THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. eR INGOENTS OF THE DAY McKAY FURS | CONVOCATION HALL sy tan i sr cm fl 1 6 yr yn er JO PO ay RA Rn ee $ 00 WORTH OF MUSIC During the War. | Mr. Swaine, plano tuner, orders | | received gat 100 Clergy street w, ! : : { : Phone 564 Betts ' | A most impressive memorial ser- w. J | ry [ vice was held in Convocation hall on| Mm. J. BE. North, Westport, 1s | : TRI 5 i § undergoing treatment in the General | . ? 4 1 hospital, : Theological Alumni Assocl- Mrs, Amos Weese, Belleville, died during which a memorial [OR Sunday. One danghter is Mrs. 8. Parks, Napanee, eta a) Suiats 447 dnd was THE FEIST DANCE FOLIO FOR PIANO, VOL. 2 Auglioen dhuronce. Containing 26 Fox Trots, 9 Waltzes and 3 One-Steps from the lat. $ Jarge attendance of students, mem.| The steamer Brockville is expact. : bers of ihe different faculties and |°d 40Wn this' afternoon from Picton est and best known songs of the day, arranged for dancing. | friends of the university present for | With & cargo Of canned goolls. : 'op ; | the ceremonies. nan ZWemer's subject in grant EVERY ONE OF THE 38 NUMBERS WOULD BE PRICED {~The opening exercises wore con: | ron Wednesday, Nov. "2nd, wit - ducted by the Rev. William Kanou- | P® "18m and Bolshevism." All citi SINGLY AT EITHER 40. or 50c, | Win, Hamilton, and afser the singing | 2ens invited. f lot a hymn, Professor J. L. Morison Miss Ida Hutchings, Westport, im FOX TROTS---Cherie, Absence, Nobody's Baby, April Showers, Nestle in Your Daddy's Arms, Close to | read from the Old Testament scrip- | I? the General hospital, is improving, My Heart, Rose of My Heart, 1 Never: Realized, Feather Your Nest, Grieving For You, Wang [tures, and Professor Macphail This is pleasing news to her many Wang Blues, Vamping Rose, The Sweet Lips, I Never Knew, A Yoyng Man's Fancy, Under. [from the New Testament. . Weel irons Sev 8026 15 Ham neath Hawaiian €kies, Marimba, etc., ete. 3 General A. BE. Ross then led tae . a as Se - WALTZES--Peggy O'Neill, Swarfee River Moon, Swanee Shore, Hawai \ 2 gathering in a short and uppropriate | 11ton, to attend the meeting of the Rose I Call Sweetheart, Mammy's Little Sunny Honey Boy, in Cat, Nobody %. Rose, prayer in memory of the dead. Canadian Deep Waterways and Pow- ONE-STEPS--Polly, Hail Chicago, Beela Bool. i Principal 8. W. Dyde, of ueen's | T Association, He will be one of Thetlrety College, gave a Queens the speakers at this meeting. . BENT POSTPAID ON RECEIPT OF and impressive Sermon, referring Lo os {the debt which Canada owed to the ' | fallen heroes. He spoke of the fram. 3 ara Shaan WSL SGT, OURAN pp corr EOE BOOK STORE men had done for the university and Was the Party Given at the Open Nights, Phone 919 thelr country, and that these heroes whose names were engraved on the Mowat Memorial Hospital tablet had qualified to be included fn Monday Night. i this host of noble men. He said Ee -- - [that a new page had been added to Mowdt Memorial Hospital was en the history of our land by this last | fete on Monday evening, when the ° ° addition to the glory of our walls. Dr, (best, big jest and 'the most alto- Dyde told of the response to the call | gether charming party, was given John McKa Limited [to arms throughout the years of the | by the staff and patients, The assem- war, when men from all classes and bly room was transformed into a 9 chs Of life, from factory, office, | fairyland witp every imaginable king 149 to 157 Brock Street - - o Kingston, Ontario school and home, had flocked to the | of Hallowe'en decorations, chandel- colors in their country's time of tron- | fers with the lights shaded in orange, ble, and that the university had been great pumpkins made into fearsome Ee es prominent in this response, The | jack-o'lanterns, a witch peering into | a | classrooms became almost silent, and | her cauldron of poisoned brew beside | ) 4 . [teachers and taught donned the unl- 3 most realistic fire place on the | LU : ' : "" form to fight for freedom. All these | platform, were a few of the many | You Wire Us and We 1 Wire You | men loved their country that was, as | original ideas worked out by the THE ELECTRIC SHOP well as Canada that is to be, The | clever hands of 'the patients ud Distributors for speaker paid an appealing tribute to | staff. Col. H. B. Pense was in . oS . LACO LAMPS, DELCO LIGHT PRODUCER the nobility of the soldier, and after i and the proceedings began with a ndin 115 Brock Street Wit Canney Siving a liet of the decisive battles |the Grand March and. the Lostaiee She tAN in which Canadians had taken a lead- | contest, and the procession of Span- ee TTT ing part, said that these names would [ish girls' tramps, Indian maidens, e § | forever remind the world of the part | John Bull, Jiggs, khaki girls, taken by Canada in the war. Some of blondes, ga doctor and nurse, these men now sleep in Flanders, but jolson, jockeys, a sunflower, The . ' their memory will never grow dim in | Mikado and mony others ped Lr | Take a portion of your Victory Bond Interest ORANGE PEKOE PEKOR our minds. Freedom and peace for | fore the judges who declared that | db 60c. 1B. 50c. LB. mankind was obtained by these fall- | "Jiggs" (Joh, Magee); "The Kitch- and buy en goldiers, and it is now up to us| en" (Mrs, Ray); "The Blondes" alone to make it secure. We are en- (Cash Makluff and W. H. Bocking), SHEETS, TOWELS, PILLOW CASES, listed in the service of keeping fast and Miss Agnes Brankin as the jock- fara TEA Nae What our noble dead gave their lives ey were the best. Mrs. E, J. B. Penge, HOSIERY 8, 90e. 1B. to save. The fallen are not dead, the Mrs, Donald MacPhail, Miss Deacon brave live on, the peace-makers of and Miss Marion Redden were the the world, and the speaker then re- judges. McAuley's orchestra provid- . : cited those immortal lines by the late ed excellent music and two amusing and other wanted lines for the Lt.-Col. McCrae, beginning, monologues by Miss Goodfellow were "In Flanders fields the poppies much enjoyed. The refreshment hall roy blow, where the most delicious supper was ORPHANS HOME SHOWER Between the crosses, row on row," served was splendidly decorated, ; The speaker etated feelingly that, | Jack Chinnick, thafrmiy of tae co. We will cash your Cheques or Coupons and I i surrounded by the memory of these tertainment committee, and his as- i . ; Mi fallen heroes, and testifies onthe{istants, Messrs. Such ood: Mopars also sell you the above mentioned goods at unbeat- | i walls of the hall, we renew once t credit for their energy . ' or e if GeServe feat 5 able prices. more our pledge to them for a united and skill, umanity, 4 ni The unveiling of the tablet then 600 Livingston 'Ave. Cem- [ffl CREAMERY BUTT took place, the ceremony being. per- : » : if 1.000 ibs. (tren E" formed by G. M. Maodoneil, K. c., [Street Oar Hit Waggon; ent block, 6 rooms, B. dnd [jj{lll 1. : {L05 Madde) Avert [0 SORES of the board of the theo-| Dastardly Hallowe'en Prank C., also summer kitchen, fine [ii/ [i LARD {| logical college, which presented the re. | 500 Ibs. Mathews Pure 20c. Ib, tablet to the univegsity. Mr, Mae- 1 hat Hallowe'en cellar, electric light, hard- Ts The police report that Hallowe od 3 d irs, not HIM JAM donnell 'read the .inscription ana passed off very quietly, with the ex- WO! oors downstairs, hot |i i 500 (48) pails. new X names on the face, and a shor his- ception of a dastardly trick which sir furnace. Lot 8$3x133: | " ABW pac tory and war records of each, while was pulled off on Montreal street 48c. pail the audience stood with bowed heads, late in the evening, when a wagon newly decorated. All in first [i | 500 (4s) pure Ras., : ol y 1 a ll Straw, oe RR 3 ++ .82c. pail [ff| He also gave a short and touching loaded with stone, was left on the 488 condition. Terms can be | address, stating that these men were street car tracks, in the vicinity of arranged for a quick sale. | DATES true empire-builders and they haa |ine quarry, A-street car going out Nice juicy Dates , . , 83 1bs. 28c. fll made Canade a na'fon. Before the | to the junction ran into the wagon, : war, Canada hdd barely ceased to be and both the ear and the wagon suf- " 2 a colony, but now she had taken her fered damage. Luckily no person was KINGSTON'S CARPET WAREHOUSE { ullen % place in the councily of the nations injured. It is down-grade at the R H. Ww ddell | fl on an equal be We he. these point where the wagon was left on R-.. fi j men a debt whick' can never be re- the tracks, and the street car was d | CASH AND CARRY fl paid in full. Can we let their mem- | ceoing ata lively rate of speed when ¥ The McCann Agency ory fale or forget ithe noble sacrifice | pe eolifsion occurred. It is just a STRAUBEUZEE TABLET that they have made for us? miracle that the motorman was not The names "on the tablet are as seriously hurt, UNVEILED IN ST. GEORGE'S t follows: John Dall, professor; Henry | .. Ate A in) Harold Allen, Percy Calvent Caver- In Memory of the Late Lieut. hill, Edward Fair Corkill, John Gor- i o don Laing, Angus MacIntosh, Donaid [ll "Kingston's Famous Fur Store Col. Charles Neruer Van JOHNSON STREET--Double brick dwelling; 7 rooms and bath. George MacPhail, Roswell Murray Straubeuzee. . room; gas and electric lights; good cellar; deep lot, with MacTavish and John Wesley North. res shed in rear; driveway. Price $5,600.00, The superscription is, Hternal \ BB | At the ten o'clock All ants' day May bo sold separately, or together. Houer Yo 4 ig uve Whew lives : . Conroe, Tuesday morning in St. A new Field of about 10% on the investment, in the Great War." g Thee { George's cathedral, a tablet in mem- The "Last Post" was then sound- : ACY ory of the late Lieut.-Colonel Eharles Immediate Possession, if desired. . > 5 moire] ERC [i E. W. MULLIN & SON 3 » ¢ Re airs nounced by the Rev. William Kanna- : - wall of the church beside the one win. ' ea Placed there some years ago in mem- EXCLUSIVE AGENTS . Phones 336-806. a6 Broex se. [fl [ll ALFRED and PRINCESS sts. - Tn cs - A 5 ews At the opéning session of the Theo- , y 3 logical he on Moa- \ a oie lute Su Corner Johnson and Division Streets - - Phones 530w and 589J. day afternoon, Prof. Matheson spoke * on "Formula and Thought." He gave » a histogy of the use of formulae in } : - I I mathematics and showed the : Prasth : ; " ------ ------------ i iinly i oal application of a formulae in - : " t is certainly a refef to know ng the vous of 4 Sou Is Fur Time ' . > 'that i joka that otherwise the work re- [J MP 4 ; thot ste rors Jick [leg Se et TL} 98 TU Men's Brown Working Boots ly, without serious inconvenience | then showed Prepare for the cold weather. §/10 Straubenzee, killed In a-tion 1n pr 1 : f ti X - It's sure to come and you will near Le Cateau, France, on Ort. 9th, tor loss of time. Only the excep- fof Chri ras fofjowed nets ill «oe good; warm Fars, [11918 while commanding as Lieat. ARMY GRAIN, LEATHER UPPERS--EVERY PAIR ALL at . . ape, oubt o . S % tional mechanical facilities and a : . After the address, a general Where to Bu y? Sol. He Ro SOLID LEATHER : : i oh & complete record system such as we an vook olwe, ust uwoew' | NY . ? 4 « emusament was caused by a | A the question 5 ; TWO : EXTRA mamtain make this sort of optical Iy argument over the rela'ive value iingent and was actively employea STYLES $3.9 VALUR i i > = : before the enemy for nearly four service possible, . "by over fort; s' ex, years. 1876--1918. 'Faithful unte : : abr ee death'." The names of the battles : : LN aay in which Col. Van Straubenzee serv- d are on a scroll and are, Cape Coi- (2)~--Brown Army Grain Leather Bluchers with toe caps viscol ied, waterproof leather soles, splendid fitters and a shoe that we can recommend, All sizes 6 to 10, S. J. MARTIN STREET fe: ie: PHONE 2216.