Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Nov 1921, p. 16

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16 ? THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ORDER OF JUDGE MAY (CTY LEFT IN DARKNESS 5 i CUSTOM ||~ce= == IT 1S MUCH EASIER : | main ewitch board at the civic light | : . | plant, did damage estimated at about | { Indianapolis, Ind, Nov. 2.--A geu- [g740" $800, at 11.26 o'clock on | eral strike of coal miners in the Unit- Tuesday night | : ed States seemed inevitable last night | Asa result the electric lights all | - | if operators heed the injunction is- | : 3 , | over the city, both in the houses and {Sued by Federal Judge A. B. Ander- {on the street went oui, and citizens | 1 . , ich Piogeribod the "'check-oft a were not in bed early and had il : i hy . | tq depend on electricity, found them- i A telegram sent late yesterday | 2 lobed on the dark. Rven the (|p fl - fi r from headquarters of the United | 'ed, had an intor- Jase Woskers of Awerice after i had | oiSH. 20 1 Is stated, Jad us Salat been definitely learned that the in- | : their boot junction was not yet in effect, me 30d sourcing Jor Wek bouts ju | IF YOU USE A union officials to regard disoontinn- The fire around the switch board ; ee Of the "oheck-off"" as breakin made things very interesting for the | he existing wage eagreement. \ star at the light plant. There was I - tata of the message culmin- |certatnly ome display of firoworks. i 2 . & series of conferences bei wean | but luckily mo person was injured. | : wnion chiefs and counsel that ex- i " he men worked with hand exting- It takes a most skilled designer to fashion clothes tended throughout the day. However, there was no indication that any se | Bison uhtil the firemen arrived on tion woul be taken at union head. [tie stale, aid bandied ne shustion . ars lo pscipliate 4 strike watil | LOL. RUlOwing WS Tek 9 OUR SPECIAL OFFERING t after Judge Anderson had declarad Laid Shed kd were .out for fif'y that his order was not vet effective. | lights for | |p fl Patterns very frequently for ideas because they without a pattern, and even they turn to Butterick | He amended the order to provid. | Minutes al the street s+ a | half an hour. 1 . { that it was not in force until after 'ae | . Imported Scotch Tweeds and Worsteds {Borderland Coal Corporation, com. RICELTION. Or STCDENTS know that every Butterick style is correct--more. | plainant in the injunction suit, had | . . eh . $45.00, $50.00, $55.00 filed a bond indemnifying the de- as oid Breet Mothodisi Halli: than that, distinctive and original. And Butterick fendants for damages tha: might re- | At Sydenham Street Me : iy . . y s any acts er the i <i] on Tuesday Evening, . . Indigo Blue Fast Dye Worsteds | sult Mom aay acts i : the iujuae; | ATargs Inne of Cg ted) Patterns save the amateur designer from making , Sion iu we 0: 2 Teverm! = [ents attended the annual reception || : | cision. and Cheviots { oi -{in_ Sydenham Street Methodist | Previously counsel for both ovsral. {Cireh Toesdat evening ans ery) $45.00, $50.00 and $55.00 ie and he win laut Ronn of | given a hearty welcome by y clearly marked. 1C i 1 members law r yrabl lkout | Church authorities an averting any considerable 'wall Every year, new students coming || NEW OVERCOATINGS Eel. rations for the appeal Fb the city for the first time are] : : | entertained at these gatherings and | > were being made, reports came from | . rs { Built to measure. : | the Indiana coal field that five mines |AT® Made acquainted with any peo-| were idle in protest against the in-|Pl® belonging to the church, thus || : establishing friendships which are | || i stion, and J fficials at Terre ' : "SERVICE" IS OUR SLOGAN [Hatta wore considering tha. format Ye Delp to the students through- BLACK Pas : {issuance of a strik ler. | Ee caress 2 -1 TT and making Good Clothes our ae for Fer anil cont [rsmume far tio. evenng' included | LETTE SILK ALL wooL | nl Any AY % a @ 8S anc C 21 hy VC a- . oo "HOBBY" Sod Stenson. or Tray. emtort | Garey: whith Deavakeq much meri. 34 inches wide - JUMPER FLANNEL , appealing his decision. | meat were, first a guessing contest n which prizes were distributed, and || 29 . h id FA - | | inc dae | + > then had to be openéd before the || $ SPECIAL SHIRT SALE! | Indiana Mines Xo Working. | {hen ad to, be opendd bore the | 5 (0) sw ® y ° expensive mistakes, for they are perfectly sized and . . | Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 2.--Work | OMI 2 sng inj $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 Shirts--all S1Zzes-- | in ylanape ia. eS Bor was oa {Which the guests lined up on each|! \ for Cee Hae serene $1.50 | tically at .a standstill to-day as the [Jide of 1he jou J RE ius | } $ a | result of the walkouts of twenty thou- Among those who assisted were: || : ; | sand men employed at three hundred | Miss Woodman, songs; Mrs. Jolifre, | | A fine, heavy, Black Silk for . . > > " | mines in the state, { recitation; Dr. Ettinger, parlor mag- | winter Dresses and Blouses i | | ie; and Mr. Gilpen, violin selections. || . . vingston S ' |Dr. A. P. Chown presided. The ad- || . In colors: Jade, Paddy, Jock- i dress of welcome was given by Rev. i - IN MARINE CIRCLES i | RH. Bell. Refreshments. were ser- | ey Red, Saxe Blue and Brown & Founded 1847. £ 3 hn by the ladies of the church, | BLACK DUCHESS SILK The tug John Russell and barges 75-77 BROCK STREET | Dunn and Simlen were in port on |Prof. Skelton's Statement Recalled. | 36 inches wide VELOUR COATING Tuesday, on their way to Montreal, | Speaking of the Laurier home in| Ottawa, the Ottawa Journel says: | If Off Your Route it Pays to Wal | || loaded with coal. [oes ] . 1 f y Wa k The steamers Yorkton and Tur- | Many people have acd] ll $ l 05 y ie ow there, Lady Laurier making of her ° * ret Cape passed up. home a centre for the Liberal fol- The steamer Oakland passed up Tuesday afternoon from Montreal to lowing, thereby meriting Professor || Skelton's statement that Sir Wilfrid |) yesterday afternoon, with two coal- {laden barges, from Fairhaven to mr --much used for Dresses and Montreal. Lockett's Big Sale of Men's Fi : . 1 The steamer City of Ottawa is ex- | Boots, Thursday, Friday at "Satur. | Smocks. A good black with Colors: --Nigger Brown, Cas- pected to arrive to-night from Mont- day. This will be the Tenth Annual 1 1 x > a real, with package freight, for To- {Sale and will be a big one. Lots of a rich, lustrous finish. tor, Reindeer, Fawn, Taupe, ronto and Hamilton, | Bargains in good Boots. ; = . ---------- Poor Boots are dear at any Price, Navy, Black, Harding Blue. Toronto. i * $ : | h cha: - E)| The tug John Russell passed down marries Bey Doral battle when hell > A heavy, Black, Duchess Silk | : * 2 5 y d 0 | and always plentiful. Lockett"s are Minister of Justice Coming. | having . 4,8ale. of the bec: makes to 1 Hon. R. B. Benneft, minister 6 pe hal. Men's Regals, Slater auld . SPECIAL . justice, will speak before a ass lothers. A chance for men to bay NAVY TRICOTINE BLANKET COATING meeting in Kingston on Tuesday high grade boots cheap, Thursday 54 inches wide 54 inches wide evening next, dealing with the is- | Friday and Saturday. Sues in the present election, and the Speculation in_ industrial firms is; [Hor of .the government. | spreading 80 rapidly in Berlin tha' | . Sd : Hon. Mr. Bennett is one of the out- { the stock. exchange there is closed I ' ' v { standing orators of 'the House of two days a week td enable clerks to || $ $ + Commons, who has won recognition | cope with the orders. p by his great abilities. His appearance | Mrs. Eva Gould and Peter Frank| 4 | Kingston has been secured by W. | had legs broken and another Jnjurea lh 9 . * ° ; | R. Givens, who is in charge of the in collision in Watertown, N.Y, be- || ¥ . | arrangements, and he made the an- tween auto and fire auto engine, | nouncement to-day upon receipt of a Er errno I A heavy, all-wool, Navy Tri- A heavy, warm, durable ; | telegram accepting the inyitation, | DAILY MEMORANDUM, cotine, in a good, wide width : he A. OH. Euchre to-night. : * { Coating for the children and ! r. Zwemer at B. A. Hotel § p.m., and suitable for Jumpers, 'Dress- g na Grant Hall 8 pm Flies' Funny Feet, Y.W.C.A le Island 1 grown- 1 wn, Have you ever wondered how it is| Market, Nov. thy Priddy morning. at es and Skirts. Navy only. ups; mn colors Bro Si 1 . $1 ri 5 | 9.30. T Here 13 a natural colored margarine-- Bt a My a She x8 Selling | Annual public meeting of Orphans | 1} Fast dye. Navy, Scarlet, Copen. Black. appetizing in taste and color--ready to put as wo walk on the srofinds: cay) Mme. Thursday, November 3ra, 3 pm.) ight on thettsbls. ma hry oa xh SE aa eh : | ton Streets, Friday, Nov. 4th, at 2.350) able to hold on to the slight rough-| pam, - PURE--SWEET--WHOLESOME ness of the ceiling's surface; others| | jatate that each foot has a hollow | CROZIER & EDGAR | | Use Wilson's Majestic Margarine in sto HIE PRINTERS John Laidlaw & : Son, Limited your home with absolute assurance that jt Skslanetion Je some Examine 4 | 5 . y's foo rou m ying | y J 15 18 as pure and wholesome as it looks. {glass and you will find that it 1s | MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. a= {covered with fine hairs, At the end | DIED | Spread it thick on the children's bread of the foot you will see amidst the | FISHER--In, Kingston, passe rest \ on Oct. I1%t, 1921, Rebecca, beloved mass of hairs two little pads shaped } wife of the late John Fisher, --they will want more, like tiny pears. At first these Were'| Funeral private from the r | her daughter, Mrs. &. Pott or, thought to be the suckers, but we aot augnle s. &. Potter, : Try it once for cooking and baking. the know now that they act In quite Funeral at 10 o'clock on Thursday ars. Fy... h » 1 : . » different way. Each of the pads morning. . a= saving and good results will convince you [}jcontains « supply ot _stieky sub. | romp by ~~ ' ay ' y Ma a stance; when a fly alights on | fo B £ : i : of its every day value. ceiling every one of his fwelve pads | Gea A Hu whe. aied Nove : AS * ek: --be has a pair on each of his six | *M% 1¥2v. ing memory, (i . Order one pound of Majestic to-d ay and legs--excretes a tiny drop of glue, Stient, the veics we loved to hear, / . 8 i good it is--h which holds the numerous hairs that | §one is we loved so dear, . learn how it ow wonderfully €co- fringe each foot. The fly thus glues | But not too' far Tor Su aohoscll |. ; nomical rei : Lae ; ds Test Jute Ia the ceiling, 4 Xo any a Sadly mised by husband, sons and J) } 7) 4 MEN"S FINE SHOES » . < > : TT ee ws I \ + 4 Sold by leading grocers' and meat on A Taam: : JAMESREID - ? i Hundreds of pairs Men's Regals, Slaters, ma Be. Aberdeen is now one of the chief 26ahe f0d_Vim of Undertaker, ; : Hartts and other good mak n sale for centres in Scotland for the woolen : Eh Phene 147 for Ambul nce. Naitled $'ovs dusty, THREE DAYS--odds and ends and left. i rae About four-tenths of the surface The Leading Undertaker. 7 overs--all high grade Shoes and at our Forested. = TJ.REID Phone 577. 230 ao ay of Russia in Europe is covered with ; . . SON . 1) S. woods and forests. : No | usual Bargain Prices.. Now is your time to = Ew 4 . . . Ng Wo ) : The many ads 3 Mi Pursie o Princes a oR : : outfit for winter. We think we have enough ; ed to hear that sh the 1 i WW \ Va | i Limited Bt "1, wae the lucky "JOHN CORNELIUS X* togoround. See later news for detail de- Ra : Querade dance at Garden Hall. Her| dppghren ah : z= a tostume was made of Autuma ; Pris wt hE scription. : for Kingston and District lente ant varrier. ; y 459. y - LOCKETT ff sich

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