Mr. Morris has pre- secretary, J. C. Campbell, and Mr. sented a group of well-meaning but |Jomes, of 'he Retail Merchants' fire misguided reformers, who will stop | insurance department. at nothing to gain their dedired ends. | W. Y. Mills, president, occupied Though their aims may be altruistic | the chair and introduced the apeak- and moble, their methods are evil, jers who aroused intense interest in Consequently, there arises the old {the affairs of the association as pre- question of "Does the end justify the [sented in the different addresses. Mt. means?' The author "Ace of Hearts" | Campbell, after dealing with organ- has developed his story consistently. | ization and membership, took up tha As In all human activities, there is {report of the minutes of the recen: @& very human slip between the con- | dominion convention held at Win- ception and the execution of the |nipeg, covering 128 pages, includiftg group's plans. It ig brought about la great many subjects that are of by the beautiful love of two of iheir | vital importance to the retail trade members, played by Leatrice Joy and dn Canada. The work of the domin- John Bowers.--Advt. fon executive during the existence of Board of Commerce was reviewed, To Be Seen At Tho Allen, showing that much had been achiev- After scoring a big hit in New ed in the Interest of retailers, whole- (B York, the great race track picture, (salers and manufacturers, That | "Thunderclap," will come to the Al- board had during #ts brief existence len theatre of this city. Manager E [cost the country $142,000. Other | O. Smithers made special arrange- | matters were the garnishee act, | ments with William Fox, the produc- | which instead of allowing exemption | er of the remarihble photodrama, to $50 per week as proposed, allowed for its showing on the local screen [70 per cent. exempt and made the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. A [other 30 per cent. of a man's wages notable cast and some stupendous |or income subject to garnishee. He | WE SHALL CELEBRATE OUR ANNIVERSARY TOMORROW AT. THE GIGANTIC PUBLIC SALE OF HIGH GRADE FOOTWEAR To-morrow we pass another milestone in our business career in this city. Every 25th Are we going to celebrate? You bet we are, and you people are invited to - help us in a way that will be of great benefit to you. One feature of this Customer anniversary celebration will be that to every 25th customer we will give Receives a away free of all cost a bag of potatoes. Another feature will be the re- funding of each 50th sale, no matter what the amount might be.- We shall Bag of Potatoes Free | | keep track of every sale and as every 25th sale is made a bell will ring and to the customer who made this purchase we shall present, with our com- pliments, a full bag of potatoes. And as every 50th sale is made the bell will be rung twice and the amount of that- purchase will be returned to, the customer in full, he or she gets the goods they bought and his or her money back as well. YOUR CHANCE IS JUST AS GOOD AS THE NEXT PERSON'S TO EITHER RECEIVE A BAG OF POTATOES FREE OR TO RECEIVE YOUR PURCHASE FREE To-morrow, then, at 9 a.m. sharp, the celebration commences, and it will be an event that will not soon be forgotten. Prices on all goods throughout the store have again been gone over and still further reduced for this Birthday celebration, so to- morrow you get boots and shoes ofall kinds at lower prices than you have ever bought them at, and besides you get a chance to secure a bag of potatoes free or your entire purchase free. ; WHO WILL BE THE LUCKY 25th OR 50th PURCHASER TO-MORROW? THE OFTENER YOU BUY THE BET- - TER CHANCE YOU WILL HAVE. BOYS', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S RUBBERS MEN'S BOX CALFSKIN BOOTS-- REGULAR VALUES UP TO WOMEN'S CHOCOLATE KID OX- A > y BOOTS FORDS, VALUES UP TO scenes are promised those who Will lagked the local brafich "o send a dele- be able to crowd into the theatre dur- | gate to Ottawa to sit on the dominion ing its showing.--Advt, committee that would etudy and pre- pare a course of action upon many At The Strand. important matters affeetin the re- "The Ten Dollar Raise," familiar (4041 trade. Some of these matters to all who read the Saturday Ever-|gre. Parcel post and mail orders; in- ing Post---and their name is legion, {some tax penalties; N.S.F. cheques; was presented in picturized form at|«made in Canada" goods, regarding the Strand for the first time yester- {wnigh it is proposed to Mold the day, The audience expected a treat | manufacturer responsible for weight and they were not disappointed. The | ong quality; grading of potatoes and story is one of Peter B. Kyne's best. | onions; buying and selling eggs by characterized by a sound knowledge weight; margin of JIvn. On diome of human nature and the battle of pile tires; prosecutio - life, and full of light and shade, ..* | yantising; moans for gh omedy and pathos, after the man | solicitation of money, res, ete., oo well on of fiction. Th? {py churches, societies and organiza- photoplay was directed by Edward | tions for sundry objects, Sloman, a leader in thig department,| Other matters are: Manufactur- and the cast is truly notable. Wil- fers' sale in retail stores to the in- llam V. Mong plays Wilkins, the toil- | jury of others; discrimination In ing and heroic bookkeeper who comes | prices by manufacturers and whole- out on top after fifteen years of faith |salers; manufacturers and whole. ful seryice, duringumhish his hopes salers charging for containers; tax- have beén raised and dashed to the (ing of mail order houses doing busi- ground by repeated promises never [ness outside the province, kept. The rest of the cast is brilliant, including llelen Jerome Eddy, Mar- Minimum Wage, a guerite do la Motte, Pat O'Malley, The present minimum Wage mats Charles Hill Malles, Lincoln Plumer ter was. explaisied. In cities of G0 and Hallum Cooley, Stunts, extrem? 000 and under, the minimum. wage sensation, the sex problem, are all will likely be $7.50 per week for un- absent. "The Ten Dollar Raise" '3 trained girls and $9.00 per week for Just a delightful plece of human-in- | trained girl. No girl under: sizs terest stuff, that will do good to all yeep can be employed in Ontaria. Who see it. On Nov. 6th a delegation will mest "Pink Pajamas" is the frolicsomeé [iva Minimum Wage Board in Torons comedy on the Strand Programme, |i, ang a representative was asked For Fall and Winter Wear in a big variety of styles and leathers at marvellous reductions Parents stock the kiddies up with footwear from this sale offerings; you will find it the most profitable investment of your lifetime. Just look at these prices: Children's gun metal calfskin leather boots, solid leather hand turned soles, button style, sizes 8 to 7 worth $8.50. Sale price 1.98 Misses' strong boots of black calf lea- ther, soles a little heavier than ordi- nary, both sewn and wire stitched, low walking heels, lace style, service. able boots for school and evryday wear, sizes 11 to 2, worth $4.50. Out they go at... $2.98 Boys' black calf leather boots, doubl's leather soles, strongly nailed to up- pers, plain vamps, lace blucher style; sizes 1 to 534, worth $4.50. Out they go at . $2.98 Boys' Box Calfskin Boots, lace Bluch- er style, with double leather soles and low heels, boots that will stand all kinds of boys' knocks; sizes 1 to 5, worth $5.00. Sale price $8.48. Sizes 11 to 18, worth $4.50, sale price $2.08. Sizes 8 to 10}, worth $4.00, price oon renee. 2a For the Family BEST BRAND OF RUBBERS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ls nike 0 9 S128 Women's Rubbers to fit 89 Cc 89c 78c 78c 68c House Slippers at Enormous Reduc- tions WOMEN'S FINE QUALITY SPATS AT HALF PRICE Women's neat fitting, 10 button spats in a fine quality of cloth, Colors: brown, grey, black, dark blue, fawn, etc. Sizes 8 to 7. Regular values up Sule price <......... $1.98 Women's fine quality high cut spats, Jersey cloth, in all the newest shades, 12 button style, in all sizes, values UP LH3L3D, .. P2.28 Boys' Rubbers, sizes Misses' Rubbers, 11 Youths' Rubbers, Children's Rubbers; 4 to 10% . $8.00 Womens Chocolate Vici Kid Oxfords, Balmoral lace style, imitation tip and Cuban heels, a distinctive-looking shoe, also same shoe in jet black kid. Sizes in either line, 21% to 7, and widths A to D. Sale price ......es5., $3.98 WOMEN'S BROGUE OXFORDS IN VALUES UP TO $8.50 The popular Brogue Oxford, made of either black or brown calf with all the broghe stitchings and perfora- tions, medium military heels. Sizes 21% to 7. Sale price WOMEN'S COMFORTABLE HOUSE SHOES IN VALUES UP TO $3.75 Women's house shoes in three differ- ent styles, strap over instep, elastic front and ties, made of a fine quality flexible sewn leather soles and low of Mexican kid leather with strong Bale price. ov... $2.48 WOMEN'S 'JULIET SLIPPERS IN . VALUES UP TO $3.50 'Women's Felt and Velvet Juliet Slip. pers, high cut, with flexible hand- turned leather soles 'and medium heels. Colors: brown, wine, grey, blue, etc, many fur trimmed, sizes Sale price <.......... $1.98 Sale price ... $7.00 Smart appearing boots for street or for work, uppers of a fine quality of bright calfskin, solid leather sewn soles, some with rubber heels, some leather heels, sizes 53% 8 to 11. Out they go at . $4.9 MEN'S BLACK AND BROWN CALF. SKIN BOOTS IN VALUES UP TO $9.00 Men's fashionable boots made espec- ally for this season's wear, uppers ave in the new dark brown shade and also black calfskin leather, with solid sewn soles, low and military heels. Balmoral lace style, & up to 10. Out they wou $9.98 MEN'S HIGH GRADE BOOTS In Many Leathers and Styles, Regul« ar Values Run as High as $12.00 The best that's made in Men's Boots are represented in this offering; all have oak tanned goodwear welted leather soles, uppers of fine quality - calfskin and vici kid leathers; also some dress boots in the best of patent colt skin, many different lasts and styles to select from. All men's sizes, half sizes and widths, Out they go at MEN'S HEAVY WORK BOOTS-- REGULAR $7.00 LINES Men's Working Boots in black and tan heavy leathers, stout double soles, both sewn and wire stitched, broad low heels, lace Blucher style, some with bellows tongue and plain vamps, others with toecaps, sizes 6 to 11. Out they go at. 98 with "Smi'ing Bill" Parsons in the|i go from Kingston, : leading role. Mutt and Jeff make| RN Steacy said he was in favor , their debut as Arctic explorers :n|of the minimum wage scale in the "Far North," A fashion display that interest of efficiency. © Mr. Campbell will charm the ladies appears in the | said that if there was any objection fssue of the British-Canadian Path? {ts ths minimum wage the dominion . News.--Advt. executive wanted to know it. Part tan ee time employees were to be paid at not less than minimum wage rates, SPORTING NEW Mr. Waters was warmly received. ' Games to be Played "must keep in view better social . Oct. 20--McGill at Varsity. conditions. All are interested in Beating Varsity in Toronto and Me |p, hours in the interest of so- il in Kingston, which, of courss, |.(a) weitare. He dealt with some of week later is reasonably sure. In' [i aineq solicitation for money, | I 3 ) ase Queen's loses to McGill in King- prizes, etc., for various objects. A ey All our energies, activities and resources have been called upon to make our Anniversary Celebration to-morrow, an long to be remembered. All our reserve stock has beeen drawn upon to render it logically possible to supply the demands of the crowds that we know will be here to buy and help us celebrate. Remember footwear of all kinds at cost or less, bags of potatoes free, to every 25th customer, and every 50th customer gets whatever he or she purchases fre= ~f all cost. That's the way we celebrate to-morrow. Come and join the Celebration; you will find it worth your while. : The VICTORY SHOE STORE 296 PRINCESS STREET KINGSTON, ONT. WATCH FOR BIG SIGN OVER STORE FRONT--IT WILL GUIDE YOU TO THE RIGHT PLACE He has been a dominating spirit in the affairs of the R.M.A. for many years. "The association," he said, Nov. See dieei's Wt Fassity. seeing better conditions of living. "F $ " Nov. 12---McGill at Queen's. He approved of the minimum wage, ine ootwear Queen's can upset all the dope bY [p+ another object to be gained was ' Md give the tri-color the olan the matters before the Winnipeg plofiship. If Varsity wins from Me-{oqnvention, One of these was the Gil here a victory over Queen's 8 | guhmission of the retailers to unres- Attn eee ton, Varsity and MoGil will be tie | reso1yiion was passed calculated to grant or withhold permission for sol- [is a born troublemaker, and who on the season and & py-off will be pecessary at the new Richardson | Stadium in Kingston. ES Go To Toromto. = _ It is expected that Director of Athletics Awrey, accompanied by Jack Bvans and Jack McKelvey, 'will go to Toronto to watch the Me- Gill-Varsity game and got a line on stop the practice except where appli- cation had been made to the domin- ion secretary for approval. "We don't "stand "aloof from worthy ob- jects ot charity, relief or help, and the assoclation will give authority when the need is shown. He gave many instances of flagrant abuse and even 'coercion of merchants. The Retail Merchants Association in icitors to make a canvass of the mar- chants. This is something abou: which strong complaints have 'been made. Another is the application for shop space to sell novelties and cookery in aid of various objects. "We claim that churches and other societies ani organizations should be supported by their membership and other people strives to drive them farther apart; a hired and pretty divorce "expert" who makes things fairly hum for a while; the desire of the husband and wife, who are really deeply in love with each other, to make up; their decision for a second honeymoon; then the law and an isolated road- house interferes with tifeir plans. How the husband finally extri- NOW'S THE- TIME TO BUY PRICES ARE AWAY DO WN! IN FRESH IONS at MEATS and PROVIS- - 1 Davie's Store Princess St. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE LOW PRICES ; BEEF SPECIALS Government Inspected Western Beef Finest Shoulder Roasts Beef, Ib. | Davies Pure Ceylon Tea, in bulk v aieie wie. vee ve ann wid 30 only,pound ... .. .......40¢ Best Pot Roasts Beef, pound 10c Boiling Beef, from, pound . _.6c Extra Choice Fronts of i Lamb, pound. . ....: Sie Davies Woodside Creamery now selling for, pound. . .... .42¢ the strength of the teas. 3 ¢ Ottawa was compelled to take action . i ber of ex- should not be appealed to. Bona fide | cates himself from a number ex : Games at the Y.M.CA. 0 as es i charities are quite different matters | asperating aud difficult siteations i Physical Director Dean of Terry Jor placing the matter in the hands of ol ? Sot Son So riviiee lo amusine Po phere ig tas g¢al "Y" has arranged basket! and ithe 'dominion secretary without Ker. : friend Rex had to come before the DE Ami waich wi holmes vous. wil tecogaise : a ay sen v . seve stretcher-bear- ° ed off as soon as schedules can| Price maintenance of proprietory Safe 39 ave out those who "arranged. Of the former there medicines, atc, was another import- FUNNY PLAY Al THE GRAND I yma 10 Surry Sut too much 1 be three teams who style them- fant matter, and the manufacturer merriment. If you haven't had a ves Tornadoes, Cyclones had to protect : the . retailers. The $l ------ good laugh, and many of them, for irlwinds respectively, to compele same thing applied with equal force Rex Stock Company Present=|some time, forge' your troubles and the senior honors, The groupito every branch of the retail trade. to the Grand t ht, pte games of basobail, basketball hustle, The retailer had watch freak ing ¥Noacly Wed» For Sither Hy J the rand nigh, Finest Blade Oven Roasts, pound - ree Days. I a Te otley ball, and dodge ball, promise methods in business that are injur- matinee Saturday afternoon. \ : Best Sirloin Steak furnish much amusement and|jous to legitimate business. ' | keen competition. The S.S.A.A.A.| The Retail Merchants Fire Insur- "Laugh and grow fat" is soun . Rump Roasts, pound . .....23¢ - Pork Special, pound. .....15¢ ne under way tonight With .ajance Company was explained by Mr. advice, and whether the Kingston Shoulder Young Pork, fat and ouble-header. Jones, He said that the retailer | people who crowded the Grand last 4 J everything wholesale but his night were acting under the doec- rind trimmed off, special, pound sels a sei owes Sse se sri en. } SWEATER insurance and the dominion execu- tor's orders or not we cannot say, J A tive had found a company, which it | pys we do know that everybody Shoulder Pork Chops, pound23c (Sweet, Lean and Tender) recommended to the retailer because 1a till the tears came, not once, Davies Bacon, prices are lower, it AND SILK STOCKINGS seem, 2s neces sriecion tft ine me uc too. - : Mild Cured Smoked Back Bacon icy holder a dividend of 35 per cent. pound... 38. od Boneless Hams, mach- : i Dyes" Tells How | when his policy expired. The comp-~ ine sliced, - +... 382 E any carries a fire prevention f : To/Dys uy Sermut - and endeavored by Aid a und. . .| Boneless Do ast acon, slic- Ee ---------------------------------------------------------- ~ 4 Splendid Boiling Eggs, doz. 50c hime. Ee A int her old, worn, 3 Sven if she BEE err dyed before, in of years were giv imple directions in every package |Speaker, ' gil her how to put a new, rich color| A hearty vote of thanks was ten- fHito shabby skirts, dresses, waists, dered to the speakers by President oats, stockings, sweaters, coverings, | Mills. 2 es, hangings, everything. Buy ond no other kind --- ect © dyelng is guar Just tell your druggist whe- ther the material you wish to dye is ool or silk, or whether it 1s lin or mixed goods. Hocks~ . Pickled Pork Hock, great bar- In pound... er. cn savin Te weet Pickled Side Pork, by the piece for boiling, pound, 20c ad Sweet Pickled Back Bacon, ma- chine sliced, pound .......38¢ fiiie 35d gis where. Applications for the privil- |e eges have to be made to officials of ithe R.M.A., who gany investigate snd 7 : i fd |