Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Nov 1921, p. 5

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TUESDAY, ICV. 1, 1021, oe CHOICE WESTERN MEATS and COOKED MEATS McGEEIN'S Phone 1182 28 Princess Street === ~~ FOR MOVING OF Freight, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and Cartage of every description-- Kingston Transfer Co. ViLoue 377. 153 Wellington Street. DAVID SCOTT Plumber Piambiag and Gas Work a speelal. ATE vole guaranteed. Addregy Phone 1277, tenne Street. DRAW, WINKETT Corner of Johnsun and Wellington Streets Phone 863 Dr. Waugh 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. Angrove's Repairs a 197 WELLINGTON STRERT WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res,, 1187, W. R McRae & Ga. -- COAL "Chofcest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by "i ~ BOOTH & CO. Grove 'Inn Yard Phone 138 FOR SALE . Double stone dwelling, three storey, large lot; 1 extra lot. Good barn. Rents for $44 per We a full line of other feuable makes of ma. laden, Jum ahd Jeiues for sale Bie PATTON'S 'DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) Eingcon's Only Dron. HEADS | THAT ACHE that aches and pains all the time. AND PAIN| It is hard to drag along with a head | 5 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG: | In nine cases out of ten, persistent | { the blood being rendered {impure | through some derangement stomach, liver or bowels, but no mat- \ ter which organ is to blame the cause must be removed before permanent relief can be obtained. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS | which has been on the market for the | past forty-five years, removes the | cause of the headache hy starting the |organs of elimination acting freely, | and when the impurities are carried off from the system, purified blood | circulates in the brain cells, and the aches and pains vanish. Miss Clara Murphy, Centre Dum- mer, Ont., writes: --" "My system was greatly run down and my blood out of order. I suffered a -great deal from severe pains in my head, which made me feel very miserable. After having tried other remedies I pur- chased a botte of Burdock Blood Bit- ters, and was ry glad to notice a decided improvement in my health. 1 took another bottle and it has done me an enormous amount of good. I have recommend it to some of my ticn, and they all say it is a wonderful remedy." B. B. B. is manufactured only hy The T., Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, t. BUILDIN G? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? ates given by O. Aykroyd & Son 21 Main Street. Phoue 1670. Smoke : T&B All the rich aroma of the best Virginia leaf VISH RESTLESS CHILDREN MES ARE SUFFERING THE RAVAGES or WORMS, AN| ENT CORRECTIVE THAT WILL RID THE SYSTEM OF THESE P, [Soe Rot Es > i DELICATE CONSTITUTION, I8 FOUND Id RELIABLE MEDICING' ILLER'S WORM OWDE Dr. H. A. Stewart Dental Surgeon Wishés to announce that he has resumed his practice, cor. Wel- lington and Princess Streets. Phone 2092. Dr. H. A. Stewart FOR SALE | A. Chadwick & Son Corner Ontario and West Sta Phone 07. Sa Malted Milk It's a real food. It is easily digested and can be taken any time during the day or night, hot or cold. No home should be without it. Fresh stock in three sizes: Small size . .. Large Size :.... Jar $3.75 P.S.--~Watch for big Advt. in Wednesday paper. ' It will ine terest you! M. R. McColl Prescription Druggist, PHONE 82, Johnson's . .... 75c. per Ib. tin Old Enstish .. 75. per Ib. tin Johnson's Liquid Wax. Johnson's Powdered Dancing Wax. Waxing Brushes AL | headaches are due to poisoned blood, | of the] friends, who were in a similar condi- | | ood and | | you will soon kmaow it. Cheese Sales. | Belleville, 1,116 boxes at 14c. Cornwall, 337 at 14 1-8c. London, 170 offered, 13 1-2 bid, no sales, --------------- Tendered a Dinner, Justice Mowat was the guest of {honor at a dinner at the Military In- stitute, Toronto, on Saturday night, given by some of the members, Rain on Monday. Kingsfon had a nice rain on Mon- | day. The weather man predicted rain on Friday last and also on Sun- day but he fell down on his fore- cast. Keep Warm. We carry large range of winter overcoats for boys and men. Our prices for boys' range from $8.00 'o |$15.00. Men's from $15.00 to $28.00. Also children's reefers at {35.00, Prevost, Brock street. | Kingston and {Yy.M.C.A.. | Fire Losses in Canada. | Fire losses in Canada during the] |week ended Oct 26th are stimated | by the Monetary Times at $443,800, | {compared with $509,750 the prev-| {ious 'week. | To Address Rotary Club. | The Kingston Rotary Club, at iis | luncheon, on Thursday, will have as | its special speaker, Harry Hill, in-| structor of music in the Kingston public echools. His subject will be. "Why and Wherefore of Music in the | Public Schools." Want Expenses Mer. | Stewart Masson, Deseronto, has been served with notice of appeal| in the case of Hall vs. Green. The| Council ordered the clerk to write | the superintendent-general of Indian Affairs explaining the suit of Hall vs. Green and asking that the Indian department bears the expense of the suit. Cheese Factory Burnea. The old Ferry Road cheese fac- tory, locatea on the outskirts of Perth, was destroyed by 'fire, sup-/ posedly through a spark. Some twenty-five boxes of cheese were saved, Insurance of about $2,000 was held, but this will not cover the Gas, Indigestion, Stomach Misery --"Diapepsin" apes Diapepsin really does' put bad stomachs in order-- 'really does" overcome indigestion, dyspep- sia, gas, heartburn and sourness in five minutes -- that -- just that -- makes Pape's Diapepsin the largest selling stomach regulator in the world. If what you eat ferments in- to stubborn lumps, you belch gas and eructate sour, undigested food and #ecid; head is dizzy and aches, re- member the moment "Pape's Diapep- sin" comes in contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. It's truly astonishing--almost mar- velous--and the joy is its harmless- ness. A large sixty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin is worth its weight in gold to men and women who can't get their stomachs regulated. It belongs in your home--should al- ways be kept handy in case of a sick, sour, upset stomach during the day or at night. 'It's the most efficient antacid and stomach regulator in the world. To Purify the Blood, ~ To Strengthen the Nerve REDMAC IS GUARANTEED If your blood is thick and impure Your face becomes covered with pimples and spots. If your nerves are shattered You are nervous, irritable, easily an- il | noyed, and will eventually become run down and the 'whole nervous system a wreck. Redmac, the most wonderful of all Tonics made from Herbs, Roots and Barks, will fix you up Im a short time. It Is the latest and most wonderful Tonic ever of- fered to the Public. The nerves are made strong and healthy. The Blood purified and made pure. Sold by one druggist in every Town. Sold in Kingston by Sargent's Drug Store. *l supervising, a loss. It is likely that the sharehold-] ers of the company owning the fac- tory will decide to rebuild. Dr, Zwemer's Meetings. Dr. S. M. Zwemer, F.R.G.S., no'ed | author and missionary of Moslem | World, will address a supper meet- ting at the British American hotel, Wednesday, Nov. 2nd, at 6 p.m., un-- der joint auspices of Canadian, Ro- tary and Kiwanis Clubs, and tae The subject is "The 'Muddle' East," All men welcome. Supper tickets, 75 cents. May Sell at Brockville. Shareholders of Carriage Factor- ies Limited at the annual meeting in Toronto endorsed a resolution auth- orizing the directors to sell or dis- pose of all or part of the Brotkville property of the company. No price was quoted, but will be left to the discretion of the directors, who have been given full power to execute all deeds and documents and also to procure the discharge of the bond mortgage covering the same. Police Court Happenings, Fighting in the old Homestead Factory, at Picton, with Frank Rob- bins cost Wales Ferguson $35 on the former's complaint. * Robbins! was. badly battered -about the face. | Both were put under bond to keep the peace. Disorderly conduct cost Messrs. | Swartz and Finklesteen, fish buyers, | a total of $41 in the Picton police | court. They had attempted to put over a practical joke, showing bad- ges, presumably as constables, while saying they would arrest Alexander McDonald, The scene of the horse play was the Picton Cafe: Liberal Associations. A Picton Women's Liberal Asso- ciation was formed in Picton with the following officers: Hon. Presi- dent, Mrs. W. S. Blakely; President, TORONTO SCHOOL VISITED By Miss E. Lillian Mowat Who " @ives an Interesting Account, On invitation of Mr. Bulmer, prin- cipal of the Perm Avenue School, Toronto, I spent a very pleasant and profitable afternoon inspecting his| school with over 1,500 pupils in at-| tendance, and with its own Domes- tic Science and Manual Training equipment. There are three auxil- iary classes for the crippled children, the backward children and those with weak hearts, who need special care. By backward, I do not at all mean deficient, bu backward in one or more subjects, One little girl of eight is a first-class reader and well on in geography and spelling, but very poor in arithmetic and writing. She is given special attenion in those subjects. I heard a singing lesson given to these children and was very much struck by the vein with which they sang. They certainly are not backward in musical effort. The delicate children get milk and biscuits every morning at 10.30 o'clock, and those who seem to re- quire jt have an egg as well. There are stretchers provided so that the children may rest when necessary. These children are from five to thir- teen years of age. The cripples are surprisingly agile. One little boy who has never walked and never will probably, has a little motor go-cart and goes like the wind around the class room and through the ' corri- dors. A lesson in writing interested me greatly. It was given in rhythm to a gramaphone's directions, while tne teacher walked through the aisles The senior third class gave a remarkably good recitation in unison of "Polly thd Cows are in the Corn," the voices blending most harmoniously. The girls in the sewing class were most of them making aprons, fancy and otherwise, for their mothers' Christmas gifts. Some of them have made their own dresses for school wear and many have made blouses. Their ages are from eight to twelve. The babies, just out of kindergar- ten, sang very prettily for me, but the best was kept for the last, the choral singing by the school children trained by Miss Hunter. They did really wonderful part singing, quite unaccompanied. "Lift Thine Eyes," from the "Elijah," a difficult num- ber was marvellously well done. They also gave 'Annie Laurie," "Down in Ole Virginny," and a beau- tiful rendering of Poe's "Bells." Mr. Bulmer and Miss Hunter may well he proud of their choir. with our own Mr. Hill we have a chance to emulate the Torento hools, for there is plenty of talent among our children if it can only be properly directed. {/A. M. Platt; 2nd Vice Pres, N. D.| I was rejoiced to think that now | Vicinity Mrs. Morley Currie; 1st Vice Pres.) Mrs. B. Smith; Sec.-Treas. Miss | Amanda Spafford. The officers of the Picton Men's Liberal Association were appointed as follows: Hon. Pres, H. B. Bristol; | Pres., J. L. Graydon; 1st Vice Pres., | Gilbert; * Sec.-Treas., Dr. A. P. Knight, The Sick Chicken Recovered. Fhis story is vouched for at the golf club house: A very well known citizen had a sick chicken and de- cided to put it out of its misery. He took it fo the cellar and wrung its neck. The furnace had been start- ed, and thinking to save the trouble of putting the carcass in the gar- bage can he placed the bird on top of the coal. Later he went down to see how the furnace fire was pro- gressing, and when he opened the door, out flew the "deceased" chick-| en, which has been perfectly well ever since, despite the fact that it had its neck wrung and was placed in a furnace for cremation, ------ At Child Welfare Station. " The lantern views which wee to be shown to the children of the Neighborhood Welfare Class in the Welfare - station on Saturday after- noon, turned out to be a very dis- appointing affair to the kiddies, as owing to an unavoidable ~ accident the lantern refused to work and the entertainment could not be given. Secretary George Young of the Mili- tary "Y"", who had charge of the proceedings, organized a general "sing-song" to take its place and] promised a real treat for next Sat- urday. Ice cream and cakes, fur- nished by Mrs. John Wright, were served, and this helped greatly to make up the loss to the youngsters. Miss Jack, Mrs. Frances Robinson and Mrs. Miller assisted in serving the refreshments, A -------------- Bay." The several cheese factories will close for the season next week. Mrs. Thomas Degnem, who has been ill, is much improved. A. Mason has bought the house oc- cupied by Herbert Dobson, Welling- ton, from Mrs, Terry and Herbert Farrell's house, occupied by Godfrey Upton, Mrs. MacCaul, Camden East, and W. M. Craig, Picton, were quietly married at Centreville, on Monday, and left for Picton to reside. We have lately received several car loads of New Hemlock, Spruce and Pine Lumber. It is' from the big mills, was bought right, and we can afford to sell it at interestin prices. . S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and""Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phoue 60, Factory Phone 1415, Take Lunch "Here Next time you are in this vieinity. . Then, like other lad- fes, you'll find it so good in every way and the prices so reasonable and yowll think it worth, a considerable trip to take nch here as often as possible. Dainty dishes and choice eatables can be served on the shortest notice,' GRAND CAFE PETER LE E, PROP.. 'le Two Doors Above Opera House Phone 1843, ¥ Open from 8 a.m. te = a.m. VULCANIZING ADA MAXOTIRE & RUBLCER Co. 234 Ontario Street. Phone 2086. \ ) EASTERN CAN. A. NEAL, Manager -- SOWARDS KEEPS COAL --and--- COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 155. UPTOWN OFFICE--Me GALL'S CIGAR STORM PHONE 811. SOWARDS COAL COMPANY WINTER ~---- = Q BEAUTY OF THE SKIN is the natural desire of ov ery women, and is obtainable by the use of Dr. Chase's Ointment. Pimples; blackheads, roughoess and redness of the skin. irritation and eczema diss the skin 1s left soft, smooth All dealers, or Edmanson, Ba: Limited, Toronto. Sample wention this paper. Dr.Chase's Ointment OUCH! LAMBAGO PAIN! tes & Co., free if you OVERCOATS MEN and YOUNG MEN'S NEW NEW MODELS -- BEST VALUES $25.00, $28.00 $35.00, $38.00 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. RUB BACKACHE AWAY Instant Relief With a Small Trial Bottle of Old "St. Jacobs oi." Kidneys cayse Backache? No! They have no nerves, therefore can- not cause pain. Listen! Your back- ache is caused by lumbago, sciatica or a strain, and the quickest relief is soothing, penetrating 'St. Jacobs Oil." Rub it right on your painful back, and instantly the soreness, stiffness and lameness disappears. Don't stay crippled! Get a small trial bottle of "St. Jacobs Oil" from your druggist and limber up. A moment after it is applied you'll wonder what became of the backache or lumbago pain. Rub old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" whenever you have sciatica, neural- gia, rheumatism or sprains, as it is absolutely harmless and doesn't burn the skin. We wound up our atternoon of nearly three hours' inspection with served by the Domestic Science mis- tress and very welcome it was. --E. LILI MOWAT. a cup of tea in the principal's office] | 3 Is mT i fi 1 ! ; il ! § i Ih i= fi I £ [ i W. H. COCKBURN fi== - ! gr ¥ [ & (One door below Randolph Hotel) Fall and Winter UNDERWEAR FOR ALL THE FAMILY We are showing all the best makes Penman's, Lennard's,. Turnbulls and Health Brands in Vests, Drawers and Combinations. All styles in the dif- ferent weights--Cotton, Union, Fleece Lined, all Wool and Silk and Weol: all at attractive prices, Wh W. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kemp, Pembroke, was united in marriage to Harold J. Carson, Ot- A lawa,

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