Vv St Se ------ ire -- Pictorial News -- Troops for India or (1) Dye works wrecked at Oppau, Ger. juany, where thousands of lives were ost. : Bl (2) Richest girl in Britain. By the death of Sir Ernest Cassel, his 20-year- old granddaughter, Miss Edwina Ash. ley, is now probably the richest woman in Great Britain. She is the god- daughter of the late King Edward. (3) Sir A. Griffith-Boscawen, Minister of Agriculture in the British Govern- ment, and Lady Griffith-Boscawen, with the first prize mare and foal at Henley Agricultura! Show, at Ship- lake, England. (4) Earl Haig unveils a war memorial at Minto. The Countess of Minto is placing a wreath on the memorial. (5) An apple grower of Surrey, Eng- land, uses thig sign to protect his fruit. (6) The wind-mill on Reigate Heath, which is an old landmark on the Surrey Hill, is' now used as a church. (7) Miss Jen Latona, the well-known music hall artist, who is noted as one of the best football players in England. (8) Ancient and modern at the Henley Agricultural Show competing for the plowing prize, wy [7 covareer or CRA 3 REP ii L SE -- dC A> a ry A Government Experiments With Canadian Pacific Steal % x 2 3 "Scotian" leaving Southampton Harbor, as a troopship, en route for India, The "Scotian," which left| paid off. The Government have practical test, the Southampton Docks recently, {selected the Canadian Pacific would prove successful. The embodies an experiment by the|liners "Scotian" and "Vic- | troop decks are spacious and Britishgfsovernment which will | torian"--both engaged in the well ventilated. ultitudes of result in a substantial sav-|{North Atlantic trade--for use|fans and an auxiliary ventilat- ing of money to the taxpayers.|as troopships during the com- ing system have been installed As is generally known, troops|ing season, and the "Scotian"! to keep the cabins cool. Not- are conveyed to and from India| has already been altered and withstanding al this, it was only during the winter months, | refitted for this special work. |stated that a comparatively when accommodation on ves-| The Mayor of Southampton, | small sum would be required to sels specially built for tropical|a number of Government of- | re-equip the vessel for her or: waters is at 'the highest sea-|ficials and officials connected | dinary trade and afterwards to sonal demand, and when the|with the Canadian Pacific! reconvert her when required , chartering of such vessels for|Steamships, Limited, h ave into a troopship. conveying troops is most ex-|visited the "Scotian," and ex-| During the war the "Scotian" pertsive. On the other hand, pressed the opinion that the|took part in the Gallipoli opera- | winter is the season when the difficulties in the way of pro-|tions; she steam ; - North Atlantic trade is at its|viding suitable accommodation | miles on Government sem lowest ebb, and when some of | had been overcome, and that,|and carried 56,000 officers a the ships in that trade are when the vessel was put to the men, normally laid up and the crews & i STREETS be