TUESDAY, SOV. 1, 292y. Sm HAR i Allan Lumber Co. Phone 1042 - . . . Victoria Street Brick House, all improvements, Montreal street Bric House, all improvements, Brock Brick Semi-Bungalow, all improvements, Victoria Brick House, all improvements, Division Brick House on Bagot. .... wn others to choose from, also some good farmg, - M. B. TRUMPOUR 1113 BROCK STREET - PHONE 704 or 1 REAL ESTATE BONDS AND INSURANCE KINGSTON AGENCIES, Limited ° . 4. 0, HUTTON. B. G. ROBERTSON Phone 703 07 Clarence Street. IN zo SER - Re-Invest Interest or | Principal Payments coming due November 1st. Get your interest working as Victory - Bonds can be purchased from $50 up. - We carry all Governmént investments. Yield 6% up. Good securities are not going to pay such returns much Why accept 3% for your money in a Sayings Bank? Bongard, Ryerson & Co. "Lhe Home of Good Investments." #87 BAGOT STREET. . 805 Bay Street, Toronto. longer. PHONE 1728. S ALBERT I CLOUGH Lditor Motor Service Bureau Review' of Reviewd Measuring Oil Deterioration Guess Work And Rule Of Thumd Should Be Discargen H:=: AS TO RENEWING ENGINE OIL is always given in miles of service, for instance, "at the end of each 1,000 miles run in summer and of each 500 miles in winter," but this rule is a very unsatisfactory one. Oil should bé renewed when and not until its lubricating qualities have become seriously impaired and the mileage run has no exact bearing upon this point. The mileage rule is given only In the absence of a more positive means by which the user can tell how seriously his oil has deteriorated and is framed to meet average unskilled driving and ofl of ordinary quality. Under extremely unfavorable conditions the mileage rule may not cause frequent enough oil renewals while, under ideal conditions it leads to serious ofl waste. What the user needs is some automatic or readily operated device to tell him the lubricating value of his oil at any time, so that before it becomes dangerously low, he will be warned to discard it. With good filtering arrangements, loss of body or viscosity--thinning, in other words--Is the best indication of impaired lubricating value and some simple form of viscosity meter, attached to or readily applicable to the engine lubricating system, conveniently read and properly corrected for temperature is what is needed. this purpose are already appearing Instruments designed to accomplish upon the market and, if they operate satisfactorily, should prove a boon to the motorist, My speed- ometer does not register correctly. 'When the car has run 20 miles it only shows 15 miles and it appears to record only three-quarters of the distance actually run. Can you inform me how to correct this? Evidently, your speed- ometer gears are wrong. The driv- ing gear should have a larger num- ber of teeth or the driven gear a less number, or both. If this speedometer is front wheel op- erated, the change can be very readily made, but if it is driven | from the transmission, the re- quired change will be somewhat more difficult. tion of your make of speedometer will tell you just what gears you * require to give exact results. mn MANUFACTURERS' WARRANTY ON CARS CO. A. L. asks: Are autos guar- anteed by their manufacturers and if #0, to what extent? I hava been having some trouble with mine. Answer: © usual warranty given merely obligates the manu- facturer to replace any parts which are returned, transportation charges paid to his factory, within 90 days of the delivery of the car to ite original owner, and which he, the manufacturer, considers to be de- fective in material or workman- ship In respects which should have been detected before being deliv- ered. This guarantee does not ap- ply to parts of the car which are made by and warranted by others than the car manufacturer and it Any service sta- | placed with others not made by the guarantor. Fortunately, car manufacturers are generally quite liberal in standing behind their product and frequently, as a mat- ter of fair dealing or of business | policy, go far beyond their obliga- tions as set forth in this very mild form of guarantee, am -- CAL LEAKAGE THROUGH Jita PORCELAIN C. B. F. writes: I have had much trouble with spark-plugs in large (aviation?) engines. New plugs work finely for about 100 hours and then show a poor spark, although the porcelains are not broken and there is no apparent short-oircuiting. The plugs seem to put up a high resistance. How can this be the case if the porce- lains do not crack nor the elec- trodes burn excessively? (8) a Answer: Most of the trouble with spask-pluge under heavy con: tinuous serVice is from breaking down of the insulation resistance of the core with the result that, after a few hundred hours service, Ignition current leaks through the porcelain to such an extent as to rob the spark of much of its en- ergy. There is much to be learned about this matter, but it appears that there is a structural change that occurs in the. porcelain, due to intense heating and that further, there is an embedding in its sur- face of conductive particles, both of which actions tend to create electrical leakage. The failure seems to me a matter of lowered instead of Increased resistance, which can most probably be ob- Be it a simpie cut or an obstinate festered sore--Zam-Buk is al. ways the one healer you can absolutely rely upon. This rich herbal balm is also unequalled for wounds that are inflamed and poisoned, and for eczema, ringworm, piles, disfiguring' ulcers, cold-sores, chapped hands, pimples and rashes. Zam-Buk isa herbal preparation of the highest grade of purity and healing efficiency. It is. moreover, guaranteed free from all trace of the rancid animal fars and mineral drugs found in com- mon ointments and salves. Besides its wonderful skin-growing and pain-soothing virtues, Zam-Buk roots owt germ-disease. Wounds and sores promptly treated with Zam-Buk cannot go 'the wrong way' --they heat quickly and perfectly. : IT SAVES WORRY & DOCTORS' BILLS to keep a box of Zam-Buk always handy. 50c.. 3 for $1.25, all dealers. We Serve Good Meals For good meals prepared right come and try us -- you will be delighted with our service. Everything you could want served as you like it. Dainty Restaurant 83 PRINCESS STREET BAA am, GRAND TRON TE Briscoe Model 4-34 Regular Touring Car, Five Passenger This car is bigger, stronger, more pow- erful and better in every way than the form- er old model. Price F.O.B. Brockville $1,550.00 Plus Sales Tax Canadian Briscoe Motor Car Co., Ltd, Brockville ANGLIN BROS., Bay St. | FORD SEDAN w---- - AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIPS For particulars apply to:--e J. P. HANLEY, C.P, & T.A,, G.T. Ry., Kingston, Ont. N AR V ANCHOR DONALI XMAS SAILINGS TO GLASGOW From Halifax From Portland Dec. 10 Saturnia Dec. 1 TO PLYMOUTH---CHERBO AMBOURG From Halifax--Saxonia A turn! , 19 Cassandra PORTLANDw-HALIFAX=GLASGOW From Portland From Halifax . Dec 101keh 16--Saturnia--Dec 12(Feb 18 Dec 28 Mar 2--Cassandra--Dec 30(Mar 4 HALIFAX~-PLYMOUTH--CHERBOURG & HAMBOURG Dec. 10|Jan. 28[Mar. 18 Saxonia N. Y¥,, GLASGOW (via Moville) Nov. §|Deec. 10 Columbia Nov. 12|Dec. 2 MOVILLE=LIV From N.Y. Dec, 3 Nov. 8 Nov. a a erbuurg, Nov. §{Dec. 3{Dec. 31 ,.. ov. 15|Dec. 13|Feb. 7 N. Y, PLYMOUTH and URG Dec, 8|Jan. 21|Mar. 26 ,.......S8axonia Ansores, Lisbon, Vigo and Santander From New York rom New Bedford Dec. 2 Calabria Dec. 3 ceases to apply to a car when any | viated by improvement in the di- of its original parts have been re-! electric qualitites of the material. Questions of general interest to the motorist will be. answered dy Mr. Clough in this column, space permitting. If an immediate answer ig desired. enclose self-addressed, stamped envelope. WILLARD SERVICE STATION This is the time of the year that your BATTERY needs a loc of attention. Do not hesitate to stop at the Willard Sta- tion and we will gladly look your outfit over without charge, also starting and lighting systems. ] g thers im the fight game are almos* as Enquire about new prices for WILLARD BATTERIES, il | nas dandelions "on a 'mew A GREAT BARGAIN : lawn.' Rgiht here in town we have Some---- | LESSES the Burhie brothers, the 90 and 100-| Grandson Good Purchase For . pound amateur champions , Walter Mrs. McKee Had It 19 BROCK STRERT. 4 and Chris. Newton, the lightweights, Worked Out. Scotty and Phil Lisner, two feather- weights, Frankie and Fern Bull, the bm We will sell our entire stock of Tires at the following low light and weltcrweights. Tiger Smith | Mrs. M, McKee, New York, struck and his brother--Percy or Harold, of | veritable gold mine when she fol- something flossy, as I remember it-- | lowed the thoroughbreds to Saratoga both good hard battlers, and across | 18st August, While there she learn- the line I recall Phil and Leacn |ed that a lot of cheap horses were to 80x334 MALTESE CROSS, NON-SKID sneseeses... $17.50 80x33 DUNLOP TRACTION "ie 8ix4 = DUNLOP TRACTION 82x4 DUNLOP TRACTION 88x4 DUNLOP TRACTION Ca i -|b a \ Cross, Pinky Mitchell and his bro e sold at auction in the sales pad / Also TUBES at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, ber, the three Shade brothers, Harry dock one night, and she determined VanLuvenBros. Lemmon & Sons to attend the sale. Mrs. McKee isn't Phone 1609, 34-38 Princess Street. 187 PRINC ESS STREET 88. 7 voir iriirnionm ws ++. CAronia Both steamers do not call at all porty MEDITERRANEAN CRUISES i . FROM NEw Yomk TO Madeira, * Monace, Ni - t Teierte: and' A ken ann Nov. 19(Jan. 10 ++ Cameronia and George Schuster, but a pair of brothers in the fight game, both of BROTHERS IN BOXING J whom are managed by their wives, is indeed a rarity, Fox rams of freight further Particulars Spply 40 100A] bapa a THEROBERT REFORD CO., Lime GENERAL AGENTS # KING STREET RAST TORONTO, ONT. Drive'a FORD SEDAN or COUPE. this winter. It will give you a new con- ception of motoring comfort. You will not worry whether it rains, blows or snows--all kinds of weather are alike. And won't your wife and children appreciate it? We are equipped to give you prompt and skilled service at any hour. Lon Marsh in Toronto Star: Bro- LADY OWNER MADE TAXI SERVICE PHONE 1340, Phone 2351w. 24 Hour Day Service a wealthy woman, and while a score .. = . of horses were being sold she remain- Pain m the Loins . ed silent, They were too expensive t Quickly for dor. 1ittl b 1t by Stal of ya @ brown colt by - ET LIOR, Wearying Jott of wart out of Naughty Marietta was people. This pain is due to a pas- | brought forth. He was the property sive inflammation of the adjacent of R. H, McCarter Potter, and didn't tissue. Because every drop rubs in, |attract much attention, The colt's because it penetrates so deeply, name was Grandson, and George Nerviline gives a wonderful result. Bain was the auctioneer. A few Mote Jayertul because ne an hours before the sale Mr. Bain re- stronger, more penetrating because strikes through soft tissue, more Soived a sistem hat ie had Jo healing to pain, Nerviline Liniment |°™® & grandpa. Rh he re 8 should be always on hand. Solg colt's name on the catalogue he be- everywhere in large 35 cent bottles. {¢2Me enthusiastic about him, and ~~» |confided to the gathering that he had a new grandson, and predicted the colt would "make good." But this prediction falled to arouse the crowd to a buying mood, and he finally blurted out: "My grandson is worth something and go is this colt." He was about to tell all the good ' things he knew about - grandsons when a voice from the rear of the audience said: "Two fifty." It came from Mrs, McKee. There were no other bids, and she got the horse. The colt. was not heard of again CEMENT BUILDING SILLS, CAPS, LINTELS, ETO, Improved process, Material and price are right. : 527 Princesa Street, corner Alfred BLUE GARAGES LIMITED Backed by Canadian Provinces afford an excellent opportunity for reinvestment of November ist funds. Below is a selected list of our offerings: Security Rate Dus until last week, Then he came forth Province of Ontario : 6% 15th Sept., 1943 at Empire city and finished second Province of Ontario Guaranteed - at the long odds of 30 Yo 1. : (Igsued by Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario) . again, and in the Rambler purse, the feature of the card at the Yonkers Now is the time to have your engine looked over. , Carbon should be removed. i - Carburetor should be adjusted to cool weather con- : ons. Battery should be attended to. You use your"Battery fifty per cent. more now than Warm weather, both for starting and lighting. It you have Carbon removed and Carburetor ad- {nated your engine will start better, thus saving your ) . We employ expert, mechanics in our repair de- rovince of Alberta ist Oct., 1041 er. partment. . fg Province of Alberta... 15th Jan., "1936 Ii race he Standard Car. a Buick Cars -- Canades Write for descriptive circular covering issues in which you : col sum, WR - . are particularly interested. a ! 3873, , of the purse, : 6% 24th June Provinge of British Columbia. .6% fh Le, 1041 : Home-made head cheese 15¢ 1b, | [} Fresh Eggs ........ 50c doz. Choice Cheese ,..... 24¢c Ib. Rose Brand Butter ...40c 1b. 3 1b. Black Tea ....... $1.00 | Western Beef, Pot Roast 13¢ Ib |} Mutton Fronts ...... 10c Ib, i} Mutton Hinds ....... 20¢ Ib. | Home rendered dripping 10¢ Ib, | An kinds of smoked hams, meats, ete, set your order in early. : ~ - Wood, Gundy & Company Montreal 86 King Stfeet West New York London, Eng. ly profitable purchase when she bought Star Court at Belmont park. Blue Garages, Limited She paid $150 for this unsound son Cor. Bagot & Que Sts. of Star Shoot, and on Tuesday he : galloped home a winner al the long sssotsntet, BLU M------C A RAGES - --~ 3 ~~