THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. in Combinations and Two-Piece Gar- ments. Made by TURNBULL TRU-KNIT TIGER BRAND and PENMANS Ranging from $3.75 per Suit up George VanHorne Phone 362w. 213 Princess Street. "Richelien" PEARL NECKLETS Reprdouctions, lus- trious and lovely of the Perfect Oriental gem -- graded strings with gold or silver clasps set with rhine- stones. T costs less money to-day | for the public to correct its eye faults than it ever has before. It {is not a superficial knowledge of optometry that we possess but a thorough understand- : ing of the lenses, muscles Priced from and other parts of the eye machinery. We are enabled . $10.00 to $75.00 . by our tests not only to show you exactly what | your eye defects are but to make for you the lenses that . 9 will overcome such defec- Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS tion. 100 PRINCESS STREET | very suddenly. Registered Optometrist --_---- CLINIC WIL BE CLOSED [GIY'S APPEAL DISMISSED If MONEY 1S NOT PAID ontario Railway Board Turned Down Kingston's Board of Health to Ask Pay-| Petition. ment of Money Due Gen- | e appeal of the City of King- eral Hospital, ciao eppes assessment for a -_t { portion of the cost of I'5 3-4 miles of The Kingston Board of Health is provincial high way was dismissed | Boing after the Ontario government { by the Ontario Railway Board at the { with reggrd to its refusal to Pay a close of the evidence on Thursday | bill of $1,700, or thereabouts, for afternoon. The case was opened by | | the venereal disease clinic maintain- | Mr, Agar, counsel for the Ontario ed at the Kingston General Hospital. | government, who read extensively This is the hospital's bill for the from the highway act relating to} bast year. The Kingston Board un- |cijes. No evidence was put in by dertook, at the government's request, J. L. Whiting, K.C., solicitor for the to establish the clinic, the only one city, sae at in Eastern Ontario, and work has] Mr, Agar called George Hogarth, { been carried on for a year. One of highway engineer, who showed that the origina] provisions was that a under the suburban road system the social service nurse was to be en- [city paid 30 per ceidt., the county gaged, but as Kingston is well pro- 30 per cent. and the province' 40. per vided with social service nurses and cent. Now as a provincial suburban the hospital ig well-staffed, the en- road, the city and county each paid gagement of an additional worker | 20 per cent, and the province 60. | was not pressed, nor was one needed. | The mileage upon which the assess- { The sum of one hundred thousand | ment is made is less than that of the dollars, it appears, was set aside by |county suburban roads. It had been the Dominion government for the |23.6-10 miles and as a provincial work in Ontario, and if the Kingston [suburban road it was 15 3-4 miles. hospital bill is not soon paid, the do- | He submitted copies of resolutions minion health department, of which passed by the suburban read area Hon. Dr. J. Ww, Edwards is head, [commission that had been adopted will be asked to make some enquiries | by the city council. at Toronto. It is said that if the| Mr. Whiting stated that the city | Ontario government does not settle | was limited to a tax of half a mill | up, the clinic here will be closed very (lo pay for county suburban roads | | soon. |but in the provincial suburban Sys- | [tem there appears to be no limit. | ---------------- |A SYDENHAM BARBER | Cortinging, ar. Hogarth said that in selecting the mileage a t 4 DIES VERY SUDDENLY '" ®clecting Ne aguwst ihe city of Kingston the department de- cided upon one mile per million of the city's assessment. Kingston is | situated where materials are easily accessable and the cost is _compara- jtively low. The distances formerly | covered by the commission are ac-| S denham, Oot zor rppondent) liually less than formerly controlled ! | a ' : : by the city's own representatives | ity Jw reatly s hu re > iw ae Rreall ee a Rumlay They extend about five miles from | | " eo 3 | i | the city. Guelph and Belleville have | Edward Charlton, w Bo conducted 3a fraction of a mile over the acsess- barber shop in the village, had died | oot the Same of Toco. RSess- | ile had no' Ween in * 8 : hho Vee 4 The contention of the province | { his usual health for some days, but] that in making the change when ! | his condition was not considered 0} his particular road was taken over| | i | be serious. | : { BO went overseas with the}lo" a highway, the city was really | net an ta |called upon to pay a lower rate than | 146th battalion, and was in F rance before when it was a county suburb. | most of the time. Ile is survived by| Li : an road. | his widow and three children, Ha:- After counsel presented these i : . i - 4 se 3} d S | | tie, of Toronto; David and Katie, at . ar) I nome Fuments, the commission decided | | : that thé ci Vv it was | { The funeral will take place from a tv had no case, and it Was {the home of the deceased on Satur- : | day afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. | George Stafford will have charge of | the servico. its it | Edward Charlton Pased Away | .-on Thursday Night --He | Served Oversets. { | BANK AT RIO DE JANEIRO. Tho Canadian Bank of Commerce Is | to Enter Field, ! 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post Office -------------------------------- Automobile Repairing ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON Phones: Shop 1039. Res. 1537). 378 BRUCK STREET TO RENT In Telegraph Bullding, SUITE of FOUR GOOD ROOMS, with two brick valuts, suitable for officds or will arrange for residence, Ap- ply MR, IRBRPATRICK on premises. The Cenadian Bank of Commeres | is about to open an office in Rio de | Janeiro, Brazil, and add another im- | portant link to the long chain: of | branches of that institution. | The importance of Rio as the capi- tal and metropolis of the largest SLOAN'S EASES PAIN RELIEVES THE ACHE ORMENTING, agonizing rheu- matic aches are quickly relieved by Sloan's Liniment. Apply it country in South America is not fully realized in Canada. Its population | freely and enjoy a comforting sense of ---- 20% Off Everything For Cash Sales With the exception of a few A rticles wtih Price Restrictions An opportunity to select from the finest stock ever displayed in Kingston Diamonds Watches Jewelry Silverware China Leather Goods |. Cut Glass Ivory Ebony Lamps This is a real genuine discount sale, FOR CASH SALES R. J. RODGER Jeweler - . . . . '132PrincessSt. "WHERE THE CLOCK IS ON THE WALK" Clocks . | of indigestion. warmth, Ti penetrates without rubbing, Good also for sciatica, lumbago, neuralgia, over-exerted muscles, stiff joints, external aches and pains, » Strains and sprains. Don't let pain lay you up. Keep Sloan's Liniment handy and at the first sign of an ache or pain, use it, it certainly does produce results, Atall druggists --3kc, 70c, $1.40. in Canada. : 310 ACIDS IN. STOMACH CAUSE INDIGESTION Create Gas, Sourness and Pain How To Treat. exceeds that of Toronto and Mont- | real combined, being 1,200,000 and It is the seaport for the most densely | settled part of the Republic, Rio possesses a magnificent land- locked harbor, twenty miles long and five to ten miles wide, the entrance | of which is epen to ships of the great- | est draught. . Deepwater quays have | been constructed which permit moor- ing ard loading direct of the largest vessels, As the seaport for an ex- | tensive and rich territory the har- | bour activity is great and a olf percentage of the foreign trade the country passes through-it. 7 | At the present time Brazil, in soy | mon with the rest of North and Sout ! America, is suffering from a reaction | following the war prosperity, which | greatly stimulated her trade. This condition is further aggravated by the fall of tho exchange value of her | currency abroad. The situation will | adjust itself, however, in due course | and the wonderful natural resources and the fertility of the country en- sure its future prosperity. Canada's interest in Brazil as a market for her exports is in its in- faney-- but is steadily becoming stronger and the establishment of a branch of The Canadian" Bank of Commerce will help to foster and ex- dt ucla) Yigementa Me Mot need: pand the growth of our trade with { harm. Try laying aside all digestive | th® republic. | alds and instead get from any drug- gist a few ounces of Bisurated Mag-| That the recent agreement between | nesia and take a teaspoonful in a|lhe Grand Trutk and its employees quarter glass of water right after | :ad no bearing on tho preseat nego- eating. 'This sweetens the stomach, | tiations was tho statement of A. R. prevents the formation of excess acid Mesher of the Brotherhood of Rall and there is no sourness, gas or pain. way. Employces at the Caradian Na- i Disurated Magnesia (in powder or tiona; arbitration im Ottawa 3 t ' | tablet form--never liquid or milk) is Admiral Beatty tells Pilgrims at harmless to the mach, inexpensive | to take and is the most efficient form | NeW York that Britain and the Unit- ed States have common interests. of magnesia for stomach purposes. It | is used by thousands of peoplé who Babe Ruth is to get sixty thousand J aotiars for twenty weeks in vaude- enjoy their meals with no more fear ville, Medical authorities state that near- ly nine-tenths of the cases of stom- ach trouble, indigestion, sourness, burning, gas, bloating, nausea, etc., are due to an excess of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and not as some believe to a lack of digestive juices. The delicate stomach lining is fIr- ritated, digestion is delayed. and food sours, causing the disagreeable symp- toms which every stomach sufferer knows so well. SCHOOL SHO Strong, durable Shoes for Boys in black and tan leathers; good workmanship and unusual value. Allan M. Reid SHOE STORE | TWICE TOLD TALES 3 News of Kingston TEN YEARS AGO. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. A fraud eye "doctor" is operating A Kingston tippler received a rude in the villages of north Frontenac |shoeck this morning when the magis- and giving his address as Kingston. trate, instead 'of the old reliable A proposition to establish a new| "ten and costs", handed him six box factory here has come up and!months in Ceatral Prison. will be considered by the city coun- - 'The Y.M.C.A. debt has been reduc- cil, ed by $400 this year. Queen's and Laval students were E. B. Rogers and H. H. Clarke, of entertained by the Knights of Co- |New York, are here trying to ar- lumbus last night. tonge for an exhibition of fancy bi- Tomorrow Queen's and Ottawa 'cycle riding. College sally forth to do battle on Ralph Menzies suffered a badly in- the gridiron here. Jured leg while playing football yes- Although the Laval students are terday, having a "whale of a time" here, "Wicky" Wilson, Queen's "full everybody remarks their gentleman- back, had the ball kicked to him no ly conduct. less than 32 times in the last EZame R.M.C. defeated McGill intermedi- and caught with sore hands. ates 26 to 8, taking the round score Sergt.-Major Stroud is so {ll as to of 61 to 22, ; be unable to attend to his duties. Ladies' and School Girls' Brown side leather calf---medium heels---good soles and well made---size 3 to 7. This shoeis very much like the above J.Id illustration, regular 7.00 goods---clearing A BREAKFAST You will is an important meal. need something that strengthen you for the day. Try our fresh Pork Sausage. Sliced Breakfast Bacon, Fresh Eggs, extra choice Rolled Oats," Cream of Wheat and Rolled Wheat. They satisty, C. H. Pickering 400 and 492 Princess St. a a ------ Phone 530, Bi Se -------- 50,000 SAMPLES Dr. Bell's Veterinary Wonder 50.000 one dollar ($1.00) bottles Free to horsemen who glve "the Wonder a fair trial. Guaranteed for Colic, Inflammation of the Lungs, Bowels, Kidneys, Fevers, Distemper etc. Send 26c. for Mailing Package ete. Agents wanted. Write your address plainly, DR. BELL, V.S, KINGSTON, Ont. A ------ | Hon. William Pugsley, lieutenant- governor of New Brunswick, has de- [clined the nomination tendered him by 'the Liberal John-Albert. convention of St. Cabinet. ing L Hy Sax XEEP ¢ modern woman demands a Kitch It is complete in itself. and fits in perfectly with labor in a hen modern cabinet. Come in and see them, HAVE YOU GOT ONE HELF THAT YOU Your domestic problem is solved! 1 The Leading Un PHONE 147. Worsteds. early. SALE MENS SUITS Saturday, Oct. 29th to Saturday, Nov. 5th \ Our entire stock of Men's Suits, Tweeds, Serges, This sale lasts just one week.' Come 20% Off . _ RONEY'S, Princess St.