pT THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. WEDNBSDAY, NOV. 2, 1921. E PEOPLE'S FORUM = CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES : Flist insertion, 1c &@ word. Bach con- secutive insertion thereafter, half cent a word. Minimum charge for one Inseriion, 25c; three Insertions, §U cents. Tne above rates are for cash only, when charged they are double, a FRE HELP WANTED. FYOLNG GIRL AS NURSE, APPLY TO 'iis. W i. Nickle, 130 Earl st. AT OCLC, AN EXPERIENCED WAIT- uress. Apply at British-American oleh WORKING HOUSEKEEPER WANTED fur small hotel near Kingston; must Le guud cook and have city refer- ence. Apply Bux DL-20, Whig. SALESLADIES FOR DRY GOODS AN ready-to-wear; experiende. salary and give references in first letter. Appiy to J. Rubenstein, Perth, Ont. MAKE MONEY AT HOME, $15 TO $00 paid weekly for your Bpare time writing show cards for us. No can- vascing. We instruct and supply You with work. West-Angus snow Card Service, 17 Colborne sid, To- ronto. INSURANCE AGENT TO WORK WITH established agency in Kingston and vicinity; nul essent al; good proposition with prospect of partnership. Uive particulars first letter. Box B-l Whig Office. WE WANT a RELIABLE SALES agent tor each unrepresented cuun- ty or territory, Exclusive seling rights, guud pay Lo euergelic rep- resentalives. Uur agency is valu- able. Write Pelham Nursery Co, Toronto, unt POSITION WANTED, SINGLE MAN DLSIRES POSITION ON arm, experienced. Apply Box 0-11, Whig uitice. YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION AS apprentice in piacksmith shop. Write ©. Hartley, Battersea, Ont. oS SITUATIONS VACANT BIG $3 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS greeting card sample bouk free to workers, celevrated, inexpen- sive, Royal Series, secure orders new; deliver later; men and wo- men already making nve dollars up daily even in spare time; capital or expereince ulinecessary. yarret- son Company, Braantford, Ont. Ee AUENTS WANTED MEN AND WOMEN; NOT TO CANVASS, but to travel and appoint local rep- resentatives, zl a week and ex- penses guaranteed, with goud chance to make 360 a week ana ex- penses. State age and quantica- tions. Experience unnecessary Also inexperienced organizers or Crew managers wanted. Winston Co., Dept. Gu, Toronto. FINANCIAL Melts, Hi, 8S. CRUMLEY, FIRE, AUTO. mobile and Casualty Insurance. 429 marl street. Phone 1752M. STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE agents, esiablished in 1560; only tue must reliable companies repre- sent fice 96 Clarence street, uppusite Lhe post oifice. FRUSNTENAC LOAX AND INVEST. meuc duclety, incorpurated 1361. i'resident, W. F. Nickle, K.U,; vice- president, A. HB. Cunnioghato Money issued on city =ua farm pivpuslicvs, municipal and county uebeniures, Mulrlgages purcuasqcu, Investment bonds ror sale; deposits received and interest allowed. HK. C, Cartwright, manager, 27 Clar- lice sireel. Kingston, PALMISTRY COME AND HAVE YOUR HAND READ by Madame Lillian, who has given satisfaction to many. Hours 104 am. to 9 pm, 338 King Street East. PIANO TUNING. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING -- work guaranteed. Peter I). Brown, 12 Markland Street. Phone 2397Tm. sireeis. DENTAL. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST. OFFICE 258 Princess Street. Phone 653w. S. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. "tists, 169 Wellington street, corner of Brock. . DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 Princess Street. Phone 1550. Open evenings by appoiatment. "DR. AYKROYD, DENTIST, UAS RE- sumed practice at 93 Princess St. avsr, Blak of Nova Scotix. Phone Te experience preferred but] full | | WANTED GENERAL i HOME OR GO| Ap- een. LAUNDRY TO TAKE out by the day. Kxperienced. ply Box A-31, Whig. STORM WINDOWS PUT ON AND) cleaned; iso nouse windows; rei- | erences. Apply Box 431, Whig AM PAYING THE HIGHEST market price for fresh cal-fish. Ap-! Piy to A. Glazel, 163 Ontarlic >t) Phone 1878. ------ ROOF REPAIRING -- HOW AB Your root? Does it need repairing We use Argus Roof-pruol. Lrop card to ¥. Coventry, § Barrack St | BENN BROS, 66 THOMAS STREET, experts in eave-trough work, tin- sinith and cheap metal works in general mending and repairing old} leaky roofs or anything pertaining; to tinsmithing. Phone 2238w. On- tario Tinsmiths. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. i ------------------------------------------------ ------ | FOR SALE, ONE OF THE BEST GO-| ing business hotels; vicinity Kiug- Stun; geheral and summer (rade Everything in nrst class order. | Owner reuring on account of thi health, Apply Bux R-i7, Whig. | CHIROPRACTIC. WM. A. MARCKLLS, D.C, Pa. C, Cor- ner Princess and barrie Streets, 2nd | floor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston | Ont. Coosultation free. Telephone 822J. Hours ¥ (0 13 aru. 1 to's pm. DR, GEORGE F. LUCY, DR. JENNIE A, Lucy, Calropractic Lpecialists and | Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot streei,| between Princess and Brock. Tele- pnone y4sw. Hours 9 to 12 am, 1 to! v, and 7 to ¥ pun. Spinal analysis | and consultation free. MKesidental| calis by appointment. | | PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING| WHEN WANTING PAINTING OM Yajerhanging done, druvp a card tv A. Mounices, 54 Arch sireel. SCOTT & CO, 53 BEVERLY ST, Painters, Paperhangers and Deco- rators. No Job too smal. no con- tract too large. Storm windows re- paintea, putted, glazed and put on All work done at shortest notice. i. UPHOLSTERING. ------------------------ ------------------------------------ CALL OR DHUFP A CARD TO WwW. J Gavine, upuolsicrer, {18 Bagot st, WV. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. balstering and general repairing Love urderg at ur drup a card iv 4 Cigrgy sireel. COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR- der in all poplar shapes and gizes. Uphvulstering and repairing done. kE. J. Goodridge, 244 University Avenue. FURNITURE REPAIRED AND F ished, guns, gramapnones, etc. re- paired prumplly and guaranteed. dlanton & dieeth, 35 Frincess St. ¥. MUSIO. KORRINNE A. MADDEN 1S PREPAR- ed to accept & limited number of plano pupils. Studio: 50 Earl St rhone 153%. DAISY W. JOHNSON, AT.CM,, TEACH- er of Violin and Plane. Pupils pre- pared for examinations. Studio: #07 Collingwoud Street, near John- sun. Phone 23x9w. LEGAL CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST- ers and Solicitors, 79 .Clarence street, Kingston. A. B. Cunaing- ham, Cyril M. Smith. AMBROSE SHEA, DA, SARRISTER and Sulicitor. Law odice, corner of King and Brock, over Hoyal Bank Money to loan. Fhone 1999. FANCY GOODS. FANCY GOODS MADE TO ORDER. Christmas gifts, crochet work, em- broidery, table covers, scarfs, etc. Some on hand. Apply Box §3, R. R. No. 1, Bath, Ont. HEMSTITCHING, #ICOT EDGING, AC- cordion, knife and box pleating. Hours 9 to 6.30. Mrs. E. A. Card 4 Victoria Terrace, Montreal St, opposite Artillery Park. PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, UIRTH- marks, skin cancers, scars, etc, re- moved germaneayy. Satisfactory glasses fitted and furnished after others have failed. Goitre removed. $5 yvars' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Kye, Ear, Nose. Throat, Skin. 258 Bagot Street. Phone 301. ARCHITECT PLANS--SURVEYS--~ESTIMATES -- T. 8. Scott, B.A, B.Sc. Mem. ng Inst, 123 King Street. Phone 163J. POWER, SON AND DREVE ARCH tects, Merchants Bank .Chambers, corner of Brock and Wellington » MILLINERY. MRS. McLAUCHLIN WISHES TO AN- her removal from 93 Pearle. Nsbitt LTCM. Organist and Leader of Queen St. Cholr Teacher in Singing and Piano Sradio; 24 Division Street. Phone 1167) to 112 L. William Street. where she will take orders for making. trimming and remodeling hats. | SIGNS SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS WORK, large or small, Posters, Showcards. displays a specialty, by Shaw at 213 Princess Street. * ANTHRACITE COAL BRIQUETTES ON THE MARKET Stove Coal size .......... "Orders booked for 10-days' delivery. See sample at our oftice. - James Swift & Co., Limited RE Foot of Johnson St. i, virrane sss «$14.25 per ton { STOVES While they last, you may have AT THE DEW DROP INN, PRIN. cess street, a lady's featne raft, Uwher may have same by applying there. VICTORIA SIMEET, NEAR Far), wool moter rug. apply ' yy Victoria Street. STRAND THEATRE LAS? | night, a purse containing a sum of money. OUwner may have same by calilng at 3 Balaclava street, corner © Redan. : A SCANMY, ON COLBORNE ST. Apply 545 Albert Streel SUNDAY, ON WELLINGTON ST. a ring. Owner may have same at 50 Weilington St, SMALL SUM OF MUNEYX Division street Apply Johnson street. : 3 STEWAMT STREET SU NDAY afternoon, & Darrow brown cloth beit with white stripe and two buttons on it. OWwu- er Ay have same at 162 Nel- son street. oF BOY'S GLOVE, ON UNION street. Uwner may have same at this office. OUT. 20th, A SMALL SABLE Scarf un Alfred street. Ap- ply 236 Earl Sireet. ...."%... TAXE A FIVE LINK GOLD chain Owner please phone 17601, or call at 243 Bruck. ON 9 ON FOUND ARTICLES _ADVER- TISKED FREE. Anyone nuQiug anyloing and Wishing lo reaca the vwner may uo S0 by reporung the tacts te The British Whig. Tne adver tisement will ve printed in this culuiuu iree of coarge. "Found articles" doves not In. clude Just dugs, callie, horses, ete. These, II lost, may be ad- vertised tur in the "Lost" column. ET EE eR LOST. ON SATURDAY, BETWEEN KINGSTON i and peeley s pay, an auto ure and run, sexs. Finger Kindiy leave al Whig vice. | A BROWN BRINDLE DOG. ANSWERS | to name uf "browiie. Anyone | nnding same please notify kuioit] Bros, Princess >treel. | BLACK POCKET BOOK, CONTAINING | sum of money. Nae inside, and] registration card. rinder please re-| turn to Waig Umice. Keward. | FHROBABLY AT THE OUTER °STA- tion, une ear-ring, jet stud wna two black rings, pendant irom it Finder please icturlh to 298 King Street. Heward. | -------- i GENTLEMAN'S SIGNET ING, WITH the Pembroke coat off Tus set in enamel, engraving luside. Finder please leave at Whig uvilice, or 139 rine street. | eee eee. | SMALL BLACK POCKET-BOOK. CON. | taining sum of money and three | small macuinist's aruls, on Satur-| day afternoon, on eitauer barrie, | Jonn or Montreal streets. Rewara| ot uve dollars if leit at Whig O1-| fice. | FOR SALE. MALE AND FEMALE BIRDS. APPLY 421 Barrie or phone 1512J. OME BRASS ANTIQUE PIANO LAMP, with shade. Apply Box U-28, Whig = IF YOU HAVE A USED CAR FOR SALE see Geo. Palmer, cor. Bagot and Queen. Phone 410J. $200 BUYS GOOD, COVERED, DELIV. ery truck; newly painted. talmer, cor. Bagot and Queen. $175 BUYS GOOD OVERLAND TOUR. lug car, electric starter and higntis A snup for quick sale. Palmer, cor. pagot aud Queen. WE SELL AND BUY ALL KINDS OF musical instruments, aiso cioth- ing and furniture. Call and get ou: prices. Ll. Routbara, 33% rrincess street. Fnone 1723. COKE FOR SUMMER ns; CHEAPEST fuel on toe market. We. are de- Livering i-a tous st $2.09; = tous Lb $4.49, or & full tun wt Jy uw Phoue 18H W. C. Bruton, PERFECT, COLUMBIA AND HYSLOP Bicycles, also bicycle repairing; baby carriage tires put on while You wait. Muller's Bicycle Works, $¢1-373 King streel. Phone 1032w. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE, ETC, A Plano, amdll size, $75.00. Quebec Heaters and others, $4.00 up to $12.00. A few parlor suites $15.00 each. Sideboards in oax, all prices. Oak dinner Wagon, $8.00. Oak hall seat, $5.00. We buy all kinds of Furniture. LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP Phoue 1045w. 07 Princess Street. WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF 0d secuna-Aund turnicure and stoves. Any persun having stoves and Iurfiture 10 dispose vi, We Wil Pay Digoest prices. J. 'lacmpson, $33 Princess street. r'houe lowww. NORTHWESTERN FrORIDA--A COZY home and steady income for mod- est investment in glorious climate With wonderful resvurces. No pro- position ever offered. compares with ours. Write to-day, full par- ticulars free. riarrison & Mcuas- kell, Dekunhak Springs, »'lorida. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, FOR SALE $2.500--R. C. SEMI-DETACHED; SIX rooms; B. and C.; down towa. CK; 10 ROOMS; LATE) improvements; central --- 3 7 ROOMS; THREE + hot air furnace; garage of way. plete ba! and right AME HOUSE; NORTH END; five rooms; large lot, room fur one or two more houses. ara 4 hd SEMI-DETACRED FRAME rooms, B. and C. and gas; Rates and good cellar. od $2600 FOR THE MATE TO THE ABOVE with electric lights; both well bulit F house, all mod hardwood floors and" Siectric ghia: Sites. or Til nandle § Real | GENL INE GRAPHONLA | save | FOUR MOTORCYCL FOR SALE LINEN GILL NETTING AND NETS. Frank W. Cooke, 219 Bagot Street. Phone 436. | ROYAL OAK HEATER, ALMOST NEW. for sale cheap. Apply 8 Garrett street, off Division near Princess. TWO BLUE AND ONE BUFF FANTAIL Pigeons; also one black cochin ban- tam cock. Apply 4:8 Johnson St em. + ee ee See. QF DEES, CHEAP in good shape to 679 Princess FCUR SWARMS for quick sale] winter over. Apply Street. STORE AND DWELLING ON CORNER enue and David- of Livingston A x130. Garage al- son Street. Lot! so on lot. FUR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY property, farm land in Saskatche- wal. John Craig, Gen. Delivery, Kingston, Ont. | OATS, SEED OR FEED» 0.A.C, 72 CROF of 1920. Sixty cents bushel RK. AM. Van Luven, Lake Shore Koad, Portsmouth. Phone 1105 R 1-3. AND TEN 8; your own choice, 4:50 Terms § ash; $5 per month, C. W Lindsay. Lufiiteu. 121 Princess. St Engine, develops 5% b.p. Tank fos couiing, etc.; in guud running der. Apply KF. J. Salsbury, Sixth Street. 21 | LEFEVER" DOUBLE - BARRELLED new | hammerless, 12 ga. shotgun; condition; also scveral good rifles; dinterent makes. Apply 381 John- son street. OF MILLINERY GODS, sisUng ui Maunes, Veiling, Straw Brags, riowers, Ribbons, a Iew SIraWw sudpes, alia caldren's hats Apply 11d Lower William Streel. TY LUT. 69 FEEL FRONTAGE; 11 feet deep; lor casa $226.09. Also jucubator, 14v egg, and iwe brood- ers; hot Water ucdled. Only used once. LUawsun, 48 Concession St uear Viciusia Street. SEVEN - ROOM Wood-wourk shop attached; village nea Pivapervus { hingstun ; Jduiug good vusiness; ns tur selling. Apply v rig Office. Ss FOR SALE, t'lus, 1 twin kix- 1 Single Ex- Wicker L. 1 Indian Power celsior -and Side Car, celsior, 1 Indian Twin, 1 Side Car--all can be seen at 52 Lower Bagot Street, Uity. A PORTABLE STEAM ENGINE, J. L case, 13 h.p, large steel iron wneels; all in good running order. Will sell right, Maving tractor, no use for same. For furiner parucu- lars apply to H. KE. Sharpe, Odessa, Ont. FOR SALE OR TO LET NEARLY NEW brick house; eight rooms; electri- city; gas; furnace; large kitchen ette; 'three piece bath; large ver- andah; immediate possession. Snap. Owner leaving city. Appiy 141 Pine Street. T'S OF CIRCULAR SAW machinery; one is a Henry Disston inserted tooth. Also four good SAWS. Also a good shingle ma- chine, All in good condition for work. Come and see. Apply Hugh Cameron, Canonto P. O, Ont. TWO FULL TO LKT. A GOOD GARAGE. APPLY 133 RAG. lan Road. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, No. 24 FMIh Street. MEDIUM-SIZED FURNISHED HOUSE to let; good locality. Phone 325w. GARAGE FOR FALL AND WINTER storage. McLanu Agency, ds Brock Street. Phone 326. CLASS ROOM 'WITH BOARD; cunvenlences. Apply 3iv bar- or phone 2233w. APPLY FIRST all rie FIRST all ed. GARAGE, NEAR CURMER QUEEN ana sagot Apply LD. Ww hay, R K. 1, Kaugeton. rnoue 1100 r z2. rn. ren ete ett Ae ete A NIdME RUOVMED ST0AE HMUUSE, 146 Moulredl SL, all UNproveisnls." ig AVVY Tug 3. Yackur aApru st. ¥ STORAGE FOR FURNITURE AND mercnandise;, ciedn and dry. Mc- Cann Ageucy, 36 Mrock Street Phone 3zs. CLASS ROOMS AND HOARD; improvements; cenirally locat- Apply 343 University Ave. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS bathroom nat; heat and ugnt; conveniences. 3 Uarrelt »ireet, Livision, near Princess. ON au ou EIGHT-ROOMED HOUSE AT 485 BAR. rie Street; all convenlences; nicely decorated. Apply by phone tu 1708w or at 1b Quebec Sireet. NEWLY DECORATED, FURNISHED rooms to let; gemtleman preferred; board if desired. Apply at 33» King Street last, Apartment No. 1. STORAGE FUR FURNITURE, CLEANM, Qiay, Riry rooms; your own lock and Key. Frost's Cliy Storage, 1yy- 306 Queen St. Phone 526; res. 9syw. APARTMENTS, ESPECIALLY FURN- ished for light housekeeping, mod- ern improvements, &t the rioneer Apartments, 212-214 Division street. FPnone 1434w. AVARTMENT ON CORNER OF PRIN. cess-Barrie Sweets, 4 rooms and bath; all conveniences; heated, im- mediate possession; rent reason- able. Apply I Cohen & Co. 275 Un- tario Street. SURNISHED AND _ UNFURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping; gas for light and cooking; hot and cold water. Rooms he: by furnace Handy to car line. Apply at 17 Stephen Street, ONCE, A NEW SEVEN ROOM house and barn on North Alfred; al- S80 on North Alfred street, a good brick house and eight acres of iand. Apply to J. D. Boyd, 332 University Avenue, phone 1083M. W. KENT MACNEE Bank of Commerce Buflding. Brock and King Streets. Phene 701 or 1327) General Insurasce Agency Writing:--Automobile, Fire, Accident. Sickness, Plate Glass Burglary, ete. Representing Only Reliable Companfss. EVE A -- » . as the result of the defauld by Ger- Hon. STRAND THUR., FRI., SAT. A PARAMOUNT PICTURE WILLIAM S. HART "OMalley of the Mounted" Quickens the Blood Like a Blast From the North To-night, Harold Lloyd oe A long I. H. C. VERTICAL GASOLINE or- | | i CON- | | DONATION DAY The Annual Public Meeting of the Orphans' Home and Wi- dows' Friend will be held at the Home, THURSDAY, NOV. 8rd, at 3 p.m. "THE ANNUAL MEETING Branch, Canadian 1 be held in the November of of the Kingston Red Cross Society wil Council Chamber, Friday, 4th at 3 pom. A full attendance members is requested. A. L. MINNES, Hon. Secretary. -a INSIST ON THE BEST Crossed Fish Sardines THE FINEST QUALITY IN PURE OLIVE OIL To The Electors of the City of Kingston AND THE VILLAGE OF PORTS- MOUTH LADIES AND GENTLEMEN:-- I beg to announce that I have accepted the nomination of the Liberal Party of this City, and re- spectfully solicit your votes and influence at the coming election for the House of Commons. If you think favorably of my candidature and elect me, I will ive your interests FIRST CON- §ibe ATION, and devote my energies and what ability 1 pos- sess to bring about 'a business ad- ministration at Ottawa, and to make our home town a bigger and better Kingston. JOHN M. CAMPBELL. POPPY DAY In Memoriam Wreaths, Crosses and Houquets of Fleunders Popples for store window de- corations are om display at Greaza's, 182 Wellington Street. Merchants wishing te secure them for Ar Week may get them there, G. W, "Wear a Pop VOTERS' LIST, 1922 Municipality of the City of Kingston, County of Frontenac Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Section 9 of the Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies required by the sald Section to be so transmitted or delivered, of the list made pursuant to such Act. of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at elec- tions for Members of the Legislative Assembly, and tions; and that was first posted up at my office at Kingston on the Ind day of November, 1921, and remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law. Dated at Kingston, the 2nd day of November, 1821. W. W. SANDS, > Clerk of the City of Kingston. female salmon yields approx- imately 2,500 eggs each year. many in payment of the second bul- Shakespeare held stock in several theatres. GRAND TO-NIGHT CAPT, MM. W. PLUNKETT PRESENTS "THE MAPLE LEAFS" 0,IHE 1021 "CA UFLAGE" PRICES . . | 253-50-75-§1.00 rt GRAND «= Thurs, Fri., Sat. THE REX STOCK CO., Presenting THE IRRESISTIBLE 'BILLY'S TOMBSTONES' COMEDY SUCCESS Gallery 10c~Saturday Matinee 10 and 23e, Thurs.Frid-ay-Sat. PRICES: 20c-30c-30c. ZANE GREY'S ALLEN Last time to-day THUNDER. | "THE MAN ofthe FOREST" CLAP The GREATEST FACE TRACK Claire Adams & Robert McKim A General Meeting OF ALL SUPPORTERS. OF The National Liberal and Conservative Party WILL BE HELD Thursday, Nov. 3rd ~~ at8 p.m. IN THE COMMITTEE ROOMS 173 PRINCESS STREET Two doors below the Standard Office, : for the purpose of Nominating a Candidate to contest the next general election. All National Liberals and Conservatives are cordially welcome. LADIES ARE ESPECIALLY INVITED ro o DRS. ROBERT and EDNA ASHCROFT OSTEOPATHS 204 King Street, near Earl Telephone 447. Dominion Taxi Service PHONE 116 24 Hour Day Service Latest drugless treatment. + New electrical cabinet. Twelve yearw success lu Kingston COAL BRIQUETTES Anthracite, suitable for Furnace, Range or Grate--sMade-in-Canada> Orders booked. $15.50 per tom delivered. C. W. NEVILLE - 149 COLLINGWOOD SsT. Phone 2362m. : THE NOVEMBER BRIDE Wants the Choicest of Flowers. We can supply them. LAWSON & COLLINS Store, Wellington and Brock Conservatories, Nights and Bun phone 770. 68 Centre. Phone 1174J. Ig Phone rw "Quality First"--Not How Cheap But How Good. ANNOUNCING A New Chevrolet Model "The 490 Special" Combining all the good points of the "490," this model . will in addition have Gasoline Tank on rear, Vacuum Feed Bys- tem, Storm Curtains opening with doors, oblong rear curtain light, nickle-plated radiator, nickle-plated bumper, spiral bevel- led pinion and gear in rear axle, and cord tires all round. This car is the sensation at the Torouto Exhibition. The price is even more sensational--$895.00. "490 Touring Regular" "490 Roadster Regular" $785 $785 "490 Light Delivery" $785 All prices F.0.B. Oshawa--S8ales Tax Extra - BAWDEN & EDWARDS CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE 80 MONTREAL STREET PHONE 4005" " RAR The New York pastor who raked in over $2,000 last year from wed- ding fees evidently doesn't consid- Sir Robert Borden will place a wreath on the grave of the United States "unknown" on behalf of the Canadian government, er marriage a failure,